From left: Brandon Nance, Brentt Holland, Ryan Hedge
From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
Matthew Fink, 17, of Bel Air; Mason Kelly, 17, of Bel Air
Ryan Andrew Hedge, 19, 204 Drexel Drive, Bel Air, charged with robbery. Held on $150,000 bond.
Brandon Keith Nance, 18, 204 Friendship Rd. Elkton, charged with robbery. Held on $175,000 bond.
Brentt William Holland, 22, 129 Drexel Drive, Bel Air, charged with robbery. Held on $150,000 bond.
Date: June 28, 2014 at approximately 11:25pm
Location: Drexel Drive, Bel Air, Md.
Call type: Responded in reference to shots fired at a vehicle
Upon arrival deputies made contact with the victims. Both victims told police they were on Drexel Drive when at least three subjects approached the vehicle, broke out the driver’s window and pointed a hand gun at the victim(s). A second suspect approached the car and began striking it with a baseball bat. A gunshot was then heard and the suspect fled the area.
The victims told police they believed they knew who the suspects were. As a result of further investigation all three suspects were identified as being involved in the robbery and assault. All three suspects were later found at 204 Drexel Drive and taken into custody. Evidence believed related to the crime was recovered as well. Both victims had suffered minor injuries from broken glass fragments. The victims were driving a silver Honda at the time of the robbery. The vehicle had been damaged by the suspects and the damage included a broken driver’s and passenger window and a damaged windshield.
Which one of these is not like the other, not like the other, not like the other???
Yes one is from Elkton
Bel Air is going downhill fast!
These three idiots wouldn’t last 5 minutes in a prison.
Brandon has already been to jail and why don’t you just stfu like you know something
Oh, Kristen, honey, it looks like Brandon is going back in and maybe for longer this time. If not then he doesn’t have long on the street unless he gets his head out because he is dumb as a fence post. But maybe that’s the kind of guys you like. What a bunch of losers.
The Nance boy is from Idiotville…Can’t seem to stay out of the trouble..unfortunate for him and fortunate for us…we get to keep our freedom while he gets to pick out a new boyfriend to hitch hike under the covers with…
How about you shut your face about my brother and your the one from “Idiotville” because he is 100% straight unlike you and your smart mouth not knowing what really happened!!!
Oh, yes let me prove this person is able to survive prison by pointing out he is going as a repeat customer! It’s no surprise that with people like you defending him he hasn’t cleaned himself up. Such a shame, too bad he will see the light of day again. Not sure he deserves it.
This man is not going to get life for armed robbery….
All the section 8 roaches are defending these a-holes, just amazing.
@Kristen, you say that like it is something to be proud of. What the heck is wrong with kids these days?
Great job by the parents of these 3 DB’s
This is nances little sister, We have an mother who raised 3 kids by herself for 7 years so great going on that hunny!!!
If concealed carry was legal in Maryland, this crap would primarily be happening in Baltimore and not Bel Air!
That makes a lot of sense…. because if it were allowed the 17 year olds would be packing heat??? Your a dumb ass.
Most states (including Maryland) require the person be 21 years old to be eligible for a permit to carry a concealed handgun.
States that allow open carry usually require the person tp be 18 years old.
Maryland doesn’t have open carry, nor does the Permit to Carry Handgun in Maryland define concealed or open.
It’s “you’re”, not ‘your’. Who’s the dumb ass?
You are.
very refreshing to see these thugs with all-american names
Exactly, what is an American name.
Jose, Jesus, Yousf, Mohammad, Yolanda.
Something tells me this isn’t their first run in with the law. The quickest,surest way to reduce crime is to lock up the bad guys for a long time. If they commit another crime when they get out lock them up longer.
Take the gyms, cable tv, libraries, phones, conjugal visits and non emergency health care away. Make prison so bad no one would want to go back in.
I agree. Now that they are behind bars maybe the judges can keep them there for a few years.
“Take the…non emergency health care away. Make prison so bad no one would want to go back in.”
Seriously? Non emergency health care? Prenatal care is non-emergent. You want to get rid of that? Sometimes the old addage “a stitch in time saves nine” is pretty relevant.
Pretty sure Maryland prisons do not have conjugal visits anyway…
The rest (gyms, tv, libraries, and phones) could be there to keep the prisoners active and engaged. Prisons would be way too dangerous for employees if you had a bunch of bored and restless people incarcerated.
It is called the 8th amendment. Look it up.
Are you really defending prisoners rights?
They lose all rights to a normal life the minute they are incarcerated. I would rather have then repenting for their wrong doings than stroking off their cell-mate after working out and having a hot meal.
No, model all prisons after the Maricopa County jail, and to hell with “freedoms” for prisoners.
Jails are bad places, instead they are turning into club med.
“Ironically, despite Arpaio’s obsession with saving money, his policies have left taxpayers on the hook for millions of dollars in court fees and settlements. From 1998-2010, the county paid out $13 million to inmates and their relatives for injury and death claims against Correctional Health Services.” Time Magazine
That is what Harford County and Maryland residents would end up with if the Detention Center became like Maricopa County. There are basic human rights to which people are entitled – medical treatment being one of them. It doesn’t matter where they reside. Being incarcerated means your freedoms are limited – not extinguished.
