From Gahler for Sheriff:
State Court Overturns Unfair Termination and Orders Reinstatement with Back Pay
A recent Circuit Court appeal decision found agreement with claims made by Jeff Gahler, Republican candidate for Sheriff, that the termination of a female deputy of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office was conducted without merit and unlawful, deeming the termination as both arbitrary and capricious. The court’s ruling supports documented assertions made initially by Mr. Gahler that the personnel actions of Sheriff Jesse Bane against this female employee were both biased and vengeful. Gahler used the recent decision to call attention to prohibited personnel practices that are currently taking place within the Sheriff’s Office and called the practice “unprofessional and inexcusable.”
“Sadly, this female deputy sheriff continues to suffer from Sheriff Bane’s resentful nature and the taxpayers of Harford County must now foot the bill as these prohibited actions require multiple layers of corrective action by the state judicial system,” added Gahler. “The hard working men and women of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office deserve a workplace that is void of vengeful personnel actions especially those that are politically motivated acts of retribution.”
In May of 2013, Mr. Gahler restated his commitment to the men and women of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office outlining his plan to implement a disciplinary matrix to ensure all members are treated consistently and fairly and that politics and bias do not play a role in the application of law. In making this commitment last year, Mr. Gahler used this specific case as the example of how badly employees have been made to suffer under Sheriff Bane’s hurtful nature (a link to the earlier letter can be found here).
In his order requiring the female deputy to be fully reinstated to her previous position and rank, presiding Judge Joseph A. Dugan mandated that the deputy also be reimbursed all back pay, which is more than one year’s worth of supervisor salary. According to individuals with first-hand knowledge of this personnel action, the Sheriff’s administration continues to harass the deputy by giving her an assignment at the farthest distance possible from her residence. Despite the court’s ruling, the agency is also stipulating that the female deputy is not authorized to return to full duty as a police officer because she must undergo recertification by the Maryland Police and Correctional Training Commission due to the fact that more than one year’s time has elapsed since she was in a law enforcement capacity. This is compounded by the fact that the initial reason the deputy was placed in an inactive capacity was due to a termination that had been deemed wrongful by the courts.
The Gahler for Sheriff campaign interviewed agency employee(s) with first-hand knowledge of this personnel action. For individual privacy reasons for the affected deputy and fear of reprisal by the Bane administration, identities of those specific individuals have been withheld from this document.
I think that Marc Eaton has rubbed off on Jeff Gahler with all these conspiracies. Also was she given her job back yes, her duty assignment should be what’s available. Are you suggesting a position be created for her? Come on Jeff your better then this
Really, that is your take on this? Another Baner doing what they do best.
Can’t Gahler do anything but sling mud. I automatically refuse to vote for someone who practices this type of campaigning. Takes the spotlight off of him.
It’s not mudslinging if you are telling the truth! How else would people know about the treterous things Bane has been doing?
What does the fact that this was a female deputy have to do with anything? Are you able to prove a link between this case and sex discrimination? These are big accusations that Gahler is making I hope he has proof
What the heck are you reading? Where does anyone say anything about discrimination? I know, the Gahler people got to the judge and got him to render this decision showing the sheriff is a vindictive man!
The part where it states “female deputy”. Did you miss that Dog
No you would have to ask Jesse Bane why he decided to pick on a female, I was just pointing out the the word discrimination is nowhere in this story or the attached document.
Really, or Proud to Be Liberal, or Monster or what ever name you are using now. You seem to be loosing steam in your posts. This is not a conspiracy, you have the paper work in front of you to show you how Bane conducts business. If Major IA28 had been kept on a shorter leash this may have never taken place. Bane has brought this on himself, he has no one else to blame for poor decisions and poor management.
With the law suits to come from the deaths at the jail, the money in this case I just wonder how much Bane has cost the county in law suits. In one pay period when Bane tried to open up a new wing at the Detention Center they paid out over $23,000.00 dollars in a two week period in overtime. The Detention Center will be over $500,000.00 dollars in the overtime budget. In addition this same female deputy has an EEOC complaint pending against Bane. Can you as voters afford four more years of Bane?
Dirty politics is getting up in front of the Correctional Union and telling a flat out lie about another candidate. Putting facts in a letter and having it posted is not dirty politics. I know it doesn’t help you Baners who are trying to keep the Black Pearl afloat but when you tell lies it comes back to bite you. It is about ethics, and Bane has proved he has none. That my friend is no conspiracy.
