Nearly one year after Sheriff Jesse Bane announced a summer initiative aimed at curbing violent crime in Edgewood, members of his agency again appeared before local residents Thursday night to detail new plans following a spate of recent violence in the Windsor Valley neighborhood.
Approximately 35 people attended the meeting of the Edgewood Community Council, including some two dozen Edgewood residents. Joining them were Bane, members of his command staff, State’s Attorney Joseph Cassilly, and Harford County Councilman Dion Guthrie.
Unlike last summer’s initiative, which saw broader sweeps of the Edgewood area, the Sheriff’s Office will use additional personnel along with crime data and tracking tools to target known criminals. According to Maj. Jack Meckley, newly promoted to oversee the agency’s police services bureau, the Sheriff’s Office has reallocated manpower from its northern precinct to the southern to assist in the effort.
“We’re taking a different approach, because the circumstances are different,” Bane said.
Bane said the strategy was in the planning stages long before a shooting death and a series of stabbings occurred in the Windsor Valley area last month; according to Bane, deputies began devising a plan last winter.
“We knew this was coming,” Bane said.
Meckley said a potential uptick in violence was probable after a long winter.
“Playing the percentages, we know that as the weather gets warmer, people get restless,” he told those present at the meeting. “We were already preparing that this might be a busy summer.”
However, crime in Edgewood has been on a downward trend for the first six months of the year, exceeding the decline already seen across the county, according to statistics presented by the Sheriff’s Office. While Part I, or more serious crimes, fell 12 percent countywide between Jan. 1 and June 30 compared to the same period last year, those same crimes in Edgewood fell by 15 percent, according to the agency’s internal record-keeping system. The full statistics are provided below.
The Sheriff’s Office presentation came on the heels of the June 25 shooting death of a 19-year-old man in the 400 block of Meadowood Drive, followed by a series of four non-fatal stabbings later that week.
Responding to a resident’s question, Sheriff’s Office Captain Jim Eyler said it does not appear that the murder and stabbings were connected.
“The short answer is no,” he said, declining to provide additional detail due to the ongoing nature of the respective investigations. He added that the surviving victims were providing “very little information” to detectives.
The Windsor Valley neighborhood may also benefit from a new ally in the form of a new landlord, the Wishrock Investment Group, which closed on the purchase of 283 units in the development on Monday. An owner of communities in several states across the country, director of operations Bryan Shumway said the company has several plans in the works to help “regrow” that community. In promotional materials, Wishrock said it “seeks to make Windsor Valley a model for future design process and resident engagement.”
Shumway also said the company will spend $13 million to refurbish nearly 300 units in the development, spending more than $40,000 in each.
“It’s not putting lipstick on a pig, these are major renovations, this is a significant investment,” he said.
The firm’s plans also include the installation of a surveillance system which offers video feeds accessible by Sheriff’s Office deputies directly from their cars and also monitored by a central station in Massachusetts. The cameras will have voice capability, allowing a person monitoring the feed to speak to via voice broadcast from the system.
One resident of the area questioned whether a curfew might help the situation. Guthrie said the idea had been discussed by the council, but would never see broad support as anything passed by the council would apply to the county at large, not just Edgewood.
“At best I might get one vote,” he said. “The rest of the council is not going to support it.”
However, he said that the various neighborhoods and developments could potentially enact local rules that include a curfew. Shumway said his company would publicize and enforce a set of “house rules” that include a curfew.
“A curfew is common sense and something we will be enforcing,” he said.
Guthrie added that he had a personal stake in ensuring the safety of Windsor Valley residents.
“It’s something near and dear to my heart, because my daughter and grandson live in Candlewood Court,” he said.
Part Ones 2013-2014_1st Half Comparison COMPLETE by daggerpress
Anyone know why the current president of the Harford Sheriff Union was demoted? What exactly did he do to get demoted or did Bane target him
he wasn’t targeted he was stupid he fudged a leave slip so he could spend time with his new girlfriend. Bane mainly targets females and deputies who didn’t support him in the last election. unless he promotes them to major
One question for Sheriff Bane. Where have you been the last 3 1/2 years?? Now 5 months before an election he come down here and tell us what he’s going to do now.
Yes I see this all the time, women leaven thier purse unattended in shopping cart. Ladies pay attention while you shop, personal responsibility is the key.
