From Gina Kazmir for Harford County:
(Bel Air, MD) Gina Kazimir of Bel Air formally filed her candidacy for Harford County Council District C on Feb. 7. Gina, who lives in the Howard Park section of Bel Air, is offering a choice to move forward for voters in District C.
“I am running because I believe that voters deserve choices. The right to choose our government is fundamental to what makes America the greatest nation on earth,” she says. “I want to ensure that right remains strong by offering a choice for voters in District C.
I believe that we need to move forward and take a fresh look at the opportunities and challenges in the district. The status quo isn’t acceptable anymore. District C is in the heart of Harford County. Our district offers some of the best opportunities in the county for education, shopping and recreation, but along with those opportunities come concerns, like increasing traffic and development density. Our County Council needs to manage both opportunities and costs as we move forward, costs not just in terms of dollars but in terms of the impact on our environment and our quality of life.”
A Harford County resident for two decades, Gina has run a successful strategic communications firm, PR Right Now, for 16 years. She has worked with a range of clients from national companies and trade associations to non-profits and small business, winning a number of awards for her work along the way. For seven years she served as the editor for “Harford Magazine,” helping to create the “Best of Harford” awards. Gina has served as a board member with Harford Habitat for Humanity and Open Doors locally, is a longtime member of the Bel Air Downtown Alliance and volunteers teaching life skills classes at Anna’s House. She is also one of the founders of “Dancing for a Cause,” the annual benefit for Cancer LifeNet at Upper Chesapeake Health. In addition, she received her certificate in civil mediation from MICPEL, the continuing education arm of the Maryland Bar Association, giving her proven skills in helping to create consensus even in challenging situations.
“I love Harford County and the people who live here,” Gina says. “My friends and neighbors are some of the best people I’ve ever met, and I would be honored to be able to represent everyone in District C in the County Council.”
To share thoughts and concerns with Gina, visit her Facebook page at Gina Kazimir for Harford County.
What says
Is she a liberal democrat? Sounds like it, because she did not indicate her party affiliation.
Concerned Citizen says
I’d like to hear more about where she stands regarding a number of issues facing our county, such as the continuing development, worsening traffic, and burgeoning county admin and council admin budgets. I would also like to hear her perspective on working to bring about a more equitable property and personal income tax system for county residents. That would be for starters. I think we need to clean house and open the windows…some fresh air is long overdue.
Jeff in Bel Air says
How about a candidate that is not connected or affiliated with any Group, Alliance or Non-Profit? Smarmy connections!
Ralph says
Who fart? And why does it smell like a sausage biscuit?
Frightened Old White Dude says
It’s gonna take more than a do-gooder to get elected here. First you have to be a Republican. Next you’ll need to convince the old white people in Bel Air (the only ones that actually vote apparently) that you identify with their sense of condescending entitlement. Maybe add some stories about how 24 had one traffic light in 1965 then re-tell that story till everyone can finish it for you.
There’s more to it of course but this should get you a pretty good start.
Ralph says
One traffic light on “old 24” was sure better than what we have now, ain’t it?
Tailgaters, rampant chronic impatient driving, distracted driving to the max. Check the “fire blog,” people constantly have motor vehicle crashes at the same spots everyday, and coincidently at traffic controlled intersections.
Let me know when you can drive in Harford county without seeing someone use their cell phone, as they drive.
The Money Tree says
Why inject race into an argument about a time in Harford County when we had less crime, less congestion, greater sense of community, less garbage thrown about, open space, wildlife, sense of place, freedom to include less property tax, uniqueness, mutual respect, etc. Only a newbie would be unaware that in the old days there were far more blacks living in the area around downtown than there are now and somehow it was just fine with everyone but that won’t suit your narrative at all; will it?
Frightened Old White Dude says
Don’t you know… It’s the Mexicans that are taking my job this week. Hablo englaze?!?
The Money Tree says
Really? Maybe you ought to create a flyer and mail it out to anyone that cares but that would be a really short mailing list.
Frightened Old White Dude says
Money Shrub,
but you’re always the one going around trying to convince us that length doesn’t matter.
Because says
The “Hispanics” are taking your job because your free wheeling employer gets more work out of them than you for lower wages.
In another part of this blog someone suggested that teachers should compete with the private sector. If you can’t compete, maybe you should work harder and stop bitching about people that have more enthusiasm and less of an entitlement complex than you.