Great story! Glad to see some of Banes vindictive actions come out
Kudos to the Judge for his decision. The problem is that the taxpayer foots the bill again because of the vindictive behavior of Sheriff Bane.
LOL! Just watched Gahler destroy Bane at the debate and this issue came up several times. Bane actually tried to make himself the good guy. Gahler crushed him on it!
Was the debate taped?
Yes. Not sure when they will load it to the website.
I am not a police officer so I am not sure what typical protocol is? But I am a survivor of domestic violence and I think that any and all reports of domestic violence with any injury should be documented. The size of the injury does not matter and sometimes injuries are not visible to the naked eye right away. I don’t think this female should have been fired but I don’t think she should be on a position supervising given her poor advice that she gave to cops under her.
The concern I have here is this: GAHLER is no better on vindictiveness. He was retired from MSP- running for Sheriff – when he finds out Chuck Moore took a tour of the jail IN HIS TIME OFF from his MSP job. He took it upon himself to file inquiries into what Chuck was doing. How is this not vindictive? He at the time was not involved with the MSP- it was purely politically motivated to try to get Chuck caught up in some way. They had a long standing friendship- so you have an ex-friend, ex – supervisor seeking to harm someone else’s career for PERSONAL and POLITICAL reasons….. same wolf- different sheepskin……
Thanks for your input Ms. Moore.
I’m not Mrs Moore. However, I imagine when you cannot argue a point- that would be your response. Like I said…..same wolf- different sheepskin.
So No one wants to even try to to argue how this act by Gahler was any less vindictive than Jesse ‘ s actions? Let me be clear- I am not Pro Bane. I have plenty of valid reasons to not vote for him. I do however take issue with Jeff pointing fingers about childish vindictive behavior and then doing the same thing….anyone?
Only you and Jesse Bane. Mr. Gahler’s request to find out why your husband was at the event in his msp uniform came up at last nights debate. Gahler made it clear that this was no more than Moore allowing himself to be used like a pawn so he could be given a taxpayer funded job. Something else Gahler called months and months before it happened. Your husband cost Bane the correctional endorsement and I hope we follow suit. Time for a big change.
@Mrs.Concerned (Moore)
Your husband’s appointment is part of the reason why 77% of the Corrections Union voted for Gahler. No one wants someone who would sell out his friend for a job he is not in the least bit qualified for. We want Mike Capasso back because he has the experience to do the job for a good sheriff and that is Gahler!
I guess you can’t read – I’m a taxpaying citizen just like you whose family is affected by this election and I have zero ties to Chuck. I do however know both chuck and jeff. First of all your CO union is a joke. Most meetings are a pure bitch session that has zero merit and even fewer resolutions so let’s get real here. The point is I don’t care who you vote for- I don’t know who I’ll vote for but promoting gahler as better than bane in this respect has zero common sense behind it. Moore visited the jail on a day off in civilian clothes so why was gahler seeing if he took the day off? Was it his business? Did it affect him? The answer to this is NO. It was a politically based move to attempt to get him in trouble with MSP. The same shit Jesse does. So mu question is : do I support the evil I know or risk the evil I don’t know. If you aren’t questioning this you are a sheep unable of independant thought or reason.
Right you are. At last night’s meeting Bane tried to throw Gahler under the bus saying he filed a complaint on Moore. Gahler pointed out that it was a public information request to see if Moore was onduty for these events. There was more than one and at least one was in uniform. So Gahler is no sheep in your own words. Funny when you keep talking you sound like a Gahler supporter!
You mean when she lets some honesty accidentally slip out she sounds like a Gahler supporter! LOL!
All this political crap aside, it is a shame that two friends as close as Jeff and Chuck once were could be so far apart today, but I will tell you I know both of them and although I consider myself friends with both of them, it was Chuck who decided to enter this fray and buddy up to Jesse Bane. Chuck coming out while on duty and being paid to perform a state job when he had no need to be there and was looking for a job was wrong. He placed himself into the middle of the campaign for a price and now wants to play himself an innocent victim, sorry its just not so. Chuck has changed and many troopers lost all respect for him, me included.
