From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
On Saturday, June 21, 2014 at approximately 8:00 pm, deputies responded to a call for a robbery at the 7-11 on Gateway Drive in Edgewood. While in the store the suspect, later identified as Christopher Vananzo 28 of Bel Air, went behind the counter and emptied the cash register, while the manager was in another room. After taking the cash, Vananzo jumped back over the counter and fled the store.
Eagle 1 was in the area, returning from a mission request from Maryland State Police JFK Barrack, when the call dispatched. With a response time of less than two minutes, coupled with a description of the suspect from Patrol, the Tactical Flight Officers (TFO) were able to quickly spot Vananzo headed towards Woodbridge Center Way. The TFOs maintained a visual on the suspect and called out his direction of travel to Deputies on the ground. Eagle 1 was able to continue to track the suspect and guide ground units to his location. Once ground units observed the suspect, a foot pursuit began and the suspect was apprehended a short time later. Vananzo was taken into custody without incident. The stolen property was recovered and returned to the owner of the 7-11. No injuries were reported.
Vananzo was charged with Theft and taken to the Harford County Detention Center where he is being held on $2,500 bond
Hmmmm, what do you anti-Bane, anti-copter, anti-everything posters have to say?
Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then.
Yeah, intelligent voters found one.
That it would actually fly? That it would actually be used in law enforcement action?
Who suggested otherwise? I believe everything negative had to do with the cost.
And, Gahler’s point about funding it with seizures is spot on.
So, what’s the crowing about? Did every criminal get away before helicopters?
I didn’t crow. I asked a question that I already knew the answer. This is called “spin.”
What do the anti-copter say: that is an expensive way to catch a $100 crime.
Monster the headline reads “Robber”. It was a theft not a robbery so Eagle 1 helped catch a theft suspect. Woohoo big deal. Good PR move by Bane though until you look through the Bullshit smoke cloud he always puts up
Yeah, Jim,
Stop smelling the pipe dope. I knew you guys would find a fault with it.
OWE’Bama relative?
I would be very interested in hearing what that mission request for aviation support was that came from MSP.
Why did the MSP request help? The Gahler supporters have already told us they don’t need our helicopter.
Great question. Why did MSP request aviation help from Harford County? The HCSO wants us to believe that MSP with their multiple aviation assets needed assistance from HCSO. Sorry, I don’t buy that story for a minute.
Well, believe it. You see.. in the LE Aviation community everyone helps everyone
You folks crack me up. When a question is posed as to the mission request from MSP for aviation support from Harford County, the best you can do is say we help one another. You think the citizens are so uninformed that they will not see through your deflection on really answering the question.
Haters gonna hate!
I just had a chance to watch the video link that was posted about which included a channel 2 news interview with Lee Dunbar. In that interview Lee says that the aviation unit will be paid for with drug seizure money for a period of 2 years. After that the taxpayers will have to foot the $ 500,000 per year bill and it will cost each household $5 a year. Doesn’t sound like much but it is yet another tax increase. I also think that his cost estimate is low especially since he says that includes two full time pilots. Eagle 1 might have to be renamed money pit 1
Stick to plumbing. You are posting to be obstinate.
Did I say something that wasn’t true or can you just not handle the truth.
No, plumber, you stated your opinion with your’s and Gahler’s take on the matter.
Watch again… He said if it was 2 helicopters and a full time unit. One Helicopter that is already airworthy and the part time crews would cost waaaayyy less. The cost of getting another helicopter airworthy would be a substantial one time cost but not reoccurring
Make that 3 pilots when Major Red Man Chew retires and is hired as a full time civilian pilot. Watch out below when he spits out his vileness over Harford County from the Eagle 1.
Dicoooooo,,you don’t seem to like anyone higher in rank than yourself. How difficult that must be for you.
We’re dead Jim…
Add this to the rain tax, next 2 waves of the gas tax and any future ‘Charlie Brown’ taxes and… we’re dead jim.
How do you justify a tax increase to fund this unit. How about the deputies and the fact that we have not received a raise in 7 years. How about the major shortage in patrol. I hope that eagle 1 can land and take report calls because if the manpower shortage keeps up your gonna be waiting a while for a deputy
Go Monster! If it had been in the hanger it would have been no good to anyone. Bane can enjoy this small victor and talk about it after he is gone in November at the McDonalds in Rock Spring with the coffee club.
