From Amtrak Media Relations:
Amtrak Train 168, the Northeast Regional, came into contact with a trespasser on Dec. 21 at 4:34 p.m. This was a fatality. The person has been identified as Michael Scott Grace Jr.
The incident happened north of Aberdeen. At the time 300 passengers were on the train. There were no reported injuries to passengers or crew members.
The train was heading to Boston. The incident resulted in a delay of about two hours for Train 168 and other trains.
There needs to be a better way of handling this.
I was on a south bound train 2 miles out of Aberdeen when this happened and was not allowed to walk out of this fugged up mess. Noooooooo I had to wait 3 hours to go 2 miles to get off the stinking train in Aberdeen.
Had this asshole decided to off himself after the Aberdeen station me and a couple a hundred other people would have gotten to where we belonged with no hassle.
Rot in hell asshole
Sorry the life that was taken inconvenienced you, dickhead. What a lame ass thing to say, even if it was meant to be funny. Here’s to hoping you or one of your family members don’t find themselves on a buisness end of north bound train.
A person lost/took his life and this is what you have to post, that you were inconvenienced? I pray for you and your family, that you may find a better way to view life and live.
You’re an evil capitalist and we liberals hate and despise all of you. You suck the planet dry and deprive the righteous poor of their share.
Not a good Because impression…. Try more vitriol as you type.
Yes I support capitalism and the free market.
You should be ashamed of yourself for the pain you have caused with such childish posts on Christmas Eve. I pity you for being so cruel and hard hearted.
Good job B. Your undiagnosed asocial personality disorder has allowed you to obtain the attention you need.
Because I thought you were intelligent enough to realize that someone else was using my B, I didn’t bother differentiating myself from them.
This is a sad situation that should have been handled with a little dignity and class by my fellow B.
For the record, my heart aches for Scott’s family. Always tragic to outlive a child.
He sounds like you… what can I say? The simulation was spot on.
And as morbid as it seems, all Scott was trying to do was get where he felt he belonged: away from this life. I do not feel sorry for the fact that you were inconvenienced for a couple hours. I feel sorry for his family and close friends who are grieving and who will NEVER be able to have a sane Christmas without thinking about the tragic death of their loved one.
“B” always feels the need to make the most rude comments just to get a rise out of people. Check other articles. Guess that is all he has to do with his life – Loser!
You are offended by my Defense of Christ and Constitution?
Enough said.
Look there are a 100 ways he could have easily checked out but this one act affected thousands of peoples lives unnecessarily some probably permanently. It’s really not hard to not get hit by a train, seriously I manage to do it everyday. Perhaps had he walked out in traffic in front of your car with the family in it and you creamed him you too would be all concerned about his family and their christmas.
Hey B…maybe he could have taken a gun onto your train and done a mass shooting… That really could have really affected a thousand peoples’ lives. I think I’d be happy with being held up for a few hours as opposed to a shooting scenario. (I’m not saying this man who lost his life would ever do such a thing so please dont try and twist what im saying)
It was my friends xbf. They r devastated. Why would u comment like that. Wow.
Learn how to spell..
There is a family grieving the loss of their loved one and this is the kind of ignorant shit that they will more than likely end up seeing. Your comment is disgusting. Merry Christmas to you, you selfish ASSHOLE.
A little civility goes a long way.
Folks need other options when making decisions about taking thdir lives. doing so, in such a public and clearly violent way not only endagers others but can permantly affect innocent bystanders, sometimes kids. I have seen a person jump and die from subway platforms during rush hour, in front of school kids. I am changed forever. People need a legal safe option to make these decisions about ending their lives privately and with dignity.
Because people who take their own life are thinking rationally?
What??????? LMAO????? You all are very strange birds!
Yeah, “The Suicide Clinic”! “We have everything to suit your Suicide needs!”
The Overdose Room, it comes equipt with plenty of pills, you pick your poison!
The Cliff Room, Jump free n Clear with no bungy & hit the bottom, you will be sure to split your wig!
The Train Room, Stand on that track & wait, It’s comin–Wham! your done!
You all are so smart!
