From the Aberdeen Police Department:
At about 7:20 pm on April 27, an Aberdeen Police officer attempted to stop a vehicle for a speed violation in the 700 block of Old Philadelphia Road. As the officer approached the 1998 Nissan Maxima it accelerated and fled. The vehicle proceeded through the rear of the Wal Mart, crossed Rt. 40 and traveling behind the Royal Farms Store to Edmund Street. In the area of the 900 block of Edmund Street the suspect vehicle rounded a slight curve striking a 16 year old male.
The suspect vehicle continued to flee. An Aberdeen officer immediately rendered aid to the pedestrian. Officers continued to pursue the suspect vehicle. In the area of Market Street and Edmund Street the suspect vehicle struck a marked Aberdeen Police unit. The suspect vehicle continued to South Philadelphia Blvd where it traveled west bound. The suspect vehicle attempted to make a right turn onto Rt. 7 striking a 2009 Ford operated by Berkley Fax 51, of Aberdeen.
A passenger in the vehicle, Barbara Fax received minor injuries in the crash and was transported to Harford Memorial Hospital by medic from the Aberdeen Fire Department. After striking the Fax vehicle the operator of the suspect vehicle fled on foot, he was apprehended a short distance from the scene.
The suspect is identified as Asim J Lievers 31, of the 200 block of Mayberry Drive in Aberdeen. Lievers is expected to be charged with assault and numerous serious traffic offenses. He is currently being held at the Aberdeen Police Department. The 16 year old struck on Edmund Street was transported to Bayview Medical Center and in currently listed in critical condition.
Members of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Crash Team are assisting in the investigation.
Tragic. Hope the young man pulls through.
Hope the guy driving gets more than a slap in the wrist.
Chase this guy for a simple traffic violation in a heavily congested area. Doesn’t seem too smart for the police to do.
A simple traffic violation that turned in to a vehicle assault! A guilty person tends to run away from their issues rather than face them like a MAN. Let one go and they all go, sending the wrong message. A lot of chases go on with no one getting hurt unfortunately not the case in this pursuit. Thank you APD for getting the guy. Prayers for the young man stuck.
Amen Carlos, a high speed pursuit through a residential neighborhood is a recipe for disaster and should NOT be allowed. This simple traffic violation turned tragic as soon as the chase ensued. Granted, it could have been much worse (multiple injuries and even death), but for what….a young man who was speeding (and didn’t have the maturity and common sense to stay in place once he was pulled over?).
Besides, the officer probably already had the vehicle make, model and tag number recorded PRIOR to leaving the cruiser on foot to approach the suspect vehicle. Come on people, use some common sense and get your priorities correct….is the end result worth the means and methods? I think not. 🙁
So what if the driver had a weapon, and went on to rob a store, and wound up killing an innocent person during that robbery? What would you be saying then?
My guess is that you would be here using the same old, tired, language to lament the police for not doing enough to stop crime. I can see your small-minded post right now, “The police had him pulled over, why didn’t they see the gun then? They could have arrested him then, and avoided having someone killed! Why don’t the police do their damn job!”
On the other hand, if the weapon were witnessed by the police, then your post could have gone to something like this, “Police always pickin’ on people, yo! Illegal search, cuz! They had no business to search his car when they stopped him for speeding! Wish those fools would not hide behind their badge!”
In reality, the officer was probably doing speed enforcement in that “residential neighborhood” because of repeated complaints by residents of “speeding drivers”, “send someone out here before someone gets killed!” Sounds about right, because it is the same everywhere.
The public perception is usually the problem. NOWHERE in the article does it state anything about “high speed pursuit”. It merely states “speed violation”; and under Maryland Traffic Law, that can be up to 1 MPH over the legal limit. Was it? Don’t know, but don’t assume the guy was going 100 in a 30 zone.
Additionally, it never states “high speed” during the actual pursuit, it just mentioned “fled”. Fled does not mean “high speed”.
Too much sensationalism and turning a mole hill into a mountain.
So hindsight is 20/20. What the heck were the police thinking. Doing a chase in a residential area.It was a speeding violation and now they have injured people because of a minor traffic violation. Hope all of the victims get better and could careless about the driver. Hope he had progressive or geico. Love their commercials. I digress. It should not have gotten that far and I am sure one of the things going to be said is that just because it was a speeding violation….the driver, or passengers, could have been wanted for more. I sure hope the APD has good insurance because I am sure a lawsuit is in the works. Go after the person with the biggest pockets. Being a police is a hard job and you have people second guessing you at every turn and try the job for a day and you will see the split decisions that need to be made in a second. One final thing….Aberdeen is growing city and there are not too many places to do a high speed chase……..What’s the old saying, you can’t outrun a motorola.
Your post makes absolutely no sense, and the GEICO commercials are annoying. The pursuit began when the individual FAILED TO STOP. The pursuit began as a result of “felony” flight. Felony is not “minor”.
After he hit the kid, should they have stopped then? Wouldn’t you be complaining if they didn’t keep pursuing?
How does that old saying go, “Damned if you do…Damned if you don’t?”
Another career criminal that should have never been on the street. Fine example of a broken court system and poor parenting.
