From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
Lt. Robert Aigner, a veteran member of the Harford County Detention Center, was recently recognized by the Maryland Correctional Administrators Association (MCAA) as Employee of the Year. Lt. Aigner is Chief of Security and serves as liaison between the Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigation Division and the Office of Professional Standards. He is described by his peers as a professional, fair and confident individual possessing excellent interview and communications skills. “He goes above and beyond to make sure all of his investigations are completed thoroughly and accurately”, said Captain Michael Siler.
Siler also commented in his nomination, “Lt. Aigner has many responsibilities that go beyond investigative work; which include the security and integrity of the facility and safety of all personnel and inmates. With Lt. Aigner’s work ethic, dedication and commitment to his duties, I feel that Lt. Aigner’s contribution should not go unnoticed.”
“This was no surprise to me”, said Sheriff L. Jesse Bane. “Lieutenant Aigner possesses a strong work ethic and is a professional and consummate corrections officer. I am very pleased that MCAA saw fit to recognize such a worthy individual”, the Sheriff said.
Lt. Aigner received his award at the MCAA yearly conference held in Ocean City.
Wow he was a great guy but he came home from the convention and worked his last day and retired! Probably because he has not had a raise in. 6 years under the leadership of an ungrateful sheriff!
Union Member,
You are spreading BS or else you don’t know him. He had planned in advance to retire. He is tired of the job, like you. He did his job well. He also attained rank, and now will be doing something less stressful.. You can spin your BS, but it had nothing to do with Bane and you know it. This is why I am constantly rebutting Gahler supporters.
You are constantly rebutting because you support Bane. I am always after Bane because I know Bane.
No, you keep posting because you have an axe to grind with Bane. I don’t know what he did to you, but it must have been serious in your mind.. I can understand this to a point and you want to get even with him the only way you can by posting any thing you can think of to make him look bad. Then there are a handful of Gahler supporters who gleefully join in. They have that right, but don’t make stories worse than what the facts support, and stop making stories about why some people retire, etc. These are gossip. In the case of Lt. Aigner, he would not accept being a warden and wants a less stressful job, not because of Bane, but because of the nature of the job. We all know it is in the Gahlerites best interest to pile on your crap. I really think that you helped sink Ryan, your “brother in arms” because of some of your postings.
The beating Ryan took at the polls sure wasn’t the result of a few exchanges on the Dagger. Gahler has the experience running a campaign, he ran a better campaign as a result, is more qualified for the job AND has a plan to begin immediate steps to help the office (regardless of the nonsense Monster says). A better candidate took out Ryan and it will be the same result for Bane in November.
Deputy Dawg,
Spoken like a true Gahlerite. Should Gahler win the election, who will you cut up next?
Telling the truth is not tearing someone up. It is my hope that Gahler will live up to his word, unlike sheriff Bane, and start to make some progress for the office and for the county. If not, he will lose m vote next time he runs just like Bane has lost it this time.
Deputy Dawg,
It is when you fabricate why someone does something. The most recent example is saying that Aigner retired because of Bane. He did not, he retired because he could, the same reason a major is retiring. Don’t tell me you aren’t trying to assassinate Bane and the department for your own gain. You have the right and responsibility to speak to the public. Please be responsible about the facts and not take a license to interpret them as suits you. I would think you would want Gahler as sheriff to do the same thing.
I never said such a thing. Look back at all my posts and tell me if I said it and forgot or lied (like Bane) or admit that you made a mistake or lied (your choice).
Deputy Dawg,
I don’t know whether you said it or not. At least two posters made the comments, ahd knowing how you guys use different names, you could be one of them. I have no intention of apologizing to you or most of the other Gahlerlites. Should Gahler become Sheriff, I hope he has more character than his boosters.
You have no right to sit here and judge someone’s character. You said I said something that I didn’t say and when you are called out as lying you admit you don’t know, but excuse your action and false accusation with more nonsense. Are you sure you are not Bane? Birds of a feather!