Funny, you cops don’t take personal responsibility for lying under oath or affirmation.
What would Gahler do?
Gahler won’t do anything without checking with Howard. Does the HCSO really need a puppet as the leader????
Well I will tell you that Gahler kicked everyone elses rear end when addressing the union membership and there was no one there holding his hand. Maybe Bane better start seeing if Howard is willing to help him out. Bane does more damage whenever his lips are moving.
@ Deputy Dog,
Yes… Gahler said that the Walters were not going to be part of his Command staff at the Union meeting. But… Why did he avoid the question for years? Why did he lose the support and confidence of the Deputies the last election? Why, because Howard was pulling the strings and would not allow Gahler to dispell the wide spread rumor that Mrs. Howard was going to be involved in the administration. Covert inside sources are getting credible intel that the original plans have never been changed. Questiion: Is it true that Mrs. Howard’s contract at HPD has an open ended clause until after November? Folks need to know. Rumor has it that Gahler was a decent cop and a good guy. The big worry is that he being played like a fool by someone who is just interested in feathering their own nest. The real issue in this election is who is best for the men and women of the HCSO as a body and who will not be a sell out.
Mr. Gahler never avoided the question. Just because the answer wasn’t what you wanted doesn’t mean he failed to address it. He answered it every time he was asked. Howard Walter was never going to be part of his command staff and Mrs. Walter was always being considered along with others during the last campaign. He answered then and he has answered now that neither of the Walters are being considered. Did you see the list of Bane’s actions that show the man has no integrity whatsoever? If not, I took the time to again cut and paste from Union Member’s posting on another thread. All of this versus your Howard rumor, I will trust Gahler before I ever vote for Bane again!
It is a fact that Sheriff Bane kept a Major sitting at home and on the payroll for over 10 months during an election year while the Major was being investigated for theft at Home Depot.
It is a fact that the Major was serving in an appointed position and could have been terminated at any time the Sheriff thought he no longer needed the Majors services.
It is a fact that the Sheriff terminated this Major after 10 months of sitting at home and receiving his $107,000 salary, after the Major was caught stealing again at Home Depot.
It is a fact that the Sheriff repeatedly stated he could not terminated this Major as the Major was protected by the provisions of LEOBR. It is a fact that the Sheriff then terminated the Major after he was caught stealing for the second time, dismissing his repeated statements that he could not terminate the Major.
It is a fact that Sheriff Bane promoted a female Lieutenant to the grade of Major, skipping her past the grade of Captain, and placing her in charge of police services, a position that even Sheriff Bane soon realized she was not qualified to perform, but refusing for over three years to correct his mistake. In this election year, she has been reassigned out of police services in an attempt by Sheriff Bane to regain some credibility with the rank and file deputies.
It is a fact that Sheriff Bane refused to promote the number one deputy of the Lieutenants promotion list because this employee had supported another person in the last Sheriff’s election. Only after being advised that the employee would win in a pending lawsuit did the Sheriff promote this employee.
It is a fact that Sheriff Bane has been ordered by the court to reinstate a female Corporal who he terminated even though a disciplinary board recommended a very minor punishment for her lack of supervisory counseling of an employee under her supervision. This rebuke by the court of Bane’s action has cost the county taxpayer over one and a half years salary and benefits that must be restored to this employee.
It is a fact that nine inmates have died at the Harford County Detention Center during Sheriff Bane’s first seven years in office. Several of these inmate deaths have resulted in significant payouts by the county to settle lawsuits filed on behalf of the inmates.
It is a fact that a multi-million dollar expansion of the Detention Center has, for the most part, remained empty and unused since its completion four years ago due to Sheriff Bane not providing sufficient manning to open the expanded facility.
It is a fact that the Detention Center has gone without a Warden for almost four years even though Sheriff Bane had stated in a press release over two years ago that he was making the Warden position a top priority to fill with someone who had extensive knowledge and experience in the corrections field.
It is a fact that Sheriff Bane recently announced the hiring of Mr. Chuck Moore, a retired police Captain, to be the new Warden. Mr. Moore has zero experience in the field of corrections or the operations of a jail facility.
