From Ted Patterson, Executive Director, Maryland Liberty Political Action Committee, Inc.:
They work for us.
It’s not the other way around. We must demand answers from politicians who would take our liberties from us. The three ring leaders who are working to crush the Tea Party in Maryland are still clinging to HB-1513 with all they’ve got. State Delegates McDonough, Impallaria, and Szeliga are refusing to withdraw their ridiculous legislation.
So please double down and tell these legislators to withdraw HB-1513 today:
Delegate Pat McDonough (R – District 7)
Delegate Rick Impallaria (R – District 7)
Delegate Kathy Szeliga (R – District 7)
Thanks, Ted
P.S. Chip in $15, $25, or $50 today to help MDLPAC continue activism on other bad bills in Annapolis.
P.P.S. Not up to speed on HB-1513? Read below to fully understand how foolish the bill really is.
The Establishment is using legislation to flat-out purge liberty activists like you and I from the Central Committee in Maryland.
On Friday, February 28th, 2014, conveniently at the end of the month and right before a major snowstorm, the Harford County Republican Delegation jointly introduced HB-1513, a bill to:
1. Add ALL Harford County Republican State Delegates to the Central Committee so that they can vote to fill vacancies and vote on member removal
2. Make it illegal for anyone to hold another office and be on the Central Committee unless of course they are a state legislator
3. Made this emergency legislation–which means that as soon as they can jam it through (maybe this week) they can immediately go to work in purging the Tea Party off of the Harford County Central Committee
The bill literally states at the end that this action is required because it:
– Is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public health.
There is no emergency here.
The only emergency is that these Harford County legislators want to slam this power grab through before you and I know about it.
If HB-1513 passes, I assure you that ALL of the local Tea Party activists currently on the Harford County Republican Central Committee will be voted off immediately.
And guess what, if we don’t kill HB-1513 in Harford County they’re going to pursue these local bills all over the state to take out the Maryland Tea Party completely.
I need you now to activate with everything you have, not tomorrow, but IMMEDIATELY, to kill this bill.
Here is the contact information for these key target bill sponsors listed separately:
Delegate Pat McDonough
(410) 238-0025
Delegate Rick Impallaria
Delegate Kathy Szeliga
(443) 570-1555
Here are the Delegate email addresses ready to be copied and pasted into the “To” line in your email:
Here’s email text that you can use:
– – – – – – –
HB-1513 Bill Sponsors,
I oppose this foolish bill and demand that you immediately withdraw it. Packing the local Republican Central Committee with yourselves does nothing but subvert the will of the people and prove once again how unworthy you are of your office. The Republican Party isn’t your Party, it’s our Party. Of all the things you could be fighting for in Annapolis, you choose to legislate a power grab in your county for purely political reasons.
Withdraw HB-1513,
– – – – – – –
Please mobilize on this IMMEDIATELY!
Read HB-1513 for yourself right here.
God bless you,
Ted Patterson
Executive Director
Maryland Liberty PAC
P.S. Just like FDR attempted to PACK the Supreme Court against the Four Horsemen who were derailing is liberal New Deal agenda, Maryland politicians are trying to pack local Central Committees with Establishment-endorsed members only.
They’re committed to showing the grassroots conservatives in Maryland the door.
Please stop them by calling and emailing the legislators listed above not today, RIGHT NOW.
These delegates need to retract this crap bill before it becomes their greatest legacy, lingering forever like the stink of a rotten fish.
People of District 7, if you would like to vote out IMP and friends in this up coming election. Only vote for one person on the ballet for District 7.
District 7 is a 3 member district, so if you vote for just 1 it’s like voting for your pick 3 times. If most of the Harford County District 7 voters only vote for 1 person we can get the IMP out of office and the other 2 sheep will just fade away, if they even win. The District 7 Members of the House are a big problem and need to go!
So single-pull for Tina Sutherland from Baltimore County or Dave Seman from Harford County and the IMP is out!
Not if he comes in third!
Are there any candidates running against the other two incumbent, never wanting to let another person hold their seat, I will not seek reelection when I can find another office to run for, delegates?
For the primary election, just Seman and Sutherland
The Tea Party has done enough damage to this country and county. Now the Republican Party must act to remove these guys from making the GOP completely irrelevant in national elections, surely in Maryland. The TEA Party should form its own KKK approved party. Ronald Reagan would have been too “liberal” for these yahoo’s.
I was pretty much with you until you equated the Tea Party with the KKK.
And you’re right about Reagan. If he was running today he’d have to win with the Tea Party ripping him to shreds and running far right nut jobs against him. Ironic considering they revere him like he’s some sort of god of the Republican Party.
