From Harford County Education Association (HCEA) President Ryan Burbey:
Despite considerable gains in wealth and economic growth over the years, Harford County Government has repeatedly failed to adequately fund its schools. From 2002 through 2005, HCPS was the lowest funded school system in the state of Maryland based on per pupil expenditure. During this time, it was ranked 24th out of 24 local jurisdictions in Maryland, comprised of 23 counties plus Baltimore City in its support for its schools. In 2006, HCPS was ranked 23rd in school funding. In 2007, it climbed to 15th but has been on a steady decline since. In 2010, HCPS was ranked 18th in per pupil funding. While in 2011 and 2012, it was ranked 16th and 17th respectively. Support for education in Harford County Public Schools currently ranks 19th in the state of Maryland. These indisputable facts are available within the MSDE Fact Book and The Overview of Maryland Local Governments.
Our schools simply cannot continue to operate effectively without substantial increases in funding. If funding does not improve, HCPS will be forced to cut programs, increase class sizes and make further cuts to transportation. HCPS already lags behind the rest of the state in resources and technology. If funding for our schools does not improve our children will not receive a competitive education and will lack opportunities afforded to students in other neighboring counties.
On April 8th, HCEA will host The Harford County March for Public Education to call attention to the crisis facing our schools. You can review all the details on It is crucial that we, as a community, raise awareness to the growing problems in our schools caused by a lack of funding.
Join us on April 8th as we fight for our community, students, our schools and our teachers.
BillH says
Per pupil spending is only relevant to waste in the system not a good education.
Kharn says
DC has one of the highest per-pupil spending rates in the country yet their students are some of the least successful.
Mr Burbey says the solution is to provide more money upfront and then hope for results.
I say we should demand results first, and then provide more money in relation to the level of success. For example, I feel there should be no additional money until every (non-special-ed) student HCPS graduates has passed Algebra 2, then hold funding steady until everyone passes trigonometry.
Cdev says
DC is the outlier in that category. of the 10 highest spending states 8 are on the most successful top 10. Of the 10 lowest spending 7 are on the least successful list!
Not so sure says
oh boo hoo. have you seen the price of gas lately. how about groceries. cut the freaking fat salaries at the Bd Of Ed. You have a supervisor and assistant supervisor for everything. And stop building this freaking decorator showcase schools with their high ceilings , wide aisles, and big utility bills.
Bright Oak says
The teachers have seen the cost of gas and groceries while sitting on a stagnant salary the last few years.
HCPS should examine their admin structure and capital costs and make a plan to reduce waste.
Schools are built with high ceilings for better acoustics in the class room. New schools are more energy efficient, as required by law. Wide aisles (corridors) are required to accommodate large amounts of students, also required by law.
BillH says
That’s all great stuff but enrollment is down and projected to continue the decline while there are more schools being built. Shouldn’t HCPS be shrinking instead of expanding?
My farts smell like cheddar cheese says
Are red arm bands worn on the left arm required for this event?
Blue Ox says
What is the date and time of the corresponding march in Annapolis? The state and county both share the costs of education in Harford County roughly 50-50. My understanding is that the state’s share has decreased in recent years, while the county’s has remained flat or increased slightly. They both need to increase funding dramatically.
Ryan Burbey says
Unfortunately, Harford County is not paying 50% of the cost of education. In fact, during the Craig Administration, HCPS has received a declining portion of the general fund.
State funding is driven by a wealth formula which includes capital improvements around the county and accounts for a local jurisdiction’s ability to pay for its schools. The same capital projects which Mr. Craig has diverted general fund resources to purchase also cause a decrease in state funding by increasing Harford County’s wealth factor.
Arturro Nasney says
As ususal, Ryan is telling the story from an exceedingly biased point of view. Instead of crying about how much the County pays as a percentage of total budget, let’s see how much in actual dollars, spent over say the last two decades. From raw numbers such as those one could make a fair statement of fairness. While you’re at it, show us the mean income for all Harford County citizens, NOT including Government workers, for the same period. I think you will then get a fair idea of how much or how little we are throwing into the public school system. The reason for excluding all government workers is that they have historically gotten Cost of Living Allowances year after year. Thos of us in the private sector don’t even think in terms of COLA, it is all about performance and production leading to profit.
Frank Solar System says
Estimated 3000 teachers with estimated two thirds of total are on the “union” roster.
So are you expecting 1,800 people to “march”?
reality says
Burbey can wish in one hand and crap in the other. Their membership historically been that high.
Ryan Burbey says
Unfortunately, Harford County is not paying 50% of the cost of education. In fact, during the Craig Administration, HCPS has received a declining portion of the general fund.
