From the Harford County Education Association (HCEA):
HCEA proudly endorses Duvowel Peaker for Harford County Council District E, Joseph Smith for Harford County Council District F and Bridget Kelly for Maryland Senate District 35. All three candidates have demonstrated a life-long commitment to public service and public education. HCEA believes that these candidates will provide the leadership we need to improve education in Harford County.
“I am an advocate for education here in Harford County, especially in District E. I feel the need to fund education in this county has grown beyond critical. We are already losing outstanding teachers to other counties, and most importantly we aren’t giving our children a fair opportunity for a quality public school education. As the County Councilman for District E, I will be willing to work with all of the members of the county council, the board of education, and our state delegates, to find a much needed solution. To quote John F. Kennedy, “Let us not seek the Republican answer nor the Democratic answer, but the right answer!”” – Duvowel Peaker
“I am honored to receive the endorsement of the Harford County Education Association,” said Joseph Smith. “One of the most important investments we can make to grow our economy is in the education of our children. The County Executive, County Council, Board of Education and HCEA need to work together to ensure that improving our schools and supporting our teachers is our top priority.” – Joseph Smith
“I support public education, the backbone of democracy. I am proud to call myself an educator. I am proud of the work of the HCEA. They enrich the lives of their students.” – Bridget Kelly
HCEA vets all candidates for endorsement through a careful selection process which includes completion of a questionnaire and interviews with educators. All candidates were given the opportunity to participate in the HCEA endorsement process. HCEA will continue to interview candidates in other countywide and statewide races, releasing endorsements as decisions are made.
The National Socialist Democrat Union endorse the National Socialist Democrat candidates. We are going to spend more of the peoples money with no accountability.
Harford County Education Association aka “The Kiss of Death.”
So Ryan Burbey endorses some of his Democratic friends? This is my shocked face…
I have not endorsed anyone. Part of my role as HCEA President is to stay unbiased during the vetting of candidates. The HCEA Government Relation Committee and HCEA Board of directors have made endorsements in accordance with a strictly non-partisan process.
By the way, is Ryan Burbey, the teachers union guy, the same Ryan Burbey who has a lengthy record according to Maryland Case Search? I hope not.
Probably, but most of what in case search involves him suing his tenants or his tenants suing him and a couple minor traffic violations.
There is the domestic assault charge as well that was dismissed from his wife invoking her marital privilege from 2001.
It’s certainly more than what shows up for me, but hardly what I’d call “lengthy” especially since a lot of it looks like him trying to evict tenants from property that he owns.
I wouldn’t call tickets for 75 in a 50 and 76 in a 55mph zone “minor traffic tickets.” And those are just the speeds the cops wrote down on the tickets.
Mr Burbey needs to slow down and obey the law before he kills someone.
How long ago were these citations written?
One of them was March 2014.
There are far worse indications of asocial behavior in MD Case Search.
I don’t know about that but his is the same D-Bag that refuses to say the Pledge of Allegiance or place his hand over his hart. I heard from other teachers that he does not even permit his students to do it in his class room.
I have refrained from responding to posts about me not pledging to the flag in the past and have ignored personal attacks. I am hesitant to respond now but I think I need to offer clarification.
I do not pledge to the flag and have not since shortly after I was baptized as a child. I do not “ignore the pledge”. I stand in quiet observance. This is a highly personal decision based on my faith and belief that swearing to a flag is idolatry. I consider myself a patriot, in that I believe in our country, the democratic process and individual freedoms.
As a teacher I respect and honor my students’ right to choose whether they pledge to the flag or not. This right is upheld by numerous Supreme Court and US District Court decisions. To quote Justice Robert Jackson, “If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation, it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of opinion or force citizens to confess by word or act their faith therein.” I have required students to be silent and behave respectfully during the pledge.
As to the speeding, I have had issues with speeding. I do not speed in neighborhoods. I have also forgotten my license on occasions. I think I may have a seat belt violation or two as well in the past. For any of these infractions, I have paid my fines.
