From Harford County government:
Today Harford County Executive David R. Craig signed into law the county budget for Fiscal Year 2015, having been passed by the Harford County Council on May 27, 2014.
The FY 2015 budget contains an Operating Budget of $627.5 million, a decrease of $12.9 million from last year, and a Capital Budget of $107.3 million, a decrease of $66.8 million.
While the General Fund budget decreases overall, the county’s contribution to the Board of Education increases by $2,366,573 to $223,667,302. Funding for the Sheriff’s Office also increases by $162,611 to $69,145,482.
The property tax rates for most county residents – specifically, those living outside of the municipalities of Aberdeen, Bel Air, and Havre de Grace – will remain unchanged at $1.042 per $100 of assessed value. This overall property tax rate is comprised of two separate fund rates – the General Fund and the Highways Fund. The General Fund rate decreased slightly from $.896 to $.8937 to conform to the constant yield rate, which was offset by a slight increase in the Highways Fund portion from $.146 to $.1483. Residents of the municipalities pay only the General Fund portion of $.8937, and therefore will notice a very slight decrease in their rate.
“These continue to be difficult economic times; however, I am pleased that through reductions in spending on general government and capital projects that we have been able to meet our obligations to education and public safety,” County Executive Craig remarked. “I thank the County Council for their work on the budget, and most importantly I thank the citizens for their input.”
speechless says
I so look forward to Hogan pounding Craig in the June primary.
Paul says
I’ve worked in the administration of every co ex HC has had and we’ve had some “winners”! Without doubt this administration has been the worse and the least affective in terms of serving the people of this county and improving their lives. Short of providing good paying jobs to friends and family he’s done little to improve this county and if it’s even possible he’s been doing less since he decided to chase after his next tax payer funded job in Annapolis. The man is simply lazy. He’s already retired in his head he just isn’t willing to give up the good salary and perks. Unfortunately those he’s suppose to serve suffer!
H. Holmes says
Slept right through English class, eh?
Burbey Bunch says
A bit strained that.
Joppatowne Resident says
“These continue to be difficult economic times; however, I am pleased that through reductions in spending on general government and capital projects that we have been able to meet our obligations to education and public safety,”
Craig has not met any obligations with any of his employees through ALL levels of the County, including law enforcement, corrections, HCSO civilian employees, teachers and other HCPS employees, as well. This is evident in the fact that it has been YEARS since he has honored the pay scales that are in place and given the step increases that should have been given. This man has been horrible for Harford County. I only pray he loses the Gubernatorial election this year!!
Mike Jones says
Thank gawd its his last public act for anything !!! So long lame duck Davie !! I see you got about as much a chance for Gov. as you would have trying to win re election here !! Good bye and good luck and good riddance !!!