State funding is driven by a wealth formula which includes capital improvements around the county and accounts for a local jurisdiction’s ability to pay for its schools. The same capital projects which Mr. Craig has diverted general fund resources to purchase also cause a decrease in state funding by increasing Harford County’s wealth factor.
tiredofthe bullsh#t says
I noticed the other day that c Milton wright had a beautiful new crop of trees planted. I’m sure that was a pretty penny. It’s stuff like that that makes me wonder where the BOE priorities are. There is so much waste in the school system’s budget. Why not use what you have to fund raises and other personnel costs rather than always crying poor?
JC says
The trees and labor were donated.
The Money Tree says
Of all the money that can be wasted I can’t readily think of anything less a waste than planting trees. Clean air, shade, shelter for wildlife, beautiful to look at and it costs almost nothing – in fact the Arbor Day Foundation will give you 10 free native trees for just joining and I’m sure the kids weren’t paid. That activity was kind of a win, win.
BillH says
They had the glass on the front of the school replaced last year, that wasn’t donated.
and says
Schools need regular maintenance. People and businesses replace their windows all the time.
BillH says
There was nothing wrong with them.
and says
How do you know that?
BillH says
And to top it off the company that replaced them gives….. wait for it…..
A 1 year warranty on their product.
Frank Solar System says
What’s the logic in comparing money spent per student in relation to what? Is there some massive obvious problem of Harford County students not successful based on the money that is spent per student?
If you gawk at any teacher of the year award ceremonies, tons of people will proclaim how they love their job, how Harford county is the best, etc. Are these people lying? Wow.
Master Dinger Puller says
Burbey is a political tool that complains about everything. He is probably setting him self up to run for political office in a few years.
Monster says
I doubt it. Who would vote for him?
LS says
LOL says
Someone in this march needs a megaphone to constantly say the Pledge of Aliegence.
get With it says
That would be great! The only problem is that Burbey will not allow it. Also, he will not say it or place his hand over his hart.
If you don’t think this is true just watch him at the school board meetings or at any of our school events.
none says
Harford County needs to stop building all these little neighborhood schools.
BillH says
God forbid little Timma has to ride the bus 10 minutes longer.
Bright Oak says
I understand Burbey’s position. He’s the head of the union, and if he isn’t asking for more money, he isn’t doing his job. But I never hear reasons why the school system needs more money, other than the teachers need a raise. And they do. They make about $8000/yr less than the state average. The ratio of admins to teachers is low compared to other counties (28% vs 33% or so). The pay may make up the difference, who knows. The MSDE Fact Book is interesting, I doubt any of the Dagger hooligans read it.
So HCPS is the 9th best county in the #1 ranked state for education while receiving an unfair share of the pie. That’s not too bad. So why shouldn’t teachers deserve a raise?
The state may be willing to invest in Harford if the HCEA ever developed plans on how to use the money while streamlining their personnel and capital expenses. It also doesn’t help that the folks in Annapolis serving out the funds hate the bumbling in-fighting Republican turds we have representing us.
L says
When it comes to the admin to teacher ratio – remember what they say about statistics. The question to be asked is are all these admin positions necessary? A lot of my teacher friends say no and that some of those administrators aren’t earning their paycheck. Maybe it is time to have an outside firm come in to do an independent evaluation of staffing.
Cdev says
HCEA does not run the school system. Did you mean HCPS?
Bright Oak says
Yes, HCPS. HCPS should lead the way to reduce spending. HCEA should still be assisting in those decisions and offering insight instead of walking around with their hand out waiting for more money.
I always hear about increased costs, capital budgets, COLA increases but never hear about any proactive expense reduction efforts. Only reactionary ones, like pay to play or bus rerouting.
L says
Okay Bright Oak lets hear your ideas for proactive expense reductions. Another thing to consider is that a lot of Capital projects are generated by the County Executive, the County Council, or State legislators – not asked for by the school system. Examples: A new HdG high school, a magnet program at NH HS, addition to the weight room at Aberdeen HS. Don’t forget non school system Capital expenditures like over paying for property to use for a waste transfer station that will never be built or the contaminated property just purchased in HdG that will cost even more money to decontaminate. These projects cost the county a lot of money both in cash payouts and interest on the bonds sold to support the long term debt – which reduces available funding for the operational budgets of all county departments and school system.
WOB WOB says
Here’s what the March will look like.
Master Dinger Puller says
Is Burbey the shirtless guy in the video with the bulge in his pants
Proud to Be a Liberal says
No that’s DFC Marc A. Eaton in the video.
