Thousands of children, some as young as five, have illegally crossed the United States’ southwestern border so far this year, with their numbers estimated to reach 60,000 by year end. Most are from Central American countries, and traveling without parents or other adults.
The cause of the surge is under debate. Some cite economic conditions and violence in the children’s home countries, or the hope of uniting with relatives already here. Others see it as a ploy for their parents to gain a foothold in the United States, made viable by the Obama administration’s immigration policies.
With more and more children arriving by the day, overwhelmed federal officials are scrambling to find safe and appropriate housing, settling some of them on military bases in Texas and Oklahoma. Maryland lawmakers have reportedly suggested Aberdeen Proving Ground, after rebuffing a plan to use empty Social Security offices in Baltimore, although it is unclear whether federal authorities are still considering Maryland locations.
Wherever they live, even temporarily, these children will need food, clothing, healthcare and schooling. What should be done about tens of thousands of unaccompanied children illegally crossing into the United States?
Bus them to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Build some section 8 housing in Bel air and ship them their.
Give them some pot, food stamps and register them as Democrats.
Enroll them all in “Girls rule the World” after school program
One-way boat ride to Australia.
While my heart goes out to these kids, all illegals/undocumented should be sent back to their country of origin. If they want our benefits and way of life, they should go through the legal process to become a citizen.
I’d say, shoot first, axe questions later! Yee Haa!
The criminal employers should be sent with them!
I would put them on an Nice non air conditioned school bus and drive them right back to mexico. their problem.
Lovely sentiment, Beano ole Boy: “We got here first. Get over it. Go back to the violence of your country, the drug lords, and the slums. Revel in your poverty, your nation’s corrupt ways, and national ignorance. I’m outta here. Gotta go pick up my Honey, and head to O.C. for the weekend. Maybe stop and play the slots on the way.”
Moderate in your own mind,
“…drug lords, and the slums” – Where do you think these people are going to end up? Kennebunkport? No – although they will no longer have to support themselves the rest of their lives, they will gravitate to inner Newark, LA, Oakland, Chicago and so forth. They will get the free housing, food, medical and babysitting at school but their lot in life will not change as to slums and drug lords – or, come to think, it will be worse.
Did you notice from the smuggled out photos that nobody in those pics was undernourished? In fact, the older males were in obvious better physical shape than nearly all of our youths. Putting aside the issues of infectious diseases – and having paid their own way to get here – these are people that could have worked and changed their own countries rather than give up incentives and opportunities by coming here. That’s right, they are going to add to an underclass that will never work their way up because they will never be assimilated into what used to be the American way.
And, this is not a partisan political issue. The democrats want future voters and both party elites want landscapers – that is, those who can’t cut it in the gang drug trade.
As far as getting here first, either you helped rewrite history or you are a victim of reading rewritten history. This country was settled by folks who had to work to eat. At least 60% of all immigrants coming into this country are currently getting assistance. For quite a while we have been living off of the wealth and genius of our forefathers, now we are living off their credit and that credit has run out.
Ahhh,,,, this is a Great question for our up comming canadates. I Agree with MUFFMOUTHSKIE,
and Newtonslaw…Or better yet,,,,FIX THE FRIGGEN BORDER!!!!! NOW!!!
I’m goint to ask Art Helton….cause he gets things done.
Nice one “Al”. You must know him personally! 🙂
Nope I don’t know him. I doubt if anyone really does. What I do know is that he appears to be winning the sign wars so I stole his little tag line.
No wonder they come. Everything in Amerika be free to illegals. Keep them in holding pens at the border. I can’t believe O’Malley and the rest of the Dems aren’t begging Obama to send them to MD. And to think we could have had Bob and Mitt.
These comments are so embarrassing, hateful and childish. You people should be ashamed of yourselves.
Pro tip: dont read them if it gets you hot and bithered. Please, reply a several paragraph rant to me, i can’t wait to read it.
“These comments are so embarrassing, hateful and childish. You people should be ashamed of yourselves.”
This. So much this.