@ Boot Bane
You can support and vote for anyone you want. I made no pitch for Bane so I don’t know why you felt the need to re-print your information. All I ask is you do not mislead the readers. Gahler was asked repeatedly on numerous occasions if “”Mrs. Howard”” was going to be considered for a position in his command. He would routinely answer that “specific” question by stating that “Howard Walter would not be in his command”. You know, and Gahler’s own people knew that his lack of transparancy about that one question was a very contributing factor to his loss in the first election. I have not heard of anyone that was ever told “publicly” by Mr. Gahler that “”Mrs. Howard”” was in consideration. To say that he never avoided the question is a fallacy. I have noticed that your post are usually well written in an articulate manner. I trust that you didn’t fall on your head or were hit by an errant golf ball which caused you temporary memory loss. Agian vote for and support anyone you want but lets keep the game fair.
You obviously don’t know much about Chief Walter, the wife of Howard Walter. She is a leader who, as Chief of Police for the city of Havre de Grace, has excelled in anything she has undertaken.
Ms. Walter does not need, nor does she intend to be “second” to anyone in the HCSO. She gave many years to the HCSO and was an outstanding officer throughout those many years, rising to the grade of Captain.
Should she ever consider a return to the HCSO it would be as a candidate for the Office of Sheriff, and the agency along with the citizens of Harford County would be very fortunate to have her in that capacity. Unfortunately, for us, that is not on her bucket list of things to do. She retired almost ten years ago from HCSO and has moved on to the top position in Havre de Grace where she is perfectly happy, as are the citizens of Havre de Grace to have her.
Sorry that you feel it is okay to continue to spread false statements but Gahler consistently stated that Mrs. Walter and many others were still in the list to be considered during the entire last election cycle. Because you don’t like the answer doesn’t mean he failed to answer it.
Gahler will just promote the Nazism he believes in.
Wow! What an outrageous and racist comment. Care to explain it? Bane supporters have reached an all new low with this comment.
Just consider the source. When the left libs can’t win with facts they use smear tactics.
I don’t support any candidate. It is my opinion, from personal experience, that Harford County Cops can’t tell the truth and are a bunch of lying little pricks. I feel the same way about your State’s Attorney Office and your Judiciary. There is no honor in lying or committing perjury to win a case, even if your name is Sean Marston…….
SoulCrusher, you sound like to gotta chip on your shoulder. Why don’t you pick up and move to West Baltimoe
SoulCrusher, I didn’t know Jeff was German. Why don’t you also tell us about Obummer and the leadership he is providing. Or is he just providing you a free cell phone..? Whats the 411 Yo?
How can the public trust the Deputies union endorsement wether it be for Bane or Gahler? Marc Eaton told me that The deputies union president committed an ethics violation and forged his leave slips with another supervisors name. Discount Double said that he did this so he could hang out with his girlfriend. Is this man still a supervisor in the Sheriff Department and do you really want him representing you all as your union president
What the DSU President supposedly did is nothing compared to the integrity issues of the current sheriff. I copied this from Union Member’s posting on another story, but I can attest to most everything being spot on accurate. It likely all is, I just don’t know a couple of the things personally.
It is a fact that Sheriff Bane kept a Major sitting at home and on the payroll for over 10 months during an election year while the Major was being investigated for theft at Home Depot.
It is a fact that the Major was serving in an appointed position and could have been terminated at any time the Sheriff thought he no longer needed the Majors services.
It is a fact that the Sheriff terminated this Major after 10 months of sitting at home and receiving his $107,000 salary, after the Major was caught stealing again at Home Depot.
It is a fact that the Sheriff repeatedly stated he could not terminated this Major as the Major was protected by the provisions of LEOBR. It is a fact that the Sheriff then terminated the Major after he was caught stealing for the second time, dismissing his repeated statements that he could not terminate the Major.
It is a fact that Sheriff Bane promoted a female Lieutenant to the grade of Major, skipping her past the grade of Captain, and placing her in charge of police services, a position that even Sheriff Bane soon realized she was not qualified to perform, but refusing for over three years to correct his mistake. In this election year, she has been reassigned out of police services in an attempt by Sheriff Bane to regain some credibility with the rank and file deputies.
It is a fact that Sheriff Bane refused to promote the number one deputy of the Lieutenants promotion list because this employee had supported another person in the last Sheriff’s election. Only after being advised that the employee would win in a pending lawsuit did the Sheriff promote this employee.
