From the office of Sen. J.B. Jennings:
Senator J.B. Jennings has introduced legislation to distribute 25% of the revenue from fines collected for violations of using a text messaging device while driving. University of Maryland Medical System’s Center for Injury Prevention and Policy (CIPP) for educational programs addressing the dangers of distracted driving.
“The leading cause of injury or death for 15-18 year olds is automobile collisions. Many of these collisions are caused by distracted or impaired driving,” Jennings said. In an effort to combat preventable injury, the R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center created the Center for Injury Prevention Policy Program (CIPP) to develop prevention-focused educational programs for Maryland. The CIPP’s Trauma Prevention assembly on distracted and impaired driving can make a difference and help keep our high-school students safe and prevent these tragedies from occurring.
In 2009, the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute conducted a study that showed a texting driver is 23 times more likely to get into a crash than a non-texting driver. In addition, a 2009 the University of Utah study found that using a cell phone while driving, whether it’s handheld or hands-free, delays a driver’s reaction time as much as having a blood alcohol concentration at the legal limit of .08 percent.
Senator Jennings went on to say, “What a better way to utilize the texting fines than to put them into educational programs that will save lives. The CIPP Assembly will do just that.”
To find out more information about the CIPP Trauma Prevention Program or SB214, “Vehicle Laws- Fines for texting offenses- Use for Educational Programs”
zipmelton says
are you kidding us or just want to vote for you….what state do you think you live in?