From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
By: Sheriff L. Jesse Bane
There are approximately 900,000 law enforcement officers and 460,000 corrections officers serving in communities across the United States. Each year 60,000 assaults against police are reported resulting in approximately 16,000 injuries. A staggering 20,000 police officers have been killed in the line of duty since 1791. Over 33.5% of all assaults in prisons and jails are committed by inmates against staff and overall Corrections Officers have the second highest mortality rate of any occupation. Given statistics such as these one wonders why anyone would want to take on such a job.
The men and women of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office do not take on the responsibility of being a police officer or corrections officer with the expectation of being injured or killed. They do not take on this enormous responsibility because it is just a job. They take on this responsibility because it is an avocation. It is a passion and a willingness to serve their community and dedicate their lives to protecting her, and her citizens, from people who want to cause physical, emotional and financial harm. These men and women place themselves in harm’s way every day so that people can go about their daily lives safely. For that we will always be thankful.
But did you know these men and women are part of your community? Our Sheriff’s deputies not only have a vested interest in your safety and well-being but they are vested in the communities they serve. Our deputies are volunteer firefighters and EMTs, Scout, church and civic leaders. They dedicate their free time to coaching and mentoring our youth in programs such as Boys 2 Men. They coordinate such programs as Badges for Baseball and Youth Explorer Camps. They participate in and actively support programs such as Special Olympics, March of Dimes, and Read across America, the Boys and Girls Clubs, the Sheriff’s Office Christmas Drive, and the Sexual Assault/Spouse Abuse Resource Center (SARC). These deputies not only protect and serve you but they are your neighbors and your friends.
That is why the month of May, and more specifically the weeks of May 6-11 and May 11-17 2014, is recognized as National Corrections Officer and National Police Week. It is during this time we honor and remember those who have given their lives in the line of duty. It is also during this month that we encourage our communities to say thank you to those police and corrections officers for the job they do. It is a difficult job fraught with the challenges of an ever changing society. But these men and women persevere to maintain the level of excellence our citizens have come to know and appreciate. I am proud of the men and women who serve within the ranks of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office. I know and understand their passion and dedication. Please join with me during May, and throughout the year, and thank them for the sacrifices they make and for their commitment to our County. It is those sacrifices and commitment that make our communities safer and stronger.
Disappointed says
You can tell it’s an election year! Bane wants the public to appreciate the hard working honorable men and women of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office but in fact he does not himself appreciate them!
Discount Doooooooooooooblecheck says
If the public only knew the real Bane they would be shocked at their hero
Lora lee says
I would like to meet you. I have never seen a jackass that can use a computer before.
Union Member says
Try using a mirror.
louis f. haber says
politician says
You nailed it. Politics at its finest.
Keith Gabel says
I’m shocked. This press release has been out for a few hours and no one has said anything bad about the teachers or the Sheriff Department’s helicopter.
helicopter fan says
You mean the helicopter being paid for by public taxpayer dollars? The one that flies without having to use any drug money?
politician says
these idiots are slow thinkers, give them time.
Marc A Eaton says Subscribe to this page for notifications of Police Officer who are killed in the line of duty. The sad part is that almost everyday you get a notification on another fallen Officer. To all Police Officers in Harford County and in the country be safe and take care of each other. Survive to get you’re twenty five.
Because says
“Your”. Possibly the most decent post you ever placed in the Dagger and you still couldn’t get it right
Neutral says
you are showing “your “ignorance loud and clear…. ever make an error in spelling or auto correct… chastise Marc for name calling and other vile actions and yet here you are doing the same exact thing…..
May God Bless You
Marc A Eaton says
This article from Bane is not political, but was to let the public know that the men and women of the Sheriff’s Office are the back bone of the Department. It is true, we have some great people who are Firemen, and work in the community that they live in. I will point out when he is wrong but this was a fair letter acknowledging that the Department is an outstanding department thanks to them. Once a month is not enough to recognize what law enforcement and other emergency workers do while on duty and off duty. They do their jobs and are active in the community and they do not ask for any special treatment for doing so. When I do give him credit you show you’re character by attacking a spelling error or an incorrect use of a word. Sad for you. If I can look past the politics on this letter you would think you could to.
Proud To Be A Liberal says
Might be the smartest thing that has ever been written or said by DFC Eaton. Good job Rambo
Marc A Eaton says
Don’t get excited I will be back. This was not an endorsement.
Proud To Be A Liberal says
The Bane bashers cannot go one article without spewing their character assassination remarks about Jesse. Jesse Banes remarks about deputies shows that he cares about his troops and yet double check and disappointed can’t help but make senseless comments. I am certain that the readers see through the bs that many of you post. Jesse is a man of character and is a good Sheriff.
politician says
I agree with you. People can have different opinions than me, but when you start trying to tear a good man down, it is time for them to find something else to do. Jesse Bane is a good man and I am voting for him for sheriff.
