From the New Harford Democratic Club:
Meeting Reminder
Wednesday September 03, 2014- 7:00pm
* Aberdeen Holiday Inn*
1007 Beards Hill Rd
Aberdeen, MD 21001
At the September meeting, our Guest Speakers will be Cassandra Beverley, Candidate for House of Delegates District 34B, Pete Definbaugh and Norman Gifford, Candidates for House of Delegates District 7.
Please Don’t Forget to Pay Your Annual Dues
It’s an important election year, with the Governor’s office on the ballot as well as every other state and county elected position, including State legislative offices, County Executive, Council seats, State’s Attorney, Sheriff and Board of Education. It’s an important election and a lot to think about.
That’s where the New Harford Democratic Club comes in.
For the past four years, ever since the last election, your club has been preparing for this year. Seeking potential candidates, studying the issues, preparing positions and establishing a powerful Get Out The Vote campaign for this fall.
During this time we have brought to our meetings experts in various fields who have enlightened us on the important issues. We have had meaningful discussions on the Dream Act, Gay Marriage, Gun Control, and, just recently, The Storm Water Management Fee that has driven the Republicans off the deep end.
We have heard from political experts such as Herb Smith who has written a book on the history of Maryland politics and Larry Gibson who recently released his book on the young Justice Thurgood Marshal. We have had vigorous discussions on recent books about Presidents Andrew Jackson and Thomas Jefferson.
We have had visits from many elected officials and other candidates for public office and presentations from our most politically active members on the how’s and why’s of the political game.
Simply put, membership in the New Harford Democratic Club gives you a lot of bang for the buck. And that’s important for anyone concerned about the future of our state and county. From now to November all of us will be working hard to elect Democrats. We need everyone to help out.
That’s where you come in.
The New Harford Democratic Club is on the front line in this political battle, and your continued membership is important to this effort.
Sam The Sham says
Didn’t you mean: remember to have a Republican pay your annual dues?
stupid gun laws never work says
if harford county is going to thrive it will need less democrats
baltimore city and county are prime examples of democrats running the show and dropping the ball
we need more democrats like we need OWEmalley in office a bunch more years
mostly blue says
Since you offered to pay the dues go ahead, I am sure you can get a nice tax deduction from the govmnt you so despise unless you are getting something back? TP members or republican’ts blow chunks.
democrats smell like poop says
liberals love to give away our tax money to people who they feel deserve it.
the problem with liberalism is that eventually you will run out of other peoples money.
the fact is that wealthy people can afford to move away from higher taxes imposed by liberals thus harming the poor even more
mostly blue says
Liberalism has brought this country back from the hands off policy of the post-bush years. the party of no is nothing but a sham of the GOP. The problem is the uber extreme right wingers. Ron Paul and his son, Ted Cruz and the whole bunch will find out this coming election how much they are disconnected from middle American values.
Common Sense says
Mostly Blue
Really so you think that our National Debt approaching $18 Billion is a Liberal Progressive accomplishment you can be proud of?
Do you think subjugating the needy and less fortunate into a permanent underclass dependent upon government to get by is another proud accomplishment of Liberalism?
mostly blue says
One way to reduce the deficit would be to abolish the Bush tax cuts, but your party rather have the country default on the debt and have our debt rating reduced. Where was the TP party and your C4L while we fought 2 wars on the credit card. $18 trillion in debt is the responsibility of all Americans, not just Dems. Take off your blinders and see things for what they are. No one wants their stuff cut or their tax breaks reduced yet everyone complains about the deficit??? $5 trillion on 2 wars and TARP another Bush mandate for another $1.5 trillion. Obama worked with the rotten lemons left and made the best lemonade he could. Economy is coming back and the entitlement problem still exists which isn’t getting solved by privatizing Social Security or ACA either.
B says
Another dopey lib who doesn’t know the difference between the debt and deficit.
Also please do a little research on what it would take for the US to default before you continue with your hysterics.
mostly blue says
No one has been more responsible for the creation of the current economic conditions that your party! All the bitching about the stimulus and current economic upturn can be attributed to Democratic policies not the Party of No since they have been against everything. Their #1 priority was to defeat Obama’s 2nd term and how did that work out for your and Rommey??? LOL
the professor says
Am I, you?
ASK says
answer says
your alter ego maybe or better yet the one you will never be? wait for it! Smart and sexy.
Captain Bull S--t says
McMahan actually called out the Hot Dog man and said that his position is not a joke and the elected officials are the leaders and need to be paid more then the private sector because they know better .has never voted against a budget or pay raise.
Please take him back to his party as he is a Democrat 100%
SoulCrusher says
Ah, more vicious republicunt rhetoric. Jeez, I wonder why nothing gets done anymore? Just a bunch of partisan bickering everywhere from congress to the Dagger. Everyone knows that this is a Republican dominated forum. Everyone knows that Harford County is a stronghold of corruption, lies and deceit. The Dagger has become a vestige of Rich, White, Racists and Law Enforcement personnel. If you truly want to read what is wrong with society, just read the Dagger and the views of the guys who post daily. I’ve been doing it for a long time. It really is entertaining………..
go home says
go back to new jersey we don’t want you here
SoulCrusher says
Obviously, you’re out of you’re mind. I only stepped in New Jersey once and that was to visit the Cherry Hill College to meet some women. Other than that, I’ve never been in that state. That was along time ago……..
Al J Thong says
Soul Crusher
You seem to be a scary hair trigger a card or two short of a full deck.
SoulCrusher says