This clinic would be the greatest & the safest for all those who want to commit suicide & it would protect us as well! 🙂 2 Thumbs Up!
Ban trains?
The person was either selfish if committing suicide or stupid if just trespassing. The general public has no reason ever to be on railroad property except a train station or crossing a track a a public road crossing at grade, over grade or under grade. The NEC has no at grade crossings for public use, understandably so as trains travel well over 100 mph.
I believe the engineer should litigate against the estate for emotional damages and the carrier should litigate for fiscal damages do to delay. Thus person committed a criminal act, wanton trespass on railroad property, no matter the intentions and has negatively put others at risk. It us dangerous to put a train into emergency brake application, and it is emotionally traumatizing when you sit back and helplessly grease the rails with someone so selfish.
I’m thinking you have never lost someone close to you. to have an opinion is one thing but to say it in a manner that is rude and disrespectful to his family is another. I hope when you met Jesus you can have a good explanation for your stupidity. whether you believe in him or not you must meet him. May he have mercy on your soul.
I’ve all ready met Jesus, he was a day laborer for a contractor I had doing a job for me. Nice guy, great with drywall And pretty non judgemental
If when I die, I have to meet some dark skinned camel jockey from the middle east who’s mamma was raped by some man in the sky I ain’t splaining nuttin I’m going spider monkey bat shit crazy on his ass. And that’s a fact.
B –
It’s unlikely you are B. You are pseudo Be.
What the hell is wrong with some of you guys making these comments? 1st, this was a kid! Not a man a kid! I’m sorry you had to wait 3 hours to go 2 miles you douche bag! Imagine the pain that this kids family is feeling you insensitive dick! This kid had some serious issues, I am not saying it’s not a selfish act but show some humanity for this kids family!
Get lost, this person was old enough to have their name printed, hence, this state considers them am adult.
Ok he was 18! It still doesn’t change the fact that a kid took his like and there’s a good chance his family will see these comments!
Darwin wins again. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Natural selection at work.
I was at the station and it screwed up connecting trains all over the east coast. I had to wait three hours for someone that was stuck on a southbound train not even two miles away.
Honestly, they should have picked up the big pieces and hosed the track off. Dead’s dead…..
How disappointing for you personally. Perhaps if you took your legally obtained firearm and shot him, or ran him over with your car, before he got on the track you wouldn’t have to be inconvenienced by his death.
To those of you who seem to have been extremely inconvenienced by this happening, I really and truly hope that none of your family members ever feel so lost and down that they feel their only way out is to walk in front of a train. Would you feel like their action, “inconvenienced,” you? Probably not. This is the holiday season, put yourself in the family’s place, think about what you are saying and how you would feel if it was your son or daughter. Like I said, it is the holiday season, let’s try to be decent people and show some love and compassion. Oh and by the way, he was a little older than 18 but, I personally find it hilarious that we want to sometimes call people who are up to 25, “kids,” but at the blink of an eye we decide that we’re going to call them an, “Adult.” Just keep in mind and remember this was someone’s child.
Well stated Rose… thoughts and prayers are with the grieving family.
This person was a very close friend of my friend’s. They have a long history together and she is devastated by this loss. You all should show a little respect for the deceased.
To the person writing, “Honestly, they should have picked up the big pieces and hosed the track off. Dead’s dead…..” I cannot wait to hear what karma has in store for you. Maybe someone you love in your family will die and we can just wash their pieces away. How would you feel? Inconsiderate piece of trash.
This is a hard time of year for a lot of people. Especially those of us now who are affected by the suicide of a 20 year old boy. Show some respect.
Sorry about the “pieces parts” comment. I’m sorry for your loss. I agree with “Pissed with the government ” comments. The kid put others at risk and did not belong on the tracks. No matter how trivial it seems, his selfishness affected thousands of people. There were hundreds of people on the trains, and his action could could have harmed other people. They were transferring people to different trains, switching tracks…….remember the CSX accident? When all of a sudden all these changes are being made, one simple mistake could have impacted many people’s lives. So, I’m sorry for the family, but I think they should have cleared the tracks instantly as not to disrupt the train’s normal routine. Really people, he got hit by a train…..there’s no coming back.
