From Harford County government:
On Wednesday August 6, 2014 at approximately 4:45 P.M. deputies responded to the 1700 block of Eden Mill Road for a report of an “Armed” Robbery.
Mr. William Welk, age 32 of Shrewsbury Pennsylvania told deputies he was with friends at Eden Mill Park. While they were leaving they were accosted by two African American males who were both wearing masks. One of the males brandished a handgun and ordered Mr. Welk to empty his pockets.
Mr. Welk handed over his cigarettes and wallet. Mr. Welk’s wallet contained personal items as well as an unknown amount of U.S. currency.
The suspects are described as African American males in their 20’s wearing non-descript clothing, one of which was armed with a handgun last seen fleeing the area in a dark colored car. (N.F.D.)
No injuries were sustained by the victim.
Anyone having information is asked to contact either the Sheriff’s Office Northern Precinct at 410-692-7880 or online or via text using the following:
Website/Email: ?Submit a tip online at
Text message:?Metro Crime Stoppers: Text “CRIMES” (274637)
?Begin the message “MCS” then add the information.
Phone:?Harford Crime Solvers:?Call 1-888-540-8477
Welcome to ObamaNation where you are entitled to the property of others, even though you didn’t work for it.
Conceal carry would stop crap like this once and for all.
Average response time for armed robbery = 45 minutes.
Average response time for my HK = 1 second.
Baba Looey says
-Assuming that they didn’t cap your @ss first before that greased lightning quick draw of yours could squeeze off a round. Maybe you should consider a new aka – Quick Draw Mcgraw
Colonal Angus says
If someone pulls a gun on you, you have to assume two things:
1. The gun is real.
2. They intend on shooting you regardless, why leave a living witness to the crime.
My way: I would rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6 AND I would have a fighting chance.
Your dumbass liberal way: Shelter in place and become victimized nevertheless.
Kharn says
You forgot #3:
They will be quickly apprehended when the State Police check their description vs the list of handgun carry permit holders in the area.
maybe with your sister says
M aka CA,
You like to talk the talk but have you walked the walk. If you had you wouldn’t talk bs and that goes for your SNL aka too.
Just Wondering says
If guns don’t kill people, why do I need one?
MM says
In the event “someone” wants to kill you using a gun as the weapon. I would recommend that you have a gun even if “someone” wants to kill you using a knife as the weapon.
Just Asking says
You have asked a great question Just Wondering. For years our society has always tried the individual in court for the killing of others. Perhaps you are right, we should be letting the individual go and just try the gun. After all, it was the gun that killed, not the individual. How could we have gotten it so wrong all these years?
Just Wondering says
So guns do kill people.
MM says
No. People kill. That’s why we try people in court. We don’t try guns, knives, vehicles etc., we try people. People kill.
Just Wondering says
So why do I need a gun?
MM says
You don’t. We will be happy to bury you.
Just Wondering says
Why will I need to be buried? are these question too difficult?
IgnoranceIsBliss says
Great point…cause there was no crime like this before Obama.
Inbreeding….so wrong.
Cheese Patrol says
Its about time to start taking matters into our own hands. Tar and feather and string em up!
Tinfoil Tommy says
Another Northen Harford County armed robbery with similar descriptive suspects? Interesting.
dA TruF says
wHO saYs DAt rAciaL pROfilin DOnt wORk
Forest Hill says
That is what I was thinking….are these the same guys? We need more patrol cars in Northern Part of County….
Both robbed, in their 30’s too.
I saw a couple guys turning onto 24N from Grier Nursery Rd in a pimped out car..thought? Man they do not belong here at all. All black car, rims..Just didn’t look right.
MDPatriot says
Call the Sheriff’s Office Northern Precinct at 410-692-7880 or, call the Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigation Division at 410-838-6600 and follow the prompts. You may have witnessed the getaway car and the two suspects. This could be of help to the Sheriff’s Office in the investigation of this crime.
Hedley Lamarr says
Had enough of the “African American” BS, I will be kind this time, they are BLACK, get some balls and describe them for what they are. BLACK MALES, these A$$holes need to be wacked.
kayak guy says
I kayak at eden mill every day, in fact I’m here right now. As effed as this is I don’t think its a matter of gun control as some com enters make it out to be. I’m definitely not one who would suggest solving violence with violence. I’m not sure what the answer is but I know shooting them would’ve caused bigger problems. I am in no way trying to be an asshole but technically the park does close at night and it said “they fled in the dark”. I’m thinking if they weren’t there after park hours it wouldn’t have happened.