J. Davis says
The teachers need to stop complaining so much. I am a retired teacher from Chicago and let me tell you something Harford County Schools have it good. Your pay is fair to live off of and most of you get the benefit of having two months off during the summer. Times are tough everywhere right now, I’m just getting a little tired of hearing the whining.
word on the street says
Unpaid time off doing the summer.
Tea Bagging It says
Get a part time job then. It’s amazing how you want everything and want it on a silver platter. Is this about the kids that you are hired to teach or about padding your wallet. I am also tired of hearing the whining If you don’t like your job or this school system then go elsewhere. No one is forcing you to teach here are they?
Master Dinger Puller says
Tea Bag- They can space there wages out to live throughout the summer. HCEA is a powerless organization run by Burbey who things he knows everything but knows very little. Start calling people out instead of sugarcoating things.
L says
Tea Bagging is just one of those angry people. If he/she is still a young person they will have a long life of being angry because they will always find something/anything government of government employees do to complain about. Sometimes I think such people are most happy when they are miserable.
Kharn says
You’re not providing services that benefit your employer during the summer, so why should you get paid? If you want to work as a teacher over the summer, get an 11-month teaching position or volunteer for summer school.
Brianc says
I just hope the person that wrote this is not wanting a waiver for the snow days missed. After all, the kids need to be in school to be educated right? If the children’s welfare is truly at heart, then why do these school systems ask for waivers? Just curious.
TSB says
The teachers and the administrators want the waivers so that they won’t miss or have to reschedule their vacation plans. I know some will say it’s because of some school systems without A/C get hot in the summer and that there are laws in place that won’t allow the school year to go past a certain date. However, the former should be chalked up to tough S%^t. deal with the heat for a few days, their parents and grandparents had to “tough it out” and they turned out just fine. the latter doesn’t explain the reason for the waiver request. Just make the kids go until the 180 days are complete or you run up to the final allowable date.
RMS says
Yeah, those greedy teachers driving their fancy Hyundais and taking all those leisurely lunch hours! They’re such whiners, right? I cant believe they expect to have their contracts honored.
I have NEVER seen more disrespect for such an admiral profession as I do in Harford County! I moved here to Harford County in my 18th year of teaching, and I am astounded by the hateful, ill-informed, vocal few who bash teachers.. The county is extremely short sighted to short change the students and teachers with inadequate funding. Harford County will no longer be the place to move if school funding isn’t addressed!
Ryan Burbey says
Hopefully, I will see you on Tuesday.
"greedy teacher" says
What ypou talking about lunch “hour” I am luck if I get 20 minutes!
Tea Bagging It says
Be glad you got 20 minutes,in many jobs time doesn’t allow a lunch break.
Cdev says
I call BS. Please provide an example of a job in which lunch or dinner breaks are not allowed for at some point as appropriate!
Tea Bagging It says
CDev(il)-You asked for an example of a job that lunch breaks are not allowed. First numerous jobs make employees clock out and do not pay them to eat lunch. Also here are a few examples of jobs that often don’t get a lunch- Service jobs(waitress, convenience store clerk), Military soldiers, Police Officers, Firefighters, EMT’s..etc
Cdev says
Again crap. We aren’t talking about getting paid for it. You said no lunch break PERIOD!!!
So let’s go down your list.
When I worked in a resturaunt we got fed the nights specials!
Store clerk- Have you ever listened to them they actually have a right to a certian number of breaks in their contract.
Soilders- Are you on crack????? They get a mess hall.
Police- I have watched many of them pull into parks and eat lunch during their shift.
Firefighters- Most of my friends who do this and EMT for a living talk about their turn preparing dinner etc!
Kharn says
You could try telling First Sergeant that you missed formation because you were on a breakfast break. I doubt he’d listen, and you’d likely end up with a counseling statement in your file. Those Soldiers are also on-call 24×7, able to be locked in their barracks for a week at a time to ensure the unit can waddle directly onto airplanes to jump into harm’s way with only a few hours notice. I don’t see anyone locking teachers in their schools until the job is done.
Teachers are a white collar profession, try to find better equivalents.
Cdev says
Correct but they are given a reasonable and appropriate time to eat which was the whole poitn. Again find me a job that does not afford you the opportunity to eat at an appropriate time!!!! You can’t!
Tea Bagging It says
Cdev(il)- I think you are getting miss information so I will help you
a.)restaurant employee- may or may not get a lunch break
b.)store clerk-they don’t have contracts
c.)Soldiers- I am referring to soldiers in a combat role- they don’t stop for chow in the middle of a gun fight. When they are deployed they may get an MRE.
d.)Police officers- They often don’t get a meal and go from call to call. What park are you hanging out in that you see them at?
e.)Firefighters and EMT’s- Yes they rotate and each prepare meals, but that doesn’t mean they get a chance to eat it. They are lucky if they get a hot dog off the coffee wagon. EMT’s often go call to call and don’t stop to grab some grub when someone is having a medical emergency, do they?