Hey Marc, if the MSP had been in the hangar, which they do then they would not have been able to do anything either. If Balt Co had been in the hangar then the same thing applies. Helicopters are not always flying around 24/7 despite the beliefs of many. THey remain on the ready 95% of the time. The only ones who dont are Baltimore City.
The helicopter aviation unit, after almost 6 months of operation finally assists in catching someone; a theft suspect. Damn these guys are good!! And cost effective too. Sarcasm intended!!!
PIO Kahler spewing Eagle 1 propaganda on behalf of Bane.
Let’s see, this one man crime wave (theft under) occurred three days earlier and the mastermind criminal engaged his getaway by walking right down rt40 towards the new police station and then is observed. After two days processing the arrest, the sheriff issues a press release that hits the online papers at the same time his future replacement is kicking ass in the election. Clear as day, get rid of the helicopter and then get rid of Bane.
Let’s get rid of Bane first and then decide the proper course to take regarding the helicopter. Most agencies will not want it. Montgomery County, perhaps the wealthiest county in Maryland had this aircraft for two years and decided that it was not cost effective to maintain. Low and behold, along comes Bane and his wise men, to take it off Montgomery’s hands. It’s just silly.
Well at least some good has come to this program over the past 6 months. This program is payed for by so call asset forfeiture is this a new program no! For years the CAC ( crimes against children) program received major financial support for this very worthwhile program from asset forfeiture program. That being said the question is where is the money coming from now??
Sheriff Bane would like us to believe that there was this large pot of money taken from drug dealers and it was just sitting there not being used for any worthwhile programs. Nothing could be further from the truth. The money was always being used and on programs such as crimes against children. Now they siphon off the funds toward this money pit aviation program and short all of the other programs that had use of this money. Then they turn around and ask for taxpayer money to make up the loss of drug money for these programs and want the public to somehow believe it is all “free money” I am amazed that the public actually believes this smoke and mirrors tripe.
Looking into these comments you two made because I was curious myself, you may want to call the CAC before you speak bs. I am pretty certain you will find they received an increase, 100% positive you will find out that you are WRONG. It is shameful you even talk like this, and you have no clue.
If you think we are wrong why not tell us where all the extra money that came from drug task force which is now being used for the helicopter was previously going. You, and we know that the money from drug task force that now goes to the helicopter must be made up from the taxpayer, or the program that it was previously going to has to go without the money. If the CAC received an increase in money, it came from the taxpayer.
That’s the problem with the Bane administration, they think the citizens are not bright. They think you can tell them anything and get away with it. Time for the truth to be known.
For people that are “in the know” and have information on the details of CAC’s budget, you think that they would know and correct a previous post when it was called “Crimes against Children” instead of “Child Advocacy Center”.
If you, Union Member, had a common sense clue as to how a Drug Task Force works, you would realize that dispersements and such constantly flow in and out all the time. It has always been that way. Federal money comes in as well since Harford County is a HIDTA region. There is no money being made up by the tax payer. You are speaking about stuff you really dont know anything about. Maybe if you wanted to know the real facts, which most people dont so they can spew hate venom, you would reach out to those who do know. Instead you just sit on here and create white noise with your banter and hate.
It never seems to be a problem when large amounts of money (more than are used for this helicopter) are used for anything in the HCSO…thousands and thousands spent on mundane items of software, cameras, shit that is hardly used.. etc…but when it comes to somthing that could potentially assist in saving your life, making your job easier or saving a citizens life that can be made into some type of politics game, its an issue. How many times you sit at the precinct and ask why are we wasting money on this and that? Screw it…lets just have Baltimore County and MSP police harford. Your job isnt really needed, and you can save my tax dollars by not wasting it on your salary because MSP and Balt Co can handle the job. Rediculous.
Do what I did, go visit them up there and learn the real history behind the helicopter and how it is paid for, what it can do. They are at all of the inservices also…just ask. I did. It is easy, at least for people who want to know the real deal.
After reading this article, the comments that have been made, and several other articles on this and other Police Aviation Units; I would like to present a few points to ponder.
1) Much discussion has been had over this incident was a robbery or a theft, and the cost effectiveness of using the helicopter if it was just a theft. I would like to point out that the Sheriff’s Office press release does not say that a robbery suspect was apprehended, but the call was dispatched as a robbery, and an apprehension was made of the suspect in that incident. Would it have been prudent to delay response or not respond at all until the severity of the crime that was dispatched could be confirmed?
