From Del. Kathy Szeliga:
This has been a week full of controversial bills. As the 2014 legislative session rushes towards its conclusion at midnight on April 7, bills are moving quickly through the House and Senate.
I appreciate the encouragement I’ve received from many of my email newsletter recipients as I stand firmly for conservative views and values in Annapolis. I’m definitely swimming against the tide!
SB 212, Transgender Rights Law
Dubbed the bathroom bill for good reason …
A good title does not make a good bill. Case in point is SB 212, Fairness for All Marylanders Act of 2014. This bill sounds great. Don’t we all want “fairness for all Marylanders?” What SB 212 really does is jeopardize the safety of women and little girls by allowing predators and pedophiles access to the women’s bathrooms, locker rooms, shower rooms and other similar places. This bill is poorly written and ignores the responsibility to protect us from those who would do harm to others. The supporters of this measure have neglected to consider those who would pretend to be transgenders and abuse the law.
SB 212 language says a person can change their gender identity by “any other evidence that the gender identity is sincerely held as part of the person’s core identity.” Pedophiles and sexual predators are clearly mentally ill. All they must do after this bill passes is to claim that they are in the women’s bathroom or locker room because they have a, “sincerely held belief” that they are a woman. This is terrible policy and law making.
I offered a great amendment to exclude facilities where women do not expect to see men, like public bathrooms. Unfortunately, this bill was fast-tracked by the Democrat majority and any and all amendments were rejected. Even when it was revealed on the House floor that a man who “sincerely believes” he is a woman – even though he has male parts – would be able to use a women’s shower room/locker room at a public pool. Can you imagine your young daughter or granddaughter in the pool changing room or bathroom with a fully grown man? This is just not right.
Finally, I find it very troubling that the state will be adding people confused about which sex they are, (transgenders) to the list of people who have faced discrimination because of; race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, and now – GENDER IDENTITY.
I voted no. The House of Delegates vote can be found here. CLICK HERE TO SEE HOUSE VOTE
Budget of Maryland
Adds another $2 billion in spending …
Maryland’s budget is poised to pass this year totaling more than $39 billion. Of course, there are some good things in the budget. However, I could not vote for the sum of the whole. This budget has grown by more than $10 billion over the last 8 years, a rate of 37%.
Senior citizens on a fixed budget and Maryland families have not seen an increase of their budgets over the last 8 years, and certainly not a 37% increase. The out of control spending coming from Annapolis is simply not good for our economy and is not sustainable for taxpayers.
The House Minority Caucus offered a budget alternative as we do every year. We proposed limiting the growth of the state budget to 1% over last year’s budget. Teachers and state employees agreed to contribute 2% more from their pay checks in order to fund the public pension fund. The State agreed to contribute $300 million per year to do their part. The leadership in Annapolis has yet to keep their promise and have taken hundreds of millions from the pension fund promise. By limiting the growth to 1%, we could keep the promise to fund pensions and actually force the governor and his budget leaders to cut spending. Unfortunately, our sensible and responsible alternative budget plan was rejected, although a few Democrats did vote with us.
Allowing the State to break their promise to taxpayers, teachers, and state workers to fund pensions was not acceptable. As with all retirement investments, we can pay some now or a whole lot later. By limiting the growth of the budget to 1% over last year, we were able to fully fund the pension promise.
In past years, we have offered level funded budgets and cuts to the budget. This year our plan to limit the growth to 1% was one more choice we thought Democrats might actually support. Unfortunately, nothing we offer can reign in the spend-aholics in Annapolis, but the plan did get more bi-partisan support.
Pay Raises Without a Vote!
It’s just not right ….
Back in 1970, a Constitutional Amendment was passed setting up a legislative salaries commission to recommend pay and benefit changes for members of the Maryland General Assembly. This commission meets every four years and makes recommendations the last year of the 4 year election cycle. If the commission’s recommendations are not acted upon, they become law. Yes, you read that right. Pay increases happen unless action is taken to reject those increases.
The salaries commission has recommended a 15% pay increase for all members of the House and Senate, from the current $43,500 per year to $50,330 per year. I do not think that legislators should get this pay increase. This is a part time job and we are citizen legislators. Additionally, I absolutely believe that legislators should have to vote yes or no.