Because says
Habla Anglais… your ignorance of another culture is showing. Maybe that’s why your employer is replacing you.
Gary Ambridge says
It would be nice to have a representative who won’t roll over for Walmart and represents constituents by actually answering voter’s concerns. The old Cap’t is good at testimonials and speeches, but I’ve seen little else.
Gina Kazimir says
Thank you, everyone, for caring enough to comment on the news of my candidacy. I appreciate all input, positive and negative. For the record, I am new to politics – I am running because I DO believe voters deserve a choice, and because, like many others, I’m not satisfied with the current status quo. I am a Democrat, but more importantly, I am a person who believes in not just hearing what people say, but in listening to them. I see the job of our Council as being to work for and with constituents and each other, and hope I can do that for District C.
As to how I would address some of the issues facing the county, I do think that responsible growth is inevitable but I also believe strongly that growth must BE responsible. That means that we look to the already agreed development corridor, and that we do NOT support projects that exceed traffic capacity on our roads. In terms of budget issues, I support efforts to streamline government and create efficiencies whenever possible.
I’ve seen what unchecked development can do to a community up in NJ. More of that is NOT what we need in Harford County. I hope that we can all work together to make sure that the citizen’s concerns are truly the driving force behind the actions of our elected officials. And if I get your vote, that’s exactly what I will do.
The Money Tree says
That all sounds very good. Be specific…what would you have done differently in the case of Eva Mar. Let’s assume the county executive comes to you with a well heeled and influential attorney by his side and tells the entire council that they need to change zoning regs for a very important project; one that is good for everyone. What do you say when confronted with pressure and money? What would be your recommendation regarding meeting budget shortfalls beyond just producing more houses; more taxpayers? Do you raise taxes; if not, where would you cut the budget?
Gina Kazimir says
Without having been part of the Eva Mar project, I can only say that I’m not, nor have I ever been, very impressed by influence and money. When I served on the Council President’s Horse Park Task Force I know that I upset some of the other task force members because I was not concerned with what individuals were involved with what parcels, but focused instead on the overall need and viability of such a facility. I would do the same with any project request.
Money and pressure are factors only for those whose primary concern is retaining their seat in the next election cycle. I am not running to be a career politician; I am running to represent and serve the citizens of the county. Development projects must first in my opinion be reviewed for how they fit into the already adopted master plan; if exemptions are needed and requested, those exemptions must be ones that both benefit the county as a whole and which are desired, or at least not seriously opposed, by the communities they impact. Money should not be the deciding factor in creating exemptions, the rule of law and concerns of the residents should be.
As to the county budget, I can’t provide specific options to increase or decrease revenue without a line by line review, and without hearing from the citizens of the county about priorities. That we are in a time when budgets need to be closely monitored is without a doubt; what that means is what must be decided through dialogue and careful consideration.
The Money Tree says
Thoughtful response and much appreciated.
The Money Tree says
It is a tough balance and you can’t make everyone happy. Contrary to misrepresentations here most citizens are not against legal and reasonable development it’s when the system is repeatedly used to benefit developers outside the pervue of citizens and often pulling strings beyond simple “legalness” to misuse a phrase. It’s our county and our government and those of us concerned with the rate and manner of development should not be locked out of the process.
BillH says
You would stop a business from legally operating with in their rights, that would create jobs and pay taxes because a community is opposed to it?
Sorry you just lost my vote but money tree will vote for you. She likes elected officials who govern based on nothing more than feelings and emotions.
Gina Kazimir says
BillH, I would not stop businesses from operating, no. But if a business requires an exemption in order TO operate, then I do feel that before granting that exemption a full look at issues, from economic and environmental impact up to and including community sentiment, is appropriate.
Business is a good thing, but appropriate business, business that works with and within a community, is a better thing. It’s a delicate balance between quality of life and economic development, but trying to preserve that balance is in my opinion part of the job of our elected officials. I’ll be sorry not to get your vote, but I respect your right to choose, and thank you FOR voting.
Common Sense says
Gina Kasimir
You would stop Walmart then?
BillH says
Are you saying that since neither EvaMar and walmart need exemptions you agree they should be allowed move forward?
Light Bulb Pizza says
Commercial and residential development has already long, long, long ago surpassed the highway infrastructure. What else is new?
Gina Kazimir says
I’m not personally in favor of the Abingdon Walmart plan, no. I have seriously concerns, as do many people, I know.
