From the Bel Air Police Department:
On Sunday March 2, 2014 at approximately 0200 hours a Bel Air Police Department Officer observed a Toyota SUV commit several traffic violations including failing to stop for a red signal light at South Bond Street and Churchville Road in Bel Air. The vehicle was stopped and the operator was subsequently arrested and charged with several alcohol related violations.
The operator of the vehicle was identified as Charles Bagley of Abingdon, Maryland. Mr. Bagley is employed by the Baltimore County Police Department as a police Corporal and assigned to the White Marsh Precinct.
Okay, so this is news because the guy who broke the law was an off-duty cop?
Are we going to start posting the names of all DWI arrests in future editions, or only if they are cops?
Hopefully… Some of these militant cops don’t deserve the time of day.. Educate yourselves.. Know your rights and don’t let these pricks take advantage of any situation.
i’m not sure I get where it says he was a “militant” cop?? for all we know he was human and made a poor decision like thousands of people do everyday….don’t see how this incident has anything to do with how he is as a police officer??
Amen. Drunk driving is always wrong regardless of your occupation. It is a reflection of our decision making when drinking that is at issue, not our occupation.
Sounds like you got a ticket one day and are still pissed about it. Grow up, police officers are human too, and are capable of making the same dumb ass mistakes I’m sure you make everyday. Thing is, most people can get a dui and keep their job, a police officer who exercises a poor decision such as this and he/she loses their lovelyhood. Enjoy not being under constant scrutiny on a daily basis.
No, they only post the names of a-holes that think they are above the law, needless to say you must be one of them. Kudo’s to the Bel air officer who brought this clown back to reality. I’m sure the first thing this drunk said was I’m a cop, you can’t do this.
Yeah I do t trust a bunch of these militant cops. Many of them are dressed as paramilitary and some of these chiefs are buying up ex military equipment. Check out some of the Bel Air town clowns, now dressed like storm troopers. Probably didn’t get their fill of SWAT when they were kids.
Pretty soon they will be swapping out their patrol cars for Humvees mounted with 50cal. automatic weapons.
Hedley, you are right-on!
I was thinking along the same lines. Add the helicopter as well.
Love the ones who say that he should have been given professional courtesy. He is a member of the thin blue line and it’s a family! Don’t arrest him because he is one of them. Enough of that crap. He chose to get behind the wheel and drive drunk. He chose to drive home. He is presumed innocent before the eyes of the law and will have his day in court. Guess he will get PBJ and still keep his job. I don’t feel one bit sorry for him. I feel sorry for his family and all the people he drove by. He could have caused a serious accident and or killed someone. No sympathy for him and he knew what he was doing. Oh and all the people who say he should have been given professional courtesy….DON’T WEAR YOUR ID IN THE PICTURE AND IT CAN BE CLEARLY READ………HEARS YOUR SIGN…….
Weekly betting line for Harford Sheriff’s race::
Bane 5-2 Slow and steady wins the race
Shellnut 7-1 Vows to shift “Community Police” to State Social Work Dept.
Ryan 10-1 Judge nixes Norte Dame football stickers on patrol cars
Gahler 12-1 Pssst, I’m way ahead in signage
Peck 25-1 Voters starting to take notice of common sense ideas
I haven’t noticed any common sense ideas offered by Peck. What are these ideas, assuming they don’t already exist?
Common sense ideas? Does that mean there have been some ideas?
I agree. Bob seems like a genuine guy and has some great ideas for community involvement. He gets it.
Bob has great ideas. What are his great ideas?
I can’t believe it, but me and Reelect are asking the same question and getting the same no response. What are Bob’s ideas?
Come on “On Pont” I mean Mr. Gahler. You have the audacity to claim foul because your question is not being answered. WOW! Talk about being a hypocrite!!!! Why don’t you first answer just one question. is Mrs. Walter going to be included in your proposed command? It has only been asked on the Dagger about one hundred times. Why don’t you have Mr. Welsh give another one of his evasive inconclusive answers.
Equation: 6-8 % of votes for Peck + The Walters influence = GAHLER LOSS
Now you’re beginning to understand. That’s what makes the Sheriff a smart politician. He understands that you first have to win the election. He crafts a plan that has the best chance of success for getting elected.. That’s why Sheriff Bane will win a third term, he utilizes all resources. He is the Sheriff of ALL the people.
The question has been asked here on the Dagger a hundred times? Wow! How many times have you asked Gahler himself? Reelect has it right, Bane is using Peck as his little b_ _ _ _.
@ On Point/Gahler,
Still avoiding and dodging. If you won’t answer the question, do your self a favor and study the previously written equation. Make all of the disingenuous comments you wish about Mr. Peck and Mr. Bane. Your refusal to distance yourself from very politically damaging detractors was enough to cause you to lose the election anyway, but now Mr. Peck’s involvement will make it be a laugher. When it is all over, you have no one to blame but yourself.
You must be Peck with that screen name.
Dr Livingston I think you are on to something i presume.
@Reelect the Sheriff, so Bane runs a good campaign because he is a smart politician, yet he blows when it is time to do police work and rid the county of gangs and drugs. He kinda like a Community Organizer? No experience just good at campaigning and giving speeches. Who does this remind you of? We all know how this is working out for us. Every post you just brag on what a great politician Bane is, he has proven he can’t fix the problems with gangs and the war on drugs. So by you’re own words he is a good politician. Harford County needs a Sheriff who knows how to deal with crime. Not a good politician who spent his entire career parked behind a desk isolated from what is going on in the Streets of the County. Well, Bane did come up with a new property control form back in the late 80’s, pretty much all I can remember him accomplishing.