Still honestly don’t know who I’ll vote for. Was pro Gahler but I know Chuck and he’s a good person so to see his ex friend attack him in that way for political reasons doesn’t sit well. Capasso is a good leader- but I fear he will promote friends rather than those deserving into important positions. Chuck has none of those ties. Again….go with the evil I know or risk the evil I don’t fully know- just not sure yet. Here’s what I do know….true colors are coming out and they must be considered in a decision. I don’t like many of Jesse ‘ s decisions but jeff is clearly just as capable of dirty play- against a former friend and colleague nonetheless
It’s truly ironic how you folks are posting and complaining about the candidates and how they are with the friends and buddy’s issues. Yup the retired major is like that as well. But we have been through this for SO MANY years in the department. Look at all the careers of decent to outstanding careers Howard Walter ruined because of the same type of crap being the idiot he was and still is. The Sheriffs for many years have done the same thing.
I for one hope Mr. Gahler when elected changes things. May not be perfect, but let’s hope better. “Be careful what you wish for”, yup, but we tried it with the current Sheriff and it failed.
Lets hope it changes!
Have a Blessed Day All, and may God be with us all.
I do not see anything about why the “Female” deputy was terminated in the first place. How can I draw a personal conclusion to this article?? Jesse will always have my vote.
Then you failed to bother reading the release, the court decision and Mr. Gahler’s letter from 2013. But why would you? True Baner liberal. Don;t let facts get in the way of Banes cruel actions.
Or maybe they are reading this on their smart phone (as I am) and the full document does not appear. But let’s hurry up and throw insults and keep assuming you know everything lol.
Thank you Mr. Gahler for providing us a copy of the court documents. As you stated, this is just one specific example of how poorly Bane treats his employees. Someone mentioned discriminating against females. Bane is not arbitrary in who he treats so badly. He takes revenge against those employees who supported other candidates during the last election or who dare to defy him in any way. It is no coincidence that Cpl. Blubaugh was not in Bane’s camp. Nor was Cpl. BH when he was terminated nor was Cpl. DN when she was terminated and so on and so on. The common thread is that Jesse Bane is a hateful, vengeful, vindictive, rotten to the core person who puts on a persona of being Mr. Nice Guy. November’s election can’t come soon enough so the Sheriff’s Office can begin to right itself and heal from the damage this man has caused. The Baners can give this post all the thumbs down that you want. You have been asking for proof and here it is.
So there was a woman deputy ,(that had a personal history of being beaten by her army husband) who was found guilty of not prosecuting an active military male of beating his wife. Bane had no confidence in her ability to deal with such matters so he offered her a lesser job, which she refused essentially quitting. She is reinstated by the liberal courts and now they are complaining she has to prove she is able to do her job which is on the other side of the county now. Boo hoo plenty of people in Harford county work in DC everyday.
Frankly it sounds like Bane did the right thing in removing her and when forced to take her back making sure she is fit for duty.
What’s the big deal I’m missing?
Keep bailing that water Baners, you better get some more bilge pumps put in place for the Black Pearl. She is starting to list heavy to the starboard side and may be sunk by Novemeber.
Not a Baner, just read the article Gahler wrote. Care to tell me what I missed?
What ever point Gahler is trying to make he failed miserably and makes himself look kinda unintelligent. Not something I’m looking for in an elected official.
@Jill and jack Rabbit, the problem with both of your statements is that you don’t know the facts of the case. There was no claim of domestic violence while the deputies were at the house. At no time did the wife, husband, or witness tell any of the 3 deputies at the house that there was a physical assault and there were no signs of a physical assault. The only claims made by anyone at the house was a verbal argument, which did not require a report. So, get your facts straight before commenting.
Courage, you are talking to people who are on the second floor here. They know what they tried to prove she did, they choose to ignore the facts as always. A lot of the usual people are missing now from the posts, I doubt they have given up but are using new names. A person who is reading the decision knows what Bane did, the Baners are deflecting once again. After the debate last night and this letter I am sure the key boards are burning up on the second floor of the Pearl this morning trying to spin these two events.
An administrative board found her “GUILTY”. she was asked to take another job because of that verdict.
Redirect all you want but the facts are the facts as much as you do not like them.
