From the office of Congressman Andy Harris:
Washington, D.C. – With the passage of the Financial Services Appropriations bill, the House of Representatives kept intact Congressman Andy Harris’ provision against the decriminalization and legalization of marijuana in the District of Columbia. This provision, which passed with unanimous Republican support in committee last month, would seek to stop D.C. from utilizing federal or local funds to reduce the penalties for possession of marijuana for recreational use or to legalize marijuana outright for recreational use. No amendment was offered to remove Congressman Harris’ language from the bill. His provision would in no way impact the use of medical marijuana.
“I am pleased the House decided to take action to protect more teenagers from drug use,” says Congressman Harris. “As a physician, I have read study after study on the devastating effects of marijuana use, especially on developing brains of teenagers. When I became a physician, I took an oath to do no harm, and decriminalizing marijuana will harm D.C. residents, especially teens. We should be doing all we can to protect the health and safety of teens throughout the District—and the language in this bill will help us do that.”
If Mr. Harris is against “big government” and regulations on people, why does he vote in favor of another bill that restricts personal freedoms?
Because Andy Harris is a hypocrite.
Hey Andy,…ever heard of prohibition? How well did that work for this nation? Crime, murder, smuggling..etc.
Hey Andy….ever heard of personal responsibility?
So…it’s not OK for Michelle to dictate the content of school lunches….but it’s just fine for you to dictate to our youth and our citizens what they can do in the privacy of their own home.
The dichotomy of your opinion makes it really tough for me to deal with, without that second cup of coffee. OMG…caffeine overload…perhaps we should regulate that…oops…no I think NANNY government has already done that for the “poor children”.
We need to quit screwing around with half solutions.
Legalize it, but institute harsh penalties for harming someone while under the influence.
Right. Because who better to tell the people of DC what to do and how to manage their affairs than someone from Cockeysville who pretends to represent the Eastern Shore.
Dr. No has got to go!
Right. Because who better to tell the people of suburban/rural MD what to do and how to manage their affairs than someone from Chicago who pretends to represent America.
I’m glad you agree that the federal government is over-reaching.
Agreed, Andy Harris is just an ass……..
Actually Andy Harris’ stunt will make Marijuana totally legal. Since the District will be unable to issue the civil citations on the book for marijuana possession.
I guess harris is the new idiot we need to get rid of in harford county now the lame duck davey is gone