From Harford County Public Schools:
In the fall of 2013, the Board of Education of Harford County (Board) submitted a Capital Improvements Program request in the amount of $14,240,000 to the Maryland Public School Construction Program, which included funding for four heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) projects in schools throughout the county; construction funding for the replacement of Youth’s Benefit Elementary School; and planning approval for the replacement of Havre de Grace Middle/High schools; and limited renovation at Joppatowne High School.
Harford County Public Schools (HCPS) is pleased to announce that the Interagency Committee (IAC) on Public School Construction recommended approval of the following projects:
– Funding for HVAC projects at Fallston High, Dublin Elementary and Darlington Elementary schools;
– Phase I construction funding for the Youth’s Benefit Elementary School replacement project; and
– Planning approval for the Havre de Grace Middle/High School replacement project.
Superintendent Barbara Canavan said, “I am grateful to the IAC for recognizing that these projects are integral to advancing individual student achievement and the critical role our community plays in educating our children.”
The financial commitment recommended by the IAC totals $12,986,000, with the potential of additional funds being approved at the conclusion of the Maryland General Assembly legislation session.
Through the collective efforts of the County Executive and his staff, the Mayor of Havre de Grace and his staff, members of the Harford County Delegation, the Harford County Council, the HCPS staff and the Board of Education, the school system was able to justify planning approval for the Havre de Grace Middle/High School replacement project.
HCPS would also like to thank parents and community members who advocated passionately for all of the proposed projects.
“Through the collective efforts of the County Executive and his staff, the Mayor of Havre de Grace and his staff, members of the Harford County Delegation, the Harford County Council, the HCPS staff and the Board of Education, the school system was able to justify planning approval for the Havre de Grace Middle/High School replacement project.”
Looks like you forgot to give credit where credit is due. If it wasn’t for Councilwoman Lisanti and Delegate Impallaria taking the effort to show up for the hearing and speak in favor of the Havre de Grace high school project, it would have never left the committee room. None of the people you give credit bothered to show up.
The school system not showing up or sending a representative was in very poor judgment and could have cost the county millions of dollars of state funding and yet nothing seems to have been written about it in the media. Amazing but on second thought, maybe not.
What’s the point of free money if you don’t want to do the project to begin with? A new building won’t solve academic or family problems of the students, and if push comes to shove, HdGHS is one of the schools on the chopping block.
ACTUALLY, they called the day of and asked if they could be excused. If you had followed it in the Aegis it was explained.
@ cdev, actually I did follow the info very closely, and it was not acceptable for anyone from our school system to call, especially the same day as the hearing, and ask to be excused. That was ridiculous and a terrible example of leadership. Our response to the hearing should have been: what day and time should we be there, what type of materials would you like us to present? Our school officials should have gotten their butts down there, plain and simple. Quite frankly, as a Harford County citizen, I was embarrassed for our jurisdiction. As for the Aegis, I choose not to obtain my information as it is censored, slanted and wouldn’t even consider it “news.”
While I don’t normally use the Aegis for my main source of news, in this case they actually provided a clearer picture of what actually happened. The funding proposal from HCPS was already made prior to the meeting that they asked to be excused from due to the impending weather. district employees were informed by the State that their attendance at the meeting would have no bearing on the decision as they had made their proposal already. the delegates and lisanti are just grandstanding and posturing for publicity, blowing this situation way out of proportion to make it look they actually are doing something for schools.
I agree the Aegis is slanted. They published two editorials on it first with the same position you had before they placed deep in an article the actual facts. They stayed back to make sure the decision makers had a an accurate picture of the weather. A real threat and particularly important in light of the events that happened earlier that week!!!!! Slanted news can be a good source if you read it with the approproiate sceptisim and seek clarification. The Dagger is just as guilty of doing what the Aegis did since they too published multiple editorials with the same slant and didn’t even seek to clarify in their article on the subject!!!!
Impalaria had nothing to do with this. Licata and Reynolds along with other staff had already made their case with the state via phone conversations. Lisanti has been pushing for this because it is Havre de Grace. However, this is Impalaria grandstanding as always.
I applaud the efforts made by many to have secured significant support for capital improvements in our County. Nevertheless, we continue to overlook schools that need “significant support for capital improvements! What about William Paca Old Post Road Elementary School? I guess we still, unfortunately, operate/react/support new improvements, by the “squeaky wheel, syndrome! Therefore, a plea to the new administration, whomever it may be, please stop, turn around and take another look , for the very first time, at the tremendous needs for students in this area of our county!
You are correct. Tour those 2 schools and you will see what David is talking about. This school was a high school a long time ago and now being used as a Elementary school and is over 75 years old. So you can see what our repersentive on the school board has done for district A. Thank goodness for an elected school board, which I supported, and we will have a new Board member in this election, hope that will be Janson Robinson.
It makes no sense to have an elected board of education as long as this group does not have taxing authority. It is a political hell where members of the board need to make very important decisions that impact the lives of our kids while they are on a political chopping block on all ends – they get blasted by the press, county council, county executive, and now even the delegation; but the BoE has almost no avenue to reply. If we get true educational and public administrative professionals on the BoE I can see having this board elected, but the first time we end up with a group of right-wingers that want to re-write US history or elevate their religious doctrine as if it was anywhere close to on par with science you will be eating your words in support of the elected BoE.
So George is against a democratically elected body as long as it faces fiscal restraint? He’s right though, we would be much better off with liberal appointees that spend even more we don’t have.
Don’t worry George, I don’t think anything is going to get in the way of the liberal brainwashing students get in public schools. They can be good little libs until they graduate and try to get a job.
John Archer and William Paca Old Post Road should be at the top of that list. My sister graduated from John Archer in the 80’s and the school looks EXACTLY the same. William Paca, especially the Old Post Road building, is shameful. Apparently, if parents don’t complain nothing happens.
John Archer gets shafted every time because their students come from all over Harford County, so they do not have the representation of one particular politician in one district. The current process is shameful. Not to mention this is a school for special needs students, the forgotten ones.
Who’s on First, You may be right about Ms. Lisanti speaking up for Havre de Grace which is in her district. Please explain how Licata and Reynolds along with other staff that had already made their case with the state via phone conversations. Didn’t help out the other Harford County Schools. They dropped the ball and you know it.
Once again they have ignored the silent minority – the Students of John Archer School. One day there will be a fair assessment of the schools that need replacement such as John Archer, William Paca Old Post, etc. HDG does not and was not even on the on the radar until last year. These other schools have been on the so called list since 2005. All political, such a joke….
@ what’s the use, you are absolutely correct. The students at John Archer have badly needed a new school and have for many years been overlooked in numerous ways. They are the “silent minority,” but hopefully us parents can and should vote for individuals who are not interested in being career politicians and in bed with the developers and other well-heeled individuals that could care less about any of us. A brisk housecleaning has been in order for some time, and it is my hope that Harford County can one day have elected officials that are going to show honest leadership and integrity to make sound decisions that not only make sense but demonstrates social justice.
Take a look at the condition of Edgewood Middle School. The school is depressing…..dark and gloomy. The administration won’t advocate for the students and staff. There is an ongoing rodent infestation. Parents, let hear you voices for your children.
Again, so nice of the rodents to stay out of the nice new buildings on either side of that rat hole.
George, you are an IDIOT. The last thing we need is someone else imposing more taxes. Take a look at PA property taxes because of school district imposed extra taxes.