From Harford County Public Schools:
The Board of Education of Harford County is seeking applications from interested county citizens to fill one opening on the school system’s Audit Committee. The purpose of the five-member committee is to assist the Board in fulfilling its fiduciary oversight responsibilities. The committee serves as an independent and objective party to monitor the HCPS financial reporting process and internal controls.
The committee meets at least quarterly to review financial performance and may meet annually, in separate sessions, with management, the internal auditor and the external auditor. The committee reports at least semiannually to the Board.
Citizen members serve a three-year term and are appointed at staggered intervals. Members are appointed by the Board of Education and may serve two full terms. Regular attendance is important in maintaining the continuity and effectiveness of the committee. Audit Committee members serve without compensation.
Interested individuals should have audit, accounting or related financial management experience and be able to read and understand financial statements. Past experience in audit, accounting or finance or other comparable experience or background is preferred.
Any Harford County resident interested in applying should send a letter of interest and a biographical sketch to Jennifer Birkelien, Internal Auditor, Harford County Public Schools, 102 S. Hickory Avenue, Bel Air, Maryland 21014, by May 31, 2014. Letters of interest should include name, address, phone number and background information containing: children and the school(s) they attend; membership in community, social and civic groups; occupation; level of schooling; availability to attend evening meetings; and information explaining why the applicant is interested in becoming an active member of the committee.
For more information, contact Jennifer Birkelien at 410-588-5297.
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