From Jeffrey R. Gahler:
Dear Harford County Readers,
A great many Harford County citizens and taxpayers have contacted me recently with questions and comments concerning the newly formed helicopter unit within the Office of the Sheriff. I am impressed with the interest and insight this topic has brought to bear and am determined to learn and understand the reasoning Sheriff Bane used to create and justify this program. I am also encouraged by the interest of many who are intent to uncover why the taxpayers were the last to know about such a dramatic and potentially expensive addition to the Office of the Sheriff.
Let me be clear, I too have many questions surrounding the helicopter program announced by the incumbent and question his motivation and priorities because his job is to employ evidence-based policing to build effective and economical efforts to keep our citizens and communities safe and secure. If this were the case, Sheriff Bane would have been proud to address and engage the public during every stage of the planning and implementation of this helicopter program.
Since 2010, the Sheriff held countless public appearances and not once has he presented any information on the project to the public. His lack of transparency gives me, as a taxpayer, great pause and, as a Candidate for Sheriff of Harford County, great concern. By his own admission, Sheriff Bane has been looking at this program since 2010 and, in all that time, failed the public by not including room for citizen input.
Maryland is home to one of, if not the most, premier helicopter programs in the world. This publicly funded, fully operational aviation program, operated by the Maryland State Police, is always at the ready to serve all the jurisdictions of this State and, should their helicopters be committed elsewhere, there are sufficient “back up” services from other aviation programs to include, but not limited to, the Baltimore County Police Department, the United States Park Police, or the Pennsylvania State Police, to meet Harford County’s needs. Based on this fact, I would be opposed to any use of the limited budgeted funds to initiate this program when there are so many critical issues that continue to be unaddressed by this Sheriff.
Information concerning how Sheriff Bane will financially support and sustain his helicopter program, without diverting any funding from existing responsibilities, is also concerning. I am not a supporter of forward funding projects with “asset forfeiture monies,” which he claims will be his method to fully fund the program. The goal of public safety should not be to seize a preordained amount of money needed to institute or continue a desired program. The goal must always be to target crime, arrest the offender and provide for a safe and secure environment for our families and friends. Asset forfeiture monies that result in this order should be spent to support the fight on crime, not the other way around. Money seizures to support a preordained program held hostage to this potential funding is not fiscally responsible. I am not saying there is, or has been, any such motivation of this sort here in Harford County; just that it is a pathway that led to serious problems and poor public perception of many police departments around the country and jeopardizing the public trust is something that should never be endangered.
In an effort to address my questions and those of many people who have put their trust in me, I have begun to acquire information pertaining to Sheriff Bane’s helicopter program. I am pursuing interviews and requests for records thru the Public Information Act to include, but not limited to, the Office of the Sheriff for Harford County, the Maryland State Police and the Baltimore County Police Department. Upon receipt and review of this information, I believe that I will be better positioned and informed to assess Sheriff Bane’s helicopter program, claims made by the Sheriff and to address those engaged citizens of Harford County.
I realize there are many who have worked hard to bring the Aviation Unit into existence and out of respect for those members, I am hopeful that Sheriff Bane’s assertions regarding the entire program are accurate. I would like to take this opportunity to recognize the commitment and dedication of the women and men of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office. I applaud the great work done every day.
Jeffrey R. Gahler
2014 Republican Candidate for Harford County Sheriff
Take Arial pics of Art Helton at his real house, Hell google earth shows his car in the driveway
Mr Gahler,
Read some of the medical literature based on the military’s experience in Iraq and Afghanistan, the fast response of helicopters is credited with saving thousands of lives.
Plus, organic helicopter support will allow the deputies to track drug deals (with less interuption/retasking; how often does the State Police provide overwatch on Edgewood and Aberdeen’s hot spots on Friday and Saturday nights?) from the air, guiding ground units to the interception. That would increase the asset forfeiture rate significantly, plus put drug dealers behind bars.
Spoken like one of the pilots trying to get or keep a job away from real police work. This is not a war zone and the state police fly the medivac missions that save lives. You make Mr. Gahler’s point for him. You want to chase the money as your top priority and then criminals are okay to catch too. No thanks.
My last logged flight hour was in the ’90s.