So the answer is no I don’t smoke crack like you think. You must have me confused with your buddy- Toronto Mayor Rob Ford.
mostly blue says
I work and I have lunch breaks, coffee breaks and I answer the phone when I darn feel like it. My kid works at a local store and they get breaks too during their shift. I can’t believe that most people don’t get a break to eat! your assumption that most people don’t get a personal time off during their shift is just wrong. I guess it must be hard for you to imagine what is like to actually work for a living…
Tea Bagging It says
Mostly Blue- I feel sorry for the company you work for if you only answer the phone when you darn well feel like it. That’s a great way to run a business and you are just a model employee. So basically your worthless and just collecting a paycheck.
Cdev says
So to be safe I did a little more homework….
1) I went to McDonalds and I asked the guy behind the counter if he gets a lunch break. He said if they work more than 4 hours in a shift he gets an unpaid break.
2) Later on at Giant I walked in and saw some employees sitting at the picnic table out front eating and on their phone. One later bagged my groceries so I again asked him and he said it is part of the union agreement.
3) Your provided example just illustrated my point.
4) I tend to walk at a few of them. This morning one was eating breakfast so I asked him. He said he get’s 20 minutes time but it may be interupted to take a call. For this reason most of them eat on the go but it is a paid 20 minutes.
5) Didn’t have a chance to ask specificlly but I imagine it is the same as police.
Again an appropriate opportunity to eat is provided for all employees. Even teachers are simply garunteed a duty free lunch. No promise as to when that will occur.
Knows says
Hyundai’s? Better check your parking lot again.
Tea Bagging It says
Hyundai’s really. A check of each schools parking lot would reveal different, maybe the cafeteria staff has a Hyundai or two . So let me get this straight you want an hour lunch break, a major raise and a new BMW for each of you to be in your contract? Oh wait you would still complain if you got that, next you would want a $ 10,000 clothing stipend.
L says
Your absurd overstatements of what teachers want undermines any credibility of your position.
Tea Bagging It says
What do teachers want then? On the surface the constant whining is getting old, if it’s that bad then quit.
Donald says
I believe they want their contract to be honored. It is “that bad” and many teachers are quitting (or moving to another county that values their teachers better. The constant “if it’s that bad, then quit” comment is getting just as old…
Tea Bagging It says
Is this really about the students? I think it’s really about the teachers and them getting a raise. The sad thing is that the money is not available for curriculum funding and teacher raises. It may come down to one or the other and from the comments on here would the teachers vote for curriculum funding over a raise? Sadly I think not.
Cdev says
It’s sad that is has come to that and that being progress. The reality is both are needed. Curriculum funding for Common Core is a must and the pay situation is gotten to the point people are leaving and more are planning on it if it continues. Both have a dramatic impact on students.
L says
Curriculum is not necessary when you don’t have teachers to deliver it.
LOL says
Don’t worry, Human Resources will always have hundreds of applications to print out and gawk at.
Donald says
Sure there will be applicants, but retaining an experienced pool of teachers is just as important as recruiting new ones. There are plenty of excellent, effective teachers who are leaving the county.
Cdev says
The system has 5,000 teachers……
Robert says
The system has 2770 teachers. I would be curious to see how many of them have 5 years or less experience….as there is little incentive for teachers to stay…
Master Dinger Puller says
What exactly do teachers want? No one is holding you hostage and saying you have to be a teacher are they? So if your not happy then go elsewhere, your constant me me me is getting old. You need to look not only at your salary but your benefits package as well.
Deer in the Rear says
I just looked it up they get health and dental coverage, life insurance coverage, paid leave, a 457 option, retirement with 7% pay in, and tuition reimbursement. That adds up for the employer. So look at your Salary+ Benefits = Not Bad.
LOL says
I saw the MSEA endorses our current Lt. Gov for the 2014 elections. How’s that health care website working out?
Bel Air Girl says
And this is exactly why I do not belong to the union. Every election, the MSEA endorses the dems no matter what their stance on education is.
Monster says
Yes and they supported O’Malley. Then they blame Craig for not supporting education. That is my problem with the HCEA and its liberal leadership. The state needs to get its act together and so does the HCEA.
Cdev says
to clarrify the 457 and 403 while benefits are not part of any matching so there is really no cost to the employer for them except for the payroll deduction aspect.