You are another one cut out of the cloth of Eaton and other Gahlerites. You know what I was saying. No lies or distortions like you and the other posters. If Gahler becomes sheriff and is supported by people like you, Harford County is in a lot of trouble.
Monster, I only congratulated Rob. Life is less stressful after being a cop or a corrections officer. I made no comment about Bane in that post. As for Bane you know my problem with him and so does everyone else. He is a poor leader who is cruel to people who don’t support him. I know he is a liar because he has lied to me. I don’t trust a person who lies. You have to stop with this notion that I have an axe to grind. I just want the people at the Sheriff’s Office to be able to go to work and not worry about people wanting to screw with them because they did not support Bane during an election. He proved the last time that he is incapable of doing so and he will do it again. Bane made this case for me with Betz and Impallaria when he skipped them. He made my case of lying by dealing out more punishment then a trail board recommended after he told the Union he would never do this. Really, I cost John the election. I hope you are kidding about that. It seems people came on here and were congratulating a good friend and a very good Man on his retirement and you turned it into a Banefest as always. Do you think you and the others on here who hide behind your fake names will come clean and tell me who you are? I doubt it. Cowards just like Bane.
There is no communication with you that is meaningful. The Gahler supporters are the ones who always turn every thread into a campaign ad against Bane.
Congratulations Rob Aigner. Also happy to hear that you are retiring. You have earned a better future. Enjoy it. To my knowledge Bane can’t screw with the retirement system, so you don’t have to put with his trying to screw with you over mistakes made by others. You were able to rise above it all….. kudos to you!
Congratulations on your retirement. You are a fine outstanding person.
Congrats Rob, enjoy retirement and a stress free life. You would have made a great Warden.
I am not directly connected with the HCSO or the detention center, but wouldn’t Aigner have been the natural choice as a warden? Politically, it appears to be a slap in the face to Jesse Bane that Aigner was recognized like this. Based on his credentials, as an outsider, looks to me like he would have been a great warden and here Jesse just lets him go while bringing back folks who have retired.
Aigner would have made a great warden because he worked his way up the ranks. Guess the new warden comes in with a full wealth of knowledge of how corrections works. Guess you have to be a police to get the top job at the jail, but you can’t be corrections and get a top position in the HCSO.
No, the new Warden does not come into the job with a full wealth of knowledge of Corrections. In fact, he knows zero about Corrections. Mr. Moore is the exact opposite of what Sheriff Bane promised he would pursue to fill the Wardens position. Mr. Moore is just a political move by Bane to try and get additional votes in November.
Congratulations on your retirement Rob. With that said it’s pretty pathetic that several posters take a story and turn it political. You folks just can’t help yourself.
I understand that Jesse Bane is creating a Rainbow Room in the rear of the Detention Center. Is there any truth to that rumor.
Rainbow Room, I hear someone created a rainbow room in your rear end. Is there any truth to that?
Rob is a great guy and very lucky he was suspended for 3 days for authorizing a bad release of an inmate. Then Bane 3 months later made him chief of security of the Detention Center and then 3 months named him officer of the year! Strange but absolutely true!!
Bane named him Officer of the Year. When did he do that?
If you think that Rob’s retirement has nothing to do with sheriff bane then you clearly don’t know Aigner and you don’t understand how the decision making process works when it comes to deciding whether to retire. In order for a person to decide to retire, the idea of being in retirement has to be more appealing than the idea of being in the workforce. When the pro’s and con’s of both decisions are weighed, the scale has to tip in favor of retirement. If Bane’s administration had not made it so incredibly miserable to be a supervisor at the detention center and if the ship wasn’t so clearly headed for a gigantic iceberg covered in TNT, then the scales might not have tipped so easily in favor of retirement. Aigner has been a Lieutenant for a long, long time and instead of becoming ROJ (retired on the job) like most people do, he legitimately cared about doing a good job right up until the day he walked out for the last time. Unfortunately, caring in that place means being aware of how mistreated the employees are and how misguided the administration is. The only one on here blowing smoke pretending that the Bane administration hasn’t set this agency on the wrong course is Monster and his career is very likely tied to Bane’s future so take that with a grain of salt.
