From Harford County Campaign for Liberty:
What are Harford County Republican Delegates thinking?
In spite of overwhelming opposition from their constituents and party leadership, Delegates Impallaria, McDonough, and Szeliga continue to support the ill conceived HB 1513.
This bill would place the Harford County Republican Delegation (HCRD) on the Harford County Republican Central Committee (HCRCC) for purposes of replacing or removing “super citizens” elected by the voters of Harford County.
The implausible and provably false explanations offered by this misguided trio can be viewed here.
What could be their motivation if those reasons just don’t hold water?
Delegate Pat McDonough came clean in a pleading letter to the Republican Caucus.
The real motive is to purge TEA Party candidates from entree to elected office and consolidate control of the party in Harford County to a small insider group.
It appears that the delegation is quite comfortable with the way things are and see no need to change.
Why let a pesky little thing like an election stand in the way?
McDonough saved particular venom for leadership within Campaign for Liberty and Maryland Liberty PAC, two of the most successful and well-known liberty groups in the state.
Why are these folks so afraid of letting the voters of Harford County decide on the kind of conservative they want representing them?
Why are our elected officials seeking to undo what has been done at the ballot box?
Let the Harford delegates run on their legislative record and accomplishments rather than shut the door on any potential competition.
Isn’t that how the system is supposed to work?
Mr. McDonough is concerned that the actions of liberty-minded “super citizens” might do harm to Senator Rand Paul’s reputation and urged the Republican Caucus to contact the senator’s team.
He thoughtfully provided the appropriate names and emails. Perhaps he should have directly aired that concern when the Senator addressed a 400 plus crowd at the Westin BWI this past Wednesday.
The highly successful event was organized by Maryland Liberty PAC, the very organization that so troubles the delegates.
Don’t let the people that are supposed to serve you run roughshod over your choice and the electoral process.
Keep up the pressure.
Let them know you do not support this hijacking of the system.
Insist they withdraw HB 1513 today:
Delegate Rick Impallaria
Delegate Pat McDonough
Delegate Kathy Szeliga
And when you’re done with that, please let Senator Rand Paul know how much you appreciate the work that Harford County’s “super citizens” are doing to advance the principles of small government, rule of law, and an open electoral system that gives all people and all ideas a fair airing in the public arena.
Office of Senator Rand Paul
208 Russell Senate Office Building,
Washington, District of Columbia 20510
Tel: (202) 224-4343 Fax: (202) 228-6917
Office Contact: William Henderson
Greg Johnson
Steering Committee Member
Harford County Campaign for Liberty
Thank you Mr. Johnson for helping keep the citizenry informed!
“Just like the Pied Piper, led the rats astray… Destruction!” 🙂
Mr. Johnson just a mouthpiece for McGrady and Patterson…a wannabe RCC member.
And by your logic, Bob Amato, you are a mouthpiece for the disorganized RINO club known as the Cecil County Patriots.
None of these delegates is a Harford Countian.
I’d like the delegates to tell me why I got a piece of mail yesterday with the Harford Delegation letterhead, paid for with taxpayer money, complaining about how the public’s heard it all wrong.
The Delegation now explains how this bill is meant to rescue members of the RCC who’ve been “abused”, and how this bill will restore a “working relationship between the CC members and the elected officials who represent Harford County.” And this bill has to be passed NOW, to start replacing members who will apparently drop off like flies, never mind the fact that they all stated in January they would be finishing out their terms. Including Mr. Impallaria’s brother, who called it his elected duty.
Big change of tune, guys. So now you DO PLAN to throw members off the Central Committee, and you intend to decide whom to throw off based upon who’s, what? Big meanies? And this ridiculous bill will forever alter our RCC charter?
By the way, I’ve been attending every Central Committee meeting since last spring, and as far as the Delegation’s concern for the RCC goes, I’ve not seen hide nor hair of any, save Del. McComas. If you want to have a working relationship with the RCC, try coming to a meeting. If you get all your information secondhand, it’s often second-rate too.