In all other cases mentioned, I was either found not guilty or the cases were dismissed.
I have refrained from responding to posts about me not pledging to the flag in the past and have ignored personal attacks. I am hesitant to respond now but I think I need to offer clarification.
I do not pledge to the flag and have not since shortly after I was baptized as a child. I do not “ignore the pledge”. I stand in quiet observance. This is a highly personal decision based on my faith and belief that swearing to a flag is idolatry. I consider myself a patriot, in that I believe in our country, the democratic process and individual freedoms.
As a teacher I respect and honor my students’ right to choose whether they pledge to the flag or not. This right is upheld by numerous Supreme Court and US District Court decisions. To quote Justice Robert Jackson, “If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation, it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of opinion or force citizens to confess by word or act their faith therein.” I have required students to be silent and behave respectfully during the pledge.
As to the speeding, I have had issues with speeding. I do not speed in neighborhoods. I have also forgotten my license on occasions. I think I may have a seat belt violation or two as well in the past. For any of these infractions, I have paid my fines.
In all other cases mentioned, I was either found not guilty or the cases were dismissed.
I personally don’t pledge myself either and I fought in Vietnam for that right. I find the peculiar of people that haven’t served to show the highest respect for the flag but would never actually face the enemy and defend what that flag stands for. Saying a prayer towards the flag with your hand over your heart proves nothing. Anyone can be a charlatan as we can see in the Dagger.
As far as the personal attacks on Mr. Burbey? It doesn’t surprise me one bit that most people that can’t make a good argument or point will invariably resort to mud slinging. The fact that the man owns property and rents it just shows that not only is he a smart investor but someone that doesn’t depend on the government to increase their personal wealth! The fact that he is willing to risk his money and invest in this real estate market shows to me that he is willing to be industrious and doesn’t want to just depend on a salary raise once every decade as it is turning out.
By what method are you determining who is a charlatan? Who served or didn’t serve? Burbey is a public figure who has made broad negative comments about the taxpaying folks in Harford County. Combine all that with his legal brushes with the system and one would think he would be better off to explain some things.
Personally, I accept his Pledge explanation. I was trying to equate it with his support for certain politicians who believe public education is the cornerstone of democracy, when China, North Korea and Cuba all have free public education.
Really anyone that would spout about if one chooses to salute the flag, pledge the flag or profess any type of alliance to something they find objectionable. To me, either or doesn’t qualify you as a better patriot! I would have more respect for someone that chooses to live their life and let others live theirs in Freedom.
“life-long commitment to public service” – In other words, completely clueless: edu-doodles in an edu-bubble, dispensing chevaliers in edu-babble.
Never seen so many whining people in my life; you whine about anything. Love to go on Maryland case and look up people to see what dirt you can fine. I’m sure if someone look you up they would fine skeleton in your closet. What you really need to do is get some business of your own and leave other people’s business along.
You know, if you are going to be a public figure that questions the motives of others and accuses others of a lack of standards, then you are setting yourself up to be judged. I must say there was a time when (regardless of outcome) citations for stored trash, domestic violence, failure to display a license and consistently driving 25 mph over the posted speed limit would preclude one from representing such an esteemed body as our teachers – but no more I guess.
If true, ignoring the Pledge of Allegiance is also telling. The Pledge recognizes that we live in a Republic (preventing tyranny of the majority) and that we owe our inalienable rights to our Creator. On the other hand, Burbey champions those running for office who believe that our rights come from government and are given by a majority of voters who work for government.
And failure to display a license isn’t a primary offense, I wonder what he did to get pulled over that the cop let him skate on. Only to get caught doing 20+ mph over the speed limit the next day…
I have refrained from responding to posts about me not pledging to the flag in the past and have ignored personal attacks. I am hesitant to respond now but I think I need to offer clarification.
I do not pledge to the flag and have not since shortly after I was baptized as a child. I do not “ignore the pledge”. I stand in quiet observance. This is a highly personal decision based on my faith and belief that swearing to a flag is idolatry. I consider myself a patriot, in that I believe in our country, the democratic process and individual freedoms.
