From the office of Congressman Andy Harris:
Congressman Andy Harris, M.D., Applauds House Vote to Authorize Lawsuit Against President Obama;
Calls the legislation a good first step toward restoring the rule of law
Washington, D.C. – Today, the House of Representatives passed legislation to authorize its lawsuit against President Obama for his illegal actions and his blatant disregard for the Constitution and the rule of law. Congressman Harris released the following statement after the House vote:
“I am pleased we passed legislation enabling us to take President Obama to court to stop his unlawful actions. While this lawsuit focuses on how President Obama delayed the legislative mandates in the Affordable Care Act without consulting Congress, this Administration has repeatedly exceeded the authority of the executive branch—from unilaterally freeing five Taliban terrorists to granting amnesty and work permits to millions of illegal immigrants. No President of either party should ever abuse their power. That’s why this lawsuit is so necessary.”
To hear more of Congressman Harris’ thoughts on the lawsuit, please see the video of the one-minute speech he delivered on the House floor prior to today’s vote.
More wasted time. Get to work for the people of your district! Stop being part of the problem.
That’s right. Get to work – but not the real work according to the Constitution. Barry needs a free hand to do your job.
Ideologues like Andy Harris and Barney Frank are the problem. The problem is the number of Andy Harris-like politicians outnumber the Barney Frank-likes. At least Congressman Frank is not a hypocrite.
it is not the party of NO, more like the party of we’ll sue you because be need the base pissed off enough to vote for us What a bunch of b.s. from both parties but even more from the guys that just abrogated their responsibility to legislate. The administration has been hampered by inaction and inability of Congress to agree on anything. Impeachment? Is there a process to impeach all of them?
Spoken like a true liberal ideologue. Keep carrying the water for Obama you hack. It must be of great comfort to you to sit around all day on your leather ass and boss around kids that cannot question your authority with fear of a failing grade. Since you have never had a real job you have no idea how life exists in the real world. Many working parents take out loans to pay to educate their children only to discover their kids are dumber for listening to idiots like you. Since you know nothing of the constitution and our rule of law let me educate you. If is the job of CONRGESS TO PASS LAWS. It is the job of the President to sign and execute the rule of law. The President does not get to ignore what laws he does not want to follow.
He is not a king or a dictator. Obama is the most lawless President in our nations history and should be IMPEACHED.
Nixon was impeached for exactly what Obama has done to conservatives with the IRS but because of the color of his skin no one has the stones to say it without fear of being labeled a racist, the number one card in the liberal playbook.
The President has the authority under executive priviledge to carry out some priorities without Congress authority. Bush did it with many a directives and so can Obama. Your lack of intellectual reasoning is well documented in your tea party movement. No need to study that any further but it would be of consequence to determine just how you find this president so offensive while previous presidents used the same power authority to push their agendas?
Your kid would be glad to be taught in my class and would probably open his/her world just a litle. You should try it as the local college has some basic civic and government relations classes that I find most helpful open your mind to other forms of reasoning which don’t rely of personal attacks such as calling someone a “hack” as if you really know what it actually means. Telling the truth and in this case I made the argument that BOTH parties have used executive directives and priviledge to promote or reduce the effect of a law. Typically this happens becasue the law was vague or didn’t address the specific points intented in its legislation. My understanding is that a hack, within a political context is someone that promotes a political ideology over any other. Since BOTH parties do it, hack just doesn’t seem to apply? I await your angry response..
Prof attacks the Republicans for pointing out presidential overreach, but not the President for doing so. Seems very moderate to me.
There is no requirement to legislate. Not to mention that House passed a bill, and as usual, The Senate is now where to be seen.
Don’t pretend that this President hasn’t completely changed parts of this law on his own that he has no authority to do so.
Nothing worse then libs that claim neutrality while showing none,
Professing something,
“it is not the party of NO, more like the party of we’ll sue you because be need the base pissed off enough to vote for us” – Post like a hack, you’re a hack. Teach this in your class and you’re an agenda driven zealot. Going to the judicial branch for relief is both common and expected.