No actual solutions presented. Just xenophobic comments and broad brushed political sound bites. If this is the level of discourse concerning a serious issue, then none of us have the right to complain when nothing changes.
At least educate yourself before you start throwing an opinion around.
A Start:
HARCO’s Finest….you fall right in with the rest of the Awefull Obama regiem,, “What?, we have an immagration problem??? Where?,,,or how about “I just read about it in the news”. The list of “Ignorance” and unbeliveable EXCUSES are like the Niagra Falls,,,just keeps falling and falling and falling. Reagan started to finish the border but the “Bleeding heart liberals” stalled it like a piece of junk car (haha,,,no reference to “Cash for Clunkers”). Nobody likes to see children or Adults in need…but letting them flood the us border,,,is not the answerer . Want a soulution to the immagration problem,,,, FINISH the DAMN BORDER!!!!.. US maybe able to work with the Mexican gov. as far as removing the cartels. Heres a kicker for yeah,,, All the illegals come here by the thousands,,,One US marine crosses the border, look at the shit that hits the fan….If the Pres. and congress get their heads outta their 5th point of contact, the answer is already there,,they must meerly implement it.
HARCO’s Finest NPR – really. You are a douche bag – go fxck yourself. You are clearly a liberal mouthpiece. Somebody needs to do the right thing and end this illegal administration.
@ jacqueline
Remember, many people who troll this website live with the deep, dark fear that someone, somewhere, is having an easier time with life than they are, not to mention that young people listen to loud music and might step on their lawn. It is part of their game.
Well,,, That makes things clear as mud n 🙂
Why don’t you take a drive to Mexico and demand free voting rights, free food, free medical benefits, free citizenship and let me know what Mexico says to you.
Better yet I will save you the trip……….. you’ll be thrown in jail and denied everything you ask for, and just to add insult to injury you’ll have to have some pesos wired to the police department to get you ass of out prison.
I would hope that the US will treat these children with the compassion that is the best of this great country, and deal with the issues in a reasonable way.
If compassion = shipping their asses back home, I agree 100%.
Everyone that voted for Obama should get one to raise as their own.
What happens when a policeman finds a young child alone and lost on the street? He/she takes the child to a safe place, ensures that the child’s immediate needs are met… then they take steps to find the kid’s parents, and then they return the child to the parents.
We should do the exact same thing here. Protect them and provide them necessary care (food, shelter, etc), then return them to whereever they came from. And every nickel spent to do this should come from any existing foreign aid program for their countries of origin.
I don’t know why in the world the Dagger posts “stories” such as this. This item goes way beyond “local news with an edge,” and undermines any effort by the Dagger to be regarded as a form of responsible journalism.It’s close to sheer madness to bait the racist bigots who look for outlets to express their venom when they’re not at a Campaign for Liberty meeting..
Mr. Moderate- This is, or was, a story with local implications last week. There was serious talk of sending some of these children to facilities in Baltimore or APG. That makes this national story a local one too.
Lynch them all.
There is no other country in the world that will allow an estimated 60,000 illegals to cross their borders. This has to stop at the border, these children should be with their parents or guardians who most likely shuffled them across the border to begin with. And you can believe that once they have been settled in this country the so called parents will arrive as well. We can’t afford to fix our own problems while extending care to illegals which we all will be paying for. There is no other reason to allow this influx of illegals other than a political agenda of the present administration. What a slap in the face to those wanting to come to this country doing it the right way, legally. And what is the fate of these children? Is Obama and Holder willing to stand up and guarantee the safety of each and every one of these children not to fall victims to less than desirable individuals with profit motivated intentions? These children need to be returned to their families then the monies our country keeps sending to the middle east can be allocated to aid their country’s economies, either way you and I will be paying for it for a long long time.
Looks like Longshanks is implementing Prima Nocta.
We need to humanely take care of them during our country’s process of returning them back and a bill for our services needs to be sent to the Mexican government, due upon receipt. If they don’t pay, we make a commensurate reduction in the amount of foreign aid provided to them and reduce all future aid by 50% until this nonsense stops.