The real truth here is that the Sheriff increased the penalty not based on the findings of the hearing board but for reasons other than what facts came out in the hearing. Lt Meckley , like Swain, Warner, all the way back to Scarff and others in IA have made their findings/decisions as well based on things other than facts. Again like written above, the friends and buddy system.
I still don’t understand the emphasis on the “female Cpl” part. Still the Sheriff acted improperly.
That my friends is the bottom line as I see it.
Don’t even get me started on Warner. Good riddance.
Guilty of what? You leave that out. There was no assault, the victim and a witness stated there was no assault. No signs of injury so there is no need for a report or evidence for an arrest.
She was given the an option for demotion or a trial board and she took the trail board who recommended a punishment. Bane said he would never go above punishment of what a trail board issued. Yet, he fired her. He did not give her an option after the trial board he fired her. The option was given before the trial board, not after. That is the facts.
If you would read the facts on pages 3 and 4 of the imbedded link she was found guilty and offered a lesser job. Seeing she admits to being abused by both her husband and mother her entire life left some question as to her ability to preform her assigned duties.
I’ll ask again What’s the big deal I am missing
Dear Jack Rabbit, this all boils down to an incident after a roll call. This Corporal was the Union Secretary and after roll call reminded everyone about a meeting that the Union was having in regards to two people who were passed over for promotions. These two people did not support Bane and he said he would never skip anyone on the promotions list. Just like he said he would not go against a trial boards recommendation for punishment. They could not get her for speaking after the roll call so the Bane minions just set back and this happened so they decided this would be the golden ticket to go after her. This is the Baner way. Only this time it backfired. Bane could have came into office in 2006 and been a good Sheriff, yet he came in and continued where he left off when Mele lost. He has no one to blame but himself for what is taking place now.
I really don’t see where she didn’t perform her job as required. If her treatment from her family clouded her judgement then I would think she would lock up every man who was accused of domestic violence. Seems this is not the case is it? Many people have bad childhoods and become very successful in life.
Where in Gahlers article is this information you claim?
That is my information, it did not come from Gahler. The roll call incident came from a source who talked to me. This is how the Bane machine rolls, we might not get you for one thing but they will watch and get you for something else.
So you are claiming hearsay evidence as fact?
Nope, came from a creditable source.
Give credit to the creditable….
Out with it man!
Oh my, I just realized you meant credible and not “creditable”.
I bet Jesse is glad you are a cheerleader for Gahler. You probably don’t realize the number of votes you are sending Banes way.
@ jack Rabbit, she was not asked to take another job after the trial board verdict. You are speaking without knowing the facts again. The Sheriff offered her a demotion and also a reclassification as a correctional officer. She refused that offer and requested a trial board. And the fact that she was abused by an ex husband and her mother does not make her unfit for duty. She did the job for 10 years without incident. As a matter of fact the Sheriff wrote in her termination letter that she was a model deputy. She is also the most decorated female in the history of the agency. So to say the abuse she endured in her life affected her work performance is without merit. Make a request to see her evaluations. I’m sure if you talked to her she would be more than happy to show you.
My bad, So sorry… now I see she was offered a plea deal before she was found guilty by the board. Then after the guilty verdict was reached she was fired.
So what’s the big deal?
I just read it again and missed the first time all this happened 3 months ago. If this is such a big deal, which no one has been able to explain, why is it suddenly news 3 months later?
Didn’t she have an incident where she was caught sleeping with another married deputy a few years ago?
You’re right. But that’s how many females have succeeded in the HCSO. We’ve have a female major who was a swinger with a sgt when she was a pco, has a gang affiliated boyfriend, LE and CO females that slept with instructors in the academy and training division, some who have been caught in their patrol cars with supervisors, ones who fabricated stories of harassment to avoid disciplinary actions. Also females who were involved with fellow deputies while married to other officers, female CO’s who were caught engaging in unprofessional acts with inmates, in the DC or say at Denny’s, the long list of female pco’s involved with supervisors or deputies when the dispatchers were at 45 South Main, female records clerk that took down supervisors, one was a highly respected LT years ago. More feature the so called sexual harassment claims made by many, and the Holy Grail records manager who sunk several careers including a Sheriff. Yes it certainly takes two to tango but come on now. Of course I will not reveal any names, but they know who they are. The Sheriff’s Office has many fine female deputies, but it’s a shame the questionable ones shine sometimes for the wrong reasons, and the true hard working females have to suffer with this reputation.