The development is, to my understanding, technically permissible under the current zoning. But I believe there are significant and serious environmental, traffic and potential public safety issues that should be taken into consideration.
Concerned Citizen says
So far what you are saying resonates well with me. I vote on the issues and not party, so you definitely have my attention. Your intentions are great; but if elected, how will you continue to toe the line and stand up against those representing the status quo? Unlike the time of the Framers when ordinary folk were elected to come from far and wide to represent the best interests of those they served, our current system is fraught with self interest quid pro quo wheeler dealer lying, cheating, stealing crooks making back room deals.
Gina Kazimir says
As I have stated, I’m not a career politician. I am a citizen of the county, and I am concerned about balancing economic development and quality of life for all of us. I am running because the status quo in my opinion is not working for the county, and I believe that we need to be willing to ask the difficult questions.
Big projects, whether or not they need exemptions, do get reviewed at many points in the process before a shovel hits the ground. That review needs to be thorough and it needs to take into consideration the needs of all stakeholders. Blanket approval should not be granted because someone is “prominent” but should be granted on a case by case basis based on what is best for the greater good.
Otto Schmidlap says
Here is an acculturation test. If you ace it, I’ll vote for you.
1- Where is Frogtown?
2- Give me directions to Lake Fanny Hill from Howard Park.
3- How many terms did Stockton T. Holden serve as mayor of Bel Air?
Gina Kazimir says
1. Frogtown is near/at Red Pump and Rock Spring Road.
2. Atwood to Bel Air Pike, right/south, continue down to where Winters Run crosses and you’re at Lake Fanny Hill.
3. Tough one! As I understand it the “mayor” of Bel Air is actually an informal title for the Chair of the Town Board of Commissioners. I thought Mr. Stockton served on the planning commission and board of appeals, not the board of commissioners? If so, the answer is none – which is technically the correct answer since we don’t actually elect as mayor in the way other towns might.
How’d I do :-)?
The Money Tree says
Gina – good luck to you. You seem thoughtful, capable and charming. I like your point of view and we desperately need fresh faces on the council. If anyone wanted to help you with the campaign or get additional information how would your potential new constituents contact you?
Gina Kazimir says
Thank you so much! I truly welcome all input, and certainly help! My facebook page is at , my email is Feel free to Like the FB page, send a message or email me with any concerns. Right now, I’m still very much in listen and learn mode – which is something I would continue throughout my candidacy and should I be elected, my time in office – but will be looking to do more once we can all dig out from winter. I think my dogs are the only ones enjoying this weather right now, but I’m told that it really will thaw, and drain, one day, and I hope to meet more of the people in the district and beyond when it does. I really do appreciate your kind comments, and all of the discussion here. You’ve all really helped me clarify not just my beliefs but my statements about them, and I appreciate the questions and input!
Stupid People says
I am active with the Ma&Pa Trail, we have been very active in trying to complete the trail for years. To do so we only need to acquire a small section of unused land to complete the whole project. The current property owner refuses to sell and has all but stopped this project.
For the betterment of our community and the lives of Harford County citizens would you use your Rights of Emanate Domain to secure this land for the good of your district and the people of Harford County?
Gina Kazimir says
As I understand it, the trail organization and county are currently in discussions with a landowner regarding completing the Ma & Pa Heritage Trail. Those negotiations should be allowed to be pursued to the fullest extent possible. Exercising eminent domain is not something that should ever be lightly, nor should it be used until and unless there are no other options, and it should not be used unless there is significant agreement from the community that the outcome is of sufficient importance and impact to warrant its use.
I know there has been significant interest in completing the trail, interest which I personally share, but I feel that it would be necessary for there to be a call for community comment and an absolute lack of any other mechanism for completing a community benefit project before eminent domain should be considered in this or in any case. Using eminent domain to compel a purchase is a very serious decision in my view, and one which would always require significant research and input from the community before it should be considered.
Potato Chip Eater says
Typical Democrat, BS all around the answer.
To sum up you answer: Yes, I believe in spreading the wealth, taking from the haves to give to the have-nots.
Let me give you the conservative answer: Eminent Domain should never be used to acquire park lands. How can you support taking something that someone has worked so hard for to and give it away?
The Money Tree says
That isn’t what she wrote at all. Captain? Is that you?
What? says
No he is not Ol’Captain but I bet Otto Schmidlap was….
What? says
I don’t know what her answer was. Yes or No? If all negotiations fail (which it will) and this property owner refuses to sell, will you use the Rights of Emanate Domain to secure this land?
