From Committee to Elect Jeff Gahler:
Today, Sheriff William J. Kunkel (Ret.) and Sheriff R. Thomas Golding (Ret.) officially endorsed Republican Candidate for Harford County Sheriff Jeffrey R. Gahler. Kunkel served Harford County as Sheriff from 1963 to 1982, having been first appointed to the Office and then being re-elected for four subsequent terms before retiring. In making this endorsement, this marks the first time Sheriff Kunkel has deemed outside leadership the correct and necessary choice for the future of Harford County’s primary law enforcement agency. Kunkel’s full endorsement states:
“As Harford County’s longest serving Sheriff, I understand the demands and the needs of the Office. For that reason, I am proud to endorse the only candidate for Sheriff who can return the Office of Sheriff to the professional organization it was previously. I am proud to endorse Jeff Gahler as Harford County’s next Sheriff. With an unmatched level of statewide command experience and unequalled educational qualifications, Jeff stands ready to both serve Harford County as our Sheriff and stands ready to be an advocate for every citizen’s rights.”
Golding, who served as a member of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office for 30 years and served as Sheriff from June 2003 to December 2006, also expressed his confidence in Gahler and the need for new leadership for the Sheriff’s Office:
“Jeff Gahler is the one candidate for Sheriff who has the experience and skill to make the positive changes that are needed within the Office of Sheriff. His new perspective coupled with his credentials, motivation and common sense approach in decision making will be a breath of fresh air to our law enforcement community. With proud enthusiasm, I support Jeff Gahler as our next Sheriff of Harford County.”
Gahler is a career law enforcement professional, having served 28 years with the Maryland State Police and who has dedicated his life to public service by ensuring the safety and security of Maryland families. In his bid to implement an effective crime fighting platform that improves quality of life for Harford County residents, Gahler promises to restore integrity, ethics and fiscal responsibility to the Sheriff’s Office.
“I am truly appreciative and thankful that such an accomplished individuals such as Sheriff Kunkel and Sheriff Golding support not only my candidacy, but as a previous Sheriffs, each man recognizes the need for new leadership within the Harford County Sheriff’s Office,” said Jeff Gahler.
In addition to Sheriff Kunkel and Sheriff Golding, Gahler has also received notable support from within the ranks of the Sheriff’s Office’s prior command staff to include, but not limited to:
Colonel Howard Walter (Ret.)
Major Roy Mitchell (Ret.)
Major Michael Capasso (Ret.)
Major Steve Bodway (Ret.)
Captain Gary Vernon (Ret.)
Lieutenant David Betz (Ret.)
Lieutenant Joe Mitzel (Ret.)
Lieutenant Rob Gill (Ret.)
Jeff Gahler is a 37 year resident of Harford County and resides in the Forest Hill Community with his wife, Sonya, and their two daughters, Shelby and Sydney. He is a North Harford High School and Harford Community College graduate and obtained both his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in Management from Johns Hopkins University. Mr. Gahler is a member of the adjunct faculty within the Public Safety Leadership Program at the Johns Hopkins University and is an operating partner with the Advanced Leadership Consortium, a company committed to providing quality training and consulting services to public safety organizations and private businesses.
To learn more about Jeff Gahler and his campaign, please visit or follow him on Twitter@JeffGahler
It’s time Harford County gets it own police force. Let the Sheriff guard the prisoners, court house and serve papers.
I could not disagree more with your limited assessment. The following was part of the debate on this issue when being discussed in Frederick County not too long ago:
“A county police department is not the norm. There are only about 56 county police departments out of over 3,000 counties in the U.S., less than 2 percent. The largest county law enforcement agency in the country is the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. Even here in Maryland, home of the first sheriff’s office in the nation, St. Mary’s County, circa 1641, there are only five county police departments out of 23 counties”.
Citizens should be wary of turning their law enforcement operations over to a non-law enforcement executive who is not mainly focused on public safety as the number 1 priority.
No Thanks: You are correct. That subject has come up about 7 or 8 times since the 1940’s. Each and every time the studies were done they all came up with the same conclusion… would be cost prohibitive to the taxpayers of Harford County. If those people that think a County Police Department is THE answer, they are absolutely wrong. I believe the Sheriff’s Office budget is approximately $65million for the current fiscal year. If the nay-sayers would look at those counties that have a County Police Department budgets, they would probably go into shock. They fail to realize that each County, and Baltimore City is required by the Maryland Constitution to have a Sheriff’s Office. Harford County citizens are very fortunate to have a full-service law enforcement, correction and Circuit Court under the umbrella of the Sheriff’s Office. Sorry, I got completely off the topic of the above report………
Not going to happen unless the taxpayers of Harford County are willing to stomach a sizable tax increase and given the fact that no one seems to willing actually fund the teacher deputy pay plans that the county council and county executive agreed to I don’t see that happening.