Sorry I omitted my thought of “the recommendations of the hearing board”
Maybe Chuck Moore can land a job at the Jarrettsville Pizzeria working security. Either way, he’ll be out of a job. Gahler will fire him and Jesse Bane will need to fire him once the taxpayers realize he has no correctional experience what so ever. Chuck can you hear the Correctional Officers laughing behind your back…?
Chuck, maybe you and John Ryan can open up a beef shack on the corner.
Can you point to a warden you’ve had with experience that HAS NOT eff ‘ d up the DC? The good olé boy system has never worked there in the past yet….that’s what you are asking for yet again. The only experience needed in that position is a leader….without favorites and capable of making decisions apart from personal relationships.
Chuck went after a job he wanted. He was looking to the future just as Jeff did when he decided to seek the position of Sheriff. Yet when jeff got wind that chuck might be interested in warden he files “informational” disclosures in an attempt to jack chuck up with the MSP. Sorry guys you are ignoring the obvious- he is the SAME as Jesse.
I will agree with you that they certainly need a leader at the Detention Center. I find it interesting that you believe Major Capasso, a man who spent his entire career at the Harford County Detention Center, over 25 years, is not a leader. He started as a Deputy Recruit and rose through the ranks to the top uniformed position at the DC. Captain (Ret) Moore also demonstrated leadership during his la. w enforcement career. Unfortunately, he knows nothing about managing a correctional facility.
I certainly find it odd that Sheriff Bane went to the trouble of making a formal announcement some two years ago that he was going to seek out a Warden, one who had vast experience running a correctional facility, proven knowledge about jail functions and then when all is said and done, who does he pick? Someone who knows nothing about the jail. Since when is picking a 25 year correctional officer, retired Major, just a good ole boy pick?
I cannot argue that Capasso is a good leader – however he still let’s his friends slide – because they were his friends one of which has since stepped down to keep from being demoted. I’m sure I don’t need to name names of those who are poor leaders but were protected because they were friends with him. I’m not a Bane fan- believe that- but I do know Chuck- he’s a good leader and honestly I think the DC needs a good leader with zero ties. You know (if you can be honest with yourself) that place needs whipped into order. There are great people there that have gone far too long without a strong leader. Discounting chucks abilities without seeing what he can do is just presumptive.
Aside from all of that- my point has and will continue to be that gahler at this point is a pot calling a kettle black as he has shown he is just as capable of being vindictive as Jesse.
Lets see, Bane says he is going to hire a warden and does not for almost 3 years. Gahler makes it clear that he is going to make a qualified warden his #1 priority and then names Capasso and then Bane names Moore. Maybe Gahler should have two wardens to make you happy. If Bane wanted Moore he would have hired him long ago to help with the issues. Bane wants to use Moore and Moore is dancing around the fool. There will be no sad faces when Moore helps Bane pack his boxes.
If you believe that Mike Capasso supported the promotion of the Captain who stepped down, you really don’t know Mike Capasso. The Captain had an opportunity to demonstrate he could function at that grade level, discovered that he could not and returned to the grade of Lieutenant. New senior leadership is seriously needed at the DC and Capasso along with the rank and file Deputies there know it only too well.
Total BS. He functioned as a Captain under Capasso and shouldn’t have been- as he’s not a strong enough leader- he was however protected there under Capasso. After Capasso left he stepped down NOT because he felt he couldn’t do the position but because he was facing demotion. So again don’t twist facts.
Capasso does know the jail, he’s likely one of the best leaders they’ve had in last 20 years HOW EVER this example shows he tolerates subpar leadership when it comes to friendships. You are correct leadership is needed however you blast Moore for no experience yet back gahler….who knows exactly what about being a deputy? Again the point of any argument I’ve made which NO ONE has been able to refute is that gahler has shown vindictiveness in his behavior- the exact same quality this article slams bane for. Sad state of affairs when that’s acceptable.
Just saying, Mr. Oneil did a fine job when there in the eyes of most in the department.
Union Member,
and you want a sheriff who has no experience as an elected sheriff or experience with the HCSO. You are the pot calling the kettle black.
