From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
[April 17, 2014, Harford County, MD] — Sheriff L. Jesse Bane has announced the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Aviation Unit became operational today with Eagle One and her crew’s inaugural flight taking off at 11:30 a.m.
Speaking to the successful launch of the new initiative the Sheriff said, “This is truly an exciting day for the Sheriff’s Office, a milestone in our agency, marking a new era in the history of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office. Through the hard work and dedication of our Aviation Unit project team we are adding yet another valuable proactive law enforcement resource to our capabilities thereby enhancing public safety and aiding in the overall reduction and mitigation of crime”.
Bane explained that initially Eagle One will fly daytime missions only until the pilots become Night Vision Goggle (NVG) certified. “This training, while not required is necessary and highly recommended by police aviation units in Maryland and across the country, and will take several additional months to complete”, the Sheriff said, adding, “We want our pilots to receive the most comprehensive training available and this certification adds to their qualifications and makes them more versatile”, he said, adding, “We expect to begin night-time missions by mid-summer”.
Lt Lee Dunbar, of the Aviation Unit ,explained both pilots have extensive flying experience to include combined experience in such helicopters as the US Army’s AH-1 Cobra, UH-1 Huey, the Bell OH-58 the 280FX Enstrom, the Bell 206 Jet Ranger and the Bell 407. “For several months now, Dunbar said, the pilots and Tactical Flight Officers (TFOs), have been actively training with the Baltimore County Police Department’s Aviation Unit where training consisted of ground school, safety techniques, water survival and cockpit egress methods, flying law enforcement missions in a safe and effective manner, crew resource management, onboard aircraft equipment familiarization and utilization, in-flight practical and real life training scenarios”.
Dunbar also explained the Aviation Unit will be based at the Forest Hill Air Park and fly with one pilot and one or two TFOs depending on what the mission calls for. He further described Eagle One will fly the following types of missions:
– Fugitive Searches
– Critical Infrastructure & Homeland Security Assessments
– Assist other law enforcement agencies
– Assist K-9 Searches
– Post Disaster Assessment
– Marijuana Eradication
– Surveillance
– Crime Scene Photography
– Foot and Vehicle Pursuits
– Traffic Assessments
– Protests and Demonstrations
– Community/Public Displays
– Missing Persons
– Stranded Boaters
Project Manager, Captain Duane Williams, says “Eagle One is a Bell OH-58 helicopter designated as public use by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Williams explained, public use in this context means only mission essential personnel can crew the aircraft. “The helicopter cannot transport persons for hire, or be compensated, or be used to transport people to meetings or events”, he explained. Williams also noted that recently the Aviation Unit, under a Department of Defense program, was awarded an upgraded digital FLIR 7500 Bravo system. The system had been previously utilized by the National Guard and will provide HD picture quality, additional monitors, and much better resolution and infrared capability when searching for wanted or missing persons. He also explained the helicopter is outfitted with the following mission equipment:
– FLIR (Forward Looking Infrared)
– Day Camera within the FLIR system
– 16 Million Candle Power NightSun Spotlight
– Police Radio equipped with all the Baltimore Metro channels
– Image Stabilized High Powered Binoculars
– Deployable Life Vests and Rings
Sheriff Bane detailed his plans for the creation of a Sheriff’s Office Aviation Unit and the initial unveiling of Eagle 1 to the public can be seen at .
Fact Finder says
A few minutes into the YouTube video link listed below Sheriff Bane says that the unit will not cost taxpayers anything now or in the foreseeable future. Yet less then two months after that press conference Sheriff Bane requested $ 7,200 a year from the county council for storage of the helicopter. The county council approved the expenditure. The Harford County Sheriff’s Office has yet to give a difinitive cost of this program to the taxpayers. Sheriff Bane created this program for political reasons and now sees how much it actually costs. Other agencies provided Harford County with free 24-7 mutual aid aviation coverage. That’s more then this program does
Correcting the Non Fact Finder says
Sorry Fact, but you are wrong. The hangar lease was paid for with seized money.
The Sheriff did not ask for $7200 to store the helicopter. The process you are referring to was for the board of estimates, which is required. Once it was approved, the check was issued for hangar lease through asset forfeiture.
