The following letter was sent from Del. Pat McDonough to the Republican Caucus. A copy was obtained by The Dagger:
In response to a misleading letter that you received recently, I am providing you with the facts. The people that funded this phony letter to you are attempting to deceive and mislead you which will weaken our conservative cause.
The bill they are referring to is a minor reform of the system in Harford County because the GOP Central Committee has been ineffective and destructive. The Charter under which they operate makes it clear that the committee is supposed to promote the best interests of the Republican Party. Some of the members of the Harford Committee are associated with the Campaign for Liberty and have constantly attacked Republican officials.
Solid conservatives like Andy Harris and Harford County’s next County Executive, Republican Senator Barry Glassman, have been targets of their wrath and misinformation. Other victims include the Harford County Republican Delegation. It is amazing that these power hungry wannabees would question the conservative credentials of the Harford lawmakers which the Baltimore Sun has characterized as the most conservative delegation in the General Assembly.
The Campaign for Liberty Group claims that Delegate Kathy Szeliga is pro-choice when she has actually been an effective leader in the pro-life movement for decades. Labeling Kathy as pro-choice is the equivalent of claiming Mother Teresa is pro-choice. This is how vicious and extreme this small group of radicals can be with their tactics.
They have even questioned my conservative credentials. For over 20 years on radio, sometimes as a lone voice, I promoted and defended conservative principles before this group ever existed. I have always been a Ronald Reagan Republican and a member of the Tea Party Caucus in the General Assembly. Claiming Delegate Pat McDonough is a “rhino” is like claiming Senator Rand Paul is a liberal.
The people who are attacking Republican elected representatives also ran and lost their bid for public office. Obviously, based on the shameful letter from The Campaign for Liberty group, the voters exercised good judgment in Harford County. Another mistake that these radicals made was to believe the Harford County Delegation was composed of rubber-legged Republicans who would be intimidated and tolerate these unwarranted attacks. The Harford County Delegation is a different breed of solid conservatives, hardened by the wars in Annapolis, and strengthened by three successful election campaigns. We do not retreat from bullies or sore losers who attempt to confuse the voters who rejected them in the last election. On June 24th in the Republican primary election in Harford County, we will be on the battlefield with over 300 Super Citizen volunteers standing alongside of us. Warriors never back off from lies and personal attacks.
It is a disservice to the people of Maryland that these attack dogs would unleash their venom at a time when the Republican Caucus in Annapolis is fighting a brave but uphill battle against the super majority of radical Democrats. I think it would be a fair question to ask, “Where are these attack-dog phony Republicans when it comes to battle ground Annapolis?” They are nowhere to be found. Missing In Action!
Why are they not standing shoulder to shoulder with the men and women of the Republican Caucus fighting against a dishonest bloated budget, and other monstrous proposals hurting Marylanders
The most important question everyone should ask is, “Why are these radicals attacking conservatives and Tea Party legislators while maintaining a deafening silence when it comes to attacking O’Malley and the radical Democrat agenda?” All of the supporters of the Harford County Campaign for Liberty should be asking that important question
Remember, the mission of the Republican State Central Committee is to promote the best interests of the Republican Party and its elected officials. Not only has this small group failed in that responsibility by attacking Republicans, but they also have just simply failed in their basic duties as members. Other Republican State Central Committees, as part of tradition, have hosted annual Lincoln & Reagan Day fundraisers. The current Harford County Central Committee has never hosted a Lincoln Reagan Fundraiser, nor have they raised any funds for Republican causes or candidates. Simply put, they have been a dysfunctional, squabbling embarrassment.
For the most part, the Harford County Delegation and other Republican elected officials have just given up on them. However, when they begin to constantly and viciously attack Republican officials with lies, it is time to act. The Reform Act of the Harford County Central Committee only affects that committee. No other Central Committee in the state is impacted. When the primary elections occur on June 24th, many of the current dysfunctional members will be unelected. Unfortunately, by law, they will still serve as lame ducks until November. They will use their lame duck positions to continue to divide the party, attack Republicans, and create confusion. The committee reform bill will help to defuse this situation.
