From the Office of Congressman Andy Harris:
Washington, D.C. – Congressman Andy Harris, M.D., has learned that the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General has issued subpoenas into the operation of the MD Health Exchange. Congressman Andy Harris and Congressman Jack Kingston had requested the OIG look into the failed MD Health Exchange. The audit has moved into a full-blown investigation, as evidence of fraud appears to be present. Lieutenant Governor Brown was in charge of overseeing the execution of the exchange.
Congressman Andy Harris, M.D., released the following statement:
“The Office of Inspector General has moved this from an audit into a full-blown investigation. The investigation has included the issuing of subpoenas. I called for the audit of the Maryland exchange because tens of millions of taxpayer dollars were wasted, and those who wasted them should be held accountable. Now we know that fraud may have occurred and subpoenas have been issued. Lt. Gov. Brown was in charge of the exchange, and it appears fraud may have gone on under his watch. Those who wasted and abused taxpayer money, including politicians, must be held accountable.”
How bout the school workers who hang out at the WAWA all day!
Were you hanging out at Wawa too?
Rep Harris should be held accountable for demanding his federal employee health care benefits while protesting about others getting health insurance. Is this guy a Doctor??? His pay should be withheld up until Congress actually works for the American voter and pass meaningful legislation to fix things instead of complaining, obstructing and carrying the TP mantra as they are not representing mainstream America.
I feel sorry for stacy
Stacy’s mom is actually Stacy’s sister too.
They should be held accountable but they won’t. They never are.
That would include every member of the U.S. House of Representatives, the U.S. Senate, President Obama, and pretty much every politician on down the line to our awesome county council and county executive right here in little ol’ Harford County.
You mean all of those who supported and voted for this horrendous bill, right? Remember who voted for it, and against it – hold the right people accountable!
Physician….heal thyself
Maybe the citizens will wise up and realize that Obama care was a scam to begin with ( you have to pass this bill to know whats in it). After almost 300 million in taxpayer $ thrown away in Md. it’s about time someone looked into it. Oh and let’s make sure we put the main culprit ( Tony Brown) into office so he can continue to do the great job he did with the health exchange.
“Obama care was a scam to begin with”
No reasonable person of any political persuasion really believes that. Messy, complicated, just like the US medical insurance business it was intended to reform.
“Obama was a scam to begin with”
Can we start by holding Andy Harris accountable for his waste of taxpayer dollars?
So let’s get this straight – we all get it that you don’t like Andy Harris, but he did not support the obamacare bill. If you stand back just a little bit, you’d understand that in this particular case, he is calling out the massive government waste that gave us precisely nothing – a defunct program, website, process that cost every single taxpayer in this state – to the tune of $210 million dollars so far! So if you want to work up a lather, at least focus your ire toward the right people – the politicians that supported the ACA – obamacare – the democrats in the House and Senate, Obama, and all of the State democrats (period!).
Jack Kingston? Wasn’t he the repubs that got spanked in the ga primary? Having trouble finding ally’s rep? Anyways… “NOW WE KNOW THERE MAY HAVE BEEN FRAUD” it’s a government program… There was fraud. Don’t pretend like you or any politician actually does their job of oversight. We all know your job is posting stupid press releases like this.