I don’t have any God complex over Reagan – he definitely had his soft issues too. But every Politician needs to be kept accountable, that’s where normal voters get nervous. They’re just people, folks, that you voted for and you should be paying attention to.
Ronald Reagan would never have even been President had the “Republicans” of today been in charge of the 1976 RNC Convention. These tyrants refused to seat duly-elected delegates from several states and even broke its own by-laws to oust actual conservatives and ensure a Romney victory. Had this happened in 1976, Reagan would never have been nominated from the floor, which is what propelled him to victory in 1980. Keep dreaming, you Lindsey Grahamnesty John McCain RINO sycophant.
*Their own by-laws
Damage to the country? We are cruising past 17 trillion in debt mostly thanks to your very same Republicans perpetuating endless war to enrich their buddies.
The results of the last republican administration? Depression.
The Obama administration can’t even put together a website, you think they grew this NSA/FBI/CIA network spying on our own people?
Seems to me the damage was done by those you are pushing to return to power. You should thank the tea party. They are the only reason you “republicans” managed to take the house in 10.
$17 trillion thanks to a party that paid for 2 wars on the credit card! Thanks to the same party who shut the govt down twice because they refused to allow the Bush “temporary? tax cuts to return to normal. Thanks to the party of NO and thanks to the party who thinks that everything else should be cut except business tax breaks, military cuts are always a no-no and refused to allow for meaningful immigration reform or allow any discussion that would involve cuts and raising revenue to balance the budget.
The Tea Party and Campaign for Liberty will make the Republican Party irrelevant in the years to come as they don’t have any meaningful proposals or ideas as far as green energy, tax reforms, environmental matters, global warming and social issues. Never mind, immigration, women’s rights, marriage equality or civil rights. All they are concerned about is their pocket book and not much else matter. May I remind you or let you know that the USA is one of the least taxed countries among industrial nations and our lax tax laws allow for preferential treatment of the rich and loopholes such as carried interest allow the uber-rich to basically pay 10% of less on earned income. The list is endless of tax breaks, and carry over tax treatment of prior losses.
Your list of concerns are all democrat party platform, and I doubt any position on any of these items would be considered meaningful to you as long as they still differ from your own opinion.
The “party of no” was sent to congress in ten to STOP Obama policy. They are doing what they were elected to do. Lets not forget that none of your items were addressed by the Dems when they held both houses and the presidency other then having to buy off their own members to pass this Obamacare mess.
Preferential treatment of the rich! Bottom 51 pay no taxes income tax. Top 5% pay almost 60 percent.
How is that preferential?
Immigration- Liberals want to raise the minimum wage to offset the fact that they have kept the min wage artificially low by removing demand for workers by allowing illegals in the first place. Current unemployment at a numbers cooked 6.7. Real unemployment over 20%. Good luck getting a job all of you out of work.
Global warming- did you stick you head outside once this winter?
Womens right to you libs means abortion. You are defending the ability to crush a babies skull as it is born.
Obama wasted hundreds of millions on green energy. The market will go green when it is cost effective.
Marriage equality? Who cares who marries whom?
Civil rights- Black unemployment 12.1%. Young blacks almost 40%. Benjamin Jealous says blacks are doing worse now then when Obama took office.
And conservative would gladly pay more in taxes if it were certain that debt would be paid instead of the money wasted and spent by lying Libs. See Reagan tax hike.
The Republicans spent on a war voted for by Dems as well. Defend your parties current unfettered spending and printing of billions monthly bailing out wall street and artificially propping up the market. You attack the rich while your President gives them billions. Hypocrite.
Thanks for the rebuttal. At least you believe what you believe and I will the same. I am not a liberal or a democrat. I am middle of the road American just like the many independents whom haven’t voted conservative in two national election cycles. Yes, the conservatives have their turf and the liberals have their turf, however most Americans do believe that Global Warming (not our weather, in Harford County) is a real issue that the conservative party hasn’t addressed as well as immigration reform. Consider that most new Americans, Jewish, Hispanic and Asian Americans haven voted 70% Democrat the past two national elections.
Instead of blaming how did what and who is responsible the real question still remains What will the Republican Party do to attract voters that aren’t Evangelical, White or just the conservative right. Is there anything that the GOP can do to make their message be one of equality, tolerance, care for the environment?
You may not care who marries who as you said, but your party seems to care plenty about who can marry who and who can’t. I don’t know of anyone that wants to “crush unborn baby skulls” That is the type of fear mongering and hyperbole that the conservative right is used to spew about. It clearly works with your base but it doesn’t work with middle America.