A Bel Air woman was shot and her estranged husband killed in the conclusion to an overnight standoff with Harford County Sheriff’s Office deputies in Creswell, police said.
According to police, Jamie Nicole Campbell, 28, had been held hostage in her Chevrolet Traverse on a dirt road off Cedar Lane in Creswell since approximately 8:30 p.m. Monday night. Sheriff’s deputies were alerted after the woman’s mother reported her missing earlier that day and police tracked her vehicle to the location using its OnStar system.
Deputies arriving on scene were “warned off” by the suspect, 37-year-old Luis Arturo Hernandez Jr. of Perry Hall Boulevard in Baltimore, and Campbell told police he was armed. Officers formed a perimeter around the vehicle, and tactical teams and crisis neogitators arrived on scene to conduct negotiations throughout the night and early morning.
The situation escalated at approximately 8:55 a.m. when, according to Sheriff’s Office spokesman Edward Hopkins, Hernandez forced his wife to begin making phone calls to family members to “say goodbye on his behalf.” Victims services personnel stationed with those family members alerted deputies to the calls, and a Sheriff’s Office tactical team was authorized to make an “emergency assault” on the vehicle to protect Campbell and prevent Hernandez from taking his own life.
According to a Sheriff’s Office news release, as deputies approached the vehicle, shots were fired. Hernandez suffered several gunshot wouunds and died at the scene, while his wife was shot in the abdomen. She was airlifted to the University of Maryland R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center shortly after 9 a.m.; she remained in critical condition as of 1 p.m. Tuesday. It remained unclear who fired the shots that killed Hernandez and wounded Campbell. No deputies were injured in the incident.
Campbell, a resident of the 700 block of Hickory Limb Circle in Bel Air, was reported missing Monday by her mother, who said she had not heard from her daughter since she left to run errands in Hunt Valley at approximately 2 p.m. Police determined that the woman and her husband had a “history of domestic violence,” according to a Sheriff’s Office statement, and believed the two were together at that time.
Sad that it turned out with the female victim shot. I am sure that there will be a ton of gallery speculations on whose bullet actually hit her, whether it be the Police or Suspect.
I, for one, would have liked to see a well-placed, long-range shot to end the standoff. A little messier, but darn are 7.62 rounds effective!
1s1k: That has been my favorite round since Vietnam. I’am sorry to hear the wife being shot.
7.62X54R? Really
7.62×51 also known as .308
Almost identical. I have a civilian .308 which on rare occasion jams if I use surplus 7.62×51 in it but always cycles perfectly with the commercially available .308 Winchester.
I believe that 7.62x54r was a Russian cartridge; NATO countries use the 7.62×51.
Wouldn’t you think if the woman was conscious before and during the time she was attended to by medical personnel that she would have told the police (or others) if her husband had shot her. The wording of the article makes it sound very likely that the woman was not shot by her husband.
Regarding the comment about the well placed long range shot to end the standoff. According to Mr. Hopkins, the police initiated action to “prevent” the man from harming himself. That didn’t go very well.
The article makes no mention of any conversation that would indicate the man intended to harm his wife. Appears he only intended to harm himself.
Thank goodness no police or other first responders were injured.
If it was a cops bullet that hit her hopefully it won’t go away like the snowball gate incident. Time will tell or not.
And speaking of snowball gate, what were the findings? Anybody know??
File a FOI and get back to us.
Would also like to know how the kid in the SB stand was hit in the ass with a bullet and it exited thru his penis, if he was attacking???
So if the cops were there trying to save the woman from her “husband”. What difference would it make about where the bullet came from. The fine outstanding citizen was going to hurt her and they were not just out for ice cream. All of these people who can pass judgement on the police, probably have not been in a situation that calls for a split decision. Sorry the wife got shot and hope it wasn’t from the police, but she is alive to see another day. I’m sure the police were well trained.
Good riddance Lu Luu. With a record like that, you got what you deserve.
The police still have yet to say why a deputy murdered a young man at a snowball stand in forest hill. He wasn’t even armed but hey shot him anyway.
He wasn’t murdered. He came at the deputy. He came out of the snowball stand after the deputy arrived. BTW it was locked. The deputy was doing his job and protecting himself. Where is Marc on this one? Guess it has nothing to do with the sheriff’s race. So make sure you get the facts straight before you call it murder.The deputy never intended to go to work and have to shot someone.
And I ask the question again, how did the kid end up getting shot in the ass and the bullet exit thru his penis???????