That being said f*** the guys in the masks for stealing at a god damn park where there are kids learning about the environment every day.
Emily says
4:45pm is not dark out in August. Park closes at dusk. Just fyi.
Colonal Angus says
Wait there another 45 minutes and see if the yo’s make a play for your Kayak.
Eddie Lund says
In a dark colored car not in the dark..
EdenMlllLover says
Hey Kayak Guy–are you named after a pirate, by any chance? 😉
kayak guy says
lol no
EdenMlllLover says
My apologies–I know of another kayak guy who volunteers there and IS named after a pirate…a captain, as a matter of fact.
kayak guy says
Lol “dark colored car” sorry guys missed that part
kayak guy says
As for the racists with the racial profiling, I know a lot more white guys who deserve to be linched more than these shitheads.
Hedley Lamarr says
Not white guys, that be white trash, big difference, they are most likely wiggers, their worst.
Hedley Lamarr says
BTW, how is calling them black vs African racist ? If a White South African commits a crime in this country how will he be described if he were on the run, White or African.
y so serious says
feel so sad for the family that had to endure this. so tired of these idiots. wish we didn’t live in a society where it was necessary for everyone to be armed; unfortunately as a society we are at that point. either no one has one or everyone needs one. regressing to the wild west mentality.
Colonal Angus says
Police don’t stop crime, they cannot be everywhere all the time and the criminals know this.
Now that Maryland is a far-left liberal state with no death penalty and no conceal carry for honest citizens, the criminals will have a field day at our expense.
Criminals know honest citizens will not illegally carry a gun because that is a crime. So when an honest citizen is targeted by criminal with a gun, the average citizen has no chance to defend themselves.
Armed robberies and home invasions will only increase because law abiding citizens are now at a significant disadvantage to the armed criminal element.
Now this cancer is spreading into Harford County, hopefully none of you end up on the receiving end of one of these criminals with a happy trigger finger.
kayak guy says
Crime in pylesville isn’t new. It usually just takes the form of a meth lab or a hidden field of marijuana instead. We haven’t been safe here for a long time.
MDPatriot says
Colonel Angus: You are correct. The left-wing, liberal Demoncrats in Annapolis have been targeting the WRONG people all these years. They just don’t get it! It is all just a show to make the uninformed voters think that something is being done to stop the violence. Well, guess what? Serious crimes against persons is guaranteed to increase with these insane laws! A violent criminal is going to get a gun BUT, they do NOT buy them legally because they cannot! They steal them or, they buy them on the street from another thug that stole them!
Maybe it will take a dozen, or so, of those idiots to become victims of violent crimes. Then watch those archaic laws get repealed in a hurry!
concerned resident says
I can tell you that I live on Eden mill rd and me and several other neighbors were driving around last night with our shotguns. The victim told me that one suspect ran into the woods and the other one sped off in the car. We drove around for 2 hours and never saw a single police car looking for him. Unfortunately we never found the other BLACK GUY. He would have paid for his crime right there.
Miss Gulch says
Did you try looking for the police at the Farm Store?
EdenMlllLover says
Thank you for your efforts.
concerned resident says
And thank you Emily. KAYAK GUY SOUND LIKE AN IDIOT. I PROMISE YOU THAT BLACK PEOPLE ARE TARGETING WHITE PEOPLE AT AN INCREASING RATE. BLACK PEOPLE ARE COMPLETELY RACIST AND IM TIRED OF IT. Im tired of the double standard that exists in this country. Now I will be called a racist for saying this but it is true. 100%. Most white people know this and can see it but are never going to talk about it.
kayak guy says
:/ hate is wrong period no matter black on black, white on black, or black on white. what I was saying was that I specifically know more white people who steal and do drugs ect,,, than black people in harco
CMill says
I live right down the street from there. There’s a lack of police presence and an increase in people coming to the area. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s more to the story.
stupid gun laws never work says
when I see blacks in the area from now on I will call the law right away
I have seen more blacks in the past year in pylesville/whiteford/street/dublin/jarrettsville
then in the 16 years combined I have lived in north harford county
most of the time they are up to no good and in delta PA buying or selling drugs
CMill says
Who do you think they are buying drugs from or selling them to?
stupid gun laws never work says
drug addicts I would guess
Interesting Stuff says
There WAS a police presents but they were at the 7-11 in Jarrettsville hand cuffing the wrong person. It was ridiculous. They obviously let him go because he wasnt evolved but that poor man had just came from that same area ironically just selling a ADT security system to a resident on Eden Mill road. The police prob missed the real suspects in the process. It was a cluster f at the 7-11. I felt bad for that guy.
kayak guy says
didn’t see any police at eden mill today, but I did almost get caught for a dumbass speeding trap they had on fawn grove road. assholes
terpmom says
Did they use the police helicopter? Seems like this would have been the time. I am a little freaked that there are armed robbers at a loved park in the daytime….
