From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
Harford County Sheriff’s Office Detectives are asking for public assistance to identify several individuals that may be involved in a diversionary theft ring.
On July 2, 2014, a female victim was shopping at the Wal-Mart in Abingdon, MD when a black male asked her to help him get something from a shelf. When she finished helping the male she realized that her wallet was stolen from her purse. Her credit cards were used at the Abingdon Target later that morning. Since releasing the original story and photos, numerous other victims have come forward.
In working with area Target stores, detectives believe that the suspect is using the stolen credit cards to purchase Target gift cards. Those cards are then being used for purchases in Target Stores.
At this time Detectives are asking for any assistance in identifying any of the individuals pictured and encouraging any other victims to come forward. Anyone with information is asked to call Detective Yeagy of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office at 410-612-1718. All information will be kept strictly confidential.
Anonymous qualifying tips submitted to Metro Crime Stoppers leading to an arrest and indictment for a felony crime may be eligible for a cash reward of up to $2,000. Call 1-866-7LOCKUP or Text CRIMES(274637) Begin text with MCS then add your tip.
Willy says
I would knock the crap out of one of these shitheads if they tried to take my wallet. Taking advantage of women must make these jackasses feel so good. Karma is going to catch up
Plain As Day says
So…..anyone else picking up on the common theme in each picture?
…and they want us to stop treating them like criminals. Hmmmmm…
noble says
Use of the words “they” and “us” is pretty incriminating, if you ask me.
BC says
I think he means “THEY” as criminals and “US” as law-abiding citizens. What do you mean by incriminating?
noble says
We need to know what the “common theme” being identified was. Maybe I missed it, but I’m doubting the common theme is that they are all humans.
What common theme do you see?
BC says
Common theme=photographs of people suspected of committing crimes. What else could it be? not sure what you are confused about..
Open your eyes says
@ Noble
Open your eyes. What portion of the population commits the greatest amount of crimes by %? Who has the greatest % of people incarcerated? What group of people is responsible for the most deaths of young people 15-25 years old in the U.S.? Why are so many people afraid to hold some people accountable for their behavior?
Darwin says
I hope these are not teachers out “collecting” step increases.
The Money Tree says
Similar MO to the incident of the wallet being stolen from the woman at Wegmans some time ago. Hope the cops are comparing these photos even though the Wegman’s photos are more grainy.
Carlos says
The common theme that I believe is being referred to is that the individuals photographed are African American. It’s sickening. As a black man myself this is a disgrace. We fought/fight so hard for unity, fairness, and a good 401k benefit portfolio to have thugs like these make all of us look bad! Sorry, we are not all like this.
Miss Gulch says
Carlos, I agree with you. African Americans, especially older generation AA’s deal with this all the time and it is a shame. Other populations have dealt with it, such as Japanese Americans living in the US during the time of Pearl Harbor and more recently, people of middle eastern descent being suspect due to 9-11.
NotPC says
While it’s true that not all of you are like that, a disproportionately high percentage of blacks are criminals compared to other races. So, yes, I go on high alert when there are blacks around to make sure that I’m not robbed or assaulted. Sorry if you’re offended if I lock my car door when I see you nearby in the parking lot, but I’m just playing the odds. Blacks are about 12% of the population of Harford County but about 90% of the criminals pictured on The Dagger are black.
Over my lifetime, blacks have been the beneficiaries of so much favoritism that they have no excuse for their current criminal and poverty-ridden condition. Special protection in hiring and firing, quotas in all but name, leniency in the courts, degrading the school systems so that black grades and graduation rates approximate those of whites, ruining decent neighborhoods with hoards of black section eight moochers and criminals, etc. It is about time to admit that all the blacks that can be civilized have been and the rest are hopeless. Maybe we need a policy of swapping one section eight black for each illegal Mexican that crosses the border. At least the Mexicans are willing to work for a living.
Marc A Eaton says
Gangs are now going to fast food places and giving card readers to employees who work there. They use the readers in the drive thru and swipe your card. It is fast and you will never know until you get the alert from your bank at 11:30 PM telling you fraudulent activity has been found in your account. Got me for $300.00 dollars. Thankfully Bank of America has protection and caught it and I am not out the money. I saw now that that in other countries that have a card reader with a camera that they can put inside the card reader at the ATM. It not only reads your card but the camera can pick up the pin number when you put it in the ATM. I don’t let my card out of my view anymore. I wish these guys would put this time and creativeness to good use they would be amazed at what they could do.
Pamela says
We know what you’re referring to, Noble and you don’t have to apologize for our race, Carlos. A thief is a thief, whatever the color. I despise them all. And here on The Dagger, I’ve seen a lot of both.
I just wish that banks, cyber security and law enforcement agencies could keep up with the technology the criminals seem to have.
Gooter says
They do, the problem is the weak-ass Court system in Maryland refuses to appropriately punish offenders.
If they do give a reasonable sentence, then the mother of the criminal has her toothless face all over WJZ screaming about “Oh, why dey do my son like dat? Dat WHITE judge put him in prison because he is BLACK!”
That about sums it up!
Pamela says
I meant to address Plain as Day, not Noble.