Fact Finder says
Isn’t it correct that this additional money could have been used towards other HCSO expenses? Expenses such as training costs, equipment, lodging for training and investigations…etc
Yet HCSO asked the county council for that in the budget. So indirectly the taxpayers are in fact paying for the aviation program. If your answer is no you are a bold faced liar
Discount Doooooooooooooblecheck says
How foolish to count on seized drug money to fund any program. What happens when that money dries up? What is the next step when asset forfeitures are no longer feasible to sustain the copter? A bad idea compounded by worse conjecture.
Monster says
and how foolish to spread incorrect information. Shame on you.
Discount Doooooooooooooblecheck says
Exactly what incorrect information am I spreading Fred? Just quoting from Banes own press release
Pavel314 says
The Spanish Inquisition started to find heretics. Once found, the church confiscated their property, since only good Christians could own property in medieval Europe. The number of heretics increased substantially after that became the rule. Local princes complained, so the church split the heretic take with the state, after which the number of heretics increased exponentially.
Don’t be surprised if the number of drug offenses skyrocket to pay for the new helicopter.
Kharn says
It’s easy to get a conviction for heresy in a medival justice system, but faking a kilo of Bolivian marching powder with our Constitutional protections?
Discount Doooooooooooooblecheck says
The real operations began last weekend at the car show in Jarrettsville. Then the 4th of July parade, Farm Fair, Apple Festival, and so on. It is a 30 year old piece of junk with a flashy paint job, perfect for show purposes only. Bring it on Monster and Proud to be a Liberal.
Proud To Be A Liberal says
Discount DC- I have said this before but I DO NOT support the aviation program and think it was a huge mistake. I think that someone talked Jesse into this and gave him bad advice. This program will be costly and I am not sure how Jesse and his project team didn’t know that. Jesse and Duane dropped the ball on this.
taxpayer says
The helicopter cannot transport persons for hire, or be compensated, or be used to transport people to meetings or events”. Let’s see if this is followed. I for one think it’s a bad idea. Our deputies have not had a raise, but they have no problem going to the county to ask for money for a 30 year old piece of junk. Where is the money that was promised to pay for the program? There are other agencies that offer the same service at a lower cost and now we have deputies taken off the road to manage a program that doesn’t even pay for the basic operating cost.
@taxpayer says
Actually looking into this a little further, you sir, are incorrect. We as citizens pay for MSP, at the cost of about $2500 / hr. Baltimore County “taxpayers” pay for Harford County at the cost of $1000 or so an hour. So I am sure they are glad to know their tax money goes to Harford. The money that pays for it come from seized drug asset and asset does a lot of other expenses such as K-9, CAC and a host of other stuff that us taxpayers dont have to pay for.
Monster says
Thanks for trying to give the facts. People can make their own decisions with facts, but when posters campaign their opinions and repeat innuendos, nothing is gained.
Mike Welsh says
If we, as state taxpayers, are already paying $2500 per hour for the MSP helicopter, which is available to us when we ask for support, why are we now going to pay even more for our own helicopter. I certainly believe that an aviation asset has its proper place in law enforcement use, but the number of times this asset would be appropriate for use in our county is infrequent, and currently satisfied by other agencies. Future requirements may justify our own unit, but that requirement does not exist at this time.
@mike welsh says
Msp actually wasn’t available last week during a long pursuit…msp helicopter was on a medical mission. And you’re not paying for anything. So in the future when you believe it may be a need, the hcso should then just spend say 4.5 mil on a helicopter, and you will complain again…good stuff.
Otto Schmidlap says
Support your local police and keep them independent.
Peck Clan says
Otto , Bob Peck is an independent and should be above the political fray. Give Bob a call if you’d like to hear his thoughts.
Marc A Eaton says
Why is Peck having so many lunches and meetings with Bane?
Deputy Dog says
Everyone knows that Bane is using Peck and making him look more foolish than he has managed by himself so far.
Peck Clan says
Who cares who Bob Peck has lunch with? Maybe Bob will have lunch with Jon Ryan next.
In the know says
Marc Eaton. How far up Gahlers ass are you. Or is it Ryan this week. If you are the real Marc Eaton.
Marc A Eaton says
Why does it matter who I support? In the last election I banged signs and went to fundraisers. I have done none of this in this cycle. I am friends with Jeff and John. I am against Bane, simple. I support the men and women of the Sheriff’s Office who deserve to have a decent work environment. I have been promised no job and have no desire to ever work there again. That chapter in my life is over and I have other things I would like to do. I will have a lot of spare time when Bane is gone. Maybe Monster and David A Porter and I will meet at McDonalds one day a week for coffee and talk about old times.
