From the Maryland Rural Counties Coalition:
This week Harford County Executive David Craig joined the Maryland Rural Counties Coalition as an Associate Member expanding the membership of the Coalition to now consist of 11 counties.
The Coalition comprises Allegany, Caroline, Carroll, Cecil, Dorchester, Frederick, Harford, Kent, Somerset, Washington and Wicomico Counties, representing nearly 1.2 million Maryland residents.
On December 12, 2011, the governing bodies of Allegany, Carroll, Frederick and Washington Counties announced the creation of the Maryland Rural Counties Coalition with an eye towards other rural counties joining their ranks, for purposes of strengthening their policy-related standing in the halls of Annapolis. Since then, seven additional counties have now become members of the Coalition.
Maryland Rural Counties Coalition Chairman and Allegany County President Michael McKay stated, “We are tremendously pleased and honored that Harford County has chosen to add their collective voice to the Coalition. We look forward to working with Harford County Executive David Craig along with the members of the Coalition in our mutual goal to ensure that the unique needs and perspectives of Maryland’s rural communities are taken into consideration during the decision making process in Annapolis.”
Harford County Executive David Craig stated, “Rural Maryland often finds itself at a strategic disadvantage from policy decisions made by the Maryland General Assembly. Our intent is to help balance the decision-making process in Annapolis so rural Maryland’s interests are strengthened and equated to the interests of non-rural Maryland. This can only be accomplished by working together in partnership through a strong alliance between Maryland’s rural counties.”
A Charter Coalition founding member and Coalition Executive Board member, Frederick County Commissioner President Blaine R. Young noted, “The 11 counties of our coalition represents more than one million Maryland residents and our collective membership allows our jurisdictions and in turn the citizens of Maryland’s rural counties a bigger voice in Annapolis.”
Harford County is in a unique position as a member of the “Big 7” in Maryland, which consists of the six largest counties and Baltimore City, but also has a very diverse jurisdiction which is both rural and urban, and will provide a very distinctive perspective for the Maryland Rural Counties Coalition.
vseitz says
Glad to see that the County Executive has finally made this move. Campaign for Liberty and its individual members have urged him and the County Council to consider this common sense move even before the rain tax was an issue.
W.T.F.? says
Harford County is NOT rural (whether we are members of this coalition or not)! This is yet another calculated political move by a “governor wanna-be. How disingenuous. 🙁
Monster says
What is disingenuos is the overlooking of most of Maryland for the benefit of Baltimore City, Baltimore Co., PG County and Montgomery County. Those areas make you Governor and thumb their noses at the rest of the state. Harford County has and will be neglected because it is a Republican voting county. The Democrats do what they do best, give away working people’s money to those who will vote for them.
Ralph says
I agree completely. That applies to all Democrats, every one of them. It is why you should never support a Democrat unless you subscribe to them essentially buying votes. You should listen to your own words when it comes to supporting any Democrat vs a Republican.
Monster says
No. You cannot make generalizations like this. That is just black and white thinking, and not using critical thinking to make wise decisions. Even though I am a Republican and anti-liberal, I will vote for Jessee Bane, a Democrat for sheriff. I know you tea baggers don’t like to hear that, but get over it.
Proud to Be a Liberal says
Jesse Bane is a good person. He serves his community with dignity and holds his officers accountable. I am not sure why everyone tries to character assassinate Jesse, unless DFC Marc A. Eaton is coordinating this. Get a life Marc people know that Jesse is a good guy and that you are full of crap.
Monster says
Jessee is a good man. The deputies I speak to will give a completely different impression from the one given by Marc Eaton. Many of these posters who are anti-Bane are most likely trying to get their candidate elected. I also am reasonably sure that they post in many different names.
Ralph says
“The Democrats do what they do best, give away working peoples money to those who will vote for them.” Those are your words Monster, are you using a generalization? We already know the man you support for Sheriff fits the Democrat mold perfectly. His exploitation of the black vote has already been verified by someone who posts as “Reelect the Sheriff”, a person who has been rather forthright about what the Sheriff will do to get votes.