2) Troopers assisted in the apprehension of this suspect with assets that they had immediately and readily available in the form of ground units that were in the area. Why is it so hard to believe that the Deputies would not assist the Troopers likewise? I doubt politics were going through any of their minds whenever they answer a call and feel they can be of help.
3) According to everything that I have read so far, the Sheriff’s Office Aviation Unit has only been in operation for two months. It was announced in December, and had been training with Baltimore County’s Aviation Unit up until April. The helicopter being used did not come from Montgomery County. It was previously used by the Department of Natural Resources, and was given to both Agencies by the Federal Govt. Montgomery County had plans to start an Aviation Unit, but did not follow through with those plans.
4) Aviation in Law Enforcement is expensive, but it has been proven to be a valuable tool. It helps apprehend criminals, look for endangered citizens, increase the safety of Officers in foot pursuits and car chases, as well as numerous other duties. I am not foolish. There is waste in Government. Waste of Taxpayer money is a disservice and should be minimized if at all possible; but I do not believe that this program is a waste of my tax dollars. Taxes paid for public services that benefit us all (such as Fire, EMS, and Law Enforcement) are investments. An individuals feelings on whether they are getting a good return on their investment, or if one of these public services are “cost effective”, largely depends on your perceived personal need of those services or how much stock you place in ideals such as justice, the common good, and the value of life.
The bottom line is that Police Aviation, working as a team with other Police and Emergency Services, saves lives. What price tag would you put on that?
“The bottom line is that Police Aviation, working as a team with other Police and Emergency Services, saves lives. What price tag would you put on that?”
Given your comments above, one could conclude that every police agency should have an aviation unit. After all, what price tag would you put on saving lives. For the thinking person, one should consider the cost effectiveness of the dollars spent in providing police services to the entire community. If one spends a million dollars on a particular asset and it saves one life should that be seen as a bad thing?…. after all, it saved a life. Limited money resources should always be spent where it will produce the best result.
There is a reason that most police agencies do not have aviation units. They are just not cost effective for the limited service that is provided by this asset. Is it something nice to have?…. of course, even I agree that it is nice to have. However, our crime issues in Harford County dictate that our every limited money resources be used for boots on the ground.
Warning: Graphic
Could have save a police mans life so that police man goes home to see his family. Been around for awhile, simple youtube search and I just found this
Helicopter or no helicopter or Boots on the Ground or no Boots (Jeffs favorite saying) – you see the news release? There were a ton of boots on the ground last night when dude got shot dead in the street in meadowood. Bottom line is if someone wants to kill another..they will get it done, that is the reality of the world we live in.
And it is the job of the police to use the assets available and try to prevent that. When it can’t be prevented, then it is their job to seek justice.
It’s is not hard to figure out the difference in operating costs of several AW-139s and one OH-58. It is not hard to see the difference in mission priorities between the two aircraft. Do they both have a place and complimentary roles? Are they both needed? Which makes the service of the Citizens of Harford County it’s first priority?
Gee! I wish I had a dollar for every time the ‘saves lives’ argument is used – I could personally pay for the helicopter.
How about we ditch the helicopter and outlaw 5 gallon buckets (40 children drown every year). There you go. Lives and money be saved.
It is shocking that mankind ever progressed beyond the Cro-Magnon stage. You would have thought that mankind would have eliminated itself without the myriad of laws and massive government supervision.
Okay. Okay. I mean, it is just a teeny, weeny, little polka-dot-bikini type tax to pay for the copter. They just want to scrape your pockets for a wittle wee bit of lint. Don’t be greedy, just fund the copter to save some lives!
We will call it the teeny, weenie whirlybird tax!
My comment was not intended too change the mind of posters such as Union Member or Burby. Their minds are closed on the matter. I was offering a counter-point to their view and am asking the common citizen / taxpayer to look into it and make an informed decision for themselves. Don’t just take my word for it any more than you should take them at their word. We are commenters who have our own reasons, or in some cases, axes to grind. We post under pseudonyms. Would some of these visceral comments have been made without the veil of anonymity?
I have my view on it, and I am expressing it out of a desire for honest discourse.
Cold, Wet, Hungry and Tired,
Welll said. Thank you.
Banites flooding the thread.
I believe in strong law enforcement.
Elect Gahler, then let’s see where the money is spent.