Marc A Eaton says
In the know you clearly do not know me. You must have never worked with me. No one has ever had me in their pocket let alone up there arse.
K says
Oh my gosh…..can you say police state? Who in the heck voted for 24/7 private citizen surveillance in Harford County?
Kharn says
The drug dealers in Edgewood?
Proctor & Gamble says
I think it was probably the drug consumers in Bel Air & Fallston.
Boot Bane says
Dear K,
Voted for it? Who do you think you are? Jesse Bane will decide what is good for you and will decide how to spend your money!
That is EXACTLY what he thinks and EXACTLY how we got this helicopter. Spread the word to all your friends and lets show him what we can vote for…booting him out of office!
K says
Boot Bane…..who’s your suggestion for the next sheriff of Harford County?
Boot Bane says
I have checked out all three of the candidates running and have even spoke to each one at various places and I like Jeff Gahler. The others seem like nice enough guys, but there is no plan behind their comments. Gahler’s experience and his comments on the helicopter unit and his position on the 2nd Amend have sold me. Who are you considering?
K says
I concur Boot Bane.
haha says
All these negative comments from disgruntled deputies… Maybe we should cut ALL sheriff’s office services because the State and Baltimore County can handle everything 24/7. Patrol, SWAT, Crime Scene, Detectives, Negotiators, Crash Investigators, etc. All of these are available through the state and Balt County. Heck, lets get rid of the office of the sheriff also. You guys only look for anything negative to scream about. It’s almost laughable because whenever I read any article on here that mentions the Sheriff’s Office I can always predict the comments that will follow.
Deputy Dog says
You are seriously full of yourself. State Police can’t keep a few troopers on patrol in this county.
@haha says
You said it perfectly ha ha
Monster says
It is the history of the HCSO at election time.
Jiffy Lube my Sac says
Hi Monster glad to see you post. Or should I say thanks Skippy or Fred
Monster says
Jiffy, I don’t know who they are and you do. I would like to know who you are- Marc Eaton?
Marc A Eaton says
Monster my pal, you know I don’t play hide behind a fake name game. You look silly so stop it.
Because says
But you attract people that do Marc. Or maybe a singular person that does many times.
Freestate? says
I have never known any candidate for this office personally and never had “a dog in this fight” but I do know I wont be voting for Bane this election. This Eagle One issue did it for me.
Barbara says
Voted for Bane twice. Will not be voting for him this time around. I don’t see the need for a helicopter at this point in time. If you are going to have an aviation unit it should be available 24/7. In my opinion creating this unit at this point in time was only for political purposes. Bane has done many things to lose my vote, this helicopter is only one of them.
@Barbara says
You do realize that Balt. Co and AA Co and Howard Co do not operate 24/7 right? They open at 9am and close at 1am. After that they are “on call”
Barbara says
What I realize is the HCSO aviation unit will be even more restricted than that of the agencies you have mentioned above, unless the memo sent out by Captain Williams was wrong. Perhaps the HCSO will provide Captain Williams memo on the aviation unit to the Dagger so all of the citizens can see how this unit is to be utilized.
@Barbara says
How will they be “more restricted”? Do you think that when Baltimore County started the same way HCSO did back in the 90’s that they popped up overnight and were full time super unit? Nope. Do you think AA and Howard did..nope. What restrictions do you speak of? the only thing I read was the night flying. That will come soon, and on the advice of Balt. Co and AA co and all other units they strongly advise limit to daytime only to start. it is what it is Barbara…safety first.
Mike Welsh says
So is Barbara incorrect? Will the new aviation unit be manned and ready to fly at 9am and closing at 1am each day?
@Barbara says
Yes…Barbara is wrong. I know you probably do not want to hear it, but the username Barbara is wrong.
Mike Welsh says
You and I both know that the aviation unit is not going to operate from 9am to 1am on a daily basis. While I will agree that Barbara may not have been speaking specifically about the hours of operation, she would still be correct, since our agency’s unit operational hours will be significantly reduced from the hours you mentioned regarding other agencies.
just that guy says
Yep…switchin from revolvers to semi autos = bad idea, cost to much but safer; going to wearing body armor to save your ass = bad idea cost to much to hot, to heavy; hell goin from horseback to more expensive cars = bad idea, cost the taxpayers more in fuel than hay.