The bottom line is that these people are third party radicals masquerading as Republicans who are determined to divide and destroy the GOP. At a time in our history when the GOP has become the last great hope for America, we do not deserve a Trojan horse in our party.
As mentioned earlier, this group has problems raising money for Republican causes. However, they do not appear to have any problem raising money for themselves. The principals in this radical group control an organization called Stable Revolution Consulting. This is supposed to be a strategy group, but clearly they are using the funds they raise by attacking Republicans. Patrick McGrady and Ted Patterson, two leaders in the Campaign for Liberty and phony Republicans, are the principals in Stable Revolution Consulting.
At the kick-off of the Tea Party movement in American and Maryland, I was in the trenches. I spoke at many of the Tea Party rallies across the state, including in Harford County. All during the movement, I have promoted the philosophy and principles on the agenda through my radio show and television appearances. Many Tea Party leaders from around the country have been guests. I like Senator Rand Paul and hope he is permitted to have a decent shot at the Republican nomination for President. However, the tactics of people like Patrick McGrady, Ted Patterson, and others do a great disservice to the Senator. Their below-the-belt attacks on a multitude of elected Republican public servants will cause nothing but problems and complications for Senator Paul. Campaigning 101 makes it clear that candidates like Senator Paul will need friends and supporters within the Republican Party in Maryland and elsewhere. Despite the fantasy that Mr. McGrady and Mr. Patterson have in their unreal world, they are not true representatives of the people. The elected officials have large volunteer followings, diverse records, and knowledge of winning campaigns. Senator Paul will need their help. The Senator is being educated and informed about the antics and disgraceful behavior of some of his supporters in Maryland. They are his roadblock to success.
In the final analysis, you and I believe in the same principles, defending the Constitution, the Rule of Law, American exceptionalism, limited government, and other traditional values.
I have hosted more than 1,000 radio programs during my lifetime and, at the conclusion of every show, my statement is the following, “Truth and knowledge guarantee liberty. Keep the faith and keep punching.” I not only say these words, I believe in them and live by them. To all of my fellow Republicans, conservatives, Tea Party activists, sincere and dedicated Committee members, patriots and Super Citizens: Stay alert, stay the course, and pursue the truth!
Serving the People,
Pat McDonough
Your Delegate
P.S If you would like to contact Senator Rand Paul and inform him about the counterproductive tactics of some of his supporters are using to attack Republicans, Conservatives, and Tea Party Legislators, use the following information:
208 Russell Senate Office Building,
Washington, District of Columbia 20510
Tel: (202) 224-4343
Fax: (202) 228-6917
William Henderson
Pat, you sound nervous. Thanks for letting me know about the letter questioning your politics. The next time someone attacks you maybe you can go a step further and include a copy to truly help reach anyone that the original did not find. Some may see you editorial as petty and unbecoming of your office. I see it as a public service.
Pat sounds like John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, et al when they trash the TEA Party. Only now Pat is trashing those that have actually taken the time and money to shed sunlight on him and the other Harford County/Baltimore County delegates that really despise us when we questions their motives.
I remember Pat McDonough and Rick Impallaria regularly attending Campaign for Liberty monthly meetings. They “used” the group to further their political careers. I also remember them assisting in the creation of the North Harford Republican Club…where they insisted that the club’s leaders follow THEIR agenda.
This type of MY WAY
I remember Pat McDonough and Rick Impallaria regularly attending Campaign for Liberty monthly meetings. They “used” the group to further their political agendas. I also remember bothe of them “assisting” in the creation of the North Harford Republican Club…where they firmly “suggested” that the club’s leaders follow THEIR agenda.
This type of MY WAY or the HIGHWAY policy has disillusioned a newly minted activist. I HATE being used. I DESPISE being taken advantage of by people who manipulate the system.
This is exactly why the founders of this nation assumed that a citizen would serve their single political term and return to their original careers. Not continue to feed at the public “teat” for a lifetime..
“Why are these radicals attacking conservatives and Tea Party legislators while maintaining a deafening silence when it comes to attacking O’Malley and the radical Democrat agenda?”