As a teacher I respect and honor my students’ right to choose whether they pledge to the flag or not. This right is upheld by numerous Supreme Court and US District Court decisions. To quote Justice Robert Jackson, “If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation, it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of opinion or force citizens to confess by word or act their faith therein.” I have required students to be silent and behave respectfully during the pledge.
As to the speeding, I have had issues with speeding. I do not speed in neighborhoods. I have also forgotten my license on occasions. I think I may have a seat belt violation or two as well in the past. For any of these infractions, I have paid my fines.
In all other cases mentioned, I was either found not guilty or the cases were dismissed.
Quite honestly, I fail to understand what any of these has to do with my advocacy as HCEA President or the HCEA endorsements.
Why should they work when they can sit at home all day and make up crap to post on this site? The taxpayer is picking up the tab with a fat government check. The only thing Conservative about them is their contribution to anything of importance
Wonder how fast he drives through neighborhoods? Watch your speed. “Its for the children.”
Or is that term only used when asking for money?
I have refrained from responding to posts about me not pledging to the flag in the past and have ignored personal attacks. I am hesitant to respond now but I think I need to offer clarification.
I do not pledge to the flag and have not since shortly after I was baptized as a child. I do not “ignore the pledge”. I stand in quiet observance. This is a highly personal decision based on my faith and belief that swearing to a flag is idolatry. I consider myself a patriot, in that I believe in our country, the democratic process and individual freedoms.
As a teacher I respect and honor my students’ right to choose whether they pledge to the flag or not. This right is upheld by numerous Supreme Court and US District Court decisions. To quote Justice Robert Jackson, “If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation, it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of opinion or force citizens to confess by word or act their faith therein.” I have required students to be silent and behave respectfully during the pledge.
As to the speeding, I have had issues with speeding. I do not speed in neighborhoods. I have also forgotten my license on occasions. I think I may have a seat belt violation or two as well in the past. For any of these infractions, I have paid my fines.
In all other cases mentioned, I was either found not guilty or the cases were dismissed.
How many properties does this “poor” teacher own?
I own three properties; one in East Baltimore, which I purchased with a business partner; one in Forest Hill, which I inherited from my grandfather; and one in Aberdeen in which I live. These are not a reflection of wealth but rather careful investment and providence that my grandfather was hardworking, wise and generous.
Again, I fail to see how this is germane to a discussion of endorsements or my advocacy as HCEA President.
I would like to know if all your recommendations are people who are “well off”?
The wealth of a candidate is not a consideration in the HCEA endorsement questionnaire or process.
@ engineer – Let me try to understand: Burbey owns property, pays taxes, invests and has a job – all of which you find objectionable? I often disagree with Ryan on many issues, but this is not among them. Are you antibusiness or anticapitalist? Perhaps, the only engine that your “neer” is the one in your imagination
@ Business Republican says, You assume much. Mr. Burbey has posted that he is “hurting also” and asks for more tax payer money for his salary. With three properties and rental income, I would think he is not hurting so much.
My real estate does not net a profit, once costs, taxes and mortgages are factored in.
If you can’t turn a profit being a landlord in Baltimore or Forest Hill, you’re doing it wrong. Incredibly wrong.
As the owner of three properties–two in Harford County–Ryan is also advocating that more money be COLLECTED from him via property tax to pay for the increases.
He’s not on here trying to put money from your hands into his wallet. He’s advocating for a group of employees who have been systematically abused by the county and the state for the last half decade. If HCPS has no intention of following the salary schedule (and it’s clear by now that they don’t), then they need to take it off the website and stop using it to recruit newer teachers.
In other words–he’s been doing his job. He’s done it in the face of personal attacks that frankly go well over the line.
Oh, and for anyone interested, I have one speeding ticket over the course of 18 years as a driver.
Systemically abused by the county, and state for the last half decade? WHAT
Seriously? Could we please pick apart what you choose to invest in and spend your money on? Could you please provide your full name so your detractors can spew their venom at you for your appearance in MD Case Search? Just how much scrutiny would you like to resist?