It is a simple question and has a simple answer, Yes or NO?
On the Council your final answer will only be, Yes or No. Which is it?
Keith Gabel says
She did answer the question. She said 1) if the negotiations fail 2) there are no other means available to purchase the property, and 3) there is popular support for the eminent domain option to be used, then, yes, she would consider it.
Eminent domain isn’t always a bad thing, but it is always the last option. Without the option, Route 24 may never have been built and we’d still be calling 924 as 24.
I See says
So you are ok with taking someones land to build a park? The buildout of major infrastructure like 24 is not the same as making a trail. Also, 24 was a State issue not a Council one.
Keith Gabel says
Unfortunately, eminent domain is a constitutional power held by both county, state and federal governments. The power is drawn from the 5th Amendment. Short of a constitutional amendment banning the practice, I don’t really have much of say in this matter.
Am I okay with the public taking private property for public use? The answer is “yes”, as long as due process has been followed and all other options have been attempted.
I don’t know the specifics of the park land of which you speak. Have all of the other options been explored? From your concerns, it sounds like they have and there is popular support for eminent domain. Is this true?
Rob Stanfield says
Just to be clear, the 5th Amendment requires that the power of eminent domain be coupled with “just compensation” for those whose property is taken by the federal government.
Since, the U.S. Constitution was originally designed to define the federal government and to protect citizens from violations by the federal government and not the states or the counties. Only after the 14th Amendment did the Supreme Court begin to apply limited phrases to citizens under state laws.
Maryland and its Counties Eminent Domain laws are set in the state constitution giving the express powers to the legislature.
I feel just because they have the power does not mean they should use it. If they do, it should only be for public safety and only after due process and just compensation.
Jack Rabbit says
Isn’t the property of the late Sen Bob Hooper? They said they wouldn’t sell before because of the trash company, well that’s gone so what’s the excuse now?
Concerned Citizen says
Eminent Domain is a slippery slope and a horrible idea. Its not like we are considering a major infrastructure need, its a park for God’s sake and we shouldn’t be snatching other people’s property for such things.
Keith Gabel says
I believe that most people agree that eminent domain should only be used as a last resort, and even then, used sparingly.
Rob Stanfield says
Ms. Kazimir,
First I would like to thank you for deciding to run for office and for answering the questions poster here. I have enjoyed reading your answers and I feel you are a viable candidate. I selected 10 questions from a search of three Harford County news sources, each thread had high hits. A Yes or No answer for each will do however please feel free to explain you answers. I will also post the same questions on any other County Council candidate’s thread.
1. Recently the County Council voted to nullify and reject Maryland SB281 “Firearm Safety Act of 2013”. Would you have voted Yes or No to reject SB281?
2. Harford County Code 260-3 makes it unlawful to buy, sell, use, or own any type of Stun Gun in Harford County. Would you vote to remove the Harford County Law 260-3 Stun Guns?
3. Bill 12-35: James Run TIF – A bill that Grants $23 Million in Tax Increment Financing to the Developers of James Run. Would you have voted Yes or No on Bill 12-35?
4. Would you vote to limit zoning for standalone Abortion Clinics to B3 only?
5. Would you support a Harford County Resolution making English the Official Language?
6. ICLEI is a NGO (nongovernmental organization) committed to the implementation of a UN document known as Agenda 21. Agenda 21 is an action plan for global environmentalism that was drafted and signed by 179 nations at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Juneirpo. Would you vote to join ICLEI?
7. Would you vote to approve county capital budget funding for a Center for the Arts building to be located on a 41 acre parcel of land at the corner of Rt. 24 and Wheel Road which is part of a 110 acre bequest from the Estate of Emily Bayless Graham?
8. Would you vote to repeal the Rain Tax in Harford County?
9. Would you vote to increases taxes for Teacher pay increases?
10. Would you vote to have a full Paid Fire Service in Harford County?
Thank you!
BillH says
Rob Stanfield, are you a moron? She’s running for county council not President.
Rob Stanfield says
All 10 of the questions are issues that the Harford County Council has voted on or is about too. What is wrong with asking them? If they are not answered or asked here I will ask them at one of her events or at an open form. What type of question should I ask? Directions to Lake Fanny Hill? Her American Idol Picks?
If a candidate cannot be asked real questions by real people then that candidate should not run for office.
Rob Stanfield says
Ok, maybe you will like this one better.
