Joppatowne High’s Wounded Warrior 5K presented by Joppatowne PTSA and Athletic Boosters to host fundraiser supporting wounded service members through Wounded Warrior Project™
From Harford County Public Schools:
Joppatowne High PTSA and Athletic Boosters announced today plans to donate all monies raised through a community 5K run/walk event at Joppatowne High School to assist service members who have been injured in the line of duty. All proceeds from the Wounded Warrior 5K will be donated to the nonprofit organization Wounded Warrior Project (WWP), and will support a full range of programs and services for this generation of injured veterans and their families.
Over 47,000 servicemen and women have been injured in the recent military conflicts. In addition to the physical wounds, it is estimated as many as 400,000 service members live with the invisible wounds of war including combat-related stress, major depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder, many of them find themselves taking lots of treatments everyday to cope with their invisible wounds, you can learn more at to find out more about the best alternative options that can also help fights these situations . Another 320,000 are believed to have experienced a traumatic brain injury while on deployment.
WWP’s 18 programs and services are uniquely structured to nurture the mind and body, and encourage economic empowerment and engagement.
The event will be held on Saturday May 31st at Noon at Joppatowne High School. The event, a vision casted by our own students, is a community event for all ages with a competitive 5K race and recreational walking course. The event will start around the track in the football stadium before heading out around the campus, which includes the nature trail, before ending on the track.
“A group of students at Joppatowne who are very active in the school and the community are ready to give back to the men and women that are out there every day risking their lives so that we can have our liberties, and give back to those that unfortunately lost their lives doing so. We understand that once a soldier gets back that they are faced with many arduous obstacles that are not only physical, but mental.” Student Alexis Watson, 11th grade
The event, a part of the county’s service learning requirements for students for graduation, has partnered with the school’s PTSA and Athletic Boosters to reach the entire community of Joppatowne. Registration for participants can be done online at under JHS Wounded Warrior 5K. The participation fee includes an event t-shirt and race bib if completed by May 15th.
Please send all inquires to instead of the email on the flier.
ALL veterans are free and need only to send their shirt size to register.
Families over 5 stop paying the fee at $100
We are looking for business sponsors to help make this possible with a tiered sponsorship level. Please email to inquire more.
can you sign up for the 5 k at joppatown on the day of the event?
Yes you can register the day of the event.
Good work Joppatowne High School!! Thank you for caring about and helping those that have served so valiantly to protect our freedom!
I’m trying to register for the warriors 5k run/walk. I registered at the rec council site, but there was nothing at that site to sign up for the race on May 31st. How can I register for the race itself?
Sorry for the confusion with the rec. Site. You do need tom register as a user with them first and then our event should be there to sign up under “Register [name] for an program.”
With that said, as a veteran, your email is all of the registration we need. Please email us at