For some reason, when I think of Spring Forward, I think of Tigger.
Do you feel it? C’mon—bounce with me!
Spring isn’t quite here yet, but it’s QUICKLY approaching. We’re done with the white stuff, which is why we’re cheering as the snow continues to melt. Bring on the yellow stuff—SUNSHINE! Spring starts the New Year for me. I can’t wait to wake up every morning! What’s more exciting is I wake up like Tigger—I like to get crazy, run around, and act as if I’m bouncing ALL over! I love to wake up early and get the day rolling at first light. Note: some spouses do not appreciate such bouncing so you may need to bounce a little more quietly or bounce outside the house until the other half has had appropriate amounts of coffee.
March Comes In Like a Lion and Goes Out Like a Lamb
This year has already greatly impacted the farmers, as many are still dealing with snowy grounds, unable to begin planting for their long awaited sprouts of green. I know that my favorite farmers at Rousedale Farm are eagerly awaiting the sunshine as their latest ladies (chickens) get accustomed to their new home. As new plants begin to arrive, the farmers are awaiting the fresh soil to nourish them.
In my last article, we talked about the impact of winter and digging deep to love you, the WHOLE you! We also had a brief chat reminding us to be forgiving with ourselves during hibernation: how some of us, in our hibernation, get off track with goals that we may have set for New Years’ Resolutions. To be completely honest, I feel more ambitious now that spring is approaching. I’m excited for the mornings and so is my body, which is eager to rock an early morning kettlebell session. How has the upcoming spring arrival affected you? Are you ready to start everything fresh and new? Do you feel motivated to get up in morning and exercise? How about spring cleaning? Maybe you’re crazy excited for the first sprout of green in the ground that will ultimately produce the delights of fresh veggies and fruit?
Here’s some great inspiration from an amazing author, Sara Avant Stover: “Life, and our vitality, bursts forth in the springtime… the spring exhales the intoxicating fragrance of radical possibility.” Sara proposes the following questions, “Who do you want to be now?” “How do you want to live?” “What’s ready to come to life inside you?” (“The Way of the Happy Woman.” Pg. 77) These are certainly some great questions to ponder and reflect upon for the upcoming spring arrival.
For some, the one hour loss of time may seem like a huge inconvenience. No cranky lions, ok? After all, so many of us are already limited by time. One less hour seems like a punch in the face. However, this is the time of year for our bodies to rock productivity. Do not let that hour missing get you down. Be positive. Set yourself up for success with goal setting. Like Major League Baseball, maybe it’s time you had some spring training. I’m already eagerly awaiting promised hikes with a number of friends, my first double date to go “saladmanderin,” and the first Reshape with Ape farm visit (all my clients digging in the dirt at Rousedale Farm with crawling and kettlebell intervals in between is going to be a blast!)
For many of you, this is the beginning of running season—getting outside and pounding the pavement after a winter of treadmill visits. Maybe it’s small movements, like walking outside, after hibernating in the house because of the snow winter dumped on us. Either way, sign up for a running event to motivate you. Charm City Run is a great place to find a perfect running goal that fits you.
Whatever makes you bouncy, go and do it!
As Jay-Z said, “Bounce wit me, wit me, wit me wit me
Can you bounce wit me, bounce wit me, wit me wit me
Can you bounce wit me, bounce wit me, ge-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi
Can you bounce wit me, bounce wit me, ye-ye-yeah
Uh-huh uh-huh bounce wit me, bounce wit me
Can ya can ya can ya bounce wit me, bounce wit me
Ya-yah-yah, ya-ya-yah-yeah bounce wit me, bounce wit me
Ge-gi, ge-gi-gi-gi-geyeah bounce wit me, bounce wit me
Get it!”
Get Stoked for Spring
Need some ideas for soaking up Vitamin D? Check out my article from last year. Get creative. A fellow trainer came up with a great idea on Facebook: pursue the goal of 30 minutes a day outside for 30 days. It’s a great, EASY way to commit to the great outdoors as well as get your body moving. Plus, with such a simple goal there’s no excuse good enough to sabotage it!
How are you going to enjoy the spring? Is there a particular goal that you have been eager to begin?
Don’t delay: Get up and rock the sweet sunshine!
Love it! I feel like I have been in hibernation, and looking forward to the sunshine! I have been working on getting up earlier and getting a morning workout in, and really sets the time for the rest of the day for me.