From the office of U.S. Sen. Barbara Mikulski:
Following release of U.S. Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, Senator urges accelerated efforts to return imprisoned Marylanders
“I urge you to expand our policy to be ‘no American left behind’ and that commensurate resources and effort are given to cases where Americans were in the process of executing their duties for the U.S. Government at the time of their abduction,” Senator says
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.) today in a letter to President Obama, called on the Administration to redouble efforts towards bringing home Marylanders Alan Gross and Warren Weinstein who remain imprisoned in Cuba and South Asia.
Following the secured release of U.S. Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, Senator Mikulski has sought clarification on the Government’s strategy of winning the release of abducted Americans through exchanges. Additionally in her letter, the Senator requests further background from the Administration as to whether the exchange or inclusion of other missing Americans in South Asia was also considered by the U.S. Government during negotiations for Sergeant Bergdahl’s release.
“As the nation discusses the return of U.S. Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl from captivity in Afghanistan, my attention has been redoubled towards bringing home two Marylanders, Mr. Alan Gross and Mr. Warren Weinstein, who remain imprisoned by their captors in Cuba and South Asia, respectively. Their ordeals are not over. They need to know that the U.S. Government is making every effort to bring their loved ones home safely and that we will leave no American behind,” Senator Mikulski wrote. “I am concerned that the same energy and resources that we rightfully put into our nation’s prisoners of war are not being extended to our nation’s civil servants and contractors. I urge you to expand our policy to be ‘no American left behind’ and that commensurate resources and effort are given to cases where Americans were in the process of executing their duties for the U.S. Government at the time of their abduction.”
Marylander Alan Gross was arrested on December 3, 2009, and after a two-day trial, was given a 15-year prison sentence by Cuban authorities for facilitating communications between Cuba’s Jewish community and the rest of the world. Mr. Gross was in Cuba working as a sub-contractor for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), helping a small, peaceful, non-dissident community. He was doing the type of work he had done his whole career in international development – helping others in need.
Warren Weinstein, a 72-year-old resident of Rockville, was taken hostage by terrorists from his residence in Pakistan in August of 2011. While in Pakistan, his work focused on economic development projects.
Senator Mikulski’s letter to President Obama follows:
June 5, 2014
The President
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20500Dear Mr. President,
As the nation discusses the return of U.S. Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl from captivity in Afghanistan, my attention has been redoubled towards bringing home two Marylanders, Mr. Alan Gross and Mr. Warren Weinstein, who remain imprisoned by their captors in Cuba and South Asia, respectively. The Bergdahl case has raised the following important concerns that I urge you to address as soon as possible.
First, in the Bergdahl case, the U.S. Government assessed that the exchange of five Guantanamo Bay detainees was warranted in order to bring Sergeant Bergdahl home safely. Regardless of the circumstances, the case has raised many questions. Specifically, does this exchange represent a new way of thinking for winning the release of abducted Americans through exchanges?
Specifically, does this exchange represent a new way of thinking for winning the release of abducted Americans through exchanges? If so, does this broadened thinking apply to the cases of all missing Americans, both civilian and military, who have been abducted? The Bergdahl case necessitates a clear response from the Administration on these questions. More importantly, our Government owes it to the Gross and Weinstein families to be clear and equitable.Second, I appreciate the importance of the credo of never leaving an American service member behind on the battlefield. I deeply respect our nation’s enduring commitment to bring all military prisoners of war home. However, I am concerned that the same energy and resources that we rightfully put into our nation’s prisoners of war are not being extended to our nation’s civil servants and contractors. Both Mssrs. Gross and Weinstein were abducted while undertaking humanitarian and diplomatic work on behalf of USAID. I urge you to expand our policy to be “no American left behind” and that commensurate resources and effort are given to cases where Americans were in the process of executing their duties for the U.S. Government at the time of their abduction.
Finally, I would like further background from the Administration as to whether the exchange or inclusion of other missing Americans in South Asia was also considered by the U.S. Government during negotiations for Sergeant Bergdahl’s release. If not, why not? If so, why were other missing Americans not ultimately included in the final deal? I request that details be provided to me as soon as possible, if necessary via classified channels.
The families of Alan Gross and Warren Weinstein stand vigil for them every day. Birthdays, anniversaries and holidays pass without them. Their ordeals are not over. They need to know that the U.S. Government is making every effort to bring their loved ones home safely and that we will leave no American behind. I stand ready to work with you to redouble and accelerate our efforts to return home these two Americans as soon as possible.
Barbara A. Mikulski
United States Senator
F.L. says
Barbie up for reelection? Guess I missed her Branch of service served, duration and rank. 30 (+) yrs. in the senate, she must have enlisted young?
Freestate? says
Trade Bergdahl for Gross and Weinstein.
Fed up says
More political word games from the brainless. What part of “no American left behind” leaves Americans behind? What exactly needs expanding – he either meant it, or he didn’t. He he either applies this philosophy across the board, or the statement is patently false. Maybe he should have said, “most Americans won’t be left behind?” Don’t hold your breath for these guys, the ones recently grabbed by the Palestinians and anyone else out there in the shadows.
Alex R says
Trade Mikulski for them. Then we all win.