@ courage honor integrity- are you Cpl Blubaugh because it sure seems like it. Also why would try to belittle an earlier poster named “Jill” who says she was a victim of domestic violence? All she said was that in her opinion all physical domestics should be documented and you attack her in a coward like manner.
@ Mitch, My comment to Jill was directed at the fact she thinks the female deputy should have received some sort of punishment for the poor advice she gave the deputies she was in charge of. She doesn’t know the facts of the case. I have seen the facts of the case and I have spoken to all three deputies involved in the incident. Have you? And to answer your question, no I am not Cpl. Blubaugh.
It states that the victim had a small visible injury near her eye when deputies initially responded. Isn’t it Cpl Blubaughs responsibility to make sure a report would then be written? Or does she make up rules as she sees fit?
@ Mitch, where are you getting the fact that there was a small visible “injury” near her eye? I just read the document again and I see on the first page where it states Cpl Blubaugh did not see any injuries on the victims back, but she looked over the rest of the victim’s body for injuries and observed nothing except a small red mark under her eye. Is that what you are classifying as an injury?
I will be SO glad when this election for sheriff is over. If these two are the best Harford County has to offer then the bottom line is we are screwed.
To the GahlerLITES, and especially Marc Eaton;
No, Marc, I have not used different names. I have been busy and unable to spend time on this site. However, I am catching up on past postings and have a few comments for you all.
How come the Aegis or the Sunpaper do not carry your information. I have seen nothing negative in either paper regarding some of the postings, or should I say rants by the GahlerLITES. Could it be that you all try to take every thing you can find and turn into a Bane negative? I think so. I think it is called making a mountain out of a molehill. That is why you use the Dagger to campaign, serious newspapers don’t take your spin seriously.
I have yet to read any reply by Gahler to refute the lower crime rate in Harford County. We were promised that by the GahlerLITES. Now if you have evidence to indicate that Bane has been sending in false numbers, you should contact federal officials, but we both know no such thing has ever happened and you won’t do it. You didn’t even want to contact the State’s Attorney, who is a Republican. I think that is called Talking the Talk, but not walking the walk. That is why you get so many thumbs down.
You post a brief comment of Bane’s, but never show any of Gahler. If Gahler is so good, why didn’t we see some of what he said to the union? Not a written document, but taped like you did with Bane. Are you afraid to do so.
All of you GahlerLITES have been so excited about the CO union endorsement. Why? Are unions now the criteria for whom the public should vote? I thought most conservatives understood that unions did not represent what is best for the community, but rather what is best for themselves and their members. You also need to remember that it is the registered voters who will endorse who they want as Sheriff in November, and not the employees. I know a lot of people who will vote against Gahler just for that reason. I don’t agree with that because I think we should be voting for someone rather just against someone else.
One final thought. If Gahler does win, I hope he is the best sheriff that Harford has ever had. However, I don’t know what Marc will do because Gahler will be criticized also. Why? Because he will be accused of causing all kinds of problems, being a poor leader, rewarding better officers with position, all because someone in the HCSO will want his job. As I said years ago, this is the history of the HCSO every 4 years.and it will continue. Many will line up on the side where they think they have the best opportunity to achieve rank and privilege that they can’t earn with the other side. Having said this, I don’t think Gahler will win, but it is in the voters’ hands. So continue to debate your petty points and we will see how it comes out.
If it were a Republican Sheriff in office, the Aegis would have had this court judgement above the fold. You already know why the Aegis and their parent company won’t print anything that makes liberal office holders look bad, because they are liberal rags and that is also why they will one day be a thing of the past and yet sources such as the DaggerPress are doing well. The Aegis does a story on campaign signs on a bus and then admits in their own editorial the signs were okay and yet stories like this inflicting damages the citizens must now pay just get missed. Accident or political liberal rags?
The Dagger gets how many readers0? How do you know how the Dagger is doing. Your speculation about the future of the Sun and the Aegis is your opinion, just like a lot of the GahlerLites like to do with stories.
Monster, good to see you using your name again. You seem to be singing a different tune since the Corrections Union decided to back Gahler. In other elections we called those people fence sitters. So I guess you see the fact that Bane will not get the Union endorsements that he bragged about during the last election. Now that he is not getting them they mean nothing right. You don’t seem to like this powerless and hopeless feeling, I guess you now know how the others have felt under Banes rule since 2006. Karma is a b_ _ _ h right.