Tea Bagging It says
I’m sorry Cdev you want the employer to match the 457now? So you want two retirement plans? The 457 is a tax free benefit that I’m sure is used by many. How many retirement plans do you want exactly?
monster says
cdev is a jackass
Cdev says
I don’t care if they do or not but most people assume when you mention it as a benefit like was mentioned that it is matched. Some jobs have matching 401K and pension. Teaching in HCPS is not one of those jobs. But when you tell an HCPS teacher that the money in their 403B plan is taxpayer money realize they put that there themselves. Every penny of it!
Tea Bagging It says
Monster is right MSEA and HCEA are both a joke. Dinger Puller and Deer are also right the benefits package for teachers is really good.
Kharnage says
Still grinding that anti teacher axe?
Your ex teacher paramour must have left you with a bitter pill.
Take one of your firearms and muzzle kiss it goodnight for me.
Tea Bagging It says
Kharnage- With that attitude hopefully you are not employed in a job teaching children. I see Kharn struck a nerve with you, the truth hurts doesn’t it sometimes.
Kharnage In A Kan says
I come to the dagger once every 3 months just to see the same tired old arguments by the same tired old people. Kharn and Because(Porter) are two of the most predictable tired old cliches of them all. Perhaps you’d like to join the ranks of the irrelevant predictable whiners that populate this place.
Tea Bagging It says
Its sad that teachers feel this overwhelming sense of entitlement. Even if HCPS were to get a major raise for teachers, they would still complain. Next they would threaten to not stay after school for activities. I continue to hear posters on here say that teachers will leave. Well then go, people are waiting for jobs out there and will gladly fill your position. I’m sure they will also be a little more grateful to be employed and making good money.
haha says
People are waiting for these jobs? 40K a year with 35 kids in a classroom and new sh1t shoved down teachers throats each year. Guess what genius. teachers ARE leaving and will keep leaving. Let those green newbies have these jobs and figure out how to teach your kids while on the job.
Can someone tell me what in the hell is the point of mentioning “hyundai’s” in the paking lot? I would guess you are the type to judge people, amirite? Who says a millionaire doesn’t like to drive a 15 year old job junker?
I highly doubt the “hynundai” comment is totally accurate in the use it was intended.
Do society around here a favor and move back where you came from so you can resume pointing at people driving less expensive cars.
Tea Bagging It says
I have an idea the teachers want a raise, how about they work weekends and holidays. You could be switched to a salary only position and then have to work at your school 60 hours a week. That would be a wake up call for most of you, but it would give you time to plan curriculum for the week and even help the janitorial staff clean little Johnny’s poo off the back of the toilet. Any takers?
L says
Teachers are already working as salaried employees.
Tea Bagging It says
Good so how about they get there raise and work weekends and holidays. How come no one wants to take that offer? Its because they want want want and don’t want to give anything.
Tea Bagging It says
Tea Bag- Once you mentioned weekends and holidays it got real quiet. Do you really think that teachers would work memorial day, new years, or July 4th. As for weekends huh they wouldn’t know what to do if they had to work weekends.
Dear in the Rear says
Why should teachers work weekends or holidays the students are not there. And Tea Bagging it I think you meant to reply to L not yourself you moron. We agree on something’s but not all
L says
Dear in the Rear, Calling Tea Bagging a moron is insulting to those people the have legitimate cognitive disabilities. I believe the more appropriate term would be foolish: lacking or exhibiting a lack of good sense or judgment; silly, foolish remarks – resulting from stupidity or misinformation; unwise – a foolish decision arousing laughter; absurd or ridiculous.
L says
Most people do not work on National holidays so why would you single out teachers? While teachers may not be in school buildings during the weekend (although I have known teachers to do just that) a great many are doing school related work during the weekend – creating lessons, grading papers, doing professional development and research. Please give it up. Even Dear in the Rear (who agrees with you to some degree) has called you a moron.
Tea Bagging It says
Rear Deer- I did mean L thanks for correcting me. As for calling me a moron, like I care. Teachers should work weekends they can get planning done and urinals cleaned.
haha says
TeaBagging it works hard…posting at all hours of the day. (douche bag)….One of those tough ‘real world business’ jobs eh? I know 3 teachers who left last year and all are making well more than their teachers salary and in their words “working less and it’s easier”. I’d ask two of my buddies who are in the “real business world” what their opinion is, but both are on cruises. Must be nice! And guess what genius…most teachers DO work weekends.
Get lost says
To the “teacher” who implied their “co workers” having Hyundai’s in the parking lot, that shows a lot about your lack of character. What else do you judge based on facts you know nothing about?
I would take a good guess that your comment is also incorrect, while I’m sure there are “Hyundai’s” in the parking lot, I highly doubt that specific car manufacturer represent the majority of personally owned automobiles by Teachers. Why lie? And you are supposed to be teaching children? Holy cow.