It is a fact that Sheriff Bane has been ordered by the court to reinstate a female Corporal who he terminated even though a disciplinary board recommended a very minor punishment for her lack of supervisory counseling of an employee under her supervision. This rebuke by the court of Bane’s action has cost the county taxpayer over one and a half years salary and benefits that must be restored to this employee.
It is a fact that nine inmates have died at the Harford County Detention Center during Sheriff Bane’s first seven years in office. Several of these inmate deaths have resulted in significant payouts by the county to settle lawsuits filed on behalf of the inmates.
It is a fact that a multi-million dollar expansion of the Detention Center has, for the most part, remained empty and unused since its completion four years ago due to Sheriff Bane not providing sufficient manning to open the expanded facility.
It is a fact that the Detention Center has gone without a Warden for almost four years even though Sheriff Bane had stated in a press release over two years ago that he was making the Warden position a top priority to fill with someone who had extensive knowledge and experience in the corrections field.
It is a fact that Sheriff Bane recently announced the hiring of Mr. Chuck Moore, a retired police Captain, to be the new Warden. Mr. Moore has zero experience in the field of corrections or the operations of a jail facility.
This is all resume enhancements to a liberal like Bane. We have a Governor who had an affair and now has twins living in New York. It seems no one holds any politician Republican or Democrat to any higher accountability anymore.
I’m no O’Malley fan, but this seems like a shameful and vicious slur. I challenge you to provide a link to prove this as a fact, or issue an apology to the governor here and now. If you do neither, you have no credibility in anything you say.
This female corporal issue keeps being brought up and since you bring it up I have a few questions. What was her original charge(s)? Was there any integrity or ethics violations? Was she targeted by Bane because she supported Ryan or Gahler? What was the original recommended punishment before the trial board but after the IA? Do you have any proof that this was done because she was a female?
Not an ethics violation. Not because she was a women. Nothing to do with who she supported. From a statement she made as Union Secretary after roll call. The appeal is public record and I have not looked at it. You can get a copy of it. My advice to her is you were granted a gift. Now she will have a target on her back because Bane does not like to be told he is wrong or makes mistakes. He also has his minions to watch her. This is how people have to work under Bane, unless you are one of his meat puppets. This is how he operated during Sheriff Mele’s four year to. I have two example of my own on how Bane operates. One from 1987 and the other involving myself and two other deputies in early 1990. I will not write it out I am going to do a video on it and ask for permission from the Dagger to share the link. The cowards on here who hide behind fake names are welcome to made a video response on my youtube channel where is will be located.
I concur with most of what you state regarding this issue except your description of the court decision as a gift.
The court decision was not a gift. It was a decision that was based on the evidence before the court. It was a decision that was earned through “facts” before the court. Facts about Bane and his actions toward this employee. In the end, the court did what was RIGHT, and ordered Bane to reinstate this employee, and to pay all back pay and benefits.
Then the court took an additional step in admonishing Bane and his actions. So no, this was not a gift…… this was an action, an order by the court, to make whole an employee who was wronged by Bane and to right that wrong.
Sorry poor choice of words. What I meant was she was fortunate to get this decision in her favor.
The fortunate thing about this issue is she stood up to this man. Others have just retired or were unable to spend the money to take Bane to court. Those that have, including families of several inmates, have been successful through the legal process.
Thanks for the info Mark and I look forward to the video. What I need and I think other voters need is facts. It’s hard to make a choice for Sheriff when both sides have mud slinging on here. I am not pressed at all with Bane but I’m not sold on Gahlet either. I’m sure I’m not the only one
Describe what you believe is mudslinging. Is it mudslinging to state the facts of Sheriff Banes actions?
Is it mudslinging to describe how he treats his employees?
Is it mudslinging to state the nine deaths at the Detention Center during Bane’s first seven years as Sheriff?
Is it mudslinging to talk about a multi-million dollar jail expansion that has remained empty for over four years because the Sheriff has not provided sufficient staffing to open the new expanded facility?
Is it mudslinging to describe a press release (available on the Dagger Press archives) from Bane stating that he is going to hire a Warden for the Detention Center, a position that had been vacant for two years, and describing in the press release that he would hire someone who had vast experience and knowledge in management of correctional systems and jail operations?
Is it mudslinging to state that some two years after Bane described in that press release his intentions of hiring an experienced Warden for the Detention Center, he now, in this election year, hires a retired police Captain, with zero experience in corrections and zero experience in jail operations?