Bane is no different that the other Democrats you talk about. You must be one of the people that he pays off. How does it feel to be taking the money or favors for your vote? Exposes you as a very shallow person.
Monster says
You show your lack of intelligence and maturity. No one party has a monopoly on good people. Jessee Bane is the sheriff and serves all Harford County residents. He is not a cowboy, but a sensitive person and has done a good job of Sheriff. You have an agenda. I am not sure whether you are a teabagger, a disgruntled deputy or just a narrow-minded jackass. Whichever it is you make assumptions that are idiotic.
Ralph says
I make no assumptions. I am addressing the words that you used. You seem to like touting yourself as a conservative and making statements about Democrats, but when called out on your support of a Democrat you want to back track and ignore the fact that he is a Democrat. The bottom line is you like to run your mouth. When called out on your words, you begin making accusations about agendas, and calling people names (jackass). You are the typical lib masquerading as a conservative and that makes you a very shallow person.
Proud to Be a Liberal says
Ralph you are a racist pig
Ralph says
I see you have the exact traits of Monster. Could be that you and Monster are one and the same. We all know that Monster has been caught several times posting under several names.
Why are you so upset about the helicopters, did you get left out of the program? Just another example of Jesse listening to his senior staff that had their own personal agendas. If Jesse is so smart, how did he get snookered on the helicopter deal? Probably listened to his PIO Hopkins telling him that it would be a great publicity tool in an election year.
Marks 8th Cousin In-Law says
Eddie Hopkins was appointed to his position by Bane for nothing more then politics. Then Bane gives him several assistants so basically he doesn’t have to do squat. Then he can run around and play fire chief and Mayor of Bel Air. All while the Sheriff’s Office pays him triple figures.
Because says
Let’s not forget their ability to pander to people with half a brain and just a little compassion
Kharn says
Try driving above Route 1 sometime. There’s a whole lot of country up there before you hit Pennsylvania.
Keith Gabel says
This may or may not be a good move for the County.. I am waiting to hear Craig define what Harford County’s “unique needs and perspectives” are and how joining such a coalition helps Harford County in way not directly tied to his abortive bid for Governor.
It is his move. It is up to him to make this crystal clear to the public.
Monster says
He has already made it crystal clear. What else do you want to hear? He is joining a coalition that is trying to give the rest of the state a voice. What don’t you understand?
Keith Gabel says
A greater voice in Annapolis is a tool, not a goal.
What I want to know is how Craig defines our “unique needs and perspectives” and how joining this voting bloc achieves the goals that benefit Harford County.
Monster says
“A tool, not a goal?” Really? How about a tool to achieve a goal? Does that work for you?
Keith Gabel says
@Monster – Yes, we finally agree on something. We should have a goal. Having a greater voice to accomplish nothing achieves nothing. Having a greater voice to achieve something “rural”, like farmland preservation, would make sense. A list of what our “unique needs and perspectives” would be helpful.
Simply put, what is it Craig is attempting to accomplish by joining this voting bloc other than achieving a greater voice in Annapolis to may be do something or may be not. That, in and of itself, is a waste of time, effort, and taxpayer money.
Proud to Be a Liberal says
Keith your comments are that of someone who is miserable in life. Do the world a favor and seek counseling.
Keith Gabel says
You are confusing the words miserable and thoughtful. It is an easy mistake.
Monster says
I don’t need to explain to you that I am a conservative, but not as conservative as a Tea Party member. You epitomize a person who doesn’t use your brain, but would rather use a label when voting. You haven’t called me out on anything. You are part of the problem of why we have some of the leadership today that we have.
Monster says
One more thing before I drop you- in none of my posts will you find a negative comment about the other candidates for Sheriff. Yet, you and the anti-Bane group does nothing to promote any candidate and simply tries to assassinate Jessee Bane’s reputation no matter what. You call me shallow, I call you an immature thinker and a jackass.
