WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.) today issued the following statement following the resignation of U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki:
“General Shinseki is a decorated war hero and a committed public servant. His commitment to our nation’s veterans is unwavering, and I thank him for his service to our country.
“The Department of Veterans Affairs needs a new attitude from the bottom up in every facility across the nation. It’s time to turn the VA around. Veterans who have fought on the front lines shouldn’t have to stand in line for the care and benefits they’ve earned and deserve. “
Rep. Andy Harris Releases Statement on Secretary Shinseki’s Resignation
Washington, D.C. – Congressman Andy Harris, M.D., a Navy veteran and physician who worked in both the military and veteran health systems, has released the following statement in response to Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki’s resignation today:
“The resignation of the Secretary will do little, if anything, to deal with the systemic problems identified by the Inspector General’s preliminary report issued this week. We have only seen the tip of the iceberg of problems with the Veterans Health Administration. Until we give veterans a choice of where to get the medical care they so rightly deserve, we will not solve the problems with veteran health care.”
Marty says
The VA system needs to be overhaul. As a former Marine and Vietnam combat veteran I must compliment the VA on the service I have received. But it was indeed time for a change. Mhg
vietnam vet says
As a Former Marine & combat Vet. I can speak Highly, of the VA pharmacy. but chose to take Medi Care for health care. 100 % percent Disabled.
vietnam vet says
To the Contrary, I’am a Vietnam Vet a 100 % percent disabled. Combat veteran as well. as soon as I was able I converted to Medi care.
F.L. says
Barbie is still breathing? Darn it. She only barks when the lime light can be shown on her.
Hedley Lamarr says
Being four foot with a flat head almost makes her perfect except she’s 90 and ugly and a bo.
PissedOffRepublican says
Good ol’ Babs,,,,, sticking her 2cents in , just to stay relavent….can’t wait for elections!!!!!