Quit your whining. The bill of goods that Gahler is peddling is not going to make crime or gangs go away. You’re just mad because Gahler was not smart enough to get himself elected. If he had the Deputies on his side (which he didn’t) and had learned to co-operate with the African American Community to gain their trust he might have won. He didn’t, and since he is unwilling to do that he won’t get elected again. You can whine all day but what you need is votes….got it?
Reelect… seem to just want the sheriff to be a politician and not a leader when it comes to police work?? politicians should have no place in law enforcement….partly why a majority of officers/deputies don’t like the idea of the sheriff being an ELECTED official…but it is what it is…so be it! see, when you go to work…if you work…do you like to be told how to do your job by those who haven’t really done your job? or in the sheriffs case…worked the road in God knows how many years?? so he goes to community events/meetings and talks like a politician, makes you feel all good inside….yet he doesn’t know what the deputies deal with on the street….but the community loves him…and you know, that’s all that matters!! never mind actually caring about moral and things patrol might need to do there job(and the helicopter was not a NEED)! unfortunately, this isn’t the “service industry”…the “customer” is NOT always right! I honestly don’t know who is the right person for the job as of now….but citizens in this county need to figure out…do you want a politician who tells you what you wanna hear or a real police officer/sheriff who gives it to you straight even if it may be a little harsh??
You sure have the right Dagger handle. I don’t care if you like it or not, it’s the way it is. Now go stand in front of a mirror and say to yourself, if I want someone other than Jesse Bane to be Sheriff, they must FIRST get elected. Bane understands this and he gets ELECTED.
Do you really think that someone like Ryan or Peck has the ability to deal with the politicians and get the necessary funding to move the HCSO forward. Ryan can barely do the job he has now and you would want him to run the entire HCSO!! Same for the Peck guy
The only other candidate out there who could do the job of Sheriff is this Gahler guy and he is not a politician who knows how to get the votes. The Sheriff knows this and is doing what is necessary to get the votes for re-election. So stop your whining.
dude/lady/kid….no one is “whining” about anything! we are just stating our opinions on a specific topic. just as you are stating yours. only difference is, some of the people commenting actually have 1st hand knowledge of these topics. it seems as though at this point the “politics” works in YOUR favor….so be it! but i’m relatively young and most likely will be working for the county for another 15 yrs….maybe more the way they have frozen our pay the last 7 years…I along with many of the other younger veteran guys will see this sheriff well gone and most likely another come and gone…I can only hope that as an employee and law enforcement officer, we see at least ONE true leader during that time!
Please explain what takes you to the belief that Mr. Peck is a genuine guy? A guy who comes out as a “republican”, attends all the meetings and events and then when he realizes he doesn’t stand a chance, runs off and decides to run as an independent. That is about as disingenuous as one can be and he has offended many people through this deceptive act.
I met Bob in Forest Hill at the snow ball stand. We were talking about his truck, really just having a casual conversation. We talked about educating and involving the community and kids in drug and alcohol awareness and the like. We really didn’t get into politics. He just seemed like a nice guy.
Do you think he should be the Sheriff just because he is a nice guy? He is a man who does not have any real ideas on how to move the HCSO forward. He spent his career in Baltimore County Police Department, rising no higher than Officer First Class. John Ryan has done the same in this agency. Neither has the capability of leading the HCSO. Ryan can barely do the job he has now.
Thanks for information, but unfortunately, if he measured up as a nice guy he would still have no qualifications for the office of sheriff. I think many people might have held the same opinion of him if he had came out running as an independent from the start, but once you start saying one thing and then backtrack, you are either a liar or someone who is committed to nothing. To be fair, I think he is the later of the two.
I like to think that “nice” gets you in the door or at least leads to a conversation. I’ll need to do some more research on Bob as well as the other candidates. However, Bob was certainly friendly and engaging. I do like the fact that he didn’t bring politics into the discussion.
Way to go Bel Air PD. Corporal Bagley is probably the type who would put his uniform on Monday morning and give out a couple DWI’s before his shift ended. Does hypocrite come to mind?
how does anything about the article talk about the election. I could care less if the guy is a nice guy and has no clue. This is about a cop being arrested for DWI and being caught. I’m sure the thin blue line is proud of one of its family members.
How does anything in this article have anything to do with the election? You guys are idiots. The closest relation to the election that this article has is that this yahoo works for Balt. County and Peck is retired from Balt. County. It wasn’t even a deputy making the arrest.
He chose to get drunk and drive and anyone who does that should be arrested cop or no cop. I’m certainly not going to give someone a pass on a DUI just because they’re a cop and most deputies I work with wouldn’t either. I most definitely don’t want to go around arresting cops, but if anyone driving drunk should get arrested it’s cops, firefighters, and EMS personnel. We all have responded to serious injury and fatal crashes caused by some drunk asshole who couldn’t be bothered to sober up before they drove, call a cab/friend, or have a designated driver. Fortunately I’ve never been put in that situation by a fellow officer, but if I ever am they’ll get arrested if the situation warrants it and that’s on them, not me.
Whether or not he keeps his job is up to Baltimore County, but yes, he’ll probably get a PBJ just like almost every other first time DUI offender does unless someone is seriously injured or killed.
Well at least he didn’t let his Chihuaha or Peek-a-Poo’s run around in Havre De Grace like the 81 year old woman sitting in jail at the Detention Center with NO BOND. Think one of the hanging Judge Dredd’s of Harco needs to retire. No common sense left in the world anymore.
So we should let the 81 year old out of jail because of her age. She was brought before a judge and sent to the county clink. I for one, feel no sympathy for the 81 year old. What if she was behind the wheel and driving and got a DUI. She is still accountable for her actions. Just like the cop that drank and drive. He is accountable and needs to be treated like everyone else.