You want government employee raises and a luxury helicopter to fund.
Okay, where are you going to get the money?
You think you can have it all if you just elect tax and spenders.
Well, November is coming. Go for it. But stop making stupid arguments.
Gahler already said at the union meeting that the helicopter is already in place and that he would take a look at it. He never said he was getting rid of it. Is he saying otherwise to the public? You would think that since he wants to be the Sheriff of the largest Sheriff’s office in the state, that he would want his own assets and not have to rely on everyone else. He does not wear brown anymore.
I wrote that we should elect Gahler so he can take a look at it. This again begs the question about funding needs. Should he ask for employee raises or fund the whirlybird. As a republican will he campaign for tax increases to fund everything. The helicopter puts the department in a difficult position. If they do get more money – which will not be a lot more – where will they spend it? If the feds want to fund it all fine. But I doubt that. So, can Gahler look his department in the eye and say – once again – no raises so we can pay for the copter and the salaries to fly it?
It takes about $300k to give just LE a 1% pay raise. Does not count DC. Dont be fooled. … This county has money…in the end it wasnt any Sheriff current or prior..Craig screwed us all. The helicopter is here to assist all areas of the HCSO. Departments smaller and larger than HCSO have them..and their is a reason.
What are you hoping to convey with your ramble? It doesn’t make much sense. How does the helicopter support administration? How does it support civil? How does it support the jail? Also, name any other police department in Maryland that is smaller in size than the HCSO with a helicopter? If you want to save time I can help, there is not one.
Finally, “their is a reason.” I assume you meant THERE is a reason? Well, what is the reason?
So, how do you figure. Are you aware that county government is not a black bag operation. The dollars are published. We get pensions dumped on the county and and a half million per year whirlybird. All by the standard dems who keep shouting, “We are rich – We got the money.” Oh, and by the way, we have two more gas tax increases coming, a rain tax coming – and the feds are looking for a gas tax increase – along with EPA regulated increased energy costs.
Looks to me like the only thing we are rolling in are more taxes. Okay, tell me again how wealthy HC is with the average person earning $849 (BLS) per week. I am waiting. And spare me the tale about driving by Todd Lakes and seeing all those expensive houses
Now you are trying to rise above it all by claiming you are just giving an opinion while everyone else is close minded – how caddy and self serving.
I bet if you ask the basic officer on the street they would rather have the best lightweight vest, best equipment and a significant raise – rather than have a department charge of a half million for a helicopter.
What happens is that the county keeps getting these pension charges and helicopter purchases by the ruling party – and then we get the heart string tugs that folks just hate police and teachers. It really is pathetic.
Well, we have pretty damn good vests. I am not sure how much “lighter” and thinner you really want to go with a vest? Did you know that if the HCSO would make it policy to wear your vest at work then the Feds would supply ample funding to purchase whatever vest we want. Wouldnt cost anyone anything..must open mind and let light flow in.
Best equipment. We carry one of the finest handguns produced in the world, nearly if not every patrol officer has a taser, we just got awesome flashlights, our cars are equipped more than the space shuttle with on board equipment.
Its funny…people complain complain complain. Take a look at some smaller PD’s and a lot of those guys have to BUY their own shit with their own money. I guess they do it because they love the job. I think the HCSO is pretty well equipped…at least I roll onto the road semi robo cop 🙂
Well good for you. I didn’t know all that and I think what you have is super. My comment was directed as a general suggestion that the front line folks should get the best instead of funding a copter. I think you should take my comments as pro law enforcement not negative.
But it still begs the question as to why you have all the best of everything but not a solid salary increase. That is just flat out wrong. If the copter is going to cost a half million a year isn’t that going to impact getting the raises you deserve.
You stated: If the HCSO would make it policy that everyone wear their protective vest at work, then the Federal Government would provide ample funding to buy whatever vest you wanted. Wouldn’t cost anyone anything…..must open mind and let light flow in.
If this is true, why is it not policy to wear the protective vest when at work if it would save the Harford County Taxpayer the cost of purchasing a vest for everyone? Since Jesse Bane is the agency head, is this a decision he has made that costs county taxpayers?
Burbey, Yes, I said that you seemed closed minded on this topic. I based that opinion on words that you have written here. If I am wrong, and your mind has not been set on this matter, then I apologize. And yes, I am am trying to raise the level of debate.