J says
Well, take note.. I am an IT Security Professional. and the stuff I deal with daily makes my job harder and harder. Don’t get me wrong, I sit in a chair all day, but the amount of stress I go through for theifs, thugs, and criminals of all types has to keep me thinking. My advice. Scratch the 3 digit code off the back of your card and MEMORIZE IT. this way no one you hard the card to can get it, the CVE is used for verification. At pumps ALWAYS use a credit card and make certain you PAY your credit card do you dont run up debt trying to protect your checking.
Using your check card for online, gas, store, etc when its compromised your cash is compromised. you have to wait for all charges to clear your bank before they can help you. the Pending time – you are out of that money. So use a credit card. Keep your receipts, keep a balanced checkbook and you are 2 steps ahead of a thief. carry cash in a separate pocket, not in a wallet, not in a purse.
I got nailed once, learned the hard way, but the theif got stupid and ordered tires. I was able to catch mine on my own, the police were not concerned as much as I was, neither was the bank. but I caught my theif by tracking his every purchase. when he went to a tire place- RING RING! they put his car on a lift, called the police and he was arrested. but for $1900.00 he got 1 day in jail and $200.00 fine!! protect your self because our judicial system will not.
Hedley Lamarr says
This may be a little to complicated for HCSO, may they should ask for some help from Baltimore County PD
Narc A. Faton says
Let me guess it’s all Jesse Banes fault?
word on the street says
Crime is commit by all race of people, what about white collat crime that affects all Americans.
noble says
My general point in noting the “we” and “us” language was that it isn’t productive, in my opinion, to draw a lot of lines between “us” and “them”, no matter what kind of line it is, whether it’s race, gender, class, religion, political party, etc. That’s a dangerous proposition.
By all means, we hold everyone accountable for their actions, but you can do a lot more to solve problems that come from and impact all of us by being careful not to draw psychological lines between people, or by generalized labeling.
Whenever possible, we have to be careful questioners and take the time to understand the problems that face society, and over-use of generalization hinders the search for solutions.
Edgewood voter says
Crime is crime and facts are facts! The ugly truth is that 85% of the criminal justice system is comprised of blacks. The pictures can not be denied it’s a shame that 18% of the population commits 85% of the crime???
the professor says
Criminals commit crimes and end up in jail no matter what the race happens to be. When you look at it from that point of view you can make that distinction (skin color) for most petty crimes and most people are in jail due to our failed drug war policies. You can take it further and say most serial killers are of another race and most while collar crime (which goes unpunished often) are mostly other races too. Pedophilia tends to run in some ethic groups but I wouldn’t say their race was a contributing factor in their predilection to abuse children. You can also say that some races have suffered more at the hands of government refusal to view them as citizens for a long period in our history and others were sent to prison camps because they were of Japanese descent with no bone in the Pacific War theater. Others are being prosecuted now because they speak other languages from English. You can choose to see it as color or race as a predetermining factor in the crimes or types of crimes but it would be more productive to actually treat and view everyone with the same lenses. I certainly don’t go out thinking that a person of a certain race will rob me any more that some other race would abuse my kids or commit fraud against me.
Open your eyes says
@ professor
You need to turn off MSNBC and get out in to the real world. Your philosophical thinking makes me laugh. Why don’t you go to a law enforcement agency like Baltimore City PD, Harford Co. Sheriff (Edgewood Pct.), Aberdeen PD, etc. and ride along for a while. It would probably provide you with much needed insight. Many problems exist because of a lack of accountability on the part of the groups involved and a fear by many of being labeled a racist for actually being a realist who is trying to bring issues to light..
D says
Dear Dagger–your article is incorrect. This incident happened at the Fallston Walmart. The picture is clearly not of the Abingdon Walmart and is of the Fallston Walmart. The Aegis reported it correctly. Thank-you.
D is an idiot says
What are you talking about, are you drunk?
Louie says
D: Is the “D” for drunk, delusional or disturbed? Obviously you didn’t read the article and if you did, that makes your comment even scarier. Even if you were correct, the Dagger didn’t write the article, the Sheriff’s Office did which means the Aegis printed the exact same article. I don’t even know why I am wasting time responding to this, maybe because I can’t believe someone who knows how to use a computer is that stupid.
Gooter says
What picture gives you conclusive evidence that this is the Fallston Walmart?
Each picture here is CLEARLY a Target store (note the TARGET logo on all of the RED carts, the RED doors, the TARGET cashiers, etc…).
As far as the parking lot view, that is CLEARLY the Abingdon Target…to the left is the Chik-Fil-A where everyone in the county goes because they think it is somehow healthier than McDonald’s or Taco Bell (not realizing it is FRIED chicken).
Wait until the Aberdeen ChickAFIL or whatever the hell it’s called is finished, there are going to be MVC’s (Motor Vehicle Crashes) like “Woah” there. Route 22/Beards Hill… LOL!!!!
People already proved they wreck their cars in the most ridiculous ways as possible on a daily basis (read the Fire Blogs), combined with the fact that those Minivan driving fools that jam up the drive thru are going to be HUNGRY, and ANGRY + Harford County Driving = Insurance claim wet dream.
Gooter says
Dude! You nailed it! LOL
The same minivans that drive 20mph in the rain, but 100mph in the snow…
Might be fun to grab a sandwich and watch! LOL