That’s exactly what we need here…another county level bureaucracy. A county police department will not provide any additional services that the HCSO does not currently provide. The upfront costs to start one are staggering. New facilities (some existing HCSO facilities obviously would transfer over, but not all), new uniforms, new paint scheme for every vehicle in the fleet, and the list goes on.
Even after those upfront costs are paid for, the yearly costs are also significantly more than what the current HCSO budget is.
And if you think that a county police department would have less internal politics and stupid political games being played than the HCSO currently does then you’re an even bigger fool than you already sound. Instead of having a sheriff answerable to the citizens of Harford County you’ll have a police chief answerable only to the county executive and possibly the council. Do you really think having someone like David Craig in a position to order around a law enforcement agency is a good idea?
That should say “teacher and deputy pay plans”
Add me to that list! Time for Bane to retire and let this department move forward with some real leadership!
Wow, a sheriff from 30+ years ago gives you an endorsement. He has no clue about today’s sheriff’s office or how the county is policed.
Last time I talked to Kunkel he thought the Beatles were still together
The Sheriff you are referring to is the longest serving Sheriff in the history of Harford County. Sure, he’s been retired for 33 years but, he has more knowledge of the internal workings of the Sheriff’s Office than you would ever be able to comprehend.
You, Sir, are the one that “has no clue!”
Sheriff Kunkel could still run that department.
Didn’t Kunkel fire Howard Walter once already?
No, Sheriff Kunkel did not fire Howard Walter. Whoever you are getting your information from has been blowing smoke up your keister!
How come Howard Walter has been left off of Gahlers endorsements? Really?
Are you looking for a different Howard Walter than the one mentioned in the story above or did you just not take the time to read the story before thinking about how to make yourself look like a fool?
I stand corrected Howard Walter is clearly supporting Gahler, More reason not to vote for the Walter/Gahler ticket.
You stand more foolish. There is no more a Gahler/Walter ticket than there is a Bane/Visnaw ticket or a Bane/Forwood ticket, but if we want to speculate who has protected more questionable individuals, we can.
Ah so you agree that the Walter Ticket is a questionable ticket. Lets see if Kunkel will issue a press release.
No, just that Mr. Gahler has already said who he is considering as his chief deputy and stated clearly that Col. Walter would not be returning to the Office. It is so telling that the best the Bane team can muster is to keep dropping the Walter name.
No speculation at all as to who Bane has protected over the years especially now more than ever. The Task Force pitches a new “helicopter unit” to Bane that enables 8 Detectives to work in a specialty assignment with limitless overtime! Road Deputies haven’t had a pay increase in 7 years and work nights and weekends. It’s clearly evident that “helicopter unit” has Bane bamboozled!
Saw Mr Kunkel over at Perry Point. still looking good for his age.
All these deputies on here want to complain. You make pretty good money for hanging out at local wawa stores so you can get your free soda or coffee. That entitles you to need a raise
Obviously, you have never stared down the barrel of a firearm being pointed at you, had to notify parents that their child is deceased, picked up body parts and put them in rubber bags, chased a wanted felon on foot not knowing where you will end up, jumped into the middle of a violent assault to stop it, investigated a murder or, any of the other tragic things that law enforcement officers have to take care of on a daily basis. Damned right, they deserve a coffee break, or soda……..AND a pay raise!
I’m not disputing that police are put in threatening, sad situations. However, it’s not Baltimore City for the HCSO and if citizens knew the clown show that goes on behind the scenes they would be furious! All of the plotting, power plays and back stabbing that goes on certainly detracts from doing what they’re being paid to do. How about those deputies who sit in their car watching movies for most of their shift – and worse – if you know what I’m saying. Let’s just say that some deputies have been very chummy with the convenience store clerks and earn their free coffee and soda. Particularly, a certain employee at the Pylesville High’s store has been in a HCSO vehicle more than once and it’s not because of an arrest. Or the deputies who come home while on patrol and park in their garage, keeping their radios on while sitting in their living room, especially during holidays.