I’d love to get back in the game, but the pay is junk and the costs are too high.
“and the cost are too high” Could not have said it better.
Renting a commercial helicopter is much more expensive than owning a surplus one.
Using existing state helicopters are less expensive than starting your own with a surplus. Did you bother to read the letter or just jump to defense mode?
I don’t believe this is Iraq or Afghanistan. What a country military has may not be the best thing for a local County Sheriff’s Office. Harford County has a lot more limited resources than the federal government, right? And sure, helicopters “may” assist in the apprehension of drug dealers, but at what cost? Are you going to provide the Sheriff’s Office with a landing pad in your back yard? You have been clearly drinking Bane’s cool aid…
Kind of reminds me of the $1million +/- computer program the Sheriff bought years ago that was not compatible with his computer hardware system programs.
If Harford County was 2,000 square miles, or larger, rather than 454 square miles, I could see the need for a helicopter unit. As it stands now, Delaware State Police Aviation, Maryland State Police Aviation and Baltimore County Police Aviation are all readily available and do respond to Harford County in very short periods of time, meaning minutes. Does the Sheriff’s creation of a helicopter unit, duplication of readily available resources and poor choice of use of taxpayer’s money sit well with you? I should thnk not!
Ha, they will simply cease activity when they hear the sound of the noisy helicopter. Baltimore City has 10 of em flying around. It does nothing to curtail violence. They are rather expensive to maintain, and must be completely overhauled taken apart and rebuilt ever few hundred hours. Whos payin for that sheet.
According to Sheriff Bane, during his big press conference, this helicopter unit will NOT be used for medical emergency transports.
Gahler the loser is reaching for anything he can now. He really wants that big check and take his former loser HCS0 buds back with him. Not saying that Jesse should stay – he’s been there a long time now – maybe he should enjoy life for a while. Maybe Ryan for sheriff – seems like a lot of folks like him.
Where is Mr. Ryan’s position on this? I look forward to reading a letter from him. He has not had an original thought yet. Maybe this is his chance.
What a truly ludicrous statement and idea to consider Mr. Ryan, a person who is unable to formulate and much less compose a set of rational or comprehensive sentences together without the assistance of an averaged educated human being.
In other words, Mr. Ryan go back to your patrol sector, steam some crabs, wash some cars or small planes, play some music, or hop around on the dance floor, but seriously, give us a break…
Keep the laughs coming our way, and hopefully keep your attention on performing more than just the minimum to keep your Deputy position.
Happy Holidays and God Bless Us All..
Maybe, just maybe, Gahler is actually holding the Sheriff accountable for his actions. This county has been in need of an authentic leader and police officer, not just a politician…..
Maybe so, but i doubt it!! How can you say “authentic and Gahler” in same sentence? Just another mud slinger…..
Mr. Gahler is asking legitimate questions to make the citizens aware of the actions of a man that should have stayed retired years ago. The liberal snews media does not print what the citizens have the right to know becaue Sheriff Bane has them in his back pocket.
So, what’s next DRONES….hovering in your backyard looking in your windows? And considering the secrecy currently on display with this administration, perhaps they are already on the path to acquisition.
And please, do not plaque me with the old saw….”If you aren’t doing anything wrong it shouldn’t matter”.
I would like to hear from Mr. Gahler exactly how he intends to support and defend the constitution, most importantly the second and the fourth amendment.
A drone monitoring a public area is the same as a police camera on a light pole, just without the obviousness or blight associated with the flashing blue light.
Agreed, drones, blue light w/ cameras and helicopters buzzing above are for all intents and purposes the same but all easily abused and just lazy ways to observe and monitor the public. I get it if the neighborhood is dangerous – so much so that the unfortunate honest ones are often targets of thugs so it’s justified (Cherry Hill, MD, Newark, NJ, or most of Chicago come to mind). You can’t even begin to compare those places to 98% of Harford County. Yes, I’ve lived in bad neighborhoods before where it was commonplace to see helicopters above and then even sometimes at night shining very bright lights towards the ground while hovering assumably to capture a criminal or escapee. It didn’t change the prevalence of crime on hoot. Personally I don’t care to be monitored from above w/ limited oversite as to why and who? It’s an extremely expensive proposition to support a helicopter team and at this point seems like overkill and unnecessary. Read the crime blotter – escaped cows, kids making noise, or unknown vehicles parked along the road hardly justify the cost of a tactical helicopter team.
