From the Committee to Elect Mike Perrone, Jr:
Mike said: “There has been far too much favoritism and political back scratching going on in Harford County government for far too long. I believe that the residents of Edgewood, Joppatowne, and Abingdon will embrace a candidate who rejects the culture of cronyism and who has a track record of dedicated community service.”
Mike moved to Joppatowne at the age of two in 1978. His father served in the Coast Guard and moved the family to New York in 1985, returning in 1989. Mike graduated from Joppatowne High School in 1993, and earned an Economics degree from the University of Notre Dame in 1997.
After college, Mike moved to Connecticut and did actuarial work in the Property & Casualty insurance industry. He returned to Harford County in 2005.
Upon returning, Mike started doing accounting and financial analysis work for a media services company in Hunt Valley. In 2010, he went back to school at Harford Community College to become eligible to sit for the CPA Exam, and finished the Exam parts in 2013.
In 2007, Mike took over as president and director of The Sharing Table – a coalition of church groups that serves a hot lunch and distributes groceries every Saturday out of Prince of Peace Church in Edgewood. Mike left The Sharing Table in 2011 to focus on the CPA Exam, and returned in 2013.
Mike was also one of the original six members of the Harford County Campaign for Liberty chapter when it was established in 2008, and was active in the early days of the chapter.
In 2013, Mike completed Community Mediation Maryland’s Basic Mediation Training course and is in the process of becoming a Volunteer Mediator through the Harford County Community Mediation Program.
Mike has served as a lector at Holy Spirit Church in Joppatowne since 2006 and also served on the Pastoral Council at Holy Spirit from 2007 – 2009.
Mike has a long career background in financial analysis which he feels will benefit all citizens of Harford County when the time comes to provide input for the County Budget for the upcoming four years.
To find out more about Mike and his campaign, please visit
Not this time says
Thanks for trying Mike. But you lost this election as soon as you said you are with the Harford County Campaign for Liberty.
whispers says
another tea bagger? no thanks.
Not this time says
What a wast, he sound like a good guy but I will vote for Dion before I vote for a tea bagger.
Coffee not Tea says
I vote republican however I will not vote for tea.
Common Sense says
Kind of hard to defend Dion. Nice guy, but about as smart as a box of rocks.
Mike Perrone would be a great to have on a council. A financial analyst, knows accounting and trained in mediation for God sakes man what do you want?
A box of rocks!
Ryan says
An experienced financial analyst? He just completed his exams last year- which could mean a month ago. I personally would define “experienced” as having at least three years working in the field. What I’m basically seeing is a candidate currently changing his focus within his field from insurance to accounting, but doesn’t really have much of a track record of either. I’m more of a liberal, but I actually think Dion is doing a great job representing his district (although we disagree on some points), and I would support his reelection.
(Good luck in mediation, Mike!)
Jane Citizen says
Ryan, who cares what you think, you sound like you work for Harford County Government. Time for a change and a major housecleaning of Harford County government elected officials, appointed cronies, and assorted worker bees who are in their positions based on who they know rather than their credentials and professionalism.
???? says
Asking an honest question – what has Dion accomplished for his constituents?
W.T.F.? says
Pay attention ???? and you’d know. Do you need to be spoon fed pablum to fill your belly?
Besides, like most folks have already indicated, anybody even REMOTELY associated with the tea-baggers won’t be elected in this area!
And Mike Perrone, keep serving your free lunches and volunteering with your mediation group (where you MAY just accomplish something productive), ’cause you ain’t going to be the next councilman for district A. 🙂
???? says
Hey W.T.F. I was asking a simple and legitimate question. What part of “honest question” don’t you understand? Did it ever occur to you that I might be new to the area and not have any background knowledge of local politics? My question was not intended as a back hand slap at Dion or a subterfuge endorsement of Mr. Perron. You assume I am some how associated with the tea group (I am not) and take liberties with interpreting the intent of my question. It sounds like you are the one pigging out on pablum. I sure hope you are not involved in Dion’s campaign because you turn people off and could cost your candidate votes. Have a nice day – jerk!
Jane Citizen says
The put-down (and name calling) is exactly what I was talking about when I responded to Ryan’s post. When folks have no substance, they tend to misjudge and put people down… and if all else fails, call them names. I think Dion is a nice guy but really don’t know much about his campaign. I have never heard of the other candidate and align myself with no specific party. I vote on the issues and not the person or party. To be perfectly honest with you, I think that the best thing for our county would be a new sweep of people who really care about making a difference for the citizens of Harford County rather than feathering their own nest.
W.T.F.? says
JT4L says
As a Holy Spirit Parishiner and a Joppatowne Resident for the last 15 years. I do have to say I have found Dion Gutherie a very responsive representative on the county council. It does annoy me that he still mis-spells Joppatowne frequently. Whenever I have had a concern and I have been unable to accomplish resolving it by talking to the county government I know a call to his office will help me get the information I seek and a resolution to the issue.