Insider I agree with everything you are saying except your second sentence. Edgewood is Baltimore City in miniature–lots of good people but many more bad ones. As far as the rest of your post you are absolutely right on target.
Louie – Yes, you are right. If Maryland is considered “America in Miniature,” Edgewood is “Baltimore in Miniature” and officers are more at risk there than any other sector. I am also not saying that ALL deputies take part in the follies, but a good portion do. It has always amazed me how much time and energy is spent politicking within the department (i.e., aligning with the right group in order to move up the ranks) instead of dedicating their work day to actual police work. As for my comments regarding deputies hiding out at home during their shift and watching movies on their vehicle laptops – I’m talking about the supervisory level doing this.
Louie and Insider: You both bring up some valid points and those can be added to the long list of reasons why a new Sheriff and administration is much needed in Harford County.
Since when do LT’s count as command staff? The list of endorsements is nothing more then former disgruntled employees. Gahler is a crybaby joke
Yeah, two former Sheriff’s saying the guy they worked with (Bane) needs to go and an outsider (Gahler) is the cure for what Bane has screwed up….wait, I missed the crying part unless you are Bane and you realize the end is nearer with every new day.
Great screen name.
Sheriff Kunkel is a well respected man in the community as a former Sheriff. I came on right after he retired and Sheriff Moyer another great man took over. Sheriff Kunkel had one set of rules and everyone was expected to follow them. There was a chain of command and respect from the top to the bottom. No blurred lines of conduct and everyone had to follow them.
Sheriff Kunkel still wants what is best for Harford County. I spoke to him several years ago and he is still very sharp and looks good for his age. Sheriff Kunkel was fair but firm. This needs to be brought back to the Sheriff’s Office.
Kunkel isn’t running for sheriff. He also was sheriff of a much smaller department with a different society than today. You will be praising Wyatt Earp and commenting that we need him next.
I don’t think the size of the department matters. He is a leader. Current administration doesn’t seem to be able to run the department either. I guess you make a great point for a change at the Sheriff’s Office.
Marc A. Eaton: Obviously, Bluto. a very fitting name, has no ethics or respect for a man that has accomplished more than he will ever understand for the safety of the citizens of Harford County. Wasn’t Bluto the bully in the Popeye cartoons? Yeah, good name for him!
If you were Popeye, I would say that you are full of spinach. But as MDPatrIDIOT I say you are full of crap.
Md., it will be a reply absent of facts and full of slurs and BS. I have a new way to really get them mad posting my responses in a video response to show them that I am the one speaking and no one else. I would like to see them do the same and stop hiding behind fake names and show that they believe in Bane as much as I do in unseating him and supporting Gahler.
When did endorsements become desperation?
Marc A. Eaton: Have you noticed that “Bluto da’ Bully” is incapable of legitimately defending his idol, Bane? Typical of a left-wing liberal. Their selection of an Ass as the Democrat party mascot and symbol is very fitting. Wait for it, he’s trying to come up with a reply…….
The difference in size of the HCSO has no bearing on ethical behavior nor the leadership capabilities of those appointed by the Sheriff to be senior commanders. The size of the HCSO has no bearing on treating your employees fairly and it has nothing to do with keeping a Major employed for over 10 months who has been stealing from local businesses, thus costing the county taxpayers almost $100,000 in salary paid to a man to sit at home while he accrues additional retirement benefits, only to be caught for the second time stealing from a local business. Sheriff Bane owns this shame and the voters should never forget it.
Mike please try to come up with something new. The Forwood case is old news. Any guesses on who wins the Republican Primary Mike?
Typical liberal comment, “The Forwood case is old news.” So, are the people suppose to forgive the Sheriff for his inactions and drag the agency down even further just because it is an old case?
I understand that there is so much crap documented on your Messiah Sheriff that it may well take 5 septic trucks to haul it all away.
Proud, please tell us why Forwood is old news yet you all keep banging on Sheriff Golding over Dan Scott? Please give us the difference in these two cases? I doubt you can do this but give it a try. Lets see what you know. I guess I will just get the same dribble about my medication, mental disorder, about my old business I had. Typical liberals can not produce facts on anything and we all know this. Oh by the way I was up this morning looking at houses in Harford County.
Crickets Proud, just like I thought there would be.
