From Friends of Harford: A Community Input Meeting (CIM) has been announced for Dunkin’ Donuts – Osborne Parkway – Located at 1324-1 Osborne Parkway. The proposed development on 1.825 acres currently zoned B2 will include a 2,448 sf Dunkin’ Donuts restaurant with drive-thru facilities and a 1,620 sf retail store along with associated site improvements. […]
Archives for 2013
Dublin/Darlington Dec. 2013 Bulletin: Wilson Center Annual Holiday Concert; Library Holiday Open House; Milkshake Duo Come to Deer Creek Coffeehouse
From the 21034 Community E-News Editors: JOYFUL SOUNDS for the SEASON! Community members are invited to attend the Wilson Center’s annual Holiday Concert to be held on Sunday, Dec. 8th at 4pm in the Grace Memorial Church Sanctuary, 1022 Main St. in Darlington. Featured performers will be the “HighStrung Quartet”, the “Susquehanna Singers” and local […]
New Harford Democratic Club Dec. 4: Chesapeake Bay Foundation Discusses Stormwater Management Law
From the New Harford Democratic Club: Meeting Reminder Wednesday December 04, 2013 – 7:00pm * Aberdeen Holiday Inn* 1007 Beards Hill Rd Aberdeen, MD 21001 Our speaker for the December 4 program of the NHDC will be a representative from the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. The topic will cover the new State Stormwater Management law and […]
Harford County Health Department Supports World AIDS Day Observance with Free Confidential HIV Testing Monday in Bel Air
From the Harford County Health Department: Since 1988, World AIDS Day is observed annually on December 1st by the National Centers for Disease Control along with public health partners locally and worldwide. This year’s theme, “Working Together for an AIDS-Free Generation,” highlights the promise of new research and prevention efforts to help stop the spread […]
Final Buy-a-Brick Orders Being Taken for James R. Harris Stadium in Havre de Grace
From the City of Havre de Grace Office of Marketing and Tourism: The Community Projects of HdG, Inc. would like to announce that the final order for bricks will be placed before the end of 2013. If you still want to order a brick for the walkway at James R. Harris Stadium for yourself, you […]
Belcamp Man Charged in Theft of Laptop from Handicapped College Student at Aberdeen Library
From the Aberdeen Police Department: A citizen’s tip assisted investigators in identifying a suspect the theft of the college student’s laptop. Earl D Eller, 59, of the 1200 block of Brass Mill Road in Belcamp was charged Thursday with one count of theft and was released after being served a criminal summons. The stolen property […]
Department of Community Services Works to Make Mental Health a Priority in Harford County
From Harford County government: Harford County is recognized nationally as one of the first public safety agencies in the nation to offer Mental Health First Aid. The Harford County Department of Community Services partnered with the Harford County Sheriff’s Office in 2011 to sponsor Mental Health First Aid training. The community wide effort to train […]
Howell: “On this Thanksgiving, Please Take a Moment and Reflect How at One Time in America Elected Servants Publicly Thanked God for the Rich Blessings We Have in America”
From Friends of Derek J. Howell: On this Thanksgiving, please take a moment and reflect how at one time in America elected servants publicly thanked God for the rich blessings we have in America. Below is an example of a Thanksgiving Day proclamation that was issued by John Hancock. John Hancock, you may recall, was […]