In speaking with Mr. Gahler, he will support the Constititutional Amendments you speak of, without fail.
Who told Jesse Bane it is his job to surprise us all around Christmas with a new toy? He certainly thinks a lot of himself, but this takes the cake. Our elected officials are there to represent us, nothing should be hidden especially something as big as a helicopter unit. Shame on him and every other elected official who failed to ask even one probing question about this. Time for a house cleaning in Harford!
I’m sorry but this letter make Gahler sound like a little yappy ankle biting dog. I don’t vote for candidates that can only point fingers, complain and have no plan.
Jeff I dare you to give me a reason to vote for you.
Jack Rabbit, great observation. I used to be supportive of this guy, however, more and more all he wants to do is point fingers at people and YAP! Must be nice when your full-time job is running around trying to stir the pot.
Thank God for little yappy dogs then. Sometimes they wake you up in time to see you are being robbed and yes, in this analogy, Jesse Bane’s hand is wrapped around our wallets!
@Jack Rabbit,
Asking the same detailed, in depth, questions that were asked in Montgomery County and proved the program to be way too expensive there is a little more that you are willing to give credit for. I would like to know why the press and our county council did not ask these same questions of the incumbent. I agree with Govt Secrets above, time for more than just Bane to be held accountable!
What does Marc Eaton think?
Perhaps John Ryan and Marc eaton can put together a committee to fund the helicopter.
Why are you infatuated with Marc Eaton? Appears you need some serious help…
Marc Eaton is the self professed spokesperson for all policing matters.
I must have missed him saying that. Can you provide a link?
Interesting, but who is suppressing the blotter ? Only accurate account of crime in the County.
What you read in the papers is a minute amount of the crimes that happen in Harford County. Not everything is published.
Okay, so the Sheriff now has a new toy at his disposal. Whatever your point of view is on this matter, let us not wrangle over who did what or how it got here. Now that it is here, make sure that when you use it, it is safe to fly and our brave deputies return and land safely.
Spoken in the wisdom of a true liberal. Sounds alot like “we have to pass the bill so we can find out what’s in there.” Look what that got us! Obamacare. A bunch of lies told to the American public and now we all need to take what is good for us! I say lets wrangle over another liberal, Jesse Bane, deciding what is good for us before telling anyone a word about it!!
“Now that it is here, make sure that when you use it, it is safe to fly and our brave deputies return and land safely.”
Kind of like saying: Now that you are in prison for a crime you didn’t commit, lets make sure you are kept safe during your extended stay so you are able to return to society unharmed.
LOL, no conservative in the least would make such a statement. Great analogies!
Marc Eaton seems well informed. He has many friends in the police department. People want to know.
Finally! Someone who thinks before they act! Even more of a reason to support Gahler. It has been expressed time and time again; Bane is unfit for the office of Sheriff. His public stunts have proved that his conduct is unbecoming. I don’t wish anything bad on the Sheriff, or even my worst enemy, but at some point the community has to see the damage and destruction he is causing. Bane is clearly incapable of serving the citizens of Harford County any longer… God forbid he runs for a different public office…
Four shot at in joppa Monday night… war zone. Call in air support
It would take way too long for the helicopter to get there. According to the Sheriff, they are only going to be airborne for about 3 hours a day, pending weather conditions……and NO medivacs.
Your tax dollars at work for a good cause???????
Looney are truly that Looney. I suspect you are also the monster and DAP/PBL. But whatever what do you have against a guy that just started a fund to support a deputy in need and would help any deputy. Is he the pilot of this failure program NO, so what would he know about it and to clarify it’s Marc A Eaton, you forgot his middle initial.
The “pilot” for this program was tossed out of the MD Air Guard for his “Bonehead” and seriously demented actions over Bel Air on a 4th of July flyover…. she right him flying again, and for us????
When I was a student in class #18 of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Citizens’ Police Academy, I was told that the Sheriff’s Office had, at their disposal, all the helicopter support they could use, 24/7, for FREE, from the Army at Aberdeen Proving Ground, and Edgewood Arsenal.