We have taken action!
I have introduced a Joint Resolution (the proper vehicle), HJ 9, to reject the pay increases. I have signed a letter to the Speaker of the House asking to let HJ 9 have a vote. These are both measures advanced by the House Minority Caucus under the leadership of Leader Nic Kipke and myself.
We are hoping to get the resolution blocking pay increases out of the Rules Committee. However, we are having trouble getting the committee to put the resolution on the voting list.
Next year, I will be proposing legislation to require a vote on the salary recommendations. Taxpayers and citizens expect legislators to vote yes or no on their own pay increases.
Thank you for your continued support and prayers. I am working hard for you and your family.
Delegate Kathy Szeliga
Minority Whip, Maryland House of Delegates
Annapolis – 410-841-3698
Cell – 443-570-1555
K says
And what’s the update on HB1513?
RealityBites says
The notion that gender identity would some how be used as a defense for pedophilia or indecent acts is absurd. Del. Szeliga’s comments regarding SB212 show just how shamefully ignorant she is on the subject and psychology of gender identity.
Monster says
Your comment shows how stupid you are.
I don’t want a mangina in the restroom with my daughter.
There should be a anti-discrimination law that protects a man who is actually a woman but thinks he is a dog but relates more to cats even though he dresses like a boy and acts like a girl. The good news is its in committee right now.
Monster says
That is the kind of bill that the liberals in the General Assembly like to deal with to increase their voting strength. Don’t give them ideas.
well... says
I am so sick of this kind of crap. Jimmy is confused and wants to be Jane… let’s make the whole rest of the civilized world bend over backwards to accommodate him/her/it/whatever. Let’s infringe every other person’s rights to make sure Jimmy/Jane feels better… Hey, here’s an idea… F@ck Jimmy/Jane. Get over it. Close your eyes and go take a leak. Use a stall. Quit paying so much attention to who else is in the crapper. How about the first time someone gets molested the ladyboys that voted “yea” share the punishment? Worthless douchebag politicians… they probably fantasize about sharing a cell with Jimmy/Jane. Crap like this and the end of the death penalty are what you get when you send a bunch of pu$$ies to Annapolis. Half of them are probably gender confused.
Jay says
So, as I understand this I, as a person equipped with typical “male” plumbing can go into any restroom dressing room, locker room, shower room, or whatever with “Ladies” on the sign just cause I feel like it. And, I can strip naked and parade my plumbing around for all to see and I can leer and peer and whatever at all those folks with “female” plumbing and this is perfectly legal with no risk of prosecution at all! All I have to do is say I “feel like a woman” Think of all the tourism dollars that will be pouring into Maryland as perverts from the world over come to gawk! This should be called the “Pervert & Pedophile Protection Act”
Monster says
Yes, never mind the important issues facing Maryland. The GA losers would rather deal with this crap.
Monster says
As the old saying goes, “you are shoveling crap against the tide.” Maryland voters need to wake up and realize what serious legislators are facing in Annapolis.
MD sucks @$$ says
as always MD is for protecting sick folks like pedos and the like
just for a few votes, it is truly FN disgisting
MD sucks @$$ says
I also forgot to mention I bet this bill was drafted with kids safety in mind from the turds in our general assembly
sarcasm off now
Julia Malloy says
Do people seriously think the legislature is passing bills that have the goal of legalizing rape, pedophilia, etc? I’m sorry, Delegate Szeliga, but your description of SB212 is nowhere near reality and you know it,
Before SB212, it was perfectly legal for a man to go into a ladies restroom or locker room. The law protected women by making it illegal for men to expose themselves, commit rape, molest children, etc. after SB212, it is still illegal for men to expose themselves, commit rape, molest children, etc. SB212 contains not one single word changing any of this and you know it. You know it because this bill isn’t about bathrooms and doesn’t even mention them. It’s only about allowing people to eat in a restaurant, have a home, or keep a job. I have trans friends and I want to be able to have lunch with them at our favorite restaurants, thank you very much.
Moreover this bathroom myth that you are peddling has been debunked so many times that it is just ridiculous. You know full well that it just isn’t true. Here’s the latest debunking:
To put that another way, Delegate Szeliga: You Lie.