The Deputy did as he was trained. He was attacked and was on his back and used deadly force. Headley, are you sure of your facts on that shot? If so then why are you trying to find out about the investigation. You don’t have to wait for the suspect to take you firearm to hurt you before you use deadly force. I wasn’t there, but if the Deputy believed his life was in danger then I stand by him. In this case we don’t know who shot who. If the husband had shot her then himself you all would be saying how the Police screwed this up. If it turns out she was hit by the police you will do the same. He is dead and she is alive and no one else was hurt. I feel sorry for his family and hers but I am glad the police are okay and I hope she recovers. No one likes the police until you need them. If you had to use your real name on here would you use such strong words as murder? Doubt it. Timmy D were you at the Snow Ball stand? Have inside information? Just speculating? Thought so. You feel so strongly about how the police act time to put on your big boy pants and join up. With you knowledge and your ability to act calm and cool while under stress I am sure you can change things.
good reply Marc! Glad no police were seriously harmed in either incident and your right about hating the police, until they need one. Most of these people could not handle being a police officer for a day. It takes a split second for a cop to make a decision and days for an armchair quarterback to comment.
Marc, I’m certain on the butt shot and the exit wound, hard to explain that shot don’t you think? I’m sure there are cops on this board that know as well as I do, haven’t had my statement disputed on this thread or the threads related to that story. That should tell you something.
So the person moved while trying to be shot. Happens all the time. Do ya think the deputy would be stupid enough to not do his job. I for one think all these people, who want to make something of it, need to get to know how a police officer works during a shift. But it is not like the TV programs. So there is no conspiracy to hide the facts.
I’m disputing it.
Your not a cop, you are not in a position to dispute it, I know the facts and you don’t.
No not anymore, but I still talk to people who are so yes I am disputing bad information. Are you a cop?
You can dispute all you want, your the one getting bad information and that is really sad that they would tell you otherwise. At some point this will surface. I know the truth.
Because he was a drugged up idiot who broke into a snowball stand, refused to comply, then charged after the cop.
The guy was a criminal, we saved money in confinement costs and legal fees.
Barebones, sadly yes he was drugged up and probably didn’t know what he was doing. He does leave behind two grieving parents.
And he received the death penalty.
Why don’t you and Monster clear this up. Since you know the bullet entry and exit location of the individual who was shot at the snowball stand stop arguing about it and tell everyone the actual location.
Because he does not know. And why would I make up such a claim? I have nothing to gain. Channel 2 News was contacted and was given this info but nothing materialized, my guess is they got stonewalled or failed to follow up.
Union Member,
Why don’t you take care of your self-centered issues that amount to crap.
You can try and change the question to reflect on me. Problem is, it doesn’t change where the man was shot and where the bullet exited. It is unusual that Marc is trying to deflect the truth about this incident, but perhaps he is just getting the wrong information. It’s not unusual for you however. So, come on Monster, tell us where the snowball man was shot.
Marc, you may want to reverify your information on this incident.
Good comment. I agree with you 100%.
UPDATE: Police: Hostage Standoff Suspect Wounded Wife, was Shot by Deputies
so the cops did shot to women too! no surprise there, their lack of training and discipline manifests itself again. when will we have true leadership leading our rag tag gaggle of cops who are sworn to serve and protect the citizens and not just shot everyone?
Is english your primary language or do you just not comprehend?
The Baltimore man who held his estranged wife hostage in her SUV on a dirt road outside Bel Air for more than 12 hours shot and wounded her and was in turn killed by members of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office tactical team, the agency said Wednesday.
Rag Tag training? When I was in K-9 I hit doors with these guys. They are well trained and they train a lot. I was just a K-9 Deputy and I would stack up behind any of these guys and put my life in their hands anytime because I know how well trained they are. From 1982 to 2002 we had two Officer involved shootings. Guess what Paul? Times are changing in Harford County. That comment is just stupid. You watch too much tv where the situation is controlled. In the real world it is not controlled.
Than what is all the training for if they cannot deal with REAL WORLD situations? Might as well send them to Trimpers for target shooting, maybe they already do.
Headley and Paul, take a few minutes to watch what this incident can and will do to a Police Officers who volunteer to protect and serve even people such as yourself. I expect ignorant comments from many of you.
You are right to go after Paul and Hedley Lamarr. I commend you for it. This is the same reason I go after the people who try to character assassinate the Sheriff.
Maybe Mark and Monster are the same person and Mark is trying to make everyone believe it is two different people.
Well than monster you need to attack Mark since he is a Bane Basher.
You are dumber than a stump. Why do you think I made that comment to Marc?
Eaton you may want to check your source again for this snowball stand shooting. The shot placement is well off of what you say it is. I personally think it was a good shoot but would hate to see you get and then give bad info.