No Raise For Days,
Another new name for an old poster. You guys make me want to hurl. You obviously do not know Rob. Who wouldn’t want to retire, if they can afford to do so? He is taking another job. No Raise, or whatever your name is, you are full of BS. I have nothing to gain in this election, but don’t want to lose Bane. He is and has been a good sheriff, and I am tired of how the Gahler-Lites try to defame him. That is why I post back to you knuckleheads. You are the ones hoping to gain from the election of Gahler. You are not successful now, and so you hope to get a candidate that will give you rank or opportunities that you can’t earn.
OK Meckley, you’ve got your Majors leaves after kissing Bane’s ass and cooperating with him in the last election. Enough with the high and mighty talk already. You got what Bane promised if you cooperated with him, but that doesn’t make Bane a great Sheriff.
Union Member,
I am not Meckley. What is with you Gahler-Lites? You hate anyone that holds rank? Jealousy and feelings of inadequacy are sadly being expressed by you guys. You and Marc Eaton need to get together. Maybe between the two of you, you can come up with a rational thought.
Hey Jack, the Deputies know you are Monster and have been playing ball since before the last election with Bane.
Union Member,
Believe what you want. You really jump to conclusions. Perhaps that is why you are so insecure and call yourself Union Member.
If I was really insecure I would call myself Monster or J. Edgar or some of the many names you use.
Monster please stop saying Gahler-Lites. That’s not exactly a catchy nickname. Doesn’t flow off the tongue as easily as Baner, which you are. It just makes you sound like an even bigger idiot if that is possible. Now go shine Lionel’s bald egghead and make it all pretty for the parade.
Then use your real name. Monster is used by so many of you Bane bone heads. You apparently see how easy it is to notice when a person posts using another name right. If you can tell it then I am sure you see why we know you and some of the others on the second floor are using the same name. If you were so sure Bane had this election tied up then that should give you enough confidence to use your name and show people how much faith you have in the worst Sheriff in years. I think you know in November you will have a new ID card with a new Sheriff’s name on it and you are too much of a coward to show us who you are. Bane and Owebama share a milestone together. Owebama is the worst President since WWII and Bane is the worst Sheriff Since 1980.
You don’t want to loose Bane? Are you hiding in the podium when Bane is giving speeches? You know like in the Police Academy movie? You must have been first in line when Bane stopped suddenly in the hallway. Hope it wasn’t a serious neck injury.
I don’t want to “lose” Bane, not “loose” him. Take more medicine.
I don’t want to “lose” Bane, not “loose” him. Overdosed on that medicine again, hujh?
Another tell for who is using the name Monster is sometimes they catch errors and the next time they make one. Wonder who this is talking now? I certainly hope Jack is not posting or being a tool for Bane.
Marc and Company,
If you Gahler-lites spent as much time praising Gahler as you do downgrading Bane and making false conclusions, I would have respect for you. But you don’t and really never have. Then some of the Gahler-lites were so worried about Ryan that they bad mouthed him. Brothers in Arms bad mouthing one another while talking about how superiors treat the rank and file. I have no respect for any of you.
I am told that you live in Baltimore County. You told me some time ago that you were going to live in Carroll County. This is Harford County. Do you know where you live?
Wow. Another Deputy on my shift told me awhile back that Monster was really Jack Meckley but I had my doubts. Now is seems to make sense. Meckley helps Bane in the last election and Bane rewards him for playing ball. Incredible. Well, I have to hand it to you Jack you really pulled on off here.
Name some of my false statements? Desperation now, pointing out where I live. When will Bane speak up for himself instead of using a meat puppet like you?
