From Harford County Council District E Councilman Richard C. Slutzky:
Dear Editors,
At Tuesday’s County Council meeting it was my duty as Vice President to introduce legislation regarding salary compensation adjustments sponsored by other members of the Harford County Council. This legislation would adjust the salaries for the new County Executive and members of the Harford County Council elected on November 4th.
I understand the rationale that Harford County Government salaries need to be competitive with other similar jurisdictions and that these salary adjustments cannot be implemented by a sitting council, resulting in no possible increases for the next four years. However, my priority is to focus attention on the county’s human capital and work with the new administration to seek and evaluate every possible opportunity to improve salaries and working conditions for all county employees.
Despite the reasonable justifications stated above, because of the inability of county government to provide salary steps and cost of living increases to county teachers, employees of the Sheriff’s Office and other county employees I will be opposed to this legislation when it comes up for a vote.
Richard C. Slutzky
Harford County Council District E
There should be no salary increase for anyone working in Harford County Government. When you consider the current salary levels, some close to or at the six-figure mark, they are already making too much. Add the benefits and the total package exceeds what is reasonable.
Really Miss Gulch??!!
“When you consider the current salary levels, some close to or at the six-figure mark…” I’ve worked for the County for 14 years and am no where near the six-figure mark. The County needs to fund the pay plan that it approved and implemented for all County employees, teachers, Sheriff’s Office, etc. This is a pay plan with regular step increases that were promised to all employees.
Where do you work? Have you benefited from any type of pay increase at all in the last 7 years?? County employees are not just machines. We have families and bills too. In addition, many of us are homeowners and tax payers living in Harford County too.
While some county employees do deserve a raise the vast majority are over paid and couldn’t prove they actually work 8 hours a day or 40 per week if their life depended on it.
I thought Jim had moved away to like Alaska or something but I guess we’ll just have to put up with him and his stupid nonsense. In response I would say, that the vast majority of taxpayers would not be opposed to anyone getting a raise as long as the taxes don’t go up. I think that is the rub for most people, their own self-interest. I would probably feel the same way when I go to get my brakes fixed, pay may bills or go out to eat. No one ever wants to pay more, specially for something that you can get for free since it is a public service and it must be provided. The missing piece is that the person providing the service also needs to be paid a decent wage.
Blue you are a typical government worker, as long as people aren’t taxed more it’s ok to reward the non workers with a raise for doing nothing more than be able to fog a mirror.
No one has a problem with you making a decent wage the problem us you don’t want to actually work for it.
There you go again Jimbo! Past raises awarded were always to employees that passed their yearly review, not employees under probation. A raise when given has always been to those that met the expectations of the job. In any field, you will find people performing at below their expectation but most employees actually perform their duties as assigned or above their duties as the county has consolidated some postions and employees are doing more than hired to do. What excuse can you come up with when county employees haven’t had a raise in 4 years and two raises in the last 9??? Can’t afford it? Can HCG not afford to keep good workers? Private business would always pay to keep good employees, the same should apply here.
Thanks for making my point Blue, it’s 11:42 on a Friday and here you are complaining about your taxpayer funded job. But hey I bet your boss will give you a good review he’s probably gone for the weekend.
I’d suggest you try and get a job in the private sector but there are too many illegals with better work ethics than you.
Jim on Hickory.
It was 11:42 in hickory. The county has many positions that work on 2nd, and 3rd shift.
Only county office’s open and close in your, unintelligent, ignorant based ASSumptions of ones work schedule.
Good point John and since Blue posts at all hours it’s pretty safe to assume some if not all are done from work.
Your not so bright either, do you work for the county?
Jimbo… There are these things called smart phones that allow one to post at anytime. Only a moron like you would think I am posting from a county owned computer. Get a life! Or a job. You seem to post at all hours as well.
Who said you were using a county owned computer? And why are you on your personal phone during working hours Einstein?
You aren’t smart enough to work in the private sector.