Show some respect to who? The person who apparently by the comments, if true, ‘suicide by train’ deserves no respect putting the lives of everyone onboard the train at risk for their selfish act. Not to mention, the long lasting mental trauma the locomotive crew will have to live with.
I will show respect, and pray for the locomotive crew.
Show some respect to the family members and friends of his who are reading these hurtful comments. What Scott did was entirely selfish and wrong, but that doesn’t mean he deserves to be trash-talked on the Internet two days after his death.
Then don’t read them? Pretty simple. People can always find something else to do than piss themselves off on the internet. Right?
Dont read them its that simple
For the love of God please stop posting all this!
The man killed was the son of my son’s wrestling coach.
We were with him all day at ABHS during the state matches being held there on Saturday.
He is a tremendous person, retired Marine, and exemplary citizen.
His family is devastated.
God have mercy.
i will say this for every internet tough guy on here. You are very brave hiding behind a computer screen. If you are man enough make your comments to me face to face. I know this kids mother. She doesnt deserve this at all. And your words are hurting her worse. To b, lol amd any other gutless coward. Meet me face to face and we can deal with this man to scum. And you get to have a knife or other blunt object to defend yourself. It wont help you. I am serious. Want to meet? You are obviously residing in the aberdeen area. So it shouldnt be so hard.
Another one getting his 15 minutes.
again b, call it 15 mins or not. You are hiding.
Whatever helps you sleep at night Dognut.
This is a message board on the interwebs. KMA Broken Hearted and go away.
Besides, that boy was my sister’s husband’s dog’s vet’s employee’s third cousin. So stop with all these hurtful comments.
What kind of dog do you have Steve?
I’m saddened to read these astoundingly hard-hearted comments.
After reading all of the comments, especially the unkind, thoughtless ones I had to respond. My only brother whom I loved very much, took hos own life. He was 34 years old and had so much going for him. He was also depressed and had just started taking medicine and talking to a therapist. Losing him devastated my parents and our family. The pain of losing someone this way never goes away. It just fades a bit so you can get on with life, but life as you knew it is never the same. When someone is feeling so low that they want to end their life, they are not usually looking to hurt anyone by causing an accident. They are not thinking rationally at the time and they may act on an impulse. Most people who take their own life don’t want to die. They want to end the pain they are feeling. I truly wish that there was more civility in this world. Life is already difficult enough without ignorant, stupid, and petty people in this world who only think about themselves and how they are inconvenienced. As the saying goes, Mean People Suck.
Scott was a good friend of mine you fucking assholes who have rude things to say fuck you burn in he’ll you piece of shit
How many babie daddies ya got?
I just can’t believe someone can say something about someone who is gone. This is wrong u will be punished for what u said karma is a bitch.. by the way that boy.who died was a amazing person and had a better soul then you.. remember his family and friends see this just like me and I’m one of his friends dick head
Breeanna let me explain what I am… When things like this happen, It’s me. I don’t happen later, I happen now. Getting hit by a train, that’s me. And I’m not a bitch. Lesson over.
If he was so amazing, you should have tried to help him. Its your fault he died.
Shut up breanna.
Why are you going to tell me to shut up what u feel offended by me saying it’s wrong to say the things ppl are saying about my dead friend get a fucking life you piece of shit.. I hope someone close to u dies and someone talks shit on them let’s.see how tf you would feel.. you disgust me with your stupidity. Also you can clearly see my named is spelled breeanna not breanna stupid fuck. Now go choke on the dick you came from..
Clearly a resident of Aberdeen, MD
Shut up breanna.
I love when the “supposed” supporting friends come out of the woodwork and use vulgar language, and personal insults at those making comments they don’t agree with, really shows the measure.
Oh, and, blah.
It’s their way of riding the 15 minutes of fame and kinda sad. Where were they for their dear friend on Saturday?
I’m going to assume “breeanna” is a younger person. Good grief, I surely hope this person doesn’t represent the product schools are graduating, the parents surely didn’t raise this person with any sense.