No matter how many times I ask you to dispute my claims none of you do. It is always some off the wall comment or attack back. Never any sensible answer from you Baners. I think this speaks volumes about you and your leader.
Do you realize how little sense your first several sentences make? Take a break, your mind is very cluttered.
Who are you asking a question of Jack?
Breaking news- Eagle 1 undergoes emergency repairs to increase weight capacity. Eagle 1 featuring Major IA-28 and Major Jackson said to be flying over Bel Air parade tomorrow.
Marc it’s not even worth arguing with Monster. He’s just pissed off because he had to spit shine Eagle 1 for the big day with BBC tomorrow.
Monster, you have made it clear that it is you that doesn’t know Aigner or the circumstances of his retirement. Rob had to wait until the new rule took effect allowing an additional year of military time to count towards his retirement. He talked about it in just about every conversation until the new rule had finally passed and took effect. Then he stressed over the numbers as they calculated what percentage he would end up with after adding his sick leave into the equation. Every officer in the facility can tell you that Rob is hyper and was darting around the facility talking to anyone that would listen about how he hoped that after scraping together his years of service, military time, and sick leave that he could get above 50% retirement and get the hell out of that place. He also told anyone that would listen that he would take any job that became available to get out of there. Being a supervisor at the jail had become such a stressful and miserable position to him that he applied for a position at a landfill and was excited at the idea. With what they were going to pay him in combination with his pension, he would have come out making the same or less annually than he did as a lieutenant. The idea of being surrounded by a mountain of Harford’s waste smelling to high heaven for the same combined pay annually and less benefits was more appealing to him than continuing to be a lieutenant at the detention center. What does that tell you about what Bane and his administration has done to the working conditions for the staff at HCDC??
No Raise, what it tells me is what I already said. I do know Rob and he is retiring because he is tired of the job, not because of Bane. If you know him so well, ask him yourself. You Gahler-Lites like to put your spin on every article. Don’t let the facts get in the way of your stories and made up reasons.
What does it tell us? It tells a lot, but it comes as no surprise. Bane has always looked down on the Detention Center and the deputies/staff who work there.
You sb’s criticized John every possible way. I am voting for Bane. You all suck.
Hey news flash. Someone who supported Ryan, a man who said that Bane has serious problems with leading the Sheriff’s Office, who Ryan said lacked integrity, who Ryan said mistreated his employees is now going to vote for Bane. Ya think that people didn’t know Ryan and his supporters were nothing more than puppets for Bane?
You really want integrity in the Sheriff’s Office, vote for anyone other than Bane. Although Ryan was not the most qualified Republican candidate to lead the Sheriff’s Office, at least he had properly identified the problems with Bane’s leadership.
Tell us all about it, Major Bodeway. Hoping for a comeback?
Well, I’m not Bodeway, but thank you for thinking that I am.
More to the point, you didn’t address anything that I had to say about Ryan’s reasons for running to replace Bane as Sheriff. I suppose that’s because those are some of the many reasons Ryan thought a change in leadership was needed. While he was right about the need for change, he was not the best candidate to replace Bane as Sheriff.
Yes John was attacked, made fun of and all the normal crap. Just remember this. John ran a good campaign his way and wanted to improve the Sheriff’s Office. You are assuming that these comments all came from Gahler’s supporters. How do we know they were not Baners and they want your vote now. Think of the people at the Sheriff’s Office and what four more years of Bane will do to them. Don’t think for one moment Bane and his minions are not setting back and watching who is doing what and hoping they get another four years to pay John and others for who they supported. He did it once he will do it again. Bane already had Peck drawing votes from the Republican side don’t waste a vote because you are upset. Support the men and women who are in the department, they deserve a change.
You posters are funny. There is about 4 posters on here talking to each other with everyone else thinking what jackasses you all are.
Just wondering does that then make you the ultimate jackass for posting about others posting