The problem is not Arpaio – it’s the judges and juries that award obscene amounts in these cases.
Get rid of the exercise equipment and recreation time, and bring in more doughnuts and ice cream. Fatten up the inmates so they are easier to catch after they are released and commit more crimes.
Maryland does have conjugal visits. You only need look at the mess in central booking. 4 of the “Guards” had kids by the inmates. Omalley is great, OBEY
Of course the best solution to the problem is a gun shot to the head to put these vermin out of their misery, save society millions and spare their future victims.
Went to school with Brandon and Ryan. Brandon got arrested for beating some kid up and bragged about it by having the news paper article on one of his binders. Both of them were nice kids, just a shame they went down the wrong road.
This isn’t their first run in with the law. They are up for VOP from incident last summer where they assualted a 15 year old who was walking alone at the time.
They need to go away for a long time.
Thats what happens when you have Section 8 housing. Keep these idiots where they belong. Locked up!
What does section 8 have to do with this? I have lived on drexel for 6 years and have yet to hear of section 8 on this street…
All I can say is wow…
Haha these little c*nts are scum. These are kids that will never be a part of a cohesive peaceful society. Therr all going to have rap sheets 10 pgs long before there 30 and will be digging ditches all there lives (when there not in prison) because they wil never get a real good paying job. There going to be lower class trash. Thats what they are, and what they will always be. I rejoice at the fact that they will never be respectful hard working individuals. Once there 40 (if they make it that long) hopefully they will have a moment, and realize that they ruined there lives with the decisions they made today. And they will have to live with that. Thats satisfying enough for me.
They will never be part of a “cohesive peaceful society”. Honey please. Because your comment is soooo peaceful. You “rejoice” that they will never be hardworking. What kind of human is excited that another human did a bad thing? Really? Yes they clearly aren’t very classy, nor very smart. But celebrating that someone failed….how does that make you classy?
That Ryan fucker stole some shit from roundtop wearing a bel air wrestling hoodie and got caught on camera doing so and the next thing I know I have Pennsylvania state police trying to charge me for it while I’m away at college because apparently I look like him in the grainy ass camera. Fuck that kid, all these over priveledged little fuckers. I hope the detergent in the pillows at the prison tastes like shit when they’re biting them while getting railed harder than Pam Anderson in the mid 90s. Eat a dick little cock suckers.
The next Mark Twain
I hope that the Dagger will follow this story through the courts to see if some lame-brain judge lets them off with a wrist slap.
It truly saddens me to read the comment of these people… I mean you sound like communist . What ever happened to law in America where you are innocent until proven guilty. The ignorance in these statement shows where America it truly heading.So I hope you all learn one of two things the American constitution or how to speak Mandarin because you all sound like dirty communist. What happened to freedom and justice for all. So sad how far America has fallen .
Innocent until proven guilty only applies in court
Actually it’s in Americans constitute
What is wrong with you people I know there idiots but how do you know ones not guilty it only talks about to of them not three
Sorry about your issues on Drexel dr, but its been known for a while that drexel dr /st Francis dr area is considered the “shady” area of that region! And yes….as much as u want to argue the issue…section 8 has downgraded that part of bel air!! It is now locally known to be equivalent to the Melrose ct/ Columbine pl area off of Bynum rd….landlords get greedy and dont care what they are doing to the community their property is on!!
Good people live here. Honest people. People that are starting out. People that need an affordable life. There are bad seeds everywhere. Try to help a situation rather then writing it off as a lost cause.
Send them to the Baltimore City lockup. They will really give that girl-looking dirt bag in the middle the love he never received as a child. Hopefully all three will get shanked in jail and save the rest of the hard working people the extra tax cost of a trial and long-term incarceration. And I agree with the other gentleman, reclaim that real estate and get that section 8 scum out of Harford County. At least keep it in Edgewood where it belongs. How many lessons does it take before you liberal boneheads wake up? Section 8 does not work! The only thing it does is give the hard working man the shaft by ruining his property value. Put that Section 8 crap next to Woodsbrook in Fallston if you want to make it fair. I have a better chance of making love to Bob Ward’s wife.
I know the one boy and that boy was not doing anything like that around Aberdeen. hes soft as cotton.. And for the other two i would only guess they are as well. To bad jail time dose not just consist of hcdc. sorry boys prison awaits you and young guys like you will be loved so enjoy
Well they all have priors–some first and 2nd degree assault too.. just check md case search..
This is a little over rated. The two boys are fine and no 1 really knows the truth. so just shut up .
& another thing Brandon Nance isn’t that bad of a kid. He has made some mistakes but what teenager doesn’t. not all of.ypu are perfect you know so be quiet. you can’t always go off of people story that are claiming to be the victim. Some victim’s do lie they are humans. so until there solid facts and found quilty shut up. I’m not gonna say anything for Ryan hedge because I don’t know him well and I know he acts like a gangster but there still young .