Bel Air Girl says
I teach for HCPS……I own and drive a Hyundai to work everyday. Best car I ever owned actually. I actually paid a small fortune for it. Hyundai’s are not cheap. It is paid for and I don’t have a car payment anymore and it is only 5 years old. Maybe I am missing something here. If I am a teacher and I drive a Hyundai…does that make me poor. I am not poor and I live within my means. If that means I drive the car into the ground before I buy a new one then so be it.
Get lost says
Ask your “co worker” the designed implantation of their “Hyundai” comment. I would assume it meant an affordable, economy vehicle as compared to something “luxurious” and expensive as examples of a Land Rover, BMW, Rolls Royce, who knows what else this person was thinking? Obviously, this person shouldn’t even be a teacher to begin with.
The Hyundai comment in my mind would have been a jab at not being be able to afford “more expensive” cars under teacher salaries.
Monster says
BA Girl,
To me, you provided the right response. Thank you.
RMS says
I was being facetious when I commented about all those Hyundai-driving teachers. I AM the Hyundai-driving teacher! I love my Hyundai. My point is that some people on this blog imply that teachers make too much money and drive fancy cars.
I will NOT accept being vilified as a greedy whiner because I speak against injustice! All teachers ask is to have their contracts honored and to be treated with dignity.
Monster says
That is all that anyone wants, including tax payers, especially those who are suffering right now.
mostly blue says
I am not advocating higher taxes but our local officials need to take a more proactive approach to funding the schools and its workforce. Paying for good teachers is not a waste or a cost we can’t incur. The CE has made it a priority to pay for land, buildings, infrastructure and other priorities while the human operations facet has been left lacking needed funding. Can you tell me “those who are suffering right now”? Your property taxes are lower than they have been in 7 years due to lower assessments, just saying!! The local restaurants seem to be full of people and the mall is quite busy as well. The county’s economy is doing better than it has in years and the county’s coffers have more $$ than ever. Still, education, sheriff’s and county employees are getting shafted once again while the county continues to prosper. I will concede that not everyone (taxpayer) is making more but the county as a general condition, is doing better today than it has in the last 6 years.
Monster says
Failed School,
Because it is. These are also individuals who are truly dedicated to the kids, not just using the kids. Some teachers need to learn that they are their worst enemy at times by some of the things they post. Yes, teachers should be paid more, ask anyone in any profession and they will say that they should make more. Life is a trade-off. The nice thing about our country is that we can change jobs and professions if we aren’t happy. Not everyone is suited to be a teacher just like everyone is not suited to be a surgeon, accountant, engineer, salesman, etc.
Monster says
Mostly Blue,
Do you not realize how many working people have lost jobs? They may now be reemployed but with much less salary. We need to hear the statistic on unemployment and underemployment much more often. If you have a job, be happy. You can’t pay bills and taxes without suffering when economic conditions that we have endured for the last years has occurred. I am shocked that you would even ask this question. Youj must be in good financial condition.
Ryan Burbey says
Harford County Unemployment
Nov. 2012=6.5%
Harford County Unemployment Rates by year
In February 2014, Maryland’s unemployment fell to 5.7%, down from 5.8% in January 2014, and continued still lower than the national average of 6.7%. Despite national economic stresses, employers in professional and business services, education and health services, and leisure and hospitality reported employment gains over the past year.
Ryan Burbey says
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Harford County Unemployment
Nov. 2012=6.5%
Harford County Unemployment Rates by year
In February 2014, Maryland’s unemployment fell to 5.7%, down from 5.8% in January 2014, and continued still lower than the national average of 6.7%. Despite national economic stresses, employers in professional and business services, education and health services, and leisure and hospitality reported employment gains over the past year.
Kharn says
Mr Burbey,
The problems with your BLS data is that you are citing the U3 catagory, which is defined as: “Total unemployed, as a percent of the civilian labor force”
U3 is used by politicians to make the unemployment rate look better than it is, by not including those that are involuntarily part time, under-employed or have stopped looking for work.
The real data you should be looking at is the U6 rate, defined as:
“Total unemployed, plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force, plus total employed part time for economic reasons, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force” That counts the jobless, the involuntarily-parttime, and the discouraged jobseekers who have stopped looking for work.
MD as a whole has a 6.7% U3 rate, but a 12.5% U6 rate.
mostly blue says
@tea bagging– my comment “I answer the phone when I feel like it” it was the sort of hyperbole that you spout about! Of course I do answer the phone and when I don’t then voice mail picks it up and I do return the calls on my own time frame when I am ready to give my clients the time and effort required to do the job. You should think about the fact that many jobs are not “retail” and require more than a person to answer a request, sometimes they require research, looking over case files and making sense of what is needed. You wouldn’t know that it like to work for the county government and I don’t expect you to know what I know or know the requirements of my job.