I can use my smartphone during work as long as it doesn’t interfere with my job. County allows me to use my phone within reason and since I am on the road pretty often during my work hours, there is plenty of time while I wait for a client, or in between appointments. I also use my phone for work so the county isn’t paying for my phone. I do have access to the internet at work but I seldom use it because they do track everything you do on it besides the filters they have probably would allow chat systems such as posting. IP address is always left when you post anywhere even if you use an anonymous name and a made up email address. Your understanding of what county employees do everyday is something foreign to you. It is like going to a restaurant and not seeing what happens in the kitchen while you wait for your food. I assume most jobs are just as complicated but I don’t think it would matter to you because your bias towards county employees and government/public services is well documented. I think sometimes you just say outrageous things and spout nonsense so you can get a rise out of the rest of us. You amuse me sometimes but it would help if you actually made some intelligent arguments to make things better but I don’t think you have the ability to put two or three reasoned thoughts together.
Blue you are correct I have no idea what you do in your job, all I see is you sitting around waiting and playing with your smart phone frequenting sites that are not allowed to by other county workers. You see that is the impression you give to those of us paying your salary. It probably isn’t fair to judge other employees who actually do a job by your actions because it is those few people who do deserve a raise and it’s your wasteful attitude keeping them from it.
Your physically and emotionally draining job that leaves you so often sitting around doing nothing but surfing unapproved sites surely does deserve a raise. I can’t imagine the years of experience you must have to do such a job. Perhaps you need an assistant to help.
I will give you credit for accessing the web through your personal phone during working hours it eliminates the possibility of anyone tracking your activity.. I’d bet a fellow free loader gave you that tip.
duimbo Jimbo,
I don’t use county time or computers to post on the Dagger.
You don’t pay may salary, the county does.
Do you even pay taxes?
I work for HCG not the taxpayer, in fact most taxpayers I see as clients pay next to nothing in taxes and since I work for them, they are my responsibility not you or any other ingrate on the Dagger.
Your written diatribes as to what I do and when I do it is just mere speculation on your part with no basis or facts around it. You must be a TP member!
I have been employed with the county for 15 years or so and have never been on probation or been written up for any deficiencies on the job.
I have received numerous letters and emails from clients and community regarding my work performance.
Your blank statements regarding my use or posts at any time are without merit or cause.
Your bias towards county workers is well documented. Did you not get hired when you applied for a county job?
“You don’t pay may salary, the county does”.
You got me on that one. I’m so sorry for arguing with you, I did not realize you were mentally handicapped. Please accept my apologies.
Take a look at some of the cabinet members as well as deputy directors and you will have your answer. Some of it is needless infrastructure at an unnecessary cost to the taxpayer.
No, I work in the private sector (real world) and havent had a raise in the past six years. I began to “retool” when I saw the economic downturn coming and feel very greatful to have a job.
Not all of us make 6 figure… I for one do not and have not had a raise in 6 yrs.
Who do you know in Harford County Government who earns six figures? A few department heads may earn that but the rest do not and most earn under $50,000 per year. They have not had a raise in over six years, which would be unacceptable in business. They are people who deserve to be compensated, just as the person who works for Best Buy is.
Are you excluding the Sheriff’s Office, Courts and the Public School System? If you are including those agencies then you have plenty of six figure earners.
Someone said there are no 6-Figure salaries for Harford County Government?
TREASURER $141,606.00
CHIEF OF STAFF $124,862.00
PLANNER IV $118,934.00
COUNTY AUDITOR $118,934.00
CHIEF, WATER & SEWER $118,934.00
…and so on, and so on. The list is actually rather large, and it seems that many don’t know that we (as the taxpayers) have a right to view the salaries of public-sector employees. Blue, pay attention here, that’s right – we can request the salary of anyone whose salary is paid through “tax revenue”.
So, that’s right Blue – the County does pay you…however, the taxpayers pay the County. Have you figured that out yet? Additionally, you state that you are one your phone posting to the Dagger while waiting for clients, etc…etc… Are you not on County time during the waiting periods? I’ll bet that you are, since you clock in at a certain time, and then 8 hours later you clock out – whether you have actually accomplished 8 hours of work in that period or not, you will get paid for those 8 hours. Your 15 years of service is commendable.
In the list above, it is plain to see that there are a ton of redundant positions there. Why not cut each “Deputy Chief” or “Manager”? For every division / section within the County, there is a Director / Chief, a Deputy Director / Deputy Chief, and then a Manager – all within the same department. Hmmmmm….am I starting to make sense here?
