From Friends of Harford:
A Community Input Meeting (CIM) has been announced for Eva-Mar – Continuing Care Retirement Community on 58.5 acres & 120 single family homes on 94 acres – Located at 301 N. Fountain Green Road, Bel Air, MD.
Date/Time: Monday, January 6, 2014 at 6:00 P.M. (Snow Date: Thursday 01/09/14 at 6pm )
Location: Southhampton Middle School, 1200 Moores Mill Road, Bel Air, MD 21014
The meeting particulars, including site plan may be seen at
County government has a description of the CIM process at
If you have concerns you wish to raise or simply want more information, this meeting is your opportunity to do so.
Do you want to know where this fits into the development process? Read A Citizen’s Guide to the Harford County Property Development Process by Friends of Harford.
The County needs this kind of service and has been actively seeking such a facility. This is an excellent location for the project. Yes, there will be more traffic but it would be even greater traffic impact with a single family development and this type of facility has been sorely needed for years.
640 condos create less traffic than single family homes? Please explain the logic? Without yet another example of corrupt hijinx by Mr. Craig this 4 story monstrosity wouldn’t even be possible.
Are you the same Carol Deibel described in linked in as a development consultant?
This is wrong to put such a development in this area? I would think this would be well suited out in open country where there is little traffic and no neighborhoods to be adversely affected. This is crowded residential area that can not take tall buildings and dense populations. This will ruin the existing neighborhoods. Shame on the folks that are profiting at others loss. Where are our elected officials?
The elected officials are largely in the pocket of the developers. When the latter says jump, the former asks how high.
Elected officials in the pocket of the developers? See : QUESTIONS SURROUND THE THREE CHANGES TO THE HARFORD COUNTY ZONING CODE
Wonder where Ms. Diebel lives. Doubt it is anywhere near this proposed development. Determination that “this is an excellent location for the project” is in the eyes of the beholder.
You guys are funny, a bunch of damn NIMBYs. Most of these elderly people will drive minimally. Go hang out at Glen Meadows entrance way and count how many cars you see all day. For all the years I’ve been visiting my inlaws I don’t think I’ve ever encountered another car on their main drag.
You numb nuts will be singing another tune when your time is up!
Self interest hillbillys…..
Presbyterian Homes is a for profit company – nothing wrong with that in a suited zone area but again filthy Craig ran a zone change nearly in secret to allow this project. A 4 story commercial project doesn’t belong in the middle of this neighborhood and filthy Craig did yet another end run around existing law to lick the boots of developers? Ask yourself the 64k question; why? Why would a politician risk his personal integrity over and over again over real estate deals?
The property is zoned for a CCRC you dolt, that’s why they are building it there. As for the 4 story BS the previous restriction was 50′ which is plenty room to build an ugly 4 story building, by increasing it now the buildings can have some architectural appeal and blend with the neighborhood.
Your constant complaining and conspiracy theories are getting old moneytree.
If a 4 story building was already accommodatable me pray tell why the need to change the ordinance? Then explain why nearly immediately after the change to the zoning restriction this project is announced and that’s just lucky coincidence for Presbyterian Homes? I expect Craig knows he stands a chance in hell of becoming Governor so before he leaves office every filthy crony development deal needs to be rushed through before their inside man leaves and they lose the opportunity. A fish rots from the head down – just hoping Craig’s corrupt appointees leave with him.
Mr./Mrs./Miss Money Tree
Sir, Ma’am
First, Happy New Year.
I believe that Presbyterian Homes is a “not for profit” organization. Perhaps the articles of incorporation would be worth reading. That said, one of the articles states that PH is prohibitied from influencing legislation. Makes you wonder how the County proposed and the Couincil approved this project so very quickly.
Looking further into the situation it becomes quite curious. The CEO of PH has spent an entire career at PH, starting in the kitchen in 1977. No experience beyond the current 100 bed facility, Neither does any of the current staff have experience beyond the current facility, except for some of the fund raisers. Read their bios on the PH of Maryland webe site. Makes one curious how these people expect to now run a 700 bed facility with retail shops on the premises. An entire town if you will.
Even more curious is the apparent lack of capital on the PH balance sheet to undertake this effort. Undoubtedly, PH is depending on external sources to fund this effort. It works to their benefit that they have counsel, with a demonstrated ability to extract money from Harford County for projects that may not be in the County’s best interest to pursue.
So how will this play out. One scenario is that the PH gets all the zoning, tax breaks, and other handouts in place and then sells the whole package to someone else to move into. Lots of money for some rainmaker.
Second scenario. PH gets everything in place and then hires some outside for profit company to manage the whole project. Again lots of money for somebody.
Certainly there are other scenarios. But they all involve money for somebody. Makes one wonder who the beneficiearies of this deal will be.
As for the 4 story building, and the associated proposed housing seems curious that it was such quick deal. Makes one wonder what the zoning code is really for.
Timing is also curious when connected to the Havre de Grace property purchase.
I believe that this will be the year of the great curiousities and wonder in Harford County. I also believe that every resident of Harford County should consider parking in the various meetings that will be conducted to look out for their own best interests.
John P. Mallamo
Indeed Mr. Mallamo, indeed.
Lol if a 4 story building doesn’t belong in a neighborhood, then don’t live there. No one is forcing you to live there.
That’s your opinion, I laugh my ass off on all these new “neighborhoods” built with homes that all look alike, not what im into but I’m glad there are other people who are interested in big homes with no yard.
King Clown, exactly. The “new” neighborhoods crack me up.
Here’s your typical house:
– two story foyer
– concrete driveways
– solid surface countertops on POS cabinets
– ‘clear glass’ POS vinyl windows
– heat pump with electric back-up
– the thinnest gauge vinyl siding on the planet
– brick front w/vinyl siding sides
– crappy finger joint wood exterior trim and door frames
– landscaped by the same company that does McDonalds
I’ll figure for every down vote, you’re a ten cent millionaire living in ‘that’ house.
But, you’re living the dream!
You forgot the exact same unused swing set in every yard and the rusty never used basketball hoop and the garage that can’t hold a car or the trash cans cause it’s full of all the good stuff they can’t throw away
Ah, the playground set. Someone ought to come up with an idea to repurpose those things.
Everything is cheaped out to the max, I seriously to this day do not understand what the attraction factor is besides it being “brand new.”
New, quickly built homes falling in disrepair faster than old, well built homes.
It’s a fact of construction that a home is cheaper to build the bedroom above the garage.
Bedroom over the garage, forgot about that.
“My bedroom floor is soooo cold!” I’ve heard that a thousand times.
@Steve Jacobs, a lot of us down home folk here that you call hillbillies have lived nearly our entire lives here and by choice. Quote a few are also highly educated, some from ivy league schools. The Eva-Mar process is a flawed, deceptive one, make no mistake about it and after all the politicos finish with their hands in our pocket, no local “hillbillies” will be able to afford to live there. If I wasn’t so refined, I’d tell you to gfy.
Driving around after a snow storm I notice a lot of the fancy, starting in the low 300’s neighborhood homes have no snow on the roof.
Is proper ventilation and insulation am option? Haha, cheap POS’s.
Hahah, thumb me down all you want, go out and gawk at your roof after it snows, you can go “derp derp derp derp” as you stand in the front lawn with a 30 year mortgage on an improper construction.
Hahahahahaha. How about your roof shingles? I bet they are the cheapest money can buy.