I am not a teacher but I can tell you that teaching is an honorable position as I was a student for many years. It takes dedication, ability to communicate, break down problems, analyze and have a student willing to learn!. I don’t understand the animosity towards teachers and why their ability to get a raise is met with such disdain. Part of the problem may be that teachers are at the front lines of actually working and their efforts to mentor, teach and mold young minds isn’t always an immediate return on investment? My oldest was a good student but not a great one, he had many teacher positively influence his decisions of what to study and what colleges to attend. His teachers input was critical in him determining his own wants and his future. Teachers should get a raise more often that every 4 years and it is up to our elected officials to fund education at higher levels.
Failed School says
Can someone answer the question why do the winners of every teacher of the year in this county proclaim Harford County being so great?
Master Dinger Puller says
Most likely the final winners are selected by a group that has the state and county boards of education in their best interest. Meaning they select the person that is most likely to paint a great picture of HCPS. It would be fun to see a teacher of the year winner say that HCPS suck and are underfunded. I would pay to see it, but It will never happen.
Ryan Burbey says
Many of the posts here have characterized the funding issues HCPS is experiencing as only about teacher wages. This is erroneous. While other counties are adding new programing and expanding HCPS cannot even support its current programing at the tuning levels it is being provided by county government. 19th out of 24 will not provide our students the opportunities they deserve. 19th out of 24 will not maintain small classes. 19th out of 24 will not allow us to attract and retain quality teacher to settle in Harford County and become stable community members. This situation is detrimental to all citizens of Harford County.
It is true that HCPS teachers have carried the largest portion of the budgetary burden for the past five years. Many posts have also characterized teachers as wanting “a raise”. This premise fails to recognize that the basic salary scale for teachers has not been honored in 4 out of 5 years. HCPS teachers currently are working at pre 2006 wages.
Join us as we march to support public education.
Master Dinger Puller says
Burbey- Just where do you expect the county to get the money to fund these programs? Also your point of the teachers working at pre 2006 wages, how do you back up that remark. The rest of the county employees have not received a raise in years. If you go into something asking for too much you will get nothing. Year after year the teachers union has done this yet they ask why they got nothing. Ask for something reasonable and you might just get it. Ask for too much and you will get nothing. I do wish the teachers luck but do us all a favor and figure out what you really need. Just FYI that doesn’t include everything Burbey, that’s just not feasible.
Ryan Burbey says
We have not asked for anything except that our contracts are honored and that funds are increased in accordance with the Board of Education request to meet the increasing needs of our students. Since on average Harford County spends between $20 and $30 million on PAYGO projects funded with general fund revenue each year, I would start there.
Tea Bagging It says
@Burbey- What are the PAYGO projects in the last 2 years that you take issue with?
Ryan Burbey says
The problem is not with the projects per se. It is that rather that honoring our contracts with sheriffs, county workers and teachers, we are building things.
Ralph says
And obtaining Helicopters which will have enormous follow on costs. Rumor is a third helicopter has been obtained by the Sheriff’s Office that is not air worthy like the second helicopter and also had to be trucked in. Why the HCSO needs three helicopters when they don’t have enough people to fly even one in support of mission requirements is baffling.
Proud to Be a Liberal says
Ralph- I also heard about the third chopper. The aviation program is and was a bust from the start. I support Jesse Bane in general, BUT this program I DO NOT support. It was introduced to the public as FREE, which is BS. Now fuel costs, rental space, training for spotters, training for pilots, equipment maintenance…etc, have made this aviation unit into at least a million dollar program. I am not sure the Sheriff was given all the correct information about this program and its operational costs. If he did know then he was crazy to sign off on it.
Tea Bagging It says
@Burbey- What about the extra 1.5 million that was added to the budget to cover the pension shift. I know it only adds up to a .7% increase but most areas of the budget saw no increase or spending cuts.
Ryan Burbey says
The pension shift had been in the works for many years. Harford County Government should have planned for it. Likewise, multiple revenue offsets were passed to assist counties with the shift.
Master Dinger Puller says
Yeah that is an area where the county knew it was coming and should have planned for it!
Master Dinger Puller says
Burbey- can you give a dollar figure on how much it will cost to honor your contracts and increase funding. Can you break down each one seperately. Also thank you for clarifying what you are asking for.
Ryan Burbey says
The Board of Education has requested approximately $30 million to meet the needs of the system, including, maintaining programing and funding contracts.
Master Dinger Puller says
Thank you for the explanation. I think the misunderstanding is that you don’t explain things very well when you do a release.