I hate to tell you, Mike, but size does matter. Gahler has a Master’s degree in criminal justice, why don’t you ask him this question. As far a the Forewood case is concerhed, these questions have been discussed ad nauseum. You are presumed innocent until proven guilty. Even a police officer with a Master’s degree knows that. Try again, Mr. Gahler, er uh I mean Mike.
Yes, you are presumed innocent until proven guilty, or in Forewood’s case until he plead guilty. But you and I both know that Sheriff Bane fired him before Forewood came to trial, so what’s your point? Bane did this after saying for 10 months that he couldn’t do, exactly what he ended up doing.
If you believe the size of an organization has anything to do with the ethics of its leadership or employees please explain it to us. How does size have any bearing on ethical behavior?
Mike Welsh or Mr. Gahler,
We both know that size has nothing to do with ethics, but has a lot to do with leadership and morale. All I really ever hear from the anti-Bane group is the “no morale” cry. Of course, you want to dwell on that because you want to be sheriff, which would be a wonderful job for a retired state trooper. The larger the organization, the less personal it becomes. If the sheriff is doing his job, he is trying to oversee his command staff, much like a Governor or a president. In Sheriff Kunkel’s day there were probably 40 deputies who all knew each other well and worked closely with the Sheriff in day to day activities. Do you really need me to explain how policing, the criminal system and society have changed? No one with a graduate degree or less would ask this unless they are running out of issues. By the way, congratulations on the Aegis’s endorsement for the Republican Party for you as the candidate against Bane. I hope it isn’t the kiss of death for you. Actually, that is a lie, I do.
Mike, Prouds answer sound like…..”Dude that was like two years ago.”
The fact that Bane never had a clue how to run the Sheriff’s Office and has systematically destroyed morale through misguided management leaves little wonder why Sheriff Golding and Kunkel have endorsed someone other than the incumbent.
Golding has not supported Bane in the last 2 elections. He supported Cochran in 2006 and Gahler in 2010. So this is nothing new but of course you will try to make a big deal of it.
So you’re saying that Golding has been right all along! Finally, a point of agreement.
Republican Voter: You will never get a liberal (a/k/a Democrat) to understand, or accept the truth when it does not suit them. They always try to spin the truth and want to let the truth die off because the truth twists their panties into a wad. You know they are upset because they always go on the offensive. Keep up the good work!
I would suppose that all Gahler has to do is pick his timing and then hang the helicopter around Bane’s neck. The crime stats, good or bad, will not matter in a time of fiscal austerity. If Gahler runs the numbers and does a projection of how the copter was an ego trip that will drain resources and tax dollars for years to come, then he can show how incompetent Bane was in understanding the real needs of the county.
I think that we need to look at the size of the department, take the population of Harford County from 1975, and compare it to the number of deputies, ( exclude admin and detention center). Then show the population increase to 2013. And then compare to the amount of deputies. Then factor in that HDG, BelAir and Aberdeen have more officers on patrol, and the State police have more on patrol in the county. Gahler wants to be a leader, make him explain why we need that many officers, where he is going to cut costs.
And really, does he have to shoe that he is the “Republican ” candidate on his signs when that’s all he is running against??? seems like someone is trying to blow some smoke for cover…..
another former student, good post. Yes, Gahler’s group is desperate. They have little in the way of issues and this might be Gahler’s last chance to run for sheriff. He came close last time, so there is no holds barred for this election. If Bane is reelected, the man who follows him will be Eddie Hopkins. So Gahler and his want-to-be’s are doing everything they can for one last run.
My experience doesn’t square with your facts. There are about 3,000 people from my country in the Baltimore area and most of them work or own their own businesses. In the 36 years I have been here, I have known maybe 3 families receiving social services assistance. A few have been illegal too but most are self relliant, working and their kids are doing real well in school. In fact, most of our children have gone to professional careers and are well assimilated in American society. Your generalized facts about immigrants are tainted with fear, ignorance and a complete disregard for the human condition. I recall, Irish were welcomed and accepted, Italian too. Greeks, Polish, German and Jewish. All these groups assimilated at differing rates, some better due to a common language but most after the first generation, were part of the American way. No one screams about a Little Italy or Little Korea or Little China or Greektown in Baltimore, but as soon as there is any Mexican or Latin American presence, then the fear mongers come out. My own brother in law told me during a boxing match why is the guy wearing a mexican bandana? he was upset about it, but seemed to calm down once I told him it was the Italian flag! There is a complete double standard…