“The administration has been hampered by inaction and inability of Congress to agree on anything” – Congress has legislative authority but its primary responsibility is to deliberate. Getting something passed by the House and the Senate was purposely set up as a difficult process – and then, if the executive branch does not ‘faithfully execute’ the laws, we have the judicial branch to settle the dispute.
In other words, you appear frustrated that your agenda is not coming to a quick fruition, but things are working as the Republic was intended to work. As a self-proclaimed educator you should know this – just as you should know the whole ‘impeachment’ chant is a fundraising song by the democrat party, which is why it is brought up every 5 minutes on MSNBC.
I think their primary responsibility is to legislate and not just deliberate. The failure of our immigration influx is one of equally shared responsibiilty and I only see the president trying to deal with the human crisis created by our laws. I knew you’d be angry and it even doesn’t take that much, just like a well trained pitbull you couldn’t say anything nice if you tried. You aren’t just angry but you also represent those that boycott buses with children, I am sure you leaving a lasting impression to the rest of the world and most mainstream Americans as to your lack of compassion, humanity and ability to offer solutions past your angry banter and threatening commands and screams of USA. Our country can do better than that as long as extreme and irrational tea party right wingers are shut out in the next election. I bet even the republican party can’t stomach you guys and your “hell with everything” mentality. Your demonstrations and attacks on minorities will be remembered in the decades to come as more diverse view will become the norm. You might as well enroll in the kkk membership drive but make no mistake American view and values are deeper than your tax cuts and help for the rich.
“attacks on minorities will be remembered in the decades to come as more diverse view will become the norm. You might as well enroll in the kkk membership drive” – You’re nothing but a small-time, contemptible race-baiter, utterly without any redeeming moral value and incapable of civil discourse.
I turtle sea this whale of a fish rotting like a bag of fish bones that even the hungriest of carps would have trouble sniffing this fillet of carcass. Hammerhead their skulls until they bug out of their shark mouths be cod they are nothing but crabby bitches and un-for-tuna-te they need to be fed to a school of piranhas and shudder to Shrimp not even a sting-ray of chicken necks or magic lures would make this sea of malcontents and be afraid to the biggest of whales but a sharknado Obama-I-fish-for-anything-that-swims-or-boats shrimping if the fish nets can’t hold the illegal wet fish then we just have to farm raise them in order to boat.
fish-fully submitted.
Fishy bones r us.
Over 350 bills passed by the House sit in the Senate without a vote. If they voted, and even modified the bills they could go into a joint committee of both House and Senate for compromise. Harry Reid will not allow a vote. A bill was sent by the House to legally delay certain parts of the healthcare law – the administration called the House terrorists. The bill died in the Senate and the administration delayed the same parts by fiat. It’s a gigantic game.
As far as Congress going to court, it happened all the time through many administrations. There are lawyers and oversight committees that are standing committees and function daily. No real incremental costs are made. At any given time dozens of laws are questioned, appealed and work their way through the judicial system. Ask yourself how many times has the executive branch filed lawsuits against the states in the last 6 years? Plenty.
I think reposting the fish story sums up your party’s total B.S. The republican party smells like my socks after 3 days in the mud.
I turtle sea this whale of a fish rotting like a bag of fish bones that even the hungriest of carps would have trouble sniffing this fillet of carcass. Hammerhead their skulls until they bug out of their shark mouths be cod they are nothing but crabby bitches and un-for-tuna-te they need to be fed to a school of piranhas and shudder to Shrimp not even a sting-ray of chicken necks or magic lures would make this sea of malcontents and be afraid to the biggest of whales but a sharknado Obama-I-fish-for-anything-that-swims-or-boats shrimping if the fish nets can’t hold the illegal wet fish then we just have to farm raise them in order to boat.
fish-fully submitted.
Fishy bones r us.
Be careful of winning the battle and losing the war as eventually the roles will be reversed and I wonder how justified you would feel when the party voted of be the Executive can’t even get a simple funding bill for VA health care passed without inserting other language to defund other programs so that this one can be paid for? We are in a budget deficit regardless and any thought of raising taxes to take care of the veterans must be delayed because the party wanting to be in charge can’t decide what is the right thing to do because the tea party has to tell then what is and isn’t allowed.