Any change typically induces negativity in many peoples minds, people find it hard to accept change, when change can be a good thing. However when change is proven successful, people will often find it hard to go back to pre-change. It has been proven throughout the course of time, and continues on the dagger to this day.
Don't Piss Down My Back... says
If you would like to make a more realistic and truthful example:
It is like already having free semi-autos and switching to and paying for outdated revolvers OR having free body armor and replacing it at great expense for older used body armor OR having free patrol cars and replacing them with horses. All just so Bane can hold a press conference and say look what I did. The biggest problem is as he is standing near the rear of the horse, trying to figure out who is the bigger horse’s a _ _.
Eagle 1 says
Breaking news- unconfirmed sighting of Sheriff Bane(tfo) and Lt Backstabber(pilot) dropping voter registration cards and pre paid cell phone cards from Eagle 1. Last seen in the area of Edgewater Village headed towards Harford Square.
Kharn says
Unfortunately dropping off turkeys for Thanksgiving would be too late to influence this year’s election.
Maybe they’ll scatter candy on Halloween instead?
WTF says
What in the hell is a “Tacticool Flight Officer”? Co pilot? Search light and camera operator?
Whos got the door gunner positions covered?
Uncle Benny says
Gotta love all these posters from the second floor of 45 S. Main Street trying to defend Bane and what little face he has left. Or it may be one of the two pilots
Because says
What’s the matter Benny? You and Marc and his inbred cousin tired of your honey comb hideout where you plot your next outrage against a man you simply despise… well, just because?
Secret Program says
The cost of this program will be kept a secret. Jesse Bane has done this by putting the aviation program under the Narcotics portion of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office budget. After being placed in the narcotics aka “investigative services” area of the budget, the money is then hidden under confidential expenses. I checked the budget and could not find it anywhere else.
Uncle Benny says
My vote goes to the first candidate for Sheriff that goes on record stating that they will fly this hunk of shit to crazy rays, then scrap it. We all then can wrap up the other chopper that is used for parts and give it to Bane as a retirement present.
bob says
Has anyone heard how much the HCSO spent buying SUVs so any truck driver can be harassed during the course of his or her normal day?
Kharn says
Before they discontinued the Crown Vic line, a police-package Tahoe cost about the same as the CV police interceptor. They even got the same gas mileage, since the CV struggled to deal with the weight while the Tahoe handled it easily. The only areas the CV was better in were roll-over and institutional momentum.
Get Real says
I have to say I don’t often view the Dagger and it is not because they don’t provide good news. I can’t get past all of the negativity people spew on issues they don’t know anything about. This helicopter is a prime example. It is not a piece of junk and the cost is minimal for the service it can provide, no matter what the funding source is.
Monster says
Get Real,
You are so correct. Many of the posters have an axe to grind or ulterior motives for their posts. Some just want to make a comment and won’t let facts get in the way.
Mike Welsh says
How about you Monster, do you have an ulterior motive for posting? My position has been that we don’t need an aviation unit at this time. Perhaps in the future. Currently we receive adequate support from other agencies.
You have previously stated that you do not support formation of an aviation unit at this time. Have you changed your position? If you have, what were your reasons?
Monster says
Unlike you, Mike, I have an open mind. The aviation unit is not high on my priorities, but then I am not responsible for catching criminals. You say that we might need an aviation unit later? Sounds like you may have changed your mind. Since you don’t have any responsibility for catching criminals, only criticism, what is your goal? My reason for being on this site is to try to get people to think independently. Some of these posters do not have the facts, ahd talking to a “few deputies” is anecdotal at best and whining at worst. I won’t even get into those who want to support a person who will give them rank. I don’t know how long you have been in this county, but I can tell you that these comments and tactics being used are not new or applicable to just Bane. Then, there are the teabaggers who do not wish to think independently. I believe that is your category. Does this express my feelings clear enough for you, Mike?
Mike Welsh says
I have always stated that our current requirements can be met by other agencies. Should the number of instances aviation assets are necessary increase to the point of justifying formation of our own unit, I would certainly support it.
You still did not answer if you had changed your position on the aviation unit, and if so why? You have previously replied to me that while we have disagreed on several issues, you agreed with me on this issue.