Lenny Lane says
Terpmom the helicopter is only used in the southern end of the county to impress the citizens there. I haven’t read or heard anywhere that its been on a legit call yet
A realist says
“While they were leaving” How is it that there’s more than one person and only 1 gets robbed? No one else had a better description of the get away car or robbers? Non-descript clothes and a dark car, thats it? Doesn’t make sense to me.
Interesting Stuff says
The helicopter was there over Jarrettsville …..along with 8 officers. The crazy parts are – 1. They waited outside the 7-11 and for the man (who wasnt the person) to get IN his car before they surrounded him. 2. The guy was gray haired and almost 40 NOT 20 ( the only thing that matched was his skin color) 3. They hand cuffed him so the accusers could see if they could identify him (2 other officers drove them by) and the people they drove by were a old lady, a little girl and a mentally challenged adult ( I thought the call was made by a group of ” friends”…. the whole situation seems weird. Over 10 officers all for someone who wasnt the person.
MM says
Targeted says
When law abiding citizens call the police maybe they should stop telling us well we didn’t see it so there is not a whole lot we can do or these are public roads streets and sidewalks so there is not a whole lot we can do or your no trespassing signs were not signed so there is not a whole lot we can do or has your property been recently surveyed if not your no trespassing signs mean nothing so there is not a whole lot we can do. Every criminal in this county understands there is not a whole lot that can be done to them. And when there is always a reason not to hold criminals responsible your crime numbers look real good.
Brian says
I have no problem with conceal/carry laws I think they should exist in MD. But do you really think it will deter most criminals? They are criminals for a reason, I’m sure they have looked down the barrel of a gun before in their life. They would just be playing Russian Roulette with their life more often, and if they already have their gun pointed at you even if you are packing you are at the disadvantage, one sudden move and they get they their shot off first anyway. But if it makes a person feel safer then fine by me.
More guns less crime says
Hitting something with a handgun is not easy. Since you have to produce a license at a range, felons would be traced pretty quickly – so, there is no practice range for thugs. A conceal carry person is practiced and well versed on when to use their firearm. Even if someone approaches with a handgun, the advantage is to the conceal carry individual. Generally, if you show you are armed the thug backs off – the robber is looking for easy prey, not a shoot out in the street.
Brian says
But you are also supposing that the robber is a rational person, if someone is willing to rob another person, then I am assuming that they may be in a bad enough situation that they still feel it is worth the chance. Training skill and all I will take the guy with the gun already drawn over the guy needing to pull. I have seen enough gun owners that think they are Billy the Kid and are in reality more like Barney Fife.
More guns less crime says
“Training skill and all I will take the guy with the gun already drawn over the guy needing to pull” – Once again, everybody is entitled to their opinion. Sadly, too many people that vote think your way and therefore do not allow ‘shall issue’ in Maryland. It would save many lives if they did. At 10 ft. the thug doesn’t have a chance and will run when they see an armed victim; at 5 ft. advantage to the citizen and the thug will not even have a chance to run.
Think about this: have you ever heard of a thug pulling a gun on an off duty police officer and not being shot down? Off course you haven’t.
“I have seen enough gun owners that think they are Billy the Kid and are in reality more like Barney Fife” – I guarantee that you have no experience whatsoever with anybody proficient with a handgun and a carry license, since Maryland rarely issues any carry licenses and many of those go to the politically connected.
Your bias is the very reason that Marylanders continue to suffer at the hands of the armed criminals.
Brian says
Like I said I support gun rights, if they had conceal/carry fine, but I do not believe that it will deter a true criminal. Now the novices yea they may run but for the experienced criminal I think they’ll just shoot you before you even get a chance to go for the gun. I know I sure as hell would, you reach for it I’m already firing.
the professor says
Most gun owners would probably shoot themselves or a family member mistaken for a burglar. Sadly it happens pretty often. Live by the sword and die by the sword. The chances that a random home in N. Harford gets robbed for no reason is pretty low, might as well get a spot light and a nice alarm system or just a big dog? One should pass a yearly criminal record, mental evaluation and pay insurance to carry and conceal.
More guns less crime says
“Sadly it happens pretty often” – Second sentence and already a lie.
mostly blue says
Are you, me?