The Maryland General Assembly is currently working on a bill to increase the minimum wage. Currently the County Council could increase the minimum wage in Harford County.
Should the Council increase the minimum wage, if so what should it be increased too?
Of how about legalizing marijuana?
F-ing the Dems says
Rob, my man, don’t you know, you can’t ask Demoshits real questions. Look at the question the potus gets.
Gina Kazimir says
Wow…I have to say that you are all certainly helping me to really clarify the issues, and I appreciate it. Mr. Stanfield, although I’m not sure how some of your questions relate to the County Council, I’ll do my best to answer:
1. Recently the County Council voted to nullify and reject Maryland SB281 “Firearm Safety Act of 2013”. Would you have voted Yes or No to reject SB281?
It’s a moot point – the legislation was passed by the State, and the County cannot pick and choose which laws of our state are and are not followed. Voting to reject the legislation was nothing more than political grandstanding, and I believe that it is the job of our elected officials to manage the real issues of the county, not to make political statements that have no real significance for our citizens.
I will, however, answer your underlying question – my stance on gun ownership and regulation. I do believe that guns are and should be permitted to be owned by private citizens, however I also believe that reasonable regulations on capacity and on the types of weapons is necessary, especially in light of our nation’s recent tragedies. Ronald Reagan even agreed, writing in a 1994 letter to legislators: “While we recognize that assault weapon legislation will not stop all assault weapon crime, statistics prove that we can dry up the supply of these guns, making them less accessible to criminals.” And in fact, until 1977 the NRA itself was America’s foremost gun control proponent.
Just about every 10 days in America, there is another school shooting. I do not want this for our children; I know no one who does. Like all of our rights as Americans, owning a firearm comes with significant responsibilities. I believe that our good citizens who own guns accept that responsibility, and reasonable regulations to ensure their, and their communities’, safety.
2. Harford County Code 260-3 makes it unlawful to buy, sell, use, or own any type of Stun Gun in Harford County. Would you vote to remove the Harford County Law 260-3 Stun Guns?
The code prohibiting stun guns was put into place in the county in 1985. I do not know what arguments were put forth for and against the law, but it was obviously considered to be for the benefit of the county since it was passed and has stood since then. To my knowledge, there are no bills pending to change the legislation. Were there such a bill, it would need to be carefully reviewed and the evidence for and against it evaluated before I could make a decision on how to vote. I do know that Tasers have been implicated in over 500 deaths across the country since 2001, and their use and possession is not something to take lightly.
3. Bill 12-35: James Run TIF – A bill that Grants $23 Million in Tax Increment Financing to the Developers of James Run. Would you have voted Yes or No on Bill 12-35?
I would not have voted in favor of that particular bill. TIFs are intended to be used to encourage
development in certain economically challenged areas or to pay for a developer to install infrastructure that would otherwise primarily be the responsibility of a local government. The James Run project in my opinion did not meet those, or a number of other important requirements to be considered a candidate for such financing. Public financing should not support private projects, and I believe a yes vote on that particular bill would have been a breach of trust with our public citizens.
4. Would you vote to limit zoning for standalone Abortion Clinics to B3 only?
Harford County has zoning regulations in place for all types of businesses, including health clinics and women’s clinics. I don’t support changing or limiting zoning for any specific business or development, regardless of whether it’s a business one personally supports or not or whether that change is to promote or prohibit the enterprise, without a thorough look at the benefits and consequences of doing so for the community as a whole.
5. Would you support a Harford County Resolution making English the Official Language?
I feel any such resolution would be a distraction and misuse of the Council’s time, and take the focus away from real issues facing us here in Harford County. The County Council needs to focus on issues where it can act in a manner that truly makes a difference and not indulge in political grandstanding in my opinion.
6. ICLEI is a NGO (nongovernmental organization) committed to the implementation of a UN document known as Agenda 21. Agenda 21 is an action plan for global environmentalism that was drafted and signed by 179 nations at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Juneirpo. Would you vote to join ICLEI?
I would not have a vote for or against joining as it is a UN issue, not one that affects the county directly or is under the purview of the County Council. There are many issues that affect us here in the county, including ones that affect our environment and the health of our county, but international NGOs aren’t a major factor. As I stated previously, I’m not a fan of making empty political gestures; I’d much rather spend time on the things that affect our lives here in Harford County.