Monster says
Mike, I stated clearly that the helicopter was not a priority for me at this time, but I didn’t have the responsibility for catching criminals. Bane’s administration has done a good job of catching criminals, so I trust his judgement and need for same. I am not convinced that the service we are getting from the MSP, etc is as good as you say. Have any data on that? An earlier poster made a definite statement that the MSP helicopter was not available when needed. Is that the truth?
Mike Welsh says
I assume that the poster was telling the truth. What the poster didn’t say was if support was requested and received from another agency. That is the normal procedure and it is a rare occasion that we receive no support from any agency.
Monster says
In emergency situations time is of the essence. Obviously, the sheriff feels we need to have our own air support that can be called in and guaranteed that it will be there. I will put my faith in his decision as opposed to you and a handful of whiney deputies.
Mike Welsh says
So you think that the HCSO having a helicopter guarantees it will be there when an emergency occurs and an aviation asset would benefit us. Wow Monster, you really do need to read Captain Williams recent email or requesting air support. Guaranteed…. Hell, even the Sheriff says the helicopter will have limited flying hours.
Monster says
You are starting to lose it. Be careful, you may reveal your identity. I think Harford County has a better chance of having a helicopter available if we have one of our own, yes- DUH. The hours will be limited at first, and then increased. You apparently didn’t read the Sheriff’s full comments.
@mike welsh says
Hey Mike…yeah the HCSO helicopter was requested by MSP from what I was told. The “cure all” vaunted MSP helicopter has a mission priority, and that is medivac, so if a person is missing and a medivac call comes in…they are going to bounce, and rightfully so. That is their mission and they do it very well. If I was crushed in a car, you bet I want MSP there. Do some fact finding on the AW139 and compare its costs compared to the Bell 206 Jet Ranger. Also compare to the Balt. Co AS350. But again, its cool that the Balt. Co taxpayers foot the bill for Harford. It is 2014 my man…Harford Cant sit stagnant forever and not move toward the future.
What you fail…really FAIL to realize is this:
1. You, the taxpayer, are NOT paying for this
2. The money used to support this is CAN NOT be used for raises
3. air unit ALL OVER THE COUNTRY use asset forfeiture to support their units, not just HCSO
4. Why, if you are a deputy or a citizen, would you NOT want to have the best level of safety and services provided by the HCSO?
5. The additional equipment is being purchased by Federal grants, the same money is available to others who want “other” equipment, as I have been told the money is split between divisions within the HCSO. SO if someone wants other equipment…invest the time, do the research, get the proper bids and submit it..dont whine and cry you can’t get it.
6. If you would like to conduct independent research of the helicopter being used…why don’t you contact other air units who used them for years and still use them and find correct facts…I bet you won’t, because you don’t really want to hear the facts, because they really are indisputable.
7. If you believe there is no need now, but maybe in the future, you would cry then because then Harford Co. Govt. would have to foot the bill for a completely outfitted police helicopter…probably in the 4 million range, all at the taxpayer expense.
Mud slinging..that is all this is. See ya!!
Happy Easter..
@mike welsh says
Mike Welsh
You really think that Harford County’s air support can be met by other agencies? Why? Is it really fair to put that burden on other agencies, on other counties taxpayers? Thats just a hair selfish Mike.
And no, no one can guarantee that HCSO copter will be available in an emergency, yet neither can one guarantee Balt Co or MSP will be either…proven brother.
the HCSO swat team is not nearly as busy as the Balt Co swat team, so in your mind why don’t we use Balt Co? (May save ya a dollar or two) You know why Mike, because the HCSO is a full service LEA and has a duty to its citizens and officers to have all the tools in place to get the job done, wether they are used 10 times a year or 210.
So you say that you would support harford aviation if the number of instances needed increases? So when is that? When is the right time? When is the right time to do anything Mike? When it is to late? When Harford has to go and pay millions to have its own because Balt Co says they will no longer or can’t support us, or MSP goes strictly medivac (writing is on the wall for that one)?
Shoulda, coulda woulda Mike. When something bad happens in a police officers line of work, or an attack of some sorts happens, everyone always looks back and says why didn’t we do this, or why didn’t we have this in place. Well guess what…the HCSO had the opportunity to get something, put it in place and they did. Sheriff Bane did it…ok… I would hope that any Sheriff or Police Chief would…it is called doing the right thing and putting the mud slinging bs politics aside. One day it may save a life. And if it saves 1 life Mike…just 1..then you know what my man, I think that it was well worth the money that is not coming out of your pocket. You see, what this helicopter is all about, is not about one person, or one agency, or one sheriff, it is about the community and saving lives. That is the number 1 reason helicopters are in the police business. What price tag can you put on a life?
