From Harford County Public Schools:
Congratulations to Aberdeen High School junior Chrissandra Jackson who was selected to speak at the White House’s Joining Forces event on April 30! She spoke to 200 students at the Red Cross Building in D.C. and then introduced Dr. Jill Biden. She sat on stage with First Lady Obama and Dr. Biden during the event. What an awesome opportunity; we are very proud of her!
Aberdeen High School, including Chrissandra, participates in National Math and Science Initiative’s (NMSI) comprehensive advanced placement (AP) program, which dramatically increases the number of students taking and passing AP math, science, and English exams, and expands access to traditionally under-represented students. In 2010, NMSI began transforming schools who serve military families and the results have been stunning. Aberdeen High School received “School of the Year” recognition after students and teachers achieved unprecedented gains in scores on AP math, science and English exams in 2012-2013.
How wonderful! Congratulations for being selected–very neat to see you on stage with the First Lady!!