Ralph says
I am not trying to promote anyone for Sheriff. I am equating Jesse Bane as a Democrat to all of the other Democrats that exist both here in Harford County and nation wide. Bane fits the Democrat mold to a T, and as stated by others, he will do anything to get elected. Your inability to admit that Bane is just like all of the other Democrats is what makes you a shallow person. Bane is a Democrat because he believes in the basic tenants that Democrats believe. Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Obama, Biden, O’Malley, Bane…. they are basically all the same, not a dimes worth of difference between them.
By the way, I see that you are posting as “Monster” today instead of “Proud to be Liberal”. Another day that you can’t decide who you really are. You are shallow and pathetic.
Proud to be Liberal says
First off moron Monster and I are 2 different people. Second off you have to bash Jesse Bane nearly every time you post something. Jesse Bane is a good person, you and DFC Marc A. Eaton need to get a life. As for bashing democrats- You republican politicians have done really well to make this county a better place…NOT
Ralph says
Who’s bashing Jesse Bane? I am only comparing him to other notable Democrats. If thats bashing him in your view, then so be it. I’m sure Jesse would be thrilled being compared with the likes of Reid, Pelosi, Obama, O’Malley, etc..
What happened to you Monster. Did you look in the mirror and discover you had morphed into Proud to be Liberal?
Proud to be Liberal says
You stated that “he will do anything to get elected”, like what please give some examples? If you know Jesse you know he is better then your henchmen tactics that you and DFC Marc A. Eaton are using against him. Jesse would not character assassinate like you attempt to do in nearly every article posted on Dagger. You all are so pathetic and I hope people see through your BS. I don’t know what else I can say I am not Monster dips*it.
Honey Badger says
Honey Badger loves this Lionel Jesse Bane fella. Honey Badger gets free helicopter rides anywhere in the county on Honey Badgers personal copter “Eagle 1”. Honey Badger doesn’t care that the copter costs a lot of money to operate, Honey Badger doesn’t pay for it the taxpayers do.
Ralph says
Proud to be Liberal,
You have a reading comprehension issue. I did not state that Bane would do anything to get elected, I wrote: “and as stated by others, he will do anything to get elected.” Feel free to re-read the post. I did say that Bane fits the mold of a typical Democrat, and I stand by that statement.
How is it that comparing Jesse Bane to Reid, Pelosi, Obama, and O’Malley, is assassinating his character? All of them are Democrats with the same principles and beliefs, yet you somehow feel that this comparison is assassinating Banes character.
Monster says
At least I can look into the mirror and not get sick. You fit the mold of Eaton and company perfectly. You cannot post anything of any value to anyone.
Monster says
Thanks for calling me a moron. I will send you a post soon.
Proud to be Liberal says
Monster- I meant to put a comma in between Monster and moron. The real moron is Ralph, he continues to character assassinate Jesse Bane. But DFC Marc A. Eaton’s tactic is not working because they have yet to give a single explanation of why Jesse is a bad person. This is because they know Jesse Bane is a good person and whoever they support may have character flaws.
monster says
Amen and thanks.
Monster says
You are a gigantic jerk. Because I don’t believe what you do, I must be Proud to be Liberal. That is the kind of thinking I see from the anti-Bane group. Tell me what, facts not your spin, Bane has done that makes him like Pelosi and Reid? You are out of your mind. While you are at it, tell me why the other candidates for sheriff are so good and will do a better job than Bane. You won’t, because you can’t. I stand by my previous statement that you are a non-thinking jackass. I say non-thinking because you are only smart enough to vote on your labels. Get to know the people. You can do that in Harford County.
Proud to be Liberal says
Sad thing is DFC Marc A. Eaton and his henchmen have being trying these tactics for months. I don’t know what there personal problem is with Jesse Bane but this character assassination tactic is old. Anyone who knows Jesse Bane knows he is a good person, get a life Ralph.