Goodnight politics pro…good night.
Monster says
well said.
Mike Welsh says
Of course our air support can be accomplished by other agencies. It has been that way. What has changed? Has the HCSO be notified by all, or any of the other agencies that they will no longer support out requests for aviation? Our requests remain infrequent and do not seem to be a burden on other agencies.
I disagree that use of an asset for law enforcement, whether used 10 times a year or 210 times a year is the same. Costs, both for acquisition and follow on maintenance (i.e. engine rebuild to maintain FAA certification), along with manpower requirements, training, certification and re-certification for mission accomplishment would dictate justification for acquiring a particular tool for use. I would be supportive of acquiring an aviation asset if the need for such an asset was 210 times in a year. Likewise, I would not support such a proposal if the use was only going to be 10 times in a year. Especially, if we could get that support from another agency.
Discount Doooooooooooooblecheck says
Get Real and get over your smugness. You have an opinion and so do I. You say the Eagle One is not a piece of junk. I say it is. You say the cost to run it is minimal. I say it’s not. You say you don’t care where the funding comes from. I say I do. I can back up my opinion with facts. Can you?
Get Real says
You are a fine one to speak of smugness. I can back up what I say. I have had the opportunity to speak with some involved with the unit and have seen the aircraft. I know about airworthiness and it is a fine airworthy aircraft. As far as the funding, if you are going to say that I said something at least try to get that right.
Discount Doooooooooooooblecheck says
Get Real, I saw the Eagle One at the car show last weekend too. I guess that makes us both experts as to its airworthlessness
Dave W says
Say…why don’t ya all just do what I did. I was jogging the other day in the airpark and stopped by when I saw it there. The guys there showed me around and I asked some in depth questions, because I as a citizen and taxpayer wanted to know a little more about it. After hearing all about it, the way the county got it, what it can do and looking all through it, it seems fine to me. If my children went missing why not have our own? They also talked about some kind of life jackets that can be tossed to boaters in distress. Pretty good concept. Bane, Gahler, or Ryan..who cares, just do whats right and leave these politics out of everything. Take it from me, as a guy who worked in Washington DC for 27 years, politics do nothing but screw everything up
Monster says
You mean to tell me that you did some research. You cannot post on this site if you are going to continue doing this. If you cannot be negative, name call, make up nicknames, insult those who succeed, and spin facts, well you are just not good material for this site.
Mr. Wickwire says
I have noticed that Baners like Monster and because are making personal attacks. Is this because the aviation unit will be very costly to taxpayers? Even proud liberal has admitted that the unit was a mistake!
Uncle Charlie says
One of the two pilots in this unit entered the drop program 3 years ago and must retire in two years. When he gets hired back as a civilian this will add another $ 75,000+ a year in cost for the unit.
tiredofthe bullsh#t says
I know I won’t be voting for Bane this time around, even though he was my candidate in previous races. I am not directly connected with the HCSO but have previously worked with command staff on community projects and one in particular is a total dirtbag. He is dumb as sh#t and I never understood how he made it to his ranking. I worked with another one that was found to be a criminal and yet Bane kept him on until after the election. Having town meetings for years and then doing nothing with all of the time and energy spent by community citizens is appalling, only to turn around and announce that the HCSO will conduct a strategic plan (do it all over again) and spend lots of money. Ridiculous waste of money, like the acquisition of the decommissioned helicopter. Frankly, I am embarrassed for this county.
you just don't know says
A few hundred or so of them “decommissioned” copters are still in use by police agencies across the country….even some in Maryland.
Just like them “decommissioned” M16’s officers use all around the country (even in the HCSO) and carry as patrol rifles
Hey, down in Balt Co we had used “decommissioned” helicopters for some 15 years and they worked just fine. Balt Co just grew and expanded.
I agree with some other comments you make, however, as the course of time has shown over 2 elections that I have seen at HCSO, and 2 in Baltimore County with executives, every 4 years the ol Harford Co. politics come around..same ol same ol. Can never please everyone, just the way it is..everywhere, all the time, throughout the world, …everywhere.
Monster says
I have been trying to say that this is the history of the HCSO. Maybe, objective readers will believe you.