David, welcome to the world of Jesse Bane.
Can’t vouch for what you were told in the Citizens Academy, but I am told that the HCSO does not have any problem getting air support from the State Police or other adjacent agencies. It would be interesting to learn the number of times and reason air support was denied when it was requested. The Deputies I talked with say air support is always available unless weather prevents the request. There have been occasions when a request can’t be filled, but on those few occasions another agency responds.
I understand that it is a nice thing to have an aircraft as part of your agency tools, however, the few occasions that HCSO has such a valid need, do not justify having an aviation unit at this time. Seems to me that creation of this unit is more for publicity than it is for policing. More important things to spend our money on that would produce better direct results for the dollars spent.
Mr. Gahler
You are a thirty year veteran of the State Police? How much is one life worth? If this donated unit saves one life it has done it’s job!
Next question, if you were sheriff and this offer were given to you, you would have danced on the court room grounds capitalizing on making the sheriff’s office more effective in both search rescue and transport.
Can we just for this campaign talk without negative campaigning.
Let the negativity stay in Washington.
Crime is down. Edgewood and troubled area’s manageable let the current guy’s finish what they started then the voters can see what you got?
@veteran P.D.
Donated does not mean free. There is an expense and it appears that Mr. Gahler is the only person in Harford County willing or able to ask some serious questions about the true nature of this program. To beat all, they are not even his questions! Check the link. These are questions asked of a police chief by a real county council that stopped their program for being too expensive! I think more than just Bane should be answering for their role and position on this! How about every member of our council?
Indeed, donated does not mean free! The folks in Montgomery County found out that very same thing.
You are correct, the county council members and county executive should be asking some very probing and serious questions regarding the cost, (both start up and on going) that will be incurred with the operation, maintenance, and manning of this aviation unit.
veteren PD – get off your liberal high horse and quit pontificating. I’m sure if Mr. Gahler had the opportunity to acquire a “free” helicopter, he wouldn’t just grab at it–he’d research it thoroughly, as he is doing now. The helicopter isn’t being used for transport purposes.
liberal? wow, i used to think like you when i was 12 years old. now wiser and experienced. I would hope and pray to G~D it is not one of your friends or relatives that one day may need that equipment in a life or death struggle.
Lenny read a bit seems the Sheriff has researched it since 2010 according too the Captain?
Veteran P.D.: Words fro Sheriff Bane’s mouth at his helicopter unveiling press conference as well as in the news media….”….it will not be used for medivac emergencies.”
liberal? wow, i used to think like you when i was 12 years old. now wiser and experienced. I would hope and pray to G~D it is not one of your friends or relatives that one day may need that equipment in a life or death struggle.
Lenny read a bit seems the Sheriff has researched it since 2010 according to the Captain?
Must be a big liberal to think God is a four letter word that cannot be written. For the record, I thank God that there are already existing helicopter programs that cover Harford County and I pray to God that the police officers being taken off patrol to shine up Jesse’s toy do not result in a police officer being hurt. It is much easier to jump out of a car and act than watch from the air as a police officer is in your described life of death struggle.
Real Cop. There was a time when any spelling out of the name of GOD was regarded as using His name in vain. Sorry you are not aware of that. I suppose your life will go on despite your ignorance and the rest of us will just have to tolerate that there are folks like you on this planet meant to make life more interesting.
Because says:
Thanks for educating the Real Cop. I am trying to get a bit of religion before the end. First is G~D and using this as you said is helping not use the Lords name in Vein.
Thanks again and may G~D bless
two votes lost for Gahler keep writing with all that anger! I bet one more person agrees with me that negative stuff is a turn off! Three from Captain makes three more for Jesse!
we are speaking about an aided case were the injured party needs to be transported in a moments notice. It could be a civilian or an officer. it is not solely for patrol. I hope when you jump from the patrol unit,you apply the breaks and come to a complete stop, i think T J Hooker retired!
Are you saying that in a “moment’s notice” the helicopter would be used for medical transport? I am betting that is 100% incorrect and in a “moment’s notice” the HCSO helicopter would be watching the MSP helicopter respond and transport. If you know different, please cite the policy that would permit it.