You see all bills regarding funding must start in the House. They are supposed to add funding as well as subtract funding. That is their job. Tea Party this and Tea Party that…. what a frickin’ lame one trick pony, we are over 17 trillion in debt and you think they should not cut anything?
We have to deal with the VA (Tax increase!)… we have to deal with the border (Tax increase!)… and since we stole the highway money we need to stimulate (Tax increase!). We are already in debt so whats another trillion or two. Hee Haw!
Andy Harris, you (and your ilk) are the problem. Stop drinking your tea (or Kool Aid) and start legislating on behalf of the American people (all of us, not just the whacked tea-baggers!).
And don’t give me any B.S. about using the term “tea-baggers” (it’s an accurate term to describe those folks that identify with that organization!).
Get to work and do SOMETHING productive! Oh…I almost forgot, you start your 5 WEEK VACATION (or shall we call it…RECESS, since you all act like a bunch of elementary school kids!) later today! 🙁
Look, you can be as ignorant and mentally insolvent as you want to be. After all, to think that those duly elected reps in the House are somehow due derision because they don’t rubber stamp the administration’s agenda, shows a painful ignorance of the process and a lack of capacity to understand governance.
The House of Representatives is called ‘The People’s House’ because it is based on population and the members must face reelection frequently. The reps in the House that stand in front of your wishes are carrying out the wishes of those who voted for them. Those are the people you really hate.
There has always been emotionalism in politics. But, until now, there has been a level of compromise in the last four administrations before this one. Folks that want to control spending and have limited government have a right and a right to a voice in how our government operates.
Reducing spending as well as not passing bad legislation is just as valuable as passing a bill that is worthwhile. I personally disagree with a number of Harris’ positions but he represents the people that voted for him, Just like Nance Pelosi represents her constituency.
Name calling and brick throwing only makes you a political pawn and prevents you from actually digging into the legislation in question… and, moreover, allows you to cover critical thinking with a media driven epithet. And that is what drinking ‘the koo-laid’ really means – or better put, drinking the kook-aid.
The good thing about Harris’ 5 week vacation is that he cannot do any harm. That said, he’ll probably be trolling around the district telling people how wonderful he is. I miss Gilchrest.
How much is this going to cost and what offsets have been identified to pay for it?
Applauding would be a lot of work for Andy,. He can put it at the top of the list of accomplishments as a congressman Good work andy you are .now and experienced applauder.
So did you poop today Andy or are you pacing yourself on physical activity as an elected official.
Andy demanded his Congressional health care package paid by the taxpayer but wouldn’t want the govt involved in health care? Typical TP thinking. As long as they receive the benefit from taxes and as long as someone else pays for it.
Obama clearly changed Obamacare with out congressional consent. That simple, yet you libs attack Harris for defending your liberty? Enjoy your servitude sheep.
Andy Harris has never voted with my interests or conscience– as a matter of fact, I don’t think he has a conscience as neither do your TP baggers.
All the commies, having lost the debate on facts and have sunk to name-calling. Okay, You’re an unwashed, ill-mannered, Trotskyite – somewhere to the left of Pol Pot.
Your name calling says more abt you. Do u ever have anything positive or nice to say?
I am not the turn-the-other-cheek type of person. I always lead with facts. If responded to in like kind a logical debate can follow. But as soon as the political labeling and race-baiting starts I can respond – not in the childish manner as attacked – but in the descriptions fitting the situation. Basically, I identify what I see.
If I keep reading ‘tea party’ this or ‘KKK’ that… or some suggestion that there is hatred toward minorities, well, I will state my feelings. I guess, in the circles of the progressives who post here – there is no questioning done or allowed. Every fault goes to the ‘tea party’ and every ‘tea party’ member is a racist – much like a Stalinist regime where a communist party member is present at all times to steer the blame to the appropriate, government approved enemy.
I like to be nice and I enjoy funny. I have a mild aversion to claptrap.
Mr. Harris, I voted for you. I will do so again. And again. Every time you run. I’m tired of spending more and more and more and I’m tired of governing by executive order. Tell the Senate to do its job and vote. Yes or no. But vote.