From Friends of David R. Craig:
Harford County Executive and candidate for Governor David Craig released the following statement today about the Governor’s State of the State speech:
“The O-Malley-Brown years leave a sad legacy for those interested in basic government competence, fiscal responsibility and individual freedom.
“While Governor O’Malley acknowledged the failure of his Administration and Lt. Gov. Brown to implement Obamacare, there are important facts missing among the many statistics he likes to choose. The Administration has a long way to go on providing transparency on health care including an accurate number of how many consumers are obtaining actual coverage, the number of people dropped from private plans and the total cost.
“We have heard for several years now the growing amount of money in so-called ‘cuts’ to the budget, when in fact the budget has grown $10 billion during the O’Malley and Brown terms. Over 70 tax, fee and toll increases are hurting the economy, reducing employment compared to other states in the region and is taking more money for more government.”
Concerned Citizen says
I am not an O’Malley supporter by any stretch of the imagination, but find Craig’s criticism of other politicians so disingenuous and put forth for political reasons. Where was his commentary last year and those before it? He’s a joke.
none says
Pot meet kettle.
Keith Gabel says
Charles Lollar seems a good alternative to Craig. Then again, so does a trained monkey, so the bar is set rather low.
Concerned Citizen says
I’m voting for the monkey, what’s his name?
Bil says
Correct, Craig has been the Harford version of O’Malley..increased the debt, used land purchases and procurment bids to raise money and has been too busy looking for his next campaign instead of running the goverment…so we have Craig O’Malley
a Republican says
Desperately trying to remain relevant in the race for the Governor’s Mansion. The latest campaign finance reporting demonstrates just how irrelevant Mr. Craig has been and will continue to be in the coming election. The inability to raise sufficient campaign funds coupled with Mr. Hogan’s announcement is in effect the end for Mr. Craig. We can finally put this to rest on June 24th when Mr. Craig looses the Republican primary election.
Concerned Citizen says
I’m voting for the monkey, what’s his name?
Engineer says
Pick any Democrat = Monkey
FLRush says
I’am a registered Democrat but in no way voted or would vote for Owe Malley for anything. What Mr. Craig is citing are facts. It is well documented how only about 46% of the Transportation fund was used for Transportation projects and the list goes on and on. Besides practically no school funding for the Counties the retirement cost for school teachers is being transferred to the counties while we are supposedly collecting mega millions from the new casinos not to mention where does the State lottery money go that was suppose to fund schools. I for one am very happy with the job Mr. Craig has done for Harford County and think he is probably the best choice we have for Govenor in view of the choices available. Owe Malley and the Dems that supported him should be run out of town.
Cdev says
What are you talking about no school funding for the counties????? Maryland provides more funding for HCPS than Harford County does!!!!!
B says
Maryland doesn’t provide any funding. The tax paying citizens of this county provide it all. Confiscated local funds “given” back to us after being pillaged.
You and all of these other people who want never ending more should remember that.
Cdev says
Fine the collective confiscated wealth of people from all over this state is greater then the collective confiscated wealth of Harford County citizens in the school funding budget that pays for our Constitutionally mandated schools!
George says
More utter nonsense from Craig. He leaves Harford County going in a downward trajectory while his own campaign heads in the same direction. He should just fade away.
Finally, OWE Malley will fizzle out like a bad fart.
Bob Hope says
As does Mr. Craig himself…..funds faults in others….but doesn’t own up to his own inadequacies…..but I guess that’s typical government.
Republican supporting Raises for All Harford County Employees says
Hope Craig receives less votes in Harford County than all of his opponents.
Tom says
Charles Lollar for Governor!!