The Harford County Board of Education plans a May 12th business meeting to include an energy efficiency program update , approval of several contract awards and budget transfers, and a financial report projecting a $1.4 million unassigned fund balance for the 2014 fiscal year end.
First on the agenda, the Board will recognize participants in the HCPS “boys 2 MEN” program, a mentoring and leadership program for students at Deerfield Elementary School, and Edgewood and Magnolia middle schools. Participants volunteer in the community and engage in other activities under the leadership of Pastor Al Reeves, boys 2 MEN founder and director, and Mr. Michael Reeves, mentor.
Following reports from Board members and a public comment period, approval of the consent agenda is planned, including a stream restoration project at Harford Glen, the school system’s environmental education center in Bel Air.
The $1.3 million “Lower Wheel Creek Stream Restoration” project is to be completed by the Harford County Department of Public Works, and jointly funded by the county’s Wheel Creek Water Shed Capital Fund ($250,000) and a Chesapeake Bay Trust Fund Grant from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources ($1,050,000). The planned restoration area begins at the County Walk community and extends approximately 5,300 linear feet, ending at Harford Glen. The project will include bank restoration and address water quality degradation at Wheel Creek, which is a tributary to Atkisson Reservoir.
Next on the consent agenda are contract awards for two projects in anticipation of a planned $44.8 million replacement of Youth’s Benefit Elementary School in Fallston. Comer Construction was the sole bidder on the contract for temporary septic tanks, and is recommended for a $138,710 contract award. Contract awards are also recommended for on-site movement and placement of two existing relocatable classrooms. Through a bid process identified in the published agenda as “Multiple Prime Construction Management”, EMH Environmental, Inc. is recommended for a $45,990 contract award to move and place the classrooms, including ramps and landings; Key Systems, Inc. is recommended for a $72,300 contract award for related electrical work.
Last on the consent agenda is a recommended $236,282.72 contract award to Skyline Technology Solutions, Inc. of Glen Burnie for the purchase of Aruba Wi-Fi and Extreme Networks infrastructure and network hardware to meet demand at Bel Air and Ring Factory Elementary schools and the HCPS Central Office building. According to the published agenda, “The basis for the cost of the products is via piggybacking a contract established by the University System of Maryland MEEC (Maryland Education Enterprise Consortium) contract for Network Hardware … A strategic selection process was utilized by the Office of Technology. Skyline Technology Solutions offered the most competitive price proposals for these wireless network infrastructure solutions.”
Under new business, the Board will vote on promotions and appointments recommended by Superintendent Barbara Canavan, to be presented by Jean Mantegna, assistant superintendent for human resources.
Next on the agenda, Andrew Cassilly, HCPS resource conservation manager, will provide an update on the school system’s Energy Performance Contracting program with Johnson Controls, Inc. The program, now in its third phase, includes facility improvements in schools, data tracking and performance reporting to improve productivity, cut costs and reduce environmental impacts. According to the published agenda, phases one and two of the mulit-year program are currently exceeding the total guaranteed savings by $2,674,471 and $1,346,825, respectively. Phase three, still under construction, will involve 27 schools and has thus far accrued installation savings totaling $331,321.
Next on the agenda Jim Jewell, assistant superintendent of business services, will provide a financial report for the quarter ended on March 31, 2014, the second quarter of the school system’s fiscal year. Included in the report is a projection that the unassigned fund balance at fiscal year end will be $1,421,136, or 0.3% of the school system’s $424.7 million unrestricted budget. The projected unassigned fund balance is the amount that would be available for ongoing expenses in FY 2015 or emergencies in the current fiscal year.
Listed next on the agenda as presentation items, but discussed in supporting documents as action items, are a series of requests for Board approval to transfer funds within the budget for fiscal year 2014.
First, is a proposal to transfer excess reserves for healthcare costs, and income from federal Medicare prescription subsidies to fund Other Post-Employment Benefit (OPEB) obligations, and a healthcare premium “holiday” that will offset employee’s contributions. The requested transfers total $3,261,212 for OBEB and $915,889 for the healthcare premium holiday.
Other proposed budget transfers include a $500,000 shift from the Emergency Fuel Reserve to pay increased utility costs attributed to the harsh winter. Also, projected savings in the transportation budget are proposed to fund excess natural gas costs ($600,000). Salary savings due to position vacancies ($160,000) are proposed to fund textbooks and other items in accounts managed by school principals. And finally, a transfer of budgeted funds for maintenance and supplies in the Office of Technology is proposed to provide a requested, but unfunded, computer refresh for Aberdeen High School ($400,000).
Last on the agenda is a report from Superintendent Canavan.
The meeting is scheduled to begin at 6:30 p.m. at the A.A. Roberty Building in Bel Air, with a public comment period set for 7:05 p.m. The published agenda appears below. Please note that published agendas are subject to change.
Monday, May 12, 2014
Board Open Session – 5:25 PM – Board Room
Board Closed Session – 5:30 PM – Board Executive Conference Room
Board Business Meeting – 6:30 PM – Board Room*Times are approximate
6:30 PM
Call to Order – Mrs. Nancy Reynolds, President
Quorum Roll Call
Adoption of Agenda
Pledge of Allegiance6:35 PM Recognition: Boys 2 Men of Harford County Public Schools (Goal 2)
6:50 PM Board Committee Reports and Comments
7:05 PM Public CommentOld Business
Action Item(s):
7:20 PM A. Consent Agenda:1) Affirmation of Monthly Contract Awards (Goal 4)
2) Minutes of Previous Board Meeting: April 28 2014 (Goals 1 – 4)
3) School/Organization Sponsored Project – Harford Glen Lower Wheel Creek Stream Restoration Project (Goal 4)
4) Award of Contract: Youth’s Benefit Elementary School Temporary Septic Tanks (Goal 4)
6) Award of Contract: Wi-Fi Network Infrastructure and Equipment (Goal 4)
New Business
Action Item(s):7:25 PM B. Decision on Appointments and Promotions, Mrs. Jean Mantegna (Goal 3)
7:35 PM C. Presentation on Performance Contracting Status Report, PowerPoint Presentation, Mr. Andrew P. Cassilly (Goal 4)
7:50 PM D. Presentation on Quarterly Financial Report for Period Ended March 31, 2014, Mr. Jim Jewell (Goal 4)
8:05 PM E. Presentation on OPEB Transfer and Premium Holiday and Supplemental Appropriation of Fund Balance – Transfers Between State Categories, Mr. Jim Jewell (Goal 3)
8:25 PM Superintendent’s Report
8:35 PM Future Meetings Review
Do you have a list of the appointments and promotions from the meeting tonight?
There were two appointments: Coordinator of Special Ed, Elementary – Melissa Romano &
Coordinator of Special Ed, Secondary, which I believe was Mary Gernand. HCPS typically puts out written notification sometime after the meeting (which we will publish)
This is from what I heard and wrote down in my notes this evening, so the spelling could be off.