Upcoming Theatrical Releases
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Director: Anthony Russo and Joe Russo
PG-13; 136 mins.
After being deemed unfit for military service, Steve Rogers volunteers for a top secret research project that turns him into Captain America, a superhero dedicated to defending America’s ideals. (Synopsis by Disney)
This deftly avoids the “sequel trap” by focusing on drama over action, making it a pleasant surprise. It never quite lives up to Whedon’s “Avengers” in action or wit, but this is a solid piece that won’t disappoint. See it.
Director: Ajmal Zaheer Ahmad
PG-13; 97 mins.
In the beginning, three were created. Man made of clay. Angels made of light. And a third made of fire. For centuries, stories of angels and men have captured the imagination and been etched into history crossing all boundaries of culture, religion and time. These two races have dominated the landscape of modern mythology, shrouding the evidence that a third was ever created. This third race, born of smokeless fire, was named the jinn. Modern man has all but forgotten this third race ever existed. It is time for him to remember. (Synopsis by Freestyle)
A long wait for “exactly what you would expect [from] a horror film released in April.” Not very good. Think “Underworld” with more chase scenes. Skip it.
Upcoming DVD Releases
Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues
Director: Adam McKay
PG-13; 119 mins.
With the 70’s behind him, San Diego’s top rated newsman, Ron Burgundy (Will Ferrell), returns to the news desk in “Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues.” Also back for more are Ron’s co-anchor and wife, Veronica Corningstone (Christina Applegate), weather man Brick Tamland (Steve Carell), man on the street Brian Fantana (Paul Rudd) and sports guy Champ Kind (David Koechner) – All of whom won’t make it easy to stay classy…while taking the nation’s first 24-hour news channel by storm. (Synopsis by Paramount)
An awfully familiar comedy that still has enough laughs to make it palatable. Overall it is a bit of a mess, but still endearing. Rent it.
47 Ronin
Director: Carl Rinsch
PG-13; 127 mins.
From ancient Japan’s most enduring tale, the epic 3D fantasy-adventure 47 Ronin is born. Keanu Reeves leads the cast as Kai, an outcast who joins Oishi (Hiroyuki Sanada), the leader of 47 outcast samurai. Together they seek vengeance upon the treacherous overlord who killed their master and banished their kind. To restore honor to their homeland, the warriors embark upon a quest that challenges them with a series of trials that would destroy ordinary warriors. 47 Ronin is helmed by visionarydirector Carl Erik Rinsch (The Gift). Inspired by styles as diverse as Miyazaki and Hokusai, Rinsch will bring to life the stunning landscapes and enormous battles that will display the timeless Ronin story to global audiences in a way that’s never been seen before. (Synopsis by Universal)
The greatest struggle will be making it all the way to the credits. An excessively boring (but authentic!), over CGI’d waste of money and talent. Skip it.
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