From Harford County Public Schools:
August 18, 2014
The Board of Education of Harford County met for an open business meeting at 6:30pm in the Board Room of the A. A. Roberty Building and took the following actions and received the following presentations:
– Ms. Barbara Gostomski, The Louise Sublette Award of Leadership Excellence
– Ms. Ginny Vogt, The 2014 Maryland Heart of the Program Award
– Mr. Gary Childress, School Nutrition Association’s Outstanding Director of the Year for the state of Maryland and the Mideast region
Public Comment
– Mr. Ryan Burbey, representing HCEA: Speaking to the number of new teachers this year and projected into the future
– Mr. Michael Hitchings: Thanks to board for Havre de Grace schematics meeting last week; expressed desire for continued information
Old Business: Consent Agenda
– Affirmation of Monthly Contract Awards
– Minutes of Previous Meeting
– Contract Award: On-Call Electrical Services
– Contract Award: Architectural/Engineering services Darlington Elementary School Comprehensive HVAC Systemic Replacement Project
– Contract Award: Architectural/Engineering services Dublin Elementary School Comprehensive HVAC Systemic Replacement Project
– Contract Award: Youth’s Benefit Elementary School Building Bid Packages 2A and 9A
– Recommendation of Audit Committee Candidate
Old Business: Action Items
– Decision on HCPS Board Policy No. 08-006-000 Use of Drug Detecting Dogs in Secondary Schools, Presented by Mr. Patrick P. Spicer, Esq. and Mr. Bob Benedetto
Old Business: Presentations
– Presentation of FY2016 Capital Improvement Program by Mr. Cornell Brown, Mr. Chris Morton, Ms. Arianna Langford and Ms. Patti Jo Beardo
New Business: Action Items
– Passed motion for Havre de Grace Middle/High Replacement School Schematic Design following presentation from Ms. Karen Burlingame and Mr. David Strang from Grimm & Parker Architects, Mr. Cornell Brown, Mr. Chris Morton and Ms. Ariana Langford
Superintendent’s Report
– Mrs. Barbara Canavan: School opens Monday and our 5,000 employees are looking forward to welcoming the children back. Took the opportunity to wish everyone a happy and successful school year.
The next Board of Education business meeting will be held Monday, September 8, 2014 at 6:30pm. All Board meetings are held in the A. A. Roberty Building. To access all future meeting dates and agendas, log onto the school system website at
Swooned by a bunch of pretty pictures. Time to vote every sitting member that supported this out of office and the new ones they are running for.