It’s amazing how people blame the police for doing their job. Go to md case search and check out all his priors. Armed Robbery, first degree assault, malicious destruction of property, burglery, possession, and multiple traffic violations. Glad he is off the street, like someone said-he runs because he was running from something. Someone said hindsight is 20/20, what if this vehicle was let go, like several of you suggest: and then get’s nabbed as part of a murder scenario later that evening. You same people would be screaming, “why didn’t they get him earlier at the traffic stop?”
I wholeheartedly agree with your statement. If anyone would take the time to look this guys case history up on Maryland judiciary you might understand a little bit better why the cops pursued him. I’m quite certain a 27 through 29 were ran in the pursuing officers were aware of his history.
While it’s a shame their were victims, it’s safe to say now that there won’t be anymore for quite a while. I congratulate APD on a job well done. Now let’s see if the court system can back their efforts up and incarcerate this piece of trash for a long time!
Not sure what you mean by 27 or 29 but what does past history have to do with this chase ? What was going on during this stop should be the basis for the chase. If we are going with past of people, my friend said that at least 1 or 2 officers from the Aberdeen Sheriffs may have had past DWI’s is that true? Are they able to still carry a gun?
Since when does a DWI prohibit you from carrying a firearm?
Most police departments have adopted a no chase policy unless it’s a known fleeing felon or threat to the public. Clearly Aberdeen Police are allowed to chase for traffic violations or are not following policy. It’s just not worth an innocent bystander being killed. Aberdeen Police are known hotheads so it doesn’t surprise me.
An innocent bystander wasn’t killed. The police did what they had to to get this career criminal off the street.
A 16 year old was struck on foot and another female around 50 was injured in her van. That’s worth it? All for what, a seat belt violation?
“Aberdeen police are known to be hotheads.” Geez! Nice pejorative.
I would venture to say Marshal Law has had an encounter with an officer or officers and he or she was the perfect, calm, mature adult or juvenile who gave the police no issues during his or her encounter.
Pedestrian passed away?
If OWE’Bama had a son, he would be just like Trav …… er I mean Islam. My bad, Asim. (Sorry). He was probably just heading home when some “bad” man approached him. Guessing Edgewood is “outgrowing” and looking to expand?
F.L., because of your comments, you are concurrently an ass and an idiot.
If you have a son, maybe he should have been the innocent one injured!
Your name-calling, and you suggestion that someone should have been hurt, speak volumes about you and the kind of person you are.
Your missing the point precious. “Speedy” will soon be out and on the streets to continue his mayhem. Mean while, the innocent will be left putting the pcs. (emotionally and financially) back together. Incarcerate until “speedy” can pay ALL Bills & fines (any & ALL medical bills, property damage, traffic fines, etc.) But, he won’t. The Family will be expected to care for the injured and the taxpayer for the damage and “speedy” will drive again.
You’re right, he’s out! Made bail. Why did he even have a bail. Really!? Gotta love our commissioners office and the legal system.
Another fine example of an upstanding young man from Baltimore, who ‘moved to opportunity’ here in Harford County. Anybody want to bet that this thug was living in subsidized housing? Diversity is such a wonderful thing… 🙁
“mvphkr”, you are a racist pig.
Sometimes, the truth hurts.
The police are responsible for the safety of all citizens and not to create a situation where innocent people get hurt.
Anti-police people, walk in their shoes, run in their boots, wear their equipment, need I go on? Monday morning quarterback all you want yet you will call them and want them to take action that you feel is justified when you’re in need.
My name is Beatrice, my sister and Brother-law is whom this young man hit.their lives have Changed a lot with the injuries they received from this incident and the total loss if their vehicle.this is just my opinion I don’t think Aberdeen police handle this situation well too many innocent people whom didn’t have any thing to do with this got hurt. They took this live of others onto their hands what if they had died? Thanks for listening
Hey Beatrice,
I didn’t listen to the message you posted I tried to read it. Believe you me, it was a real task as well considering the grammar and spelling. Obviously you’re not educated so I’m willing to take it easy on you. People get hurt every day, everywhere, in all walks of life. I do feel badly that your family was victimized by this piece of trash. However, the cops have a job to do and the day you stop letting them do it is the day somebody else gets hurt possibly worse, or maybe even dead. So stop crying, let the cops do their job, and further your education. Then you can get a good job and move your whole entire family away from Abber dump!
Sorry to contradict you Beatrice but they were not hurt that bad at all. The 16 year old pedestrian was but not the couple in the car. I still do feel bad for the couple and their car but get your facts straight if you’re going to pretend to be related to them.
It could have been worse someone could have died for a speeding ticket, do you think that is good judgment, I don’t. The police job also include not creating a situation were innocent people get hurt or maybe died.
And for you Clear Sky with all that education you have, you like common sense just like the police officer involved in this. Trying to belittle someone is for less educated than Beatrice comments.
Asim J Lievers 31, of the 200 block of Mayberry Drive in Aberdeen was allegedly speeding and didn’t stop for the police. Lievers hit a guy with his car and didn’t stop. Lievers also rammed an Aberdeen Police Officer who was trying to apprehend him.
So those are the facts. I suppose the opinion, from me, is that it’s absolutely ludicrous, considering the facts, to do anything but thank the Aberdeen Police Department for doing what us Aberdeen tax payers pay them to do.