7. Would you vote to approve county capital budget funding for a Center for the Arts building to be located on a 41 acre parcel of land at the corner of Rt. 24 and Wheel Road which is part of a 110 acre bequest from the Estate of Emily Bayless Graham?
I am a major proponent of the arts. I had the privilege of running the Cecil County Arts Council for more than three years; I have an advanced certificate in arts management; I deeply love and support the arts and I have seen how arts experience and education can have an astonishing impact on people and communities. I think we need to support the arts, and that we need more art in all of our lives.
However, I believe the Center for the Arts as it is currently proposed is not a sustainable enterprise. I have read the studies, and based on my own experience and the experience of colleagues across this state and others, I believe the projections for revenue and usage are not achievable. In addition, I think the scope of the project needs to be significantly reconsidered.
I do support having a Center for the Arts in our county. I especially support the idea of a center that would promote and create direct arts experiences for our citizens rather than one that is primarily dedicated to being a performance venue. So my answer is that in its current incarnation, I am deeply saddened to have to say that I cannot support voting for capital budget funding for the project as it is proposed.
8. Would you vote to repeal the Rain Tax in Harford County?
The stormwater law is not something that can be repealed in any one county. It is a state approved tax; the attempts to postpone it at the state level failed. The only thing the Council can do is determine how to implement the fees.
No one likes fees, including me and my family. But do you like crab cakes? Do you like rockfish? Do you like to go fishing, or enjoy time out on the Bay in Havre de Grace, eagle watching along the Susquehanna, or maybe fishing at Eden Mill? I like to kayak around Harford County, and I’d like to be able to do so in clean, safe water. These fees, much as I dislike paying more, will help all of us keep enjoying those things.
I was born in central NJ, and my family still lives there. Two blocks from the elementary school I attended, there is an old manufacturing site that’s being torn down (Central Jersey isn’t big on zoning and such, so putting a big plant right next to a school and a park are par for the course up there). The site currently has a massive fence with razor wire around it, and a thick layer of paving and concrete over it. My husband, who is a native Marylander, wondered aloud why that was when we passed it. I casually mentioned they were probably capping the site off. He didn’t know what that meant, which surprised me. I thought everyone knew you had to cap off a toxic site, or do some kind of massive remediation (or at least go through the motions) before redevelopment. He was horrified when we got to the sign that did indeed state it was a toxic Superfund site, right in the midst of a residential area and next to the school, and he shuddered to think of what kind of contamination there must be in the area, including contamination in the water.
We’re lucky in Maryland that we aren’t looking at that level of toxic chemical stew for the most part when we talk about runoff and stormwater management. But there are still harmful chemicals that leach into our streams and wells and rivers and the Bay. I want to be able to keep enjoying the rich bounty of what we have here in Maryland. I want people to be able to eat a Maryland crab cake, and not worry about whether or not the crab meat is safe. I don’t want to see squirrels the size of large rabbits and groundhogs that stand three feet high when they sit up like my mother does (not a joke – the old Nike missile base was two blocks from the house, and, well…). I don’t want to pay more fees, but I also don’t want people to pave over our trees, build McMansions with driveways for a dozen cars and turn our farms into parking lots that damage our waterways. The stormwater management fee – not a “rain tax” but a fee on the pollution caused by uncontrolled water runoff, mostly from development – isn’t popular with me either, but it’s the best solution we have at the moment. And I think our quality of life is worth preserving.
9. Would you vote to increases taxes for Teacher pay increases?
I’m not a fan of increasing taxes – I pay them, too, and don’t like to pay any more than anyone else. But I do think that there are significant issues with our education system in the county, including teacher salaries.
10. Would you vote to have a full Paid Fire Service in Harford County?
Our volunteer companies in the county do an outstanding job responding to fires and emergencies every day. But in today’s incredibly busy world, can we be confident that there will always be enough time for people to be able to spend to train and serve in this capacity? I’m not sure. Our current emergency services volunteer staff seem to be doing the job very well, but I would be open to reviewing all options to ensure the continued availability of emergency crews in our county.
Barney says
I wanted to revisit this after the election. I really didn’t like your 2nd amendment stance in the comments here, it is clear as mud, but hey, it doesn’t matter now.
John says
Yeah, I didn’t vote for you.
The whole “fee’s” helping us all enjoy more things sounds? As if, there is just no way to solve anything, just keep adding fee’s to go somewhere to make believe that something is better.
I’m waiting for the day I’m taxed, I mean, pay a fee on the air I breathe.