Tea Bagging It says
@Burbey- The entire school budget for FY2014 was just over 221 million. You are asking for an additional 30 million in funding or about a 14 % increase. Can’t you ask for this to be spread out over a three year period at 4.67% or about 10 million a year?
Ryan Burbey says
I am not asking for anything except for our schools to be funded properly and for our county government to work together. I think our government officials should look for reasonable compromises.
Proud to Be a Liberal says
Ryan Burbey- I agree with you on this point. The facts that you presented make a great argument on funding our schools. The county should AT LEAST partially fund schools. Ryan I agree with the other poster, the more you explain things the better sense it makes. GOOD LUCK!
Cdev says
There have been many years to spread it over. Craig and the Council saw fit to put it off until later. The BOE and the teachers have been telling you this was going to happen. Last years service changes where a shot across the bow compared to what they will have to do to meet all the requirements they got to fund and that says nothing of teacher raises. They got to re write a ton of Curriculum or buy it. The technology infrastructure needs a drastic improvement for PARCC or we have to pay a fine. Expect Pay to Play to increase, more bus cuts and even some sports to go bye-bye. Also figure some schools will probably close like It would make sense to close Havre de Grace Middle and High, move them to Aberdeen and shift the extras to Patterson Mill, Edgewood and Joppatowne. Maybe even a transportation fee to use the bus like some school districts charge.
worried says
Unfortunately much of what you say may come to pass. Craig’s legacy to the school system will not be what he would hope (the new high school in HdG) but rather a county wide diminished school system. Even schools in the more affluent communities of the county will not be able to escape the results of his continued underfunding of the school system.
Failed School says
Teacher’s cant go on strike, what about everyone calling out “sick” during the same day?
What would Harford County Public School do? Terminate the employment of 2/3 of it’s teaching faculty?
Teacher who has had enough says
I think a sick out is a good idea but Ryan Burbey obviously can’t condone this idea or talk about it. With that said someone needs to pick a date and start getting word out. I have talked to a few teachers and we picked Thursday April 17th as our sickout date. This was supposed to be our spring break day but weather dictated otherwise. If the county doesn’t want to approve our contract then lets send them a message. Join me and others by having a sickout on APRIL 17th. Enough is enough we cannot sit back and watch our school system fail!
Arturro Nasney says
@Teacher who has had enough says. Great idea. Everyone call in sick and cripple the system. It’s such a great idea, why not continue it until June 30th? Seriously? I doubt taht HCPS has the intestinal fortitude to do the right thing here, but I would decertify your union in a single stroke and then chat with you about contracts.
cdev says
No union to decertify.
Arturro Nasney says
If it walks like a union, talks like a union, makes demands like a union, and follows the teachings of Karl Marx – it’s probably a union. Split hairs as usual Cdev, you simpleton.
Kharn says
I agree, it worked out really well for the air traffic controllers in the ’80s.
Engineer says
How is that “work to rule” working out for you?
Upton Sinclair says
A sick out is a great idea.
It will show the plight of the the proletariat teacher who is overworked and underpaid.
We have common cause and we must show the ungratefuls that we mean business.
April 17th let’s all meet in Bel Air at the Main Street Oyster House the official home of the HCEA teacher’s movement.
HCPS HCEA Teacher says
Ryan Burbey, as president of HCEA you should not be posting on message boards arguing with the crazy anti education fringe elements of the Dagger. This sort of behavior makes all teachers and HCEA members look childish and unprofessional. Why argue with those who have not supported us and will not support us in the future?
Ryan Burbey says
If we allow false statements to go unchallenged, they become accepted as truth. As president of HCEA it is my obligation to challenge falsehoods and promote truth about our situation.
Kharn says
How does the saying go? “I learned long ago not to wrestle with a pig, you get dirty and the pig likes it?”
There’s the truth that you want more money, and the other truth that the taxpayers (and their elected representatives) aren’t going to give it to you.
Engineer says
If the shoe fits….
Proud to be Liberal says
HCPS HCEA Teacher- I think that Ryan Burbey handled the situation very well. I was unsure what HCEA was asking for but with Burbey’s explanation it made things clearer. In the end you will need the support of the community to get this funding. I hope the community supports you in your efforts.
Georgie Green the Grass Smoker says
Who cares if teachers get a raise. The state just legalized smoking pot that’s all I care about.
Proud to be Liberal says
Grass Smoker- Get a life. Teacher who has had enough- My neighbor who is a teacher said that many teachers are going to call out sick on April 17th. My question to you is what if anything will this accomplish. Do you think your sickout on April 17th will send a message to the county council?
Honey Badger says
Honey Badger don’t care, so Honey Badger gonna call out sick on April 17th. Honey Badger gonna sleep all day.