Reelect the Sheriff says
What’s the deal with you two. Sheriff Bane is a Democrat and is very proud to have been one all his life. What’s wrong with that? The two of you are making out like it’s some kind of bad thing.
When someone compares the Sheriff to the President, Governor, and other major national leaders they are paying him a compliment. Time to stand up for the Sheriff if you really believe he is an outstanding Sheriff and overall good man. He treats his employees with the utmost respect and thinks of them as not just employees but as family. Yes, in most ways he is exactly like Obama, O’Malley, Pelosi and Reid, he cares about his family of Deputies. Sheriff Bane is a PROUD DEMOCRAT who believes in the democrat principles and policies. It is why he is so effective as Sheriff, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of.
monster says
What is up with me? Can you read? You love those individuals you mentioned, that is your problem. Don’t put Bane in the same category with that group.
Reelect the Sheriff says
Your problem Monster is you can’t decide what team you want to be on. You want to bad mouth democrats but pretend that Sheriff Bane is not really a democrat. Well he is a democrat, and a proud one…..always has been. I thought you supported the Sheriff, and now you want to try and convince other democrats that Bane is not really one of them. Democrat voters know who takes care of them in Harford County and they know Jesse Bane is a democrat who cares about them just like the President and Governor take care of them. It’s why they are successful.
Monster says
You like a good story no matter how incorrect it might be. Don’t let the facts get in the way. Your trouble is you don’t like to think.
Monster says
Not all Republicans are geniuses and not all Democrats are jackasses. Liberals tend to be in the Democrat (with a capital C) Party. So, when I make comments about liberals I am not talking about all Democrats. Are you that slow that I have to explain this? I also know you are not for reelecting the sheriff. Looking to fool people again is all I see from the anti-Baners
Monster says
Proud to be a Liberal,
Here is something for you to explain in your wisdom. I will eagerly await for a reply.
Canada ‘s Top Ten List of America’s Stupidity!
10) Only in America … could politicians talk about the greed of the rich
at a $35,000.00 a plate campaign fund-raising event.
9) Only in America … could people claim that
the government still discriminates against black Americans, when they have a
black President, a black Attorney General and roughly 20% of the federal
workforce is black, while only 14% of the population is black.
Forty + % (40+%) of all federal entitlements goes to black Americans – 3X the
rate that go to whites , 5X the rate that go to Hispanics !
8) Only in America … could they have had the two people most responsible
for our tax code, Timothy Geithner (the head of the
Treasury Department) and Charles Rangel (who once ran the Ways and Means
Committee), BOTH turn out to be tax cheats, who are in favor of higher taxes.
7) Only in America … can they have terrorists kill people in the name of
Allah and have the liberal media , primarily react by fretting that
Muslims might be harmed by the backlash.
6) Only in America … would they make people who want to legally become
American Citizens wait for years in their home countries and
pay tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege, while they discuss
letting anyone who sneaks into the country illegally, just ‘magically’ become
American Citizens.
5) Only in America … could the people who believe in balancing the budget
and sticking by the Country’s Constitution be thought of as” EXTREMISTS!! ”
4) Only in America … could you need to present a driver’s license to cash
a check or buy alcohol but Not To Vote.
3) Only in America … could people demand the government investigate whether
oil companies are gouging the public, because the price of gas went up,
when the return on equity invested in a major U.S. oil company(Marathon
Oil), is less than half of a company making tennis shoes, (Nike)!!!
2) Only in America … could the government collect more tax dollars from the
people, than any nation in recorded history, still spend a Trillion dollars
more than it has per year – for a total spending of $7-Million PER MINUTE
and complain that it doesn’t have nearly enough money.
1) Only in America … could the rich people – who pay 86% of all income taxes –
be accused of not paying their “fair share,” by people who don’t pay any income taxes at all.
These would be FUNNY, if they weren’t the ACTUAL TRUTH!!!
Ralph says
You are a racist pig who hates the poor.