Because an alternative conservative group found it is easier to infiltrate a like-minded party and divide it from within, divide the vote, and win primaries. It gives them a better shot than at winnning than being one of the many third party candidates on the November ticket. They know that despite their differences with the Republican party and its credo, that come election time Republican voters will check the box for the guy with an R next to his name over the guy with the D, I, L, G, or whatever.
Also, it’s RINO, not “rhino”
Just follow the money : Hussey, McGrady, Patterson are just part of a scheme to filter money back to themselves in consulting fees…that’s why every single email attack say “click here to contribute”
Enough said.
You assume that money is for “consulting fees” and not for the thousands and thousands of robo calls and letters and emails that go out in one year’s time? You think that’s all free? Idiot.
I doubt that Hussey, McGrady or Patterson have been to the Caribbean any recent time, and certainly not on donors’ dollars.
Yeah Bill, kind of like every political group/hack in existence…..your reference above to clicking and contributing. The only difference is the folks you name provide a service such as letting us know that our elected employees created legislation to nullify and void our vote as in who we choose to seat on the RCC.
. So McD is a Rand Paul supporter…you would never know by his politics. The delegation should support conservative limited government actions and none of this would be an issue.
If this “small radical” group can cause this much of a problem for The Harford Delegation how in the heck does anyone expect them to fight for limited government in Annapolis?
McD, quit crying and start doing…and a bill to “study” Common Core is not going to get it done.
McDonough says that Senator Paul will not win Maryland without being in the good graces of the good ‘ol boy network?! I have heard plenty of Impallaria and McDonough throwing their weight around, and the stories in this week’s Quinton Report only scratched the surface.
Del. McDonough, this letter is petty – and I don’t think Senator Rand Paul is going to decide one bit of his campaign strategy on your letter. Just a hunch.
Del. Impallaria, you’re just a bully, threatening Harford candidates and other delegates like the Boss Hogg of Hazzard Co. One day someone will be quick enough to catch you on tape. Maryland is a small state and word gets around.
…if those Duke Boys don’t get him first.
They are stooges for Tom Marr.
The fact that they question you makes me want to vote for them again!!!!! Second you have more important things to do in Annapolis than this bill. Do them.
At least the lying about the purpose of this bill is over now.
I received a letter in the mail today that said the entire Harford County Delegation supported this bill. I know Senators Jennings, Glassman and Jacobs are smart people along with some of the other Delegates. There is a lot of talk about how dysfunctional the RCC is right now. So why is it that McDonough and Impillaria are the only ones posters like to complain about?
Because Impallaria and McDonough are the big-mouthed bullies. Notice how quiet CANDIDATE Glassman is staying? He doesn’t want to own this crap.
It seems hypocritical to me that someone who has been preaching limited government for years wants to get a state law passed which mandates who will be on the Harford RCC. Doesn’t the RCC have the ability to change its own rules? If you don’t have enough members in favor of changing the rules, then the rules shouldn’t be changed from Annapolis.
Actually, the RCC is controlled and empowered by state law. They have their own by-laws for how they manage their meetings, but their actual real power is a function of state law, their selection process (through a primary election) is a process of state government, so changing it would be a process of state government.
It’s not so much out of bounds as it is heavy handed. The RCC isn’t a club, it’s an organization that is picks replacements for offices. It gives itself other duties as it wants to, but there is no requirement or power other than picking repalcements.
What groups like the Campaign for Liberty do not seem to understand is that outside of primaries and heavily Conservative or gerrymandered districts, the Tea Party has had little success in electing far-right candidates. The nation as a whole just does not agree with their “my way or no way” beliefs and method of governance, especially independent voters (the traditional definition of an independent voter, not the “this party isn’t liberal/conservative enough for me” independents). Think about it this way: It is highly unlikely that a liberal or moderate is going to be swayed far enough to the right to align themselves with the Tea Party. By attacking their fellow Conservatives, the Tea Party is alienating the very people that they should be trying to recruit. It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, especially in a blue state like Maryland.
So it’s like being a Democrat in Harford County. Because of this, everyone that’s not a R or even your “brand” of R should just do what YOU like right? Got it.
GOP don’t need any help there doing fine killing it off themselves !!!