I hope you aren’t the one in the field/wooded area somewhere after a foot chase with a bad guy screaming for help on your radio, but all the ground units can’t find where you are at one day. The air unit arriving overhead could be the one that gets the ground units to you after minutes of life saving time passes as they wander aimlessly with the sight line in front of them being what they have instead of a mile or better of aerial coverave. And this does happen.
Haters gonna hate….
I hope you’re not the one calling for help in a field one day and the pilot is watching you scream for help on the radio, but there is no back up coming because your shift partner was assigned to the aviation unit. Speculation is great, facts are better.
On more thing needs be said;
just to qualify my comment or UN-qualify it if you will. I never was a trooper and never worked for a Sheriff, however as a Police Officer moving up the ladder to Captain in another jurisdiction, another State, Jeff you are not ready to Command a Sheriffs department. These guys seem to be a ready well-able Law enforcement agency. Your coming in with a negative first election and another now. I see from comments you surround yourself with either former malcontents or disgruntled current and former sheriffs office personal. You should run on values and not attack from the middle. My thought is you would spend the first two years earning respect “true respect” instead of gaining it from fear,not a good way to run an agency. You should consider maybe doing something like a lateral transfer if they do those things here. Learning the way the department ticks and these guys operate which may be different from the State Police. I thing after just going off line to check you lost by a small margin of folks who may think the same way i do . Remember Kennedy “what can you do for this department not what it can do for you” . I have said enough Respect is earned and son you ain’t ready,not with this attitude. sometimes the best path to take is the long way around!
One thing for sure, Sheriff Bane took the long way around. Problem is, somewhere on that long path he got lost in the woods. It is time for a change in the Sheriff’s Office. I am not saying that Mr. Gahler is the only man for the job, but, Sheriff Bane is no longer the man for the job.
Veteren, first of all, your spelling is atrocious. And you climbed the ladder to captain? I’m sure your reports were fun to read. Everything you are accusing Mr. Gahler of, is how Bane runs his agency–fear, lack of respect, just interchange the names and you have the current state of the SO. And you refer to Mr. Gahler’s “attitude”–what in the hell does that mean? Someone who wants to instill pride in the agency, who wants to hold the current Sheriff accountable, who wants transparency, who wants to be fiscally responsible–if that is “attitude”, then I’m all for it.
talk about spelling? talk issues apparently Lenny Lane keep speaking and you will loose the election for Captain Galher. it’s people or officers like you start attacking people who speak their mind that loose campaigns. It reflects badly on the candidates. Read and understand what people are saying leave the violent immature responses to another. If Jeff looses this blame some of it on your stupid hateful tone? I met Jeff if he approves of his support being this harsh i would be surprised~If you are a COP pull the Tin, if something like this gets that response.
You can talk about spelling? You cant even spell Gahler right. It’s LOSE not LOOSE. You did it 3 times for crying out loud. See that PERIOD there. Next letter should be CAPITAL
Yeah but what does Marc Eaton think. He is the one who knows all the deputies and John Ryan.
two votes lost for Gahler keep writing with all that anger! I bet one more person agrees with me that negative stuff is a turn off! Three from Captain makes three more for Jesse!
On your side Bongo. How are partnerships and alliances supposed to be built and fostered with this divisive type of behavior. The public is tiring of partisan politics. It is becoming obsolete in this day of dwindling resources. Bane emphasized his commitment to Republicans and Democrats in his 2010 swearing in. This speech sold me on Bane.
Bongo: You are showing nothing but immaturity and childishness in your post. You don’t agree with what I have to say and because of my remarks, you’re going to vote for Bane. Informed decision making at its finest.
Sat this one out long enough, Don’t buy it. Bongo was already in Jesse Bane’s pocket. Probably has a set of wings on order for his uniform. I have no doubt Gahler has picked up a ton of support and votes for just asking some intelligent questions. Keep it up, more are behind you than you know!
I see that the real Bane supporters stay off these type forums,and watch the Jeff supporters just make fools of themselves. as far as Deputy Dog goes, i agree he may have picked up some support,maybe not? Tell me as one person posted, Jeff would have taken the copter as fast as he could and say he improved the department. You would be foolish to think otherwise!