I have also known Mike Perrone as a Parrishiner at Holy Spirit and found that he is genuinely a good guy. Very much like Dion Gutherie has been for this community. I never knew Mr. Perrone to be a Campaign 4 Liberty type. I have never known him to wear it on his sleeve and advertise it. I am not certian who I would vote for between the two men. There are many issues not addressed above I would need to hear from Mr. Perrone about. I would like to know his position on education funding in this county for starters. I do think his youthfulness in this case is an asset and hope he would continue to serve his constiuents like Mr. Guthrie has over the years and unlike other county council members.
Dion F. Guthrie says
Thank you very much for those kind remarks. I think my record, going on 12 years on the Council, speaks for itself and covers every issue you can think of, including school issues. In reguards to the spelling of “Joppatowne”, let me say this, there is 3 different ways to spell it, Joppa, Joppatowne, and Joppa Town and right now, all are correct. I perfer the historic name of Joppa Town. That is how we were founded in 1690 and established 1712. Note the sign at the entrance of Joppa Town, also note the the Silver signs around town like in front of the Rumsey Mansion and in front of Copley Parish at the end of Bridge drive, they are all spell that way. In fact the name “Joppatowne” is the less desireable because that is the name of a development done in 1961 and has no historical reference at all. That name came from Pannaz & Co {not sure of the spelling} in 1961 when they built the homes in that area. If you do the research on line you will find out that is correct. I have live in Joppa Town for 47 years and have live in 3 different homes, all not a mile from each other and have studied the history of our area, it is very interesting and I think you will enjoy it and be honor to live in such a historic area called Joppa Town.
JT4L says
You learn something new everyday. I do hope you realize however I would vote, and however the election turns out, I still think you have served the citizens of this district with a great deal of dignity and dilegence.
Reelect the Sheriff says
Well there you have it folks. Right from the man himself. Dion and the Sheriff get along great. You should vote to return both of them to their respective offices.
Jason says
Most of you calling names like tea bagger, I would venture to say have never attended a Campaign for Liberty meeting. Do you know anything about them other than what the mainstream media tells you? I know Mr. Perrone and I can tell you he represents what’s good in people. He wants to make a difference allowing all of us to prosper. I guess if you like paying ever increasing taxes and dealing with over burdensome regulations, he’s not your candidate. But having a strong analytical mind, he may be able to make that budgetary difference that allows us to enjoy the services we like while keeping more money in our pockets. Sounds like we should give him a try!
JT4L says
To be fair the origin of the Tea Bagger term was used by many of the Tea Party folk early on. Only later did they discover its alternate meaning did they attempt to rebrand themselves. While I have no doubt some use it to be annoying, some genuinely used it as it was the term the movement originally labeled themselves. Either way I don’t use it because I know that the movement no longer uses it themselves.
Keith Gabel says
@ Jason – You are suggesting that the Aegis, the only local mainstream media outlet of which I am aware, has mistreated/misrepresented your group. Whom is it favoring in spite of Campaign for Liberty?
This is an actual question, not snark. I haven’t had a subscription to the Aegis for quite some time, opting to read it occasionally in the library, which means I miss more than a few articles.
Jason says
The aegis can skew left depending on the writer and topic. But for the most part Campaign for Liberty is considered “the Tea Party”. I just find that if anyone is to bring real conversation, name calling does the discourse no justice. I may not believe in the liberal views of some but what would I bring to the discussion calling them “libtards” or other names? It’s the same by which a few commenters called Mr. Perrone a “tea bagger”. What did that do for discussion about his abilities as a future Council member? The term tea bagger has been used by the liberal media and thus why I asked if that’s where people received their info on C4L.
Keith Gabel says
Thank you!
Jason says
No problem!
Bill says
The Harford McGrady campaign for liberty folks are RINOs. They use lies and distortions to raise money for McGrady, Hussy etc..w no accountability and use it against republicans. Mike may profess to be a good christian but shows his true colors by associating with this bunch. He should run as a independent and not claim to be a republican.
JT4L says
I have been to a campaign for liberty meeting and I found it unwelcoming to opposing views. I kept my comments to myself as I watched another curious soul get told his liberal thinking was what was wrong with this country. The thinking was not that liberal at all. Just to make sure that was not an odd occurence I went again and found that it was less about the free exchange of thought and more about telling me how to think. This does concern me about Mr. Perrone but if he is truly only taking money from individuals than I might be less worried about this.
independent thinker says
Go to any meeting of hard core liberal organizations and you will get the same, a group of people with strong political beliefs trying to tell you how to think.
JT4L says
I am sure I would but I don’t think you further your cause by alienating moderates and independents like myself! The Fiscal concepts originally got my attention and brought me in but when I found out that if you didn’t by the rhetoric hook line and sinker I realized it was no more than a front!
