From Harford County Councilman “Capt’n” Jim McMahan:
Good News for folks that use the Toll Gate drop off for clippings and yard waste. The next budget cycle that begins July 1 will provide for continued Saturday hours for the toll gate land fill.
MAY 6 PUBLIC HEARINGS COUNTY COUNCIL 6:30 PM Of particular interest is Bill 14-16 Rental Property Inspections. If you wish to speak you MUST sign up IN THE LOBBY before the Public Hearings Begin.
MAY 10 U.S. COAST GUARD AUX COURSE. How to read a Nautical Chart. 9 am to 1 PM at the Havre de Grace Maritime Museum 100 Lafayette St Course Cost $35. Register at
MAY 17 VETERANS’ MUSTER AT THE William McFaul Activity Center near the MVA in Bel Air. 0900 to 1200 Hrs. ALL VETS FROM HARFORD AND CECIL COUNTY ARE INVITED.( ANY VET IS INVITED) Recognition for women who served in any branch of the Military. Recognition for Viet Nam and Viet Nam ERA vets. Assistance for Veterans seeking military service records. ALSO FREE SHREDEDING of personal papers. Max three (3) boxes of personal documents. Sponsored by the Harford County Commission of Veterans’ Affairs. Pre-Registration is NOT required but would be helpful
MAY 17 –GARDEN MART at the Havre de Grace Maritime Museum…10 AM to 6 PM Flowers for Mother’s Day. Free Admission
JUNE 1 GRAND OPENING OF THE HISTORIC ICE HOUSE at the Liriodendron Mansion West Gordon Street Bel Air. Native American exhibit of cultural life-ways from the Paleo migrations of the last glacial recession, through Archaic Landscape changes that make up the Susquehanna drainage area now the Chesapeake Bay Region. The late Dr. Howard Kelly had an abiding interest in the Natural Sciences. The Liriodendron was the summer home of Dr. Kelly, one of the founding surgeons of the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. All are welcome. Time will be announced later.
For additional information you may contact Dan Coates –
JUNE 1 THRU JUNE 29 MASTER CARVER Jeffrey Moore of “foul play studios” will present a display of wood carvings of birds, and animals. In the Liriodendron Gallery Sundays 1 to 4 PM
June 12 to 19 EARLY VOTING 10 AM to 8 PM at the following locations. McFaul Center in Bel Air—Edgewood Library –The UNIVERSITY (HEAT) Center in Aberdeen – and the Jarrettsville Library
Sal Grifasi says
Cap’n, I left an email to the council and Charles Kearney, the negotiator about the upcoming Comcast contract and yet to get a response about my issue. I would like to hear something. Sal
LT Dan says
Capt’n Jim is a jackass just like the rest of the county council. The best part is stupid people who are stupid enough to keep voting these jackasses in. Does it make him feel all warm and fuzzy to put Capt’n in front of his name?
Becky Z says
Oppose bill 14-16 ! Protect private property owners rights!
Jet says
What’s broken now? What about homeowner’s associations with their own by-laws? This is the same bunch that’s handed off zoning ordinances to developers… Who’s going to protect homeowner’s against the county? The county executive and county council have already demonstrated an unwillingness to respond to community inputs at council meetings, DACs, CIMs, etc. This council has turned a blind eye to over-development and has clung to obsolete zoning models, one has to ask, what’s in it for them to pass this or a subsequent law governing other forms of inspection of real property? Before a new law is passed, there has to be an understanding of what the intended or unintended consequences will be.
mostly blue says
Nothing is broken but it can be better. All for protecting your homeowner rights as long as a slum landlord doesn’t buy the home next to yours? Only worry about it when it happens in your back yard? That was the thinking when the open lot for the proposed Walmart was rezoned from residential (thinking that would keep apartments and section 8 from developing the parcel) instead those guys now got a Walmart instead. Memo to you guys opposed to any improvements, the downside is that the next person affected by bad landlords could be in your community. Sometimes you get want you want and some other times other people get what they deserve.
James cook says
It was OK when Bob Wagner developed Wagners farm community to get the most money but now he is finished, he kowtows to the voters and the local people can’t even recognize it’s the same old same old line of bs they fall for every time.
paul says
I think that’s the only way he can stay awake at a meeting, drink a lot of coffee!