Is it mudslinging to talk about his manipulation of the department promotion system to promote his cronies even though they finished much lower in the promotional process than those who supported him during the election?
During the past four years, Gahler and Ryan have described through their web sites and other brochures, pamphlets, meeting with community groups etc., what they would do to change the current policies and procedures in the HCSO, along with thoughts about how they would approach policing in Harford County. Hopefully, you will avail yourself of the multitude of information out there about Gahler if you are really interested.
I don’t speak for Gahler and I don’t speak for Bane. They speak for themselves. But Bane has a record as Sheriff, and I along with others speak to and about that record.
Bravo Union Member… except I’m sure you meant to say his “cronies” that scored lower than others that didn’t support him in the last election
You go Man !
Yes, I did. Thanks for the correction.
“The firm’s plans also include the installation of a surveillance system which offers video feeds accessible by Sheriff’s Office deputies directly from their cars and also monitored by a central station in Massachusetts. The cameras will have voice capability, allowing a person monitoring the feed to speak to via voice broadcast from the system.”
I hope the firm specified armored steel boxes for the cameras and not cheap sheet metal. I doubt the systems will have microphones, due to our wiretapping laws and privacy concerns, but I bet the obscenities shouted at the camera after each use of the voice system would be pretty funny to listen to.
Eaton you posted something about deputies sleeping on the job. This still happens but it’s less obvious. All you have to do us listen to the radio and you know. It’s not like what 172 did when he was calling out fake patrol checks and not responding as backup for the 30/40 car
When we were new we all got the 12-8 speech about not talking on the radio after 3 AM. They gave me the same speech in 1996 when I got out of K-9. I just made it a mission to make sure I made as many traffic stops or patrol requests as possible to keep the radio going. This is why I never got along with the 12-8 gang. The speech is still given from what I am told. I never saw 172 do this or any others on midnight shift. I am sure it happened.
Know the Real Truth says
July 12, 2014 at 9:48 pm
Yes Marc, guys slept, but most didn’t falsely call in responding to, arriving at, handling calls and then call in a disposition, all without moving an inch. Then to lie about it….. that compounded his uselessness.
what about the deputy who sleeps in the woods in cardiff md near the old school ?
what about all the kids/teens with outstanding warrants who sit on the porches all day drinking and getting high ?
bane has done nothing about this for the cardiff residents why ?
because Bane is too busy coddling the poor mommas in Edgewood whose kids are thugs. you are right to be pissed off. show him how pissed off you are for ignoring your neck of the woods at the voting booth this November
Still waiting for Gahler supporters like DFC Eaton, Discount Double, Boot Bane and Union Member to let me know why they like Gahler? What exactly is Gahlers plan? Boots on the ground sounds like a rap song not a specific plan. How does Gahler plan to allocate personnel, what units are on the chopping block and why? He’s had 4 years to think about a plan so what is it?
Go to his web site and ask him. Email him and ask him. Attend a Deputies Union meeting and ask him. Speak to him in person when or if you see him at the various county events. He will be happy to answer your questions.
We don’t speak for him. He speaks for himself. You keep asking us to speak for him…… won’t happen. Gahler speaks for Gahler.
You want to know why I like Gahler. That can be answered….. he’s not Bane!
As for Union Members list of bad things Jesse Bane has done, they were decisions that were made that could have gone either way. Looking back at some of them maybe they were not the best decisions but it’s easy to Monday-morning quarterback. No one is perfect.
There is no need to “monday morning quarterback”, Gahler and others told Bane he was wrong before most of the actions described. There was no going either way. Bane is a petty vengeful little man who has a god complex and only those that worship at his feet are safe from his wrath. Good thing he has found a chief deputy and a warden willing to get on their knees and pay the price to be on Banes command staff for the next few months. Can;t wait to see the Bane departure tour from 45 N. Main.
“its easy to Monday morning quarterback. No one is perfect.”
That’s your explanation for the repeated mis-steps by Sheriff Bane toward his employees?
Let me share with you something that is even easier than Monday morning quarterbacking. Do the RIGHT thing in the first place.
@ Union Member
I respect your right to have an opinion. From your title I feel safe to assume that you are or were a Deputy. A good officer should have the ability to make accurate assessments of situations. It keeps you safe in all situations.