Union Member says
Good people don’t treat their employees the way Sheriff Bane treats his employees. If being hateful, revengeful, deceitful, and outright lying about what you will do makes you a good person then Bane is your man. I have never met anyone who thinks someone who fits that description is in any way a “good man”.
politico says
Maybe you deserved that treatment. How do I know? But, I do know Bane and I think you are a BS er trying to convince people of your view.
Union Member says
Help me out here Politico, exactly what does a person do to “deserve” Bane’s hate, revenge, deceit, and being outright lied to?
MDPatriot says
Union Member: You are right on all counts. The people that support the incumbent Sheriff have very little, if any, knowledge of how he operates within the confined walls of the Sheriff’s Office and Detention Center. Oh, sure, they all say he’s a “Nice Guy and I’m voting for him.” They need to open their eyes a little wider to see how he truly operates. I’m sure he is a “nice guy” when he is out in public and politicking…..that is what he does best, without a doubt. But, inside those confined walls …..well, I’ll just say, “Despicable”.
Proud To Be A Liberal says
Examples please union member. You love making blanket character assassination type remarks with no examples. So please enlighten us
Mike Welsh says
I have commented before that Bane is a much better politician than he is a Sheriff. It is not a surprise that someone who views themselves as “politico” would probably be in Banes camp. With Bane you get a politician, not a Sheriff, and there is the rub when it comes to having his Deputies support and confidence in him as a leader in a Law Enforcement agency.
You have left me at a loss for words when you state that perhaps “Union Member” deserved Banes hate, deceit, and lies. Wow, you must really think the Deputies are nothing but dirt, to deserve that kind of treatment.
politico says
Welsh- you are never at a loss for words. How do you know so much about the HCSO? Are you a deputy? Why don’t you tell us all how you know what you say.
Proud To Be A Liberal says
Welsh is one that doesn’t want any rules and wants to just collect a paycheck. That or he is one of Gahler’s trooper buddies that just wants a retirement job.
Monster says
Could it be Gahler or Bodway?
knowsalot says
At least you admit what you are, the one thing we need less of in our country
LIBERALS. At least thanks for being honest. If all the liberals stood up and
admitted it I believe the political land scape would be quite different.
Claw meat says
John Ryan make good crab soup. Vote for the crab tamer.
Vietnam vet says
Nothing being said about Jeff Gahler ?
Jay says
No one ever says anything about Gahler (maybe they have nothing good to say) His supporter just bashes Bane, its a campaign strategy – sling mud at your opponent and maybe no one will notice that you have nothing good to say about yourself.
nameless says
Sheriff treats people like they matter. He doesn’t try to bully us or be buddy buddy. Most of us don’t have direct contact with him because we don’t need to. Do your job and you won’t have any problems. Be a smart ass or goof-off and you will. When you are in the marines, no one asks you what you think about your commanders, do your duty and don’t whine. Otherwise, get out. Worry about the challenges of your job. Most importantly, stop embarrassing the HCSO with some of these posts that some of you idiots put on here. Who says, and what evidence is there that any of these other candidates are any better than the current Sheriff. they all will appoint their command staff, and it will piss people off. The Sheriff speaks for the entire HCSO, it isn’t always about politics. Some of you post anti Bane messages no matter what the topic is. This topic is about honoring police and detention staff. Yet, you assholes campaign on here while accusing Bane of doing this for campaign reasons. You are hypocritical assholes, whether you are police officers or not. Who do you want to write this article? A DFC? A civilian? Stupid ass Marc Eaton? You all embarrass the career of police officers and I suspect few of you are even members of the HCSO
Discount Doooooooooooooblecheck says
Nameless you are embarrassing yourself with your childish rant and profane language. Obviously you have anger issues. Go work it out somewhere else.
nameless says
when you perform my duties, you can tell me what to do. I doubt you have the guts to do that, and I know you don’t have the brainpower.
Proud To Be A Liberal says
The only people embarrassing themselves are you double check and your other friend “union member”.
Union Members says
Is this the first year that May has been designated as National Law Enforcement and Correctional Officer month? If it isn’t, where has Bane been the last 7 years to praise and complement those officers who give of themselves daily in support of the citizens they serve? He should have been doing it every May, not just an election year. By the way, this tradition was started in 1962 by President Kennedy.
Proud To Be A Liberal says
He has done it in the past and here is just one example of it.
So before you go Bane bashing you may just want to get your facts straight, it makes you look extremely foolish.
Nameless says
My comment is to Union Member.
Union Member says
I read what you had referenced. It was simply a canned press release on line and included no comments from Sheriff Bane in the press release. This is typical of Bane and his cronies.
Monster says
Union Member, this comment is typical of YOU and YOUR CRONIES.
Nameless says
Sounds like you didn’t do your homework. of course, it is easier to make stupid statements than state facts.