I think the Bane camp wins by remaining silent. keep trashing, and Jeff, he gone! Trash talk, is not what we need. We got the trash in Washington. The deputies are one of the finest law enforcement agencies in the state lead by a good veteran police officer!
If there is anything that is obvious is that this topic has really struck a nerve with Bane supporters, or one supporter with a lot of names and a helicopter job. A lot of this and that, but not one person can address any of the issues. Why did Bane hide the development of this and what is so hard about him answering these questions that were already asked before these free helicopters were tossed away for being too expensive in Montgomery County?
On Point, obviously youre disappointed that your daddy’s next mud slinging plan doesnt seem to be working out. Bane has already provided a response concerning the value of this helicopter to Harford County!
What mud slinging? Mr. Gahler has expressed concerns about the public being kept in the dark on this project and questions the claimed costs. Sheriff Bane threw out a bunch of happy comments, but certainly has not answered the public. That is sure to change though since as I understand the rules around the request that is above, in 30 days, he’ll be answering to Mr. Gahler and the rest of us. No mud, just facts.
Wow On Point, how incredibly ironic that you know what is involved in the PIA process, down to the number of days an entity has to respond. There are lots of careers involved in the PIA process, NOT! Did you help your daddy write these requests? Lol.
Marc Eaton where are you. Please tell us the truth
I have begun to gather information about the information I would later like to inform you about regarding helicopters. I like Peanuts.
Is this how police officers think in this state? Officer safety first period. keeping citizens safe and all the rest. The new guy wants to win by speaking helicopters? Working 22 years as a street cop,this current guy is fine and as good as he is the cops on the street well done. they do a great job respectful look good and hey we are a stones throw from a major city. with the bad guys getting better and the threats looming get an eye in the sky we may need it. if the cost is divided among the tax base is it really an issue? Save a life save a cop,it all becomes relative. Jeff check yourself before you break yourself, watch who your supporters are,they may be loosing it for you! The sheriff in charge seems smarter then all of you, he is waiting for the proper venue to say his piece. My 22 years and now a resident gives me one vote so go ahead talk garbage about my post, i will not be reading anymore my vote goes to the smarter dude.
You would change your train of thought if the Deputies could speak freely about the current Administration. Sadly, they fear for their jobs because of the current Administration. They, and the citizens deserve MUCH better than the treatment they receive from within!
Read your post again. Were you drunk when you wrote it? It makes no sense. You know what else improves officer safety? Another 200 cops. Can we just do it and bill you? Thanks for your generosity.
smarter dude you are correct the post by” not command staff” is not well written, but again it’s just a blog. read it again and i think the point is Jeff is garbage talking and running a bad campaign again. i am a Republican and may vote for the Democrat because i am sick of negative campaigns and the B.S. in Washington,this ain’t America anymore. Our values are gone,people are not dedicated to the values we built this great nation on. G~D Bless America and those in the military and those who walk the thin Blue Line. I actually thought a brethren existed?
Sorry, but what is wrong in Washington and what is wrong in Maryland is no different than what is described in the above letter from Gahler. It is not the job of the elected officials to keep us in the dark and surprise citizens with unneeded expenses. I see nothing negative about asking for the truth from any elected officials. If you want the things you claim to want, so would you.
yes@/veteren, you gave yourself away by not wanting to write GOD under two different screen names. Typical Baners, can’t even post on a blog without screwing it up. Busted!!!!
I am still waiting for Gahler to say what he is going to do that will result in a better / safer life for me and my family. All I’ve ever seen from him is whining about Bane. I for one think a requirement to be Sheriff should be a history as a Deputy. As far as I can tell, Gahler was a traffic enforcement guy for the State Police. Being the Sheriff is about a whole lot more than writing tickets on I-95.
The best Sheriff the agency has had in modern times was Joe Meadows, who was not a deputy and who had no law enforcement experience per se. Morale was great, the agency moved forward, everyone was happy, too bad he had to mess things up.
I don’t even know what to say, this made things so much easier!
Marc Eaton was a deputy. Maybe Marc should be sheriff.
@HarCo Citizen
Being Sheriff is indeed more than just writing traffic tickets on I-95. Mr. Gahler, a retired Captain from the MSP did not achieve that senior rank just writing tickets on I-95. But you already know that.
