From Harford Campaign for Liberty:
February 25, 2014
7 pm – 9 pm
Knights of Columbus Hall
23 Newport Drive
Forest Hill, MD. 21050
Topics for February include:
• Factors driving the militarization of local police
• Immigration reform. What is the GOP leadership considering?
• Annapolis Update. Bills of special interest to the liberty minded patriot.
Free Admission
Cash Bar
Illegals go back home and get in line.
I owe you nothing.
I can do my own landscaping thank you very much.
With patently racist comments like that, can anyone wonder why Republicans have such terrible reputations among the nation’s minorities and those concerned with justice for everyone in the country.
I can hang my own drywall.
Nations minorities – who are you kidding.
They are criminal illegal aliens who crossed into this country illegally.
It would be great if the Dems took as good care of Maryland citizens as they do of illegals. Now we’re going to be stuck with Brown, Miller and Busch for another 8 years. The first year they’re in power they should get things over with and raise the gas, alcohol, tobacco, rain and sales taxes 50%. Oh and lets not forget the tolls and vehicle registration fees which certainly need to be increased.
It doesn’t have to be that way. The Republican primary voters could nominate a candidate capable of swaying moderate voters who live in the population centers of central Maryland. Ehrlich did it, so it isn’t a foreign concept.
@keith– the tea party and campaign for liberty aren’t interested in “swaying moderate voters”, indeed they only spout of hate comments such as the ones above and aren’t interested in anything that benefits anyone but themselves. To these guys, immigration reforms means no negotiation or compromise on anything and their attempt to win over moderates or minorities is as likely as finding Nemo or the Unicorn.
The question is what are you personally gaining from big government? Protecting yourself by falsely labeling the opposition doesn’t make you generous or caring about others.
A disregard for the rights of others, a lack of empathy justified by your belief in your superior moral standing, and evidence of hate and malice as an approved manner of talking about others where their views differ from yours does not suggest the Tea Party is being falsely labeled. Sometimes a sociopath is simply a sociopath, regardless of party affiliation.
Because it is you who claim moral superiority.
Because if you weren’t a coward you’d go the meeting and engage in thoughtful debate.
Because David Porter poops his pants and calls it peanut butter doesn’t make it so.
I don’t associate with sociopaths… I prefer to stay away from them in all their forms.
I don’t blame you. Two or more sociopaths together in any form is a very volatile situation. So sense in pushing yourself over the edge.
You are doing the same thing in this post that you are claiming tea partiers do.
How about we talk facts. 40% of Black babies are aborted. More Black babies were aborted them born in New York City last year. Because wants to claim conservatives are Racist? He is currently supporting genocide.
I am personally not claiming anyone is racist but I do feel the Tea Party and Campaign for Liberty really do not have minorities best interests at heart. Their refusal to actually pass a meaningful immigration reform law that allows market demand for skilled workers and hard to fill positions in the agricultural field is without basis. In fact, I believe the status quo where an undocumented person gets to work, pay taxes and not be able to enjoy the fruits of their labor is contrary to the American dream. I don’t believe in Amnesty or anything that gives a free pass to anyone! But the present system is broken on many levels from security to H1B visa system that actually doesn’t help the industries mean to help. Consider that even highly educated foreign individuals must go back to their homeland once they obtain their degrees under the present immigration law. Their opposition is felt as racist and discriminatory and just consider not only Hispanic but also most Asians have by the same margin voted Democratic because they correctly perceive that the Tea Party and the Republican Party doesn’t represent their interests. The mantra to “throw them out” doesn’t help anyone as if the federal govt actually would have any idea how many, who and where all these illegals work and live. Throw them out is as clueless a solution as making the fence higher!!!.