How can Ryan Burbey make endorsements on behalf of HCEA with the teachers best interest at heart. He clearly is well off financially and that has to be a factor in his decision making.
You are operating under some misconceptions.
I am not well-off financial. I make step nine on the Masters+30 teachers salary scale. My real estate does not net a profit, once costs, taxes and mortgages are factored in.
I do not make endorsements for HCEA or on behalf of teachers. HCEA has a government relations committee. It is responsible for vetting the candidates and making recommendations to our board of directors. Our board of directors, who were elected by the members, votes to support or reject the endorsement. I do not have a vote either on the government relations committee or on the board of directors, unless there is a tie.
HCEA will continue to make endorsements following a strictly non-partisan process. Likewise, HCEA will support and seek to elect the candidates who we endorse based on their support for public education.
Burbey- isn’t it true that you use income from rental payments to pay each rental property’s mortgage. Which in turn goes towards the principal for the mortgage which creates equity. That adds to your total wealth package and sets you up for when it time to retire. Many people struggle to pay their personal mortgage and you can pay 2 or 3. Sounds like your doing pretty good to me?
Yes. However, that presumes the properties are always rented and incur no expenses. Real estate is a long term investment. Short-term it is a cost. I live in a very modest house. The 3 mortgages I pay don’t equal the 1 mortgage that most Harford County residents hold. I sacrifice extravagance for future investment for my children. Being a teacher with a frozen salary, it has been impossible to really save anything.
I can assure you I am not wealthy.
Remember too, I inherited one of the properties from my grandfather who worked his whole life hanging drywall, farming and doing various manual labor to make sure all his children and grandchildren had a better start then he did. I owe a great debt to him.
The moaning and hang-dog from you is endless as well as shameless.
Great, you inherited property, invested in a property and live in another property. So, two rentals pay for your personal housing cost. Great! Bully for you.
On the other issue of saving, who is able to save in the private section with a per capita income of 35k in Harford County? In fact, most people can’t save anything. Almost 80% of the people in the country will be impoverished in their old age – and you my friend have a pension. Most people have lousy medical insurance and you have a Cadillac plan.
If you think anybody feels sorry for you, you’re wrong. You need an attitude of gratitude. You say you don’t say the Pledge because of your faith… maybe part of your faith should be the appreciation of your many blessings.
@Lagmeister I have finally found the response that perfectly puts your comments into perspective. “Thank you for sending me a copy of your book; I’ll waste no time reading it.”
– Moses Hadas
Did you want him to share his “Wealth” with you?
What would Ryan Burbey the teacher do to a student who cut and pasted the same answer four times? You’re just phoning it in now…
If I asked the student the same inane question over and over, I would expect cut and paste. Same question, same answer…
Q (or better, no IQ),
You are not going to waste time reading something that you are commenting on by virtue of having read it. That is oxymoronic to the max – emphasis on the moronic. That places you as an intellectual of the looter persuasion and quite post Hadasian.
Getting under your skin? It was a suggestion to other readers.
People do have a misunderstanding of what it’s like to “own” property. Banks require 20% down and charge approximately 1% higher lending rate for non-owner occupied. Insurance is considerably higher than owner occupied property as well. For someone to buy a 200k townhome they would have to come up with about 40K plus closing costs. Total payment would be about $1250 on a place that rents for around $1350. One or two repairs, or a month without a rent payment and your profit is gone.
You do get the benefit of someone paying down the principal, but it takes a long time to cash in on that. And the government takes 20-25% of your capital gain.
Of course, there are other ways to get into it, but it’s generally not the cash cow that people think it is.
To Whomever wins the big race:
Could you promise a class set of laptops for my Social Studies students to use properly. I hear other schools in the county have these carts floating around like free-grazing cattle. My school has 2 and they’re under lock and key, AND takes about three months sign up to actually use them. Good Luck. I don’t live up there in Harford’s Paradise, but at least throw some route 40 kids a bone. GOD BLESS AMERICA
(as selfish as she may be)