The bloat in county, state and federal government is beyond measure – and all the while we get hit with how we hate education and we want everything for free. In every private sector environment employees are getting gutted: hours reduced, pensions gone and medical shredded.
I am sick of the poor mouthing from government employees.
I can asure you that my salary isn’t in those levels. You can request all kinds of info under the Freedom of Information Act. You can’t however get any personal information such as my salary, leave or any other employment information. As a matter of fact, there are jobs that you can’t get any information on because they don’t show up on the county’s budget if they are paid by federal or grants. I can also asure you that I am on my free time. I start work at 7 am most days and I am off at 4 pm unless there is an authorized deviation from my normal schedule which happens when the county wants me to participate in some dog and pony show. I don’t feel bad about the $$$ I am paid because I think the taxpayer and my employer are getting a good deal. When I worked for the Army, my job was much harder and the hours more unpredictable, now in that job I did feel pretty underpaid as most soldiers are. It doesn’t matter to me how much you make or how much profit a business makes (my wife owns her business) and her pay is justified by the volume of her business and ability. My salary doesn’t follow market conditiions, just whatever the county is willing to invest in my particular function which really means as long as the state or the feds are willing to fund it, I have a job and when they don’t, then I just will ask my wife for a job.
I have been employed long enough to know how all this govt business works, you my friend are the one that is delusional in thinking the that taxpayer has any bearing on how much the county spends on anything, same for the state of feds. if you knew what I know about where the bones are buried in how your local govt operates it would make you head spin. Instead you focus on how much the 20% of the total workforce and how much they get paid. For every dept head or deputy there are probably a few others that gain employment by personal contacts, in fact some don’t even bother to do their job. Their positions are safe and without accountability. Some will be promoted and become the next deputy and or head. it is a well known fact that many internal postings and many external postings are nothing but a show to just justify the employment of likened last names and or family. It can be quite depressing really so what ever you have to say, I have more in the bag than you would ever know. There are some folks that don’t even bother submitting a leave slip, because they can. They aren’t the majority of employees but those selected ones that don’t have to apply or actually work, but just show up and pretend they are working. This administration has quite a few relatives to the Dion’s or Billy’s, Davidses. No Woods yet, he is too honorable to pull that crap. Some departments have family members supervising family members or both working in the same department. You don’t even know how depressing it can be to work in an environment where what you don doesn’t matter as much as who you know.
I wish someone one would use the Freedom of Information Act so WE county employees can also see what others are making, specially since raises haven’t been given. Some people have gotten raises due to “change in duties” however most employees haven’t gotten a raise or raises even if doing more than the duties assigned to when hired. I know a few people working out of classification but the won’t complain because they hope in the future they will be promoted (it is against county rules to work out of classification unless approved by HR) what a joke! Some departments lost “pins” or classified jobs due to budget cuts but the work didn’t go away, other people are doing it outside of the “pin” system. I would be more than one will end up suing the county when they aren’t hired for the job they have been doing for less because their department was out of “pins”. It is quite demoralizing to work in an environment where the taxpayer doesn’t appreciate the work you do because they see all the waste going on so the assume WE are the waste. I just show up, do my job and go home. I did the same when I worked for private market but at least there you the taxpayer didn’t have the right to know how much my employer paid me or what I did while at work.
For once I agree with you on this one. I am a county employee and I don’t think these guys get it. Boniface should disqualify himself from further consideration for any administrative position in the supposed winner (Glasman, whom is not for anything in case the TP gets pissed with him) when he is appointed by the hazard county rednecks new republican CE. No raises for anyone on the council or executive. Competitive salary? they are part-time employees except for the CE! It wouldn’t cost a whole lot to do it, but it would send a further message that money spent on them and their projects, tiffs, and environmental wastelands is more important than county employees.
All I read was:
“Pander, pander, pander, pander, pander…”
I’m waiting for Mr. Slutzky to write “I will be opposed” to pandering to any and all developers who don’t donate enough to my campaign funds this year and when it’s my turn to be County Executive.
So, Slutzky bows to election year pressure to vote no. The captain goes the “I’ll just donate it” route. And Billy and MaryAnn seem to have nothing to lose anyway…
Whom haven’t we heard from yet? Woods? Shrodes said “maybe probably no” in the Sun, depending on who bends his ear I guess.