Just remember one thing. The most important trait of any police officer is his/her ability to keep their word. There is an old saying…… “say what you mean and mean what you say”. And as Forest Gump would say “that’s all I got to say about that”
Union Member you at the Teresa Walter has excelled in Havre DeGrace, have you bothered to ask her officers what they think of her? I will answer that for you they don’t think to highly if her, but ask them if you don’t believe me. I hope she stays up for everyone’s sake at HCSO.
Union Member you said that Teresa Walter……^^^
Our Officers speak with HDGPD Officers on a daily basis. There is an overwhelming consensus that Chief Walter is very well accepted by the Officers of HDGPD.
Would you care to offer facts to indicate otherwise.
Regardless of what people think of Chief Walter, the bottom line is she is not interested in, nor is she going to be a part of the Gahler administration.
@ Union Member
Can’t say that I agree with the first two sentences AT ALL but I sure hope that the last sentence is true for the sake of the members of the Sheriff’s Office. I think that the point made by Mr. Wolf hit the nail right on the head. You know the point about the most important trait of a police officer. Again Sir or Ma’am I hope and pray your information is correct. The members of the department certainly don’t need the TW two step to come back. That dance has been gone for almost ten years and hopefully gone for good. If Gahler is truly finally being his own man I wish him the best.
I heard Edgewood was a hit at the box office this weekend.
I heard Gabler talk about patrol being short. Which it is. If he gets rid of a few units who cares. Name all the units you like, guess what? They’re all down south. Folks up north get the bare minium. They pay taxes up north as well don’t they deserve more police?
You put more units where factors like the population and crime is greater. You do it by numbers.
We should round em all up put them on a cargo ship back to west Africa Soul crusher you can be first mate.
How is my comment awaiting moderation when this guy’s statement is obviously racially motivated. Dagger, you guys are hypocrites.
SoulCrusher maybe you should take the Soul Trainnnnnn.
Free Cheese, you boor me….
Soul crusher your correct for the most part. I just don’t agree with certain areas getting ZERO police presence
No area should have zero police presence. I just think numbers will be reduced in lightly populated areas and that just happens to be Northern Harford County. Most population is centered in the Bel Air and Edgewood/Aberdeen areas, that is also where most of the suspected criminal activity is. Unless Northern Harford County has a sudden crime wave expect the numbers to decrease there.
Teresa Walter was one of the best supervisor’s that I had when I was working.
Marc are you smoking Sherm Stick???????? She was a horrible boss and is even worse as chief of police.
I can not speak for her as a Chief of HDGPD. I worked for her while I was in Traffic and she was a good supervisor. Smitty, don’t BS me you and the Baner’s look for excuses to bash me every chance you get. Jeff stood in front of the Union knowing he was being filmed and said that the Walter’s will have nothing to do with his administration. I wish we could play his video compared to Bane’s video. You on the Bane wagon are desperate and you are trying to give this old worn out issue of Howard and Teresa new life. You got nothing else. Bane has done nothing since taking office but give the county over to the gangs and criminals. Now that it is an election year he is going to meet with the public to explain the “uptick” in crime. Jesse, if you are only going to address crime every four years then I think everyone knows why the “uptick” in crime is taking place. If he has a plan, I can say that someone else came up with it or he will take credit for it. Serious questions should be how did you let it get this way and why are you just now dealing with it? I asked many posts ago for ten things Bane has done to improve Harford County voters safety as of today not one things has been given to me. The gangs realize Bane is weak and soft. They know he will not confront the problem they way it should be and he will blow smoke until after the election. The gangs probably have Bane signs and bumper stickers and will go door to door for him. He is good for their business. Voters just have to ask them selves if they will be better off with four more years of the soft and fuzzy Bane approach to controlling crime. If they like the gangs ruling Edgewood selling dope and recruiting new members then stay with the man who brought this to you. If you want to have these thugs fear the police again then put Jeff in charge and give him four years to prove he is a man of his word and change things. You know what you are getting with Bane, he has had since 2006 to make things better. Has he? He has destroyed the moral of the department, pitted his minions against he own people and deals out punishment by how much money you give to his election. It isn’t working, time to give Jeff a chance to right the ship. I will be the first one on here if the moral and treatment of people at the Sheriff’s Office are not treated fairly.
What little credibility you had is now gone with that comment Eaton.