Mothers like you are pathetic and a sad excuse for a parent. Mothers like you are why kids go around acting like little ungrateful shits. Mothers like you are the minority but your offspring children make up the majority of crime breaking animals.
Telling people to shut up?
You stay classy, Bel Air Section 8.
If “it” acts like a gangster-treat it like a gangster and send it up the road..
I wonder if Ms Siple will claim these kids are hers and they are perfect.
Reading these comments makes me scared anyone can vote. Wishing deep hell on these 3 or verbally attacking someone because of a comment; how does that make you a better person? Saying you hope someone gets raped, or claiming someone is a shitty parent because of a COMMENT ( yeah ok). Doesn’t that make you kinda messed up just like them? Oh yeah, and correcting grammar makes you sooooo much better than everyone else. Get off your high horses people.
It really does not matter. These kids are at a crucial crossroads in their lives. I can only assume they were not ready to pack their bags in a few weeks and head off to school making their parents proud. They will be the ones hanging out at 7-11 when they are 30 looking for a party.
As you can tell Brent doesn’t look all mad he looks frightened poor Brent
Why do people think they all did it even though it said 2 people did it what is wrong with you guys
I’d be shocked if this wasn’t a substance abuse issue. They’ll do time, but these are kids who shouldn’t lose their life for this stupidity, knowing that no one else was killed. They look like they could use rehab and it very well could change their lives. I hope someone out there loves them enough to give them that chance.
Also, violence is a learned action. It can be unlearned. They are way too young for all this serving life talk. It says only two were involved, but the third, judging by the address, was probably arrested for harboring them afterwards.
I got to know Ryan and brandon very well and there both very smart kids. What ever happened everyone needs to mind there own business . No one cares bout your opinion . No one should be saying they deserve it. Maybe if you got to know them better and see how they were you wouldn’t be sending them to jail. You people don’t know the truth, no one does so stay out of there’s. !!
I’m sure they are delightful young men. They just need to get what comes to them for being “good kids” that like to smash cars and crack off rounds in a residential area.
They made it everyone’s business when they decided to assault someone. And yes they are very smart, they normally wait until Ryan’s mother works the nightshift to sit out on their deck and drink all night with half the other underage kids in the neighborhood.
anyone who defends these jokers for their actions needs to be a victim like the 17 year old kids they terrorized. think hard about your comments folks, would like to have a gun pointed at you? and by the way, who’s gun was it? this is a prime example why congress constantly bashes gun owners.
Ted Bundy was a very nice and smart kid as well.
Quite the charmer too!
u guys dont even know them they r inncocent until proven guilty
I can tell by looking at them. They look like trash,
This is Ghettolicious
String em up!
You can say whatever you want when you don’t have to give your real identity. Some, or most of the comments on here think you all should move to North Avenue. Quit trashing Bel Air.
They will be prized and well loved in the big house. Noting like getting your black in the red? These wanna be hoodrats embrace drinking and shooting off guns in the hard streets of Bel Air. They are about to meet reality in a 6 foot cell with some other guys intent to win over some….and then some more
I really would like to know if these are the ones who broke into my truck and took my purse!!!!
Why in the world would anyone defend these DB’s.
I love how everyone that commented negatively want to try to claim they are such model people . You all might not make stupid decisions , but I’m sure you all fucking are still friends or speak to a family member who has . Your all fucking hypocrites , have nothing else better to do then judge someone else’s lives. Who are you ? God ? It was a mother fucking BB gun you IGNORANT dicks . People are so fucking stupid
Years ago, a bunch of punks fired a bb gun through my front window nearly hitting my baby daughter. I would have loved to have caught up with those shits and beat the hell out of them with a baseball bat.
I agree, I’m Brandon Nance’s little sister and people need to stop judging people for things we don’t even know the 100% real true yet.
You decide to purposely find an 8 month news article and start replying? Herp durrrrrrrrrrr.
Did you fart? I smell cheddar cheese.
This is Mr.Nance’s little sister, My brother didn’t do anything wrong at this time because Hedge’s mother bought pizza for the boys, yes Mr. Holland was there but he left and later Nance & Hedge found out he was there, The Holland boy snuck back in threw the house, so in my opinion I think Holland did it . My big brother doesn’t need to go away because he has a life, he has a family, a job, a girlfriend, and makes his own money, unlike some of you freaking lowlifes out there who are judging my brother because he got into a fight with a boy 3 or 4 years ago because it was stupid teenage thing, in my opinion everyone has got into a fight once in there lifetime, unless it is your religion not to. My brother does not need to be charged or judged for something he didn’t even do. Cops don’t know everything in this world so some people need to keep their opinion to themselves because you do not know what happened… The cops don’t know who did it, because Fink & Kelley want to by DRUGS from someone. They didn’t even get arrested for what Fink & Kelley did…. Everything just is sketchy…. But you all need to keep your thoughts to yourself.
He will be judged by the company he keeps. If he picked better friends and is innocent he would have nothing to worry about. Birds of a feather flock together. They are all douche bags
He’s not a douche bag
Smoke another one, crack head.