Mr. Guthrie – how are you going to spin this 25% raise to your blue collar voters? You may actually be the swing vote. That should make for some video worthy of popcorn.
Ok, let’s get to the real story–everything that has happened by the council for the last couple of years has been for the election in November and this is right there with it. First, they removed the 2 year waiting period for council people to move over to the executive, opening the way for boniface to work with the new exec. Then, they want to make the deputy department heads subject to their appointment– apparently because 13 cronies aren’t enough positions–they need over 25. Now, we see an increase in salary for the county executive and council.
don’t believe it–get a quote from boniface that says that he will not, at any point during the next four years take a paid position for the administration. either you won’t get it, or you will get it and then it will be disregarded, hoping that people won’t remember.
Hmmm, I hear a humming in my head that says “Teachers know how much the job pays and sign up to do the job. They knew it is not a get rich quick career. Deal with your choices or find another job.” It seems the same is true for the council. You ran for the position knowing the pay, deal with that decision or step down and let someone else take the reins. Seems odd that they feel they deserve more money for these part-time jobs than the average salary of the county employees completing full-time duties.
The council needs to remember they are Part Time employees. They are completely out of touch with reality. Those in Lisante district should send her packing and not vote for her in November.
Captain Jim you statement about donating your salary to charity is laughable. You get your salary donate to charity and get a big fat tax deduction on you income taxes .
This raise increase is a total slap in the face to all county employess who work hard to make our county a nice place to live.
I guarantee you that the voters in Lisanti’s district will NOT be returning her to the County Council in November.
Ms. Lisanti is running for state delegate, or state office. I don’t see Woods, Shrodes going along with it. If the CE vetoes it, it would be a dead bill as the council doesn’t seem to have the votes to override it. All we need is for the electorate to vote no on the question regarding deputy directors. I hope the next CE brings a better attitude towards county employees, deputies and teachers. It is time to invest in the human capital as it has been ignored for years while the money went to fund other things.
I am an Independent who leans to the conservative side of government philosophy. If the majority of this Council vote to give the Council members a raise it will indeed be a slap in the face of every Harford County resident, and a slap on each side of the face to every Harford County employee!
Shouldn’t Chad and Joe be prohibitted for voting on this since they are running unopposed and therefore are voting to give themselves a raise directly? It would be different if at least there was a slim chance a candidate could lose, but there is no opponent so they have already won and are voting themselves a raise.
They need to increase the pay to attract better candidates? You also need to keep Sheriff’s Office pay to attract better recruits and other county employees.
didn’t the council just get a raise not too long ago and now have full time staff to boot?
the council has grown exponentially with the auditor office, their own attorney, legislative aides their own budget is now in the tens of millions. Boniface is a two faced politician. He sides with the TP but is nothing but a tax and spend conservative. He likes power and wants to get paid $150000 per year as the next Director of Administration.
People at the top command higher salaries because their experience and market conditions pays them according to their resume, ability and experience. People at the bottom just like in most jobs aren’t maid great salaries but the benefits make up for it. It is in the middle that you will find staff appointed or hired with relatively less duties and responsibilities. It happens in my field too and it happens in many private institutions as well. Cushy jobs abound if you know the right person or you have influence, that’s nothing new. With every new administration you will find new people hired above those classified to do the job. That’s why every voter should be opposed to the referendum question giving the CE the right to appoint deputy heads over classified personnel.
Harford County Councilman Jim McMahan, who is running for re-election, says he supports bills to raise the salaries of the next county executive and county council, giving the measures a minimum of three prospective favorable votes among the seven member council.
What a Jackass
What a bunch of hypocrites, get the teachers, police and others a raise without raising taxes and then worry about your own raises. We will not vote for anyone of them that vote their selves a raise in these tough economic times, we all are not on public welfare and hence cannot afford Cadillac politicians.
“As of now, I plan to support both bills,” McMahan explained in an email Wednesday night. “The adjustment for the council and county executive is as necessary as a raise for the rest of the county employees.”
Kazimir added that despite some council members’ claims, “it is a part-time job and there should be an element of public service in it.”
“I don’t want a career politician,” she said.
Kazimir said she is sure McMahan’s constituents are unhappy to hear he would support the bills.
McMahan is the most self serving want a be politician in the County ! He must be fired on Election day !!!!!