Keith Gabel says
@JT4L & Independent Thinker:
Thank you for your input into this matter. So, it appears that we have a choice in this district, so far, between a machine politics Democrat and some kind of Tea Party activist. I suppose that the run of the mill, fiscally conservative/small government Republicans (RINOs) aren’t available or desirable.
Jason says
RINO does not mean fiscally conservative/small government. It stands for Republican In Name Only. Basically they are a part of the Republican party but vote like a Democrat. And no a RINO is not desirable, you might as well vote for the Democrat.
But my question is why is it so undesirable to be liberty minded? What’s wrong with believing in the founding principles of our nation and the Constitution? That’s all the tea party is asking as well. In fact the word tea was used because it’s an acronym for Taxed Enough Already. If you think taxes are high and only getting higher and your freedoms are eroding, then why wouldn’t you listen to what they have to say?
Keith Gabel says
Through my own personal experience, I have found that the pejorative RINO tends to be used for a Republican who is center-right in the political spectrum. That is to say that he or she is a conservative but understands that politics is not a zero sum game. This usually results in he or she voting for the benefit of the vast majority of people who sit somewhere if the center-left to center-right part of the political spectrum, which means occasionally having to vote with the Democrats in order to govern effectively.
More to the point, my issue with many of the Tea Party supporters I have met, rather than Republicans in general, is the effort it takes to keep them focused on the subject at hand.
For example, in a brief meeting I had with a member of the County Council regarding traffic issues in Harford County, said politician kept attempting to talk about the US Constitution and 2nd Amendment rights, which is fine, but does little to improve traffic in Harford County. Obviously, your mileage may vary depending upon to whom one speaks.
Getting back to Mr. Perrone, it seems to me that I can expect to hear him talk at length about reductions in government service (spending) so that my taxes can be lowered. I’m fine with that. I even encourage it. I could care less about how he feels about things the County Council cannot change, nor should anybody else.
Jason says
I won’t defend all their members because like independent thinker said you have some in the other side that would chastise for other views. I’ve been there are a few that make a bad name for the rest, but I can tell you Mr. Perrone is not as closed minded that he wouldn’t discuss all view points. Obviously he has his own stance and would defend those, but not so much as to not listen to your points just because they differ from his. He will have the discussions that a good representative should have.
Tom says
Dion is a Dem but you voted him. Why not Perrone?
Put a Yid on it says
I just wanna know how big is his schmeckle???
KeefyKeef says
It is sad that people are bashing Mr. Perrone because he took a sincere interest in local politics and is a member of the Harford County Campaign for Liberty Chapter. After reading all of the comments posted, I decided to go to Mr. Perrone’s website and see where he actually stood politically. I suggest that everyone does the same thing because you will realize he is not some right winged nut that you might picture being associated with the “Tea Party.” What political organizations would have been appropriate for him to join?
Mr. Perrone seems like a genuine person who cares about the community and can be trusted to do the right thing, he’s only taking contributions from individuals for goodness sakes. He appears to be well educated, charitable, trustworthy, and a candidate with strong ties to the community.
I have lived in Joppatowne for almost 25 years. It is time for fresh ideas and a new way of thinking in the County Council. We should learn more about this candidate and give him a fair chance.
If the only thing people can find wrong with Mr. Perrone is that he is a member of the Harford County Campaign for Liberty Chapter, he has my vote!
Bill says
C4L does nothing but bash people…so he should get use to the same treatment they give others. Let him get his money from the fraudulent emails his liberty folks send out.
Rob Stanfield says
Mr. Perrone,
I have selected 10 questions from a search of three Harford County news sources, each thread had high hits. A Yes or No answer for each will do however please feel free to explain your answers. I will also post the same questions on any other County Council candidate’s thread.
Thank You.
1. Recently the County Council voted to nullify and reject Maryland SB281 “Firearm Safety Act of 2013”. Would you have voted Yes or No to reject SB281?
2. Harford County Code 260-3 makes it unlawful to buy, sell, use, or own any type of Stun Gun in Harford County. Would you vote to remove the Harford County Law 260-3 Stun Guns?
3. Bill 12-35: James Run TIF – A bill that Grants $23 Million in Tax Increment Financing to the Developers of James Run. Would you have voted Yes or No on Bill 12-35?
4. Would you vote to limit zoning for standalone Abortion Clinics to B3 only?
5. Would you support a Harford County Resolution making English the Official Language?
6. ICLEI is a NGO (nongovernmental organization) committed to the implementation of a UN document known as Agenda 21. Agenda 21 is an action plan for global environmentalism that was drafted and signed by 179 nations at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Juneirpo. Would you vote to join ICLEI?
7. Would you vote to approve county capital budget funding for a Center for the Arts building to be located on a 41 acre parcel of land at the corner of Rt. 24 and Wheel Road which is part of a 110 acre bequest from the Estate of Emily Bayless Graham?
8. Would you vote to repeal the Rain Tax in Harford County?
9. Would you vote to increases taxes for Teacher pay increases?
10. Would you vote to have a full Paid Fire Service in Harford County?