From Jansen Robinson:
The school system’s website indicates the following:
10 Schools under 70% Capacity through 2019
11 Schools under 80% Capacity through 2019
These numbers EXCLUDE Special Schools like John Archer. What would be the long-term budget impact if two or more of these under capacity school were closed/combined?
So rather than simply asking the County Executive (who represents the taxpaying public) to give them more money to keep doing what they have been doing, the school board needs to have a public discussion around the consequences of continuing to do business as usual. And parents, teachers and the taxpaying public (stakeholders) should have meaningful (not token) seats at the decision-making table.
However, finding a way to give all stakeholders a seat at the decision-making table may prove to be more difficult than closing/combining schools. Until someone of the board figures that one out, they will continue to make a difficult job even more difficult.
What am I trying to say? Remember the old saying that “Many hands makes labor light”. Well in this situation “Many heads could help make decision-making easier” and help determine the path forward.
Or perhaps their strategy is to simply kick the can down the road until the next school board, (comprised of 6 elected and 3 appointed members) takes office.
Mr. Robinson is trying to make himself relevant again in preparation for the next school board election. He was soundly defeated in his last attempt.
Business as usual is not acceptable. We should run our school system as a business and not a government bureaucracy with a bottomless treasury. Do more with less and watch the purse strings. Why do we have to throw money towards every problem? That doesn’t solve anything but creates more bureaucracy and doesn’t help education and as a believer in unions, I ask when is enough enough? The figures prove there is room for consolidation as far as empty school seats and it seems the system is like an upside down triangle and is top heavy. As John F Kennedy said “Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country”. One thing most school systems need and doesn’t cost any dollars is a rigid disciplinary system and total respect for teachers and not these foolish antics like a child pointing his or her finger like a gun and gets suspended.
Jansen is not saying anything that is not actively being discussed by the school board. There would be significant ramifications throughout the school system and many communities should any schools be closed. Can you imagine the outcry from parents and the pressure they would put on county government and their representatives to Annapolis? Closing schools might be fiscally possible but politically impossible.
I am curious about the lack of response from Mr. Burbey on this letter.
HCPS Funding Rank in MD by Year.
2002-2005 24th out of 24
2006 23rd out of 24
2007 16th out of 24
2008 17th out of 24
2009 18th out of 24
2010 18th out of 24
2011 18th out of 24
2012 17th out of 24
2013 19th out of 24
HCPS should find efficiencies where it can but this level of funding is not sufficient to sustain the school system. If HCPS does not receive more funding, dramatic cuts will be necessary.
Efficiencies like closing/ combining 2 or more schools?