Monster says
Thanks for your post. The anti-Baners always present a negative picture no matter what. But, then their intelligence is limited. I thought Marc Eaton would be all over this site, but I haven’t seen his name. Then, I realized that he uses many names and probably has been giving his wisdom. I wonder who Marc is going to support for Sheriff? I would think he would know by now since he is so informed about the HCSO.
tiredofthe bullsh#t says
Monster, you are probably the one that is dumb as sh#t.
Monster says
If you are going to use such language, use it. Spelling sh#t instead of shit still shows you to be a low class idiot. Who doesn’t know that is what you mean. Just like I know you are anti everything. Take a hike.
tiredofthebullsh#t says
You don’t seem to know much, based on your posts. There are great things about this county. Unfortunately, there is so much that is wrong with it,people who have come from other places thinking they know what’s best or doing what’s best for them. So much of the dirty politics, it is disgusting and I am tired of it. I can saw whatever I want, however I want. So, eat sh#t. How’s that?
Monster says
You can “saw” what you want? What a jackass.
Discount Doooooooooooooblecheck says
Monster: What does your last post have to do with the topic at hand? Other than to do exactly what you are accusing Marc Eaton and others of doing. Can’t just relax and have a nice Easter Sunday, can you?
Monster says
Obviously, you can’t either. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. I am going to fight fire with fire. I hope that is simple enough for you to understand.
Discount Doooooooooooooblecheck says
Monster: I don’t have any idea why you are spewing forth platitudes that only you think are witty. Are you going into battle fighting fire with fire? What is the fight? An eye for an eye. If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. There you go, Freddy Boy, I saved you the trouble of thinking up some more of your foolish sayings.
Monster says
I didn’t know how else to communicate to you. They don’t have any Dr. Seuss books on critical thinking. I will leave you with one more- Its the pot calling the kettle black.
Monster says
why don’t you reply to @MikeWelsh since he is very on the topic? I am sure you have the time.
Eagle 1 Fan Club says
I saw monster flying around forest hill today in eagle 1 at a cost of about $ 300 an hour which is about the cost of 10 additional deputies on patrol.
Monster says
Been drinking again?
Because says
Marijuana has been de-criminalized. But he clearly is no more mellow.
Marc's sixteenth nephew from his inbred cousins nieces side says
Monster leave the fan club alone. The only person that has been drinking is you. Lay off of Bane’s cool aid it’s toxic.
Monster says
How come we don’t hear from Marc? He wasn’t this quiet in the past. So, instead, I have to read rantings from the second string of jackasses. In case you don’t understand, I am talking about you.
Marc's sixteenth nephew from his inbred cousins nieces side says
Who’s Marc that you speak of in the past? If your referring to The Honorable Marc A Eaton, not sure your gonna have to ask him. I am a distant relative of another Marc. Do I know you Monster? Are you a sleepy background investigator or a lawyer?
Because says
Honorable? Oh, I get it that was sarcasm
Lulu says
monster,come on you are smarter than that. its a group that is trying to win an election you aren’t going to change them
Marc's sixteenth nephew from his inbred cousins nieces side says
Yes Monster listen to Lulu, I mean Lulu listen to Monster. Wait you are both one of the same. It must be painful to you Monster to know that the public is getting to hear the truth about what is really going on.
tiredofthe bullsh#t says
I guess Monster has never heard of autocorrect. It happens sometimes when we are using a smartphone. But I guess he wouldn’t know that because he likely isn’t very smart and has to resort to name calling when he gets his panties all in a wad. Boo hoo.
Monster says
actually, I have heard of autocorrect. But I still read over what I type to make sure, You see, Tired, I am not as dumb as you.
BillH says
Complaining of people calling others names while calling them names. How ironical.
Monster says
So am I of you. Contrubute something worthwhile or continue to waste your time and this space. I will continue to tell you how dumb you are.
Monster says
@MIKEWELSH gave two very good responses regarding the helicopter, as have several other posters. Why don’t you respond to them?
Marc A Eaton says
Eagle One will be Bane’s Owebamacare. Same story, no cost to taxpayers. Will pay for itself period.
MD sucks @$$ says
woodpecker 1 has its goods and its bads
lets try to use the chopper in a good way rather then use it as a carnival ride or some stupid stuff
also bane said crime in the county should drop 30% once it starts to patrol