I believe that this Unit will be a valuable asset in assisting “the basic officer on the street” (as you called them) in doing his/her duty. The Deputies that are assigned as TFO’s and Pilots are “the front line folks” when not assigned to fly. The salary of these Deputies does need to be addressed, but to say that the creation of this Unit prevented raises is false. If the formation of this Unit never occurred, there still would not have been a raise this year or in the next few. Our Deputies are well equipped, and this helicopter is another valuable piece of equipment at their disposal. It is no more of a luxury than the lightweight vests that you spoke of. I have daily and significant contact with “the basic officer on the street” (or as I call them “my Brother’s and Sisters”) and I believe that my opinion is well formed. I do not presume to speak for them or present conjecture as fact.
I did not make any inferences or jump to conclusions about your character other than what seems to be your view on this topic based on your own words here. I do not know you personally, and I doubt you know me personally. If they seemed caddy and self serving, that was not my intentions. Words written on the internet can be misinterpreted no matter how they were intended.
With that said, allow me to be clear. I am showing my support for this unit not for political reasons or personal gain. I believe it will help me do my duty (please refer to the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Mission Statement) and serve my family, friends, colleagues, and fellow citizens. I will support whoever is elected as Sheriff as long as they believe in that same duty and strive to achieve those goals within the Constitution. As for who I will vote for in November, that is my business. If you doubt the sincerity of my words here, then I do not know how to convince you otherwise other than meeting so we can speak eye to eye.
Well, you seem like a sincere fellow and it is obvious to me that we both support law enforcement. If money were flush, I would say a luxury like a copter would be fine. But to suggest that adding a half million yearly expense to the budget would not hinder pay increases is just wrong – in that there is only so much money to go around.
I read Gahler’s statement and he appears like a man who truly understands the mission of local law enforcement. The funding of the copter with drug seizures is problematic to him and I agree. But this is short term fix. I assure you that financial stress on the county is only going to get worse.
And finally, the copter is a luxury, if not, every department would have one – out of necessity. I actually hope it all works out. But it sure looks to me that the last thing the county needs is a money drain.
Burbey, Thank you. This is a comment and point of view that I can respect. I do not agree with it, but I can respect it. Sometimes passion for our own views obscure that fact that we have common goals.
Cold Wet you are so wrong it is costing money because when the “spotters” are with the helicopter they aren’t performing their regular duties so someone else steps up to fill that role getting paid overtime. so despite what you say it is costing money and a lot of it. And there are 10 spotters who are up at the hangar constantly getting “trained” you need training to look down at the ground from above? what a joke
Robba, you are either misinformed or distorting the facts. Either way, I know first hand what I am saying is true.
@Cold and Wet
The Helicopter is going to cost a lot of money. No sense mealy mouthing it. If the citizens think we need a helicopter at this time and it was a good decision by Bane to get one, then vote for Bane in the upcoming election. If you think the money necessary to maintain and keep the helicopter flying is not in our best interest at this time then vote for someone besides Bane.
Who cares if we are the smallest law enforcement agency in the State to have a helicopter. Somebody has to be the smallest. If the citizens don’t want to get up off the money and give us a raise then let them spend it on a helicopter. At least the helicopter is fun. It’s sure more fun than using the money to increase staffing at the Detention Center so you can get the expansion that has been completed for 4 years open. Besides, voters see the helicopter, they never see the inside of the Detention Center and wonder why they spent millions of dollars on the DC expansion just to have it sit there empty for 4 years. It’s what makes Bane a smart politician and that’s why I’m sticking with him.
1. Amazing a helicopter is needed for a petty thief
2. Amazing grownups can banter online like babies
3. Amazing such low voter turn out, so you are all talking to the “choir.”
4. How do you have jobs and find time to make comments like you do?
For the last 3 years I have been reviewing a single Tea Party group 501C request.
Send out the Eagle 1 to search for Lionel Bane’s mind–it is missing
Reelect the Sheriff I think you have seriously lost your mind. Your twisted logic is classic Baner. You say a helicopter is “fun”. Really? You’re treating this like it’s a toy? A very expensive toy at that. And you openly admit that the detention center addition is a white elephant because there is no staffing. And all of this makes Bane a smart politician? It only makes the voters realize that Bane is playing everybody because he thinks we are stupid enough to fall for his BS. You just exposed the little man behind the curtain. All bells and whistles but no substance. Hopefully your foolish comments will open up a few eyes of the voters to see how the inner workings of the agency operates. Yes, people, this is the “logic” of Bane and his cronies and people like Reelect. And this is the kind of nonsense the good men and women of the agency have put up with for the past 8 years but it will end in November.