Yes, she is a fine product of Common Core. John Dewey is the messiah.
Hey EBT BREEANNA , you live in a trailer or section 8 housing?
Your name may be spelled like that on here but your name is spelled breanna. I know you. You didnt know him. And if you did you probally had sex with him so he could get you high. Get out of everyones buisness.
People can battle with themselves for years and years before they decide to do what Scott did. From what I have heard about him, he was a great friend and a great person. Depression doesn’t define someone. Suicide may be selfish, but it’s not like he just woke up that morning and said “I think I’ll kill myself today”. Suicide is something you’re in a constant battle with. It’s all you can think about and it drags you deeper into depression. He was a normal person, with a family that has suffered an unbelievable loss. They may have never known he was depressed, and if they did, they may have never known how bad it was. Inconvenienced by the wait? Seriously? A person lives 18 years and you define them as an “asshole” for having to wait 2 or 3 hours? I know depression and I know how hard it can be sometimes, and suicide is NOT the answer. 1) because you need to live the one and only life you have. 2) because it will KILL your family. Above all, 3) the dagger will post about it if you’re over 18 and middle aged, overweight, underpaid men will comment horrible things that make your family feel even worse.
If you are one of Scott’s friends, don’t comment on this anymore. Don’t read it. I am truly sorry for your loss and hope wherever his soul is, he’s finally at peace. Rest in Peace.
The people speaking against Scott for holding up the Amtrak system do have a point, it is a very complex system and in Aberdeen its all on one track. Just the fact is valid, but the rest is insensitive.
In the end He did kill himself, none of this stupid time wasting stuff matters, stop acting like you lost a job when you probably just missed out on a TV show.
Like others have said, it is the holiday season, save the cold cruelty. A family losing their son (also after 20 years) on Xmas is not something I would wish on anyone. Who cares if what you think he did is selfish.. he is not here to answer to you – but his family is here, in all their grieving, to observe it.
Please respect my son’s passing.
Prayers going out to you and your family!! Very sorry for your loss!!
Don’t read this stuff Scott. There are too many assholes in this world and it seems like their goal is to make you feel worse. Not only are you suffering from what little Scotty did but now from these people and their complete ignorance. I never would have expected so many people could be so harsh and inhuman. No parent should ever have to go through this!
Bro, I hope you are also speaking on behalf of replies from “Breeanna,” and “Donte.”
The door swings both ways.
You should have been a better parent. Perhaps your son would still be here.
@dad of the year
I dare you, double dare you to make that statement using your real name. Under any circumstances, the lose of a child is a horrific tragedy. You have to be an amazing asshole to make that statement. It’s not even funny in a dark comedy way. Maybe if you were a better human being, people wouldn’t want to punch dickheads like you in face. You sir are a disrespectful, heartless, ignorant scumbag. If you are a father, do the world a favor and don’t procreate anymore, I feel bad for your child/children with an ass of parent such as yourself.
Read the Header: Dagger Press, Freedom of speech still prevail’s. best just to ignore the bad comment’s.
Rest In Peace Scott!!!! xo
At least we wont have to paying for this puke anymore.
Suicide is the 2rd leading cause of death of males age 25-34. If you know someone who is showing signs of depression, please get help for them. 800-273-8255
The above post is so critical in understanding a little about suicide. More males take their lives than females (although this is narrowing) because they have more access to a greater lethality of means (firearm). Also suicide crosses all socioeconomic and educational backgrounds. My brother had everything to live for, including being educated, having a good job and newly married. He also had access to a firearm and unfortunately he made the decision to end his life. Looking back there were few warning signs because he kept how he was feeling to himself. If you have a loved one that you think might be depressed, never hesitate to ask them if they feel like hurting themself. Maybe they will tell you and it could be one more person that can be saved.
WOW. I didn’t know Scott personally. I only work in Aberdeen and heard about this accident through my daughter. I cannot believe the IMMATURITY level of some people. It makes me sick that “we” as human beings can be so thoughtless, cruel, and downright EVIL!! Death is final and absolute. No matter how it comes, IT WILL COME TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU! I hope that you are ready for it…