I would agree that in recent history, Mr. Meadows was someone who was very effective as Sheriff. Aside from his experience as an assistant prosecutor, he had no law enforcement experience. He had excellent managerial skills, and was also very effective in working with the CE and Council Members to move the HCSO forward. Most important however, is the ability of a Sheriff to create a positive work environment within the agency. The job of policing is tough enough without having to deal with a negative/hostile workplace. Having a Sheriff who has those qualities and also have a significant background in policing would be a bonus.
Funny, I have read all kind of things Gahler said he will do, but it is easier for you to throw out a lie and hope it gets some traction. Is your name Bane?
That’s funny. I read the letter and I see something Gahler is committing to. Not excluding the citizens by hiding the development of an expensive and unneeded program.
When will people realize that the government in any form doesn’t give a rats ass about them? The police are only there to generate revenue for the state (and shoot your dogs). This helicopter wont be used to stop or solve crimes, it will be used to ferry Bane and his friends around to a variety of fund raisers for their reelections. The real joke here is that they think asset forfeiture and drug busts will pull enough money to pay for this overpriced publicity stunt.
But what does Marc Eaton think? If Marc’s ok with it then I’m ok with it.
Hey piggy, let me know when your comin and I’ll hang my ass out the window. ker and blunk want to say hi!!!…oooppps, second thought, maybe that might get em so excited they would crash, ooow? third thought, that might not be a bad idea…lol. wait a minute,…forth thought?, then they could shoot to death unarmed men in snowball stands from helicopters,…. hmmmm. pigs on the street, pigs in the air, pigs up my ass? …they are gonna spend your money anyway they want no matter what da hell you think! ” Sleepers, wake up to find a nite mare, the government you trusted while you were snozzing has taken everything ” and has become a peeping tom. they steal from walmart using their kids, they steal tools from home depot and try to return them for refunds, steal pornographic evidence to beat off to and now they want a $500,000 flying machine?…give me a break….. Merry Christmas n Happy New Year to all Dissenters, cops can go to hell, where they come from and i guess they can fly there now…lol
Mr. Gahler,
Maryland is home to the premier aviation unit BUT
“We’re down 12 pilots currently and we need to have a full complement of pilots,” Maj. Loi from the Maryland State Police Aviation Command said.
FOX45 has been following the state’s rocky transition to the new AW139 Medevac helicopters for over a year. An item buried in last month’s state spending board agenda raised a red flag an emergency request for half a million dollars to fix one of the state’s old medevac helicopters, revealing the strains setbacks are putting on plans to get the new aircrafts aloft. Over the past year state police have filed three separate so-called emergency requests – totaling nearly $2 million – to overhaul the Dauphins.
“I’m perplexed that they’re putting money into the Dauphins, the money we’re putting in we may not get out, Aviation Consultant Dick Johnson said. The taxpayers again are going to lose money.
FOX45 filed a Public Information Act request to learn more about the spending and to obtain details on just what is behind the delay. The answer to the request was noteworthy, even in a state that earned a ‘D’ grade for transparency.
State Police priced the information request at $230,000 – to get both the costs and maintenance records of both helicopter fleets. Officials justified the estimate saying the documents would take thousands of hours to produce and copy. State police have yet to respond to a FOX45 offer to narrow the request.
State police say four out of the 10 new choppers are in service.
And Mr. Gahler why if I do a search under google images are you posing in front of a helicopter that was I’m sure vital to your operations when you responded to Louisiana to assist them?
Let’s start taking about what your going to do and stop complaining about what the incumbent has/is doing. I think you have a good chance of winning but enough about what the old has done we want to hear what the new is going to bring. Anyone can complain about the incumbant. Lets hear the master plan.
Seems like Mr. Gahler’s master plan does not include acquiring costly, limited use, aviation machines. Did you not read his comments?
Why do you believe that the actions of what the incumbent has or is doing is not relevant to address?
Your comments above seem to confirm the excessive cost of maintaining a functional aviation unit, along with the personnel issues in manning such a unit to keep it fully operational. I would agree with aviation consultant Dick Johnson… the taxpayers are once again going to lose money. Just as your above quote points out.