I like telling it as it is. I don’t like beating around the bush and neither do the voters. When are people like you going to learn that voters don’t care what the Sheriff really knows about law enforcement. Voters care about how the Sheriff relates to them. Voters care if they have the Sheriff’s personal phone number and when they call him he answers the phone. They care if he shows up at their little corner vigils because if he’s there they stand a good chance of getting their picture in the paper and they get print coverage in the Aegis.
Ask yourself, when is the last time you had a conversation with a Harford County citizen who was not affiliated with the Sheriff’s Office or a local politician and they brought up the Detention Center? Do you really believe the average county voter cares whether the DC sits empty? Most voters couldn’t even tell you where the Detention Center is. But I can tell you that when they see the helicopter their eyes light up, a big smile appears and those who have their kids with them want their kids to see the helicopter. Now thats a vote getter !! I’m for the man who knows how to get elected, I don’t care if knows anything about policing.
wow that is very disturbing that you would vote someone into office who runs the slickest campaign and fools the people the most says a lot about your standards morals and integrity which is to say you have zero like most baners
It has nothing to do with fooling anyone. Wake up, the voters know what they like. They like helicopters…. they like to be seen with the Sheriff…. they like having the Sheriff answer their calls…. they like getting press coverage in the Aegis (and Sheriff has friends over there at the Aegis). Who’s being fooled? You’re the fool. You think voters care about the Detention Center, about how many officers are on a shift to respond to their calls for service. No way dude. Style gets you elected, playing the game gets you elected, making Eddie Hopkins your Chief Deputy gets you elected, appointing Chuck Moore helps get you elected. I mean really….can you say votes. Jesse gets votes, thats why he’s my man.
I find this thread absolutely amazing. For those commenting that actually are police officers, sheriff deputies, troopers, or law enforcement retirees, you should know one thing for sure. Police officers are very interesting people politically; we have very democratic needs to get what we think we need (unions for pay, benefits, working conditions) and very republican values (law and order, death penalty for killing law enforcement officers, etc.). The best elected or appointed police chiefs, democrat or republican, must realize that we are truly independent of politics. At least we should be. It is that person that the rank and file look at to get things done either at the local, state, or federal level. The trick is to keep the politics away from the job that the rank and file perform every day and don’t campaign on the backs of the deputies, etc. I’ve seen a lot of that this election cycle.
It would be nice if all police officers were totally devoid of politics. Some are…. most are not, at least those in the Harford County Sheriff’s Office. The Deputies Union has been very involved in helping decide the election outcome for Sheriff in every election since I have been a member of the HCSO. In fact, the Deputies Union has played a significant role in elections of the County Executive.
Nick, Thanks for your insight about keeping politics away from the rank and file. Oh wait, weren’t you the union president who jumped ship from the dems for Ehrlich and then get rewarded with a posh position in the MSP and then became one of Norris henchmen? Explore that for a while.
I think its time to start my own exploratory committee. No matter who wins in November, if the support is a 50/50 split, that can’t bode well for the troops in the field. I think many of the comments are right on; it may be time for a change and this election result may not be what is needed after all is said and done.
It is time for a change. Support for change, at least within the HCSO is not just the 50/50 you state. Support for change is more like 80% for, with 20% wanting to stay with the status quo. Most of those wanting no change are the senior officers who do not want to chance their senior positions being at risk if a new Sheriff were to be elected. My view is, if you are up to the job, then your position is not at risk. If you are not capable of functioning at your assigned level then change needs to occur. Obviously, any new Sheriff would pick their own Chief Deputy.
We will never know if either of the candidates who are challenging Bane is the man for the job unless one of them gets elected. I am supporting Gahler who I believe is well qualified with a significant law enforcement background and advanced education. If he is elected, and I hope that he is, the citizens will have an opportunity to evaluate his leadership along with all members of the HCSO. If Gahler does nothing more than stand by his words and treat his employees fairly he will have risen above Sheriff Bane.
Why not sit back and let the big boys fight it out? If you thought you could run with Bane or Gahler than you have had the past 8 years to step up. Only thing for sure that if your name was there it would not be 50/50. It would be 0 for you and a lock for your opponent.