Those who oppose this bill because of fears about transwomen (people born male who transition to female) aren’t considering reality. Transgender people don’t just go from men to women. Some go from women to men. Yes, it’s true. They grow beards, get deep voices, bulk up on muscle, and everything. They are called transgender men. And thank you, but I prefer no beards in the ladies room. I support SB212 partly because I actually read it, I understand it, and I oppose men in the ladies room, including transmen.
WHAT? says
Then, what the hell are you complaining about?
word on the street says
You get what you ask for, female reporters in men’s locker rooms, you burn your bra at white house for equality and now you can’t handle it. And by the way it is a lot of Jane out there that want to be Jimmy.
Jay says
I have lived my entire life in MD and cannot recall ever seeing a sign at a restaurant or anywhere else that prohibited transgender persons. This law is an answer looking for a problem that does not exist. I suggest it’s true purpose is so that those claiming transgender status will be more easily able to sue sue sue and that is exactly what will happen! Jenny/Jimmy will have to wait too long for a table or a drink refill or whatever and will use this law as a basis to sue some hard working restaurant owner (or probably a big chain) for a gazillion dollars. A big win for the lawyers and transgender poster child who files suit – a loss for the business and its employees. I further suggest that trips are already being planned to business with this idea of goading businesses into a lawsuit. And just wait till Jenny/Jimmy applies for a job, more lawsuits if they don’t get hired – qualified or not every business owner should fear Jenny/Jimmy applying for a job because now they have to hire them or face a big bucks discrimination judgement! This law is not about discrimination! it is about creating another “protected class” of people that can sue their way to wealth at the expense of regular folks. However, this one also clearly protects perverts and predators.
Ms Malloy points out the things that Men aren’t allowed to do. Do those prohibitions apply to transgender persons? NO THEY DO NOT! Transgender persons ARE NOT MEN! so it IS PERFECTLY LEGAL for them to do those things! The fact that Jenny/Jimmy IS NOT A MAN protects Jenny/Jimmy from prosecution for all those things. Ms Malloy is either stupid or lying!
Monster says
Way to nail a double talking liberal.
Julia Malloy says
Transgender people are one of the most widely discriminated against groups in the United States today. In Maryland, for example, 71% experience harassment and mistreatment and 42% experienced adverse job actions because of who they are, such as being fired, denied promotions, etc. Just because of being themselves. 54% report harassment and disrespect in public spaces. And I personally know trans people in Maryland who have been thrown out of restaurants and the like for being who they are. The statistics are here:
I do not know any single group of people facing anything remotely close to this level of discrimination. Not African Americans, not gay and lesbian persons, not anyone. I know people who have become homeless because of being trans. They lose their jobs and can’t pay the rent anymore because no one will hire them, so they end up on the street. This stuff is happening. It’s real. And that’s what this bill is about. And if you don’t like the handy little report I linked to above, just try
Kathy Szeliga is telling bald faced lies when she claims it is about allowing men into bathrooms to rape women. It’s the stupidest nonsense around. If you believe in it, I dare you to go out and befriend a trans person. It will be an eye opening experience.
Monster says
“I dare you to go out and make friends with a transgender person.” You have to be kidding or on something.
Julia Malloy says
What’s wrong with befriending transgender people? I find them rather fascinating. Some of the. Are quite nice. Some are not. People are people. That includes transgender people too.
Mr. Moderate says
Definition of Demagogue
1. – a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument.
2. – a political leader who tries to get support by making false claims and promises and using arguments based on emotion rather than reason …
3. – a person, especially an orator or political leader, who gains power and popularity by arousing the emotions, passions, and prejudices
4 – A leader who obtains power by means of impassioned appeals to the emotions and prejudices of the populace.
tiredofthe bullsh#t says
As a mother of a grown child with severe disabilities, some physical, I can’t tell you how many times I receive dirty looks when I take my son in the ladies bathroom with me, because he would not be able to use the bathroom alone and he would also be vulnerable to perpetrators preying on vulnerable people. I think that if establishments had a “family” bathroom, that would solve this issue as well. I can’t tell you how disappointed I am with many people who lack the intelligence and compassion to see that my son is obviously disabled and in need of assistance. It is also hurtful that the transgender issue is such a firestorm when the needs of individuals with disabilities has largely gone ignored.