If the Dagger was not an issue in this election then why do you and the other Baners spend so much time giving thumbs down and coming to Banes rescue?
Let the thumbs down begin again because we all know that no one ever reads those comments right? What am I saying according to you no one reads the Dagger anyway.
DFC Eaton I am not going to comment on every story the dagger puts out like you and your troll friends. With that said Jeff Gahlers constant attacks on Jesse are making him look extremely foolish. That coupled with some comments made by your character assassination posse make what little credibility you had null and void. DFC Eaton I am becoming increasingly worried about your stability due to your irrational comments and false accusations. Have you thought about what you plan on doing after the election is over? Seems to me your whole life encompasses around this election. I wish you would tell everyone the truth about why you have targeted Jesse Bane.
Ah good to see you back again to. Really, the sad on line about mental stability? You still can’t dispute anything I have said and yet you continue to say what I say means nothing. This is really sad and you would think you could come up with some new material by now. You can create so many names but no new lines.
I started this in 2010 and I have stayed with it, I don’t hate the man I hate what he has done. You would not understand that because you are like him. Again, if I was not a thorn in your side you would ignore me. I am a nobody, an opinionated a hole. I do not lie, and I will not keep silent about the crap that has taken place since 2006. I have seen people that I use to hold in high regard trade in their ethics and back bone and let things happen that they should have stood up against and at one time would have. I had my share or IA cases and when I was wrong I accepted it. When it was a false complaint I didn’t have to worry about being railroaded because I was not on the A team.
I have given thought what I will be doing after the election. The first thing on my agenda is to have a new retirement ID made that has Gahler’s signature on it. The second is to watch the Harford County Sheriff’s Department go back to what it was when Sheriff Golding left it
Remember….. I am an a hole, but I am a persistent a hole.
These personal attacks by Mr Gahler against Mr Bane are ridiculous. I hope people see through the BS.
What’s ridiculous is that Bane has circled the wagons and is having his minions feverishing pounding the thumbs down key. Probably paying them overtime to do so. Now he has enlisted the illustrious Mr. Robert Peck to come to his aid. Monster is back in full attack mode, name calling and pounding away on DFC Eaton. Bane is attempting to bail water from the sinking ship with a teaspoon This my friends is ridiculous.
Lenny Lane: You are correct on all counts. The left-wing Bane-ites appear to be supporting their vindictive “leader”. No doubt he has made a lot of promises that he won’t be able to keep. As for Mr. Gahler, the only time that I have seen him post anything here is when he uncovers the truth and has the evidence to back it up. The left-wing liberals get their feathers ruffled and go off on tangents and accuse Mr. Gahler of all kinds of crap by using the spin, spin, spin tactics……..
You just made Mark’s day by referring to him as DFC, he is not a deputy. He is a wannabe at this point. I’m sure he was running around his house blowing his whistle in his tighty-whities when you referred to him as DFC.
Eaton is a retired officer who served his community well. Just because you don’t agree with him- speaking to him disrespectful shows a lack of class, character, or integrity I’d hope to see in a law enforcement agent. Shameful.
It has nothing to do with agreeing or disagreeing with Mark, if he dishes it out to me he better be ready to put it back on that dish. BTW, sounds like you need a date night, but I’m not interested.
Marc can give it, he just can’t take it. Count the number of times people have hid his comments on this topic-8.
Sorry I enjoy strong smart men.
At one point in time I was totally undecided on who to vote for in the sheriffs race. But over the last few months I have come to the conclusion that any politician that keeps the company of the poser/posters on this board is someone that does not deserve to be in public office. So thank you to all of you Gahler posers/posters for making my decision for me. Anyone who spends this much time trying to post every bit of dirty laundry on the opponent will never have the time, while in office, to run the Sheriffs office effectively because all he will do is try and keep a file on those who might oppose him the next time around. So once again thank you Gahler posers/posters you have made my decision very easy.
So, you do not want to know the truth about the incumbent Sheriff?
Patriot, he was a Bane voter from the begging. Just a new name and same old tired talking points. You give them facts and like true liberals they just insult and call names.
Pay attention to Bane when he says he knew that a Deputy was looking for a job when he passed over him for promotion. Yet another lie and proof to back that he did lie coming soon.