From Harford County Public Schools:
The top five finalists for the 2014 Harford County Teacher of the Year award have been released and are listed in alphabetical order below. The judging panel had a difficult and unenviable task again this year with many outstanding teachers nominated for the award. Just to have been deemed worthy by a student, parent, administrator or community member to be Harford County’s Teacher of the Year from among the more than 3,200 teachers in the system is remarkable.
Jeanne M. Donlick, Harford Technical High School Mathematics Teacher
Jeanne Donlick graduated from the New York State University at Cortland in 1999 with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Secondary Education. Her Master of Science was obtained in 2001 through the New York Institute of Technology focusing on Instructional Technology for Educators. Jeanne continued her education and completed her masters plus degree in Differentiating Teaching and Teacher Leadership through St. Thomas University. Presently, she is the Facilitator of the School Improvement Team, a leader for the Faculty Social Committee, a mentor teacher for college students, and is the advisor for the National Honor Society. She has been awarded with the National Youth Leadership Most inspirational Teacher award as well as being recognized as an exceptional mathematics educator for the William Sacco award.
Nicole L. Ivey, Edgewood High School Social Studies Teacher
Nicole Ivey is a 16-year veteran of HCPS. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Washington College in 1993 and her Master of Arts in Political Science from American University in 1995 with certification to teach from the College of Notre Dame in 1997. She is currently pursuing her Administrative I certification. Nicole serves as the Social Studies Department Chair at Edgewood High School. In addition, she serves on the School Improvement Team and Eligibility Committee. She is active in curriculum writing and is the Harford County Coordinator for Mock Trial, working closely with Baltimore County.
Alisa J. Janiski, Prospect Mill Elementary School Fourth Grade Teacher
Since 2006, Alisa Janiski has positively impacted the students, teachers, and community of Prospect Mill Elementary. She graduated with honors from Villa Julie College in 2006, earning her Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education. Mrs. Janiski earned her master’s degree in reading and math in 2009, her 30 Beyond in 2011, and became a National Board Certified Teacher (NBCT) in 2012. Mrs. Janiski provides challenging, rigorous instruction, using a variety of technology and hands-on techniques to motivate her students. Additionally, Mrs. Janiski serves as Science Facilitator, STEM Representative, Environmental Literacy Leader, Science Curriculum Developer, team leader, and NBCT mentor.
Lawrence M. Jehnert, Edgewood Elementary School Third Grade Teacher
Mr. Lawrence Jehnert holds a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and a master’s degree in Elementary Education, both earned at Towson University. Mr. Jehnert began his teaching career at Edgewood Elementary School in 2002. During his tenure, Mr. Jehnert has achieved the Greater Excellence in Education Foundation’s Everyday Hero honor (2012) and Boys and Girls Club Teacher of the Year honor (2004). Mr. Jehnert is the Team Leader of the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports team at Edgewood Elementary School. He also volunteers often to coach youth sports for Bel Air Recreation Council in baseball, boys and girls basketball, and football.
S. Craig Llewellyn, Edgewood High School Art Teacher
Samuel Craig Llewellyn is an artist/educator currently serving as Art Department Chair at Edgewood High School. A life-long Marylander, he earned his Bachelor of Fine Arts from Frostburg University, holds an Advanced Professional Certificate in education, and is currently working towards a Masters of Education in School Improvement Leadership from Goucher College. Throughout Mr. Llewellyn’s 15 years in education, he has been awarded the 2008 Maryland Art Education Association High School Art Teacher of the Year and 2011 National Art Education Association Eastern Region Art Educator of the Year. At Edgewood High School, Mr. Llewellyn has focused on building a vibrant collaborative culture that amplifies the community.
After this year’s Teacher of the Year Judging Committee reviewed and scored all nomination packets, the points were tallied resulting in a group of ten candidates that participated in an interview with a panel of six judges. The judges narrowed the pool to the top five finalists, one of which will be crowned the 2014 Harford County Teacher of the Year.
A surprise announcement of the winner will take place at the annual Harford County Teacher of the Year banquet to be held on Wednesday, March 26, at the Bayou Restaurant in Havre de Grace. Again this year, the banquet is being provided by the Bayou Restaurant and HARCO Credit Union.
Does the winner get a new car? If so, I would park it across three spaces in faculty parking lot to show it off and let everyone know im a winner.
winner, or in your case, weiner.
The “winner” of this should not say anything during the “speech” except for a very inappropriate, “socially awkward” comment about not getting step increases, and then just stand there waiting on cue. HAHAHA!!!!!!!
What are they gonna’ do, fire you? You’re the best there was for that year.
Congrats to the finalists from the 1987 State Teacher of the Year. You will be put on display in front of preening politicians who will praise the fine work you and your colleagues are doing… Then they will keep you frozen in step and not provide a decent raise once again. The TOY program is a way for business “leaders” and government “leaders” to spill some of their guilt about how crappily you are treated.
What’s the Unions stance on TOY? One of the many gets awards?
Who cares? from someone who won nothing in 1987.
This guy felt it necessary to mention the fact he’s a 1987 State Teacher of the Year? I can’t wait until this character hits the “reply” button on this post and types up another paragraph rant.
Hey buddy, I’m really jealous. I wish I could get that award!
From Harford County Public Schools
And the 2014-15 HCPS Teacher of the Year is… Mr. Lawrence Jehnert of Edgewood Elementary!