Neutral says
As of right now I myself remain neutral , but who like to point out to all the “bashers” either side , Marc Eaton has not made any reference to his disdain for Bane here on this post, so those who bash him are just showing your own ignorance.
Monster says
Stop playing good cop/bad cop and writing about yourself. You are pitiful.
Neutral says
Lionel, christopher, Frederick, whomever you are, your’re 100% mistaken on this one….. I am certainly not Marc Eaton……BTW I agree with him on some things and think he’s blown a gasket on others… so called educated professionals make me ill making comments like this…..
Neutral says
Yes there is a typo in there, an extra r in you’re…. God forbid…. but I’m human and realize I make mistakes and may be incorrect sometimes… how about you and your Narcissistic Command Staff and so called friends?
F.L. says
In the end, are you part of the problem or part of the solution. Get in the game, put on the uniform and climb the ranks. ANYONE who has dealt with the public knows the challenges are many and the rewards are few. It’s easy to sit in the bleachers, harder to coach. Ask yourself this; “Have I pee’d anyone off?” Vote, enlist or volunteer. Get in the game and closer to the action.
Proud To Be A Liberal says
The problem with most of the Bane character assassination posters is that they want no rules. They want a free ride and just want to collect a paycheck. There must be accountability within a department and many of you don’t want to play by the rules. Then there are those who blame Jesse for them not getting a raise. That is not his fault, talk to YOUR union and the County Executive. Jesse fought so that you didn’t lose anything, like furloughs or uniform allowance or shift differential. Then there are those who will complain because they are miserable and it really doesn’t matter who the sheriff is they will still complain. The highlight this year is DFC Eaton and his band of nomads that have formed a cohort to character assassinate Jesse Bane . DFC Eaton has not done that in this thread because his gypsy nomads have done it for him.
Union Member says
When the DFC’s over ten years received a significant raise this past year, Sheriff Bane made a personal statement that he knew nothing about it, and that he did nothing to support this raise. If the Sheriff didn’t support this raise for a select group of his deputies and knew nothing about such a raise until it was announced by the County Executive, just who is running the Harford County Sheriff’s Office?
Proud To Be A Liberal says
Ask YOUR union. It was a back door deal that was mustered by YOUR union. Yes he was surprised because they surprised everyone and technically the funding is not up to him. Your point is null and void.
Union Member says
Your previous point was that Jesse fought for us with the County. My reply was that the Sheriff stated that he didn’t even know what was happening. You have confirmed that the Sheriff didn’t know what was happening.
I again ask… if the Sheriff doesn’t know what is happening with the funding for his organization, then who is really running the Sheriff’s Office? Would it be you?
Proud To Be A Liberal says
The Sheriff was told by YOUR union board that they wanted the Master Deputy rank. The real question is what is going on within YOUR union? Did the union lie to Jesse Bane? How long have you been employed at HCSO? It must be a short period of time. The county executive dictates funding and YOUR union decided this is what they wanted. Maybe when you go to the next meeting you can ask them why they did such. But it is not Jesse Bane’s fault.
Union Member says
I’m not faulting Jesse Bane for the Master Deputy rank. I am saying that the Sheriff doesn’t have a clue as to what is going on with the budget, and you are confirming that. It was almost comical when the Sheriff came to the various roll calls and lamented the fact that he didn’t know what was going on.
Why don’t you or Jesse’s legal advisor sit him down and explain it to him.
Mike Welsh says
@Proud to be a Liberal
Today at 1:47 pm you state that Bane didn’t know anything about the Master Deputy Rank issue, and then at 6:09 pm you post a comment that says he was told my the union board that they wanted the Master Deputy Rank. Which is it, did he know or not?
Proud To Be A Liberal says
This article should be used as a prime example for anyone voting in the upcoming election. Read it for yourself and see that Jesse Bane does a press release about Correctional and Law Enforcement month, thanking his deputy’s. Lo and behold what happens? The Bane bashers attack like a pack of cockroaches.
BCPD says
So why does he not do it all throughout the year? Why only when it is NLEO Month?
I’ll tell you why, better press and makes him look good.
As a former Peace Officer, I’ll tell you that there is the left – there is the right…and somewhere in between there is the truth about this guy. For the most part, it appears that Bane is not very well liked or respected in the Community.
Somewhere in between all the lines of rant from both sides, there are truths within.
Wonder which poster is actually Bane?
Mark Stepped out of the Shitter says
I’m supporting Deputies everywhere. I’m the greatest supporter of Deputies… John Ryan makes a great sandwich and my shi don’t stank…
Proud To Be A Liberal says
DFC Eaton you and your henchmen are awfully quiet. Are you busy making ink pens to give away at John Ryan’s table at the farm fair?
Marc A Eaton says
No. I am quite because I didn’t think this was a post that needed any political comments. You, Monster and David A Porter seem to be unable to do the same.