From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
[December 11, 2013 Jarrettsville, MD] — A Cecil County man was killed in a building collapse earlier today after the roof of the 1 ½ story building on which he was working shifted both collapsing and killing him.
At approximately 3:00pm, Daniel Paul Dixon, 32, of Port Deposit, Maryland was performing roofing work on a structure in the 3400 block of North Furnace Road in Jarrettsville. Mr. Dixon was working in the hayloft when for unknown reasons, the roof shifted and collapsed on to the floor of the loft trapping Mr. Dixon between the roof and the floor. Co-workers called 911 and then, using a skid loader, attempted to lift the roof clear of the victim but were unsuccessful in their efforts.
Sheriff’s deputies and firefighters from Jarrettsville, Fallston, and Aberdeen volunteer fire companies along with members of Harford County’s Technical Rescue Team responded to the scene. Mr. Dixon was found to have suffered injuries non-compatible with life and was pronounced dead at 3:25 p.m. The Maryland Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MOSHA) responded to the scene. After their assessment of the scene was complete firefighters then worked to extricate Mr. Dixon from the rubble. His body was removed at approximately 5:40 p.m.
Mr. Dixon’s body has since been transported to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner where an autopsy will be performed. The investigation, which was initially handled by Sheriff’s deputies and detectives, will be turned over to and assumed by. MOSHA.
Homeowners take note. This is a tragic accident that has cost someone their life. If this person who has been killed is not licensed and insured to be doing what ever it was he was being paid for, he will be moved from being a contractor to being an employee who has been killed on the job. Now if your are a homeowner in this position you are now an employer and this is going to be one big OSHA mess because chances are you have done nothing and know nothing as an employer and probably haven’t a clue what the laws are, but the poor dead guys family can thank god the courts do not recognize ignorance as a defense. So you are in for a world of hurt which you probably never considered when you decided to give the job to the guy who was a hundred bucks cheaper.
Hopefully I am totally wrong about the whole thing and hopefully one person who reads this might just stop and question someone being paid to do a job around their house in the future cause it could be you.
Hyuck, herp, herp, herp, herp, herp.
How do you know this person wasn’t the homeowner? Don’t go making assumptions so quick…
R.I.P. my friend, you will be missed by many….
Praying for his family, wife and children…Help them God in this difficult time. Feel very sad for them.
This is so sad, I hate to hear of any loss of life and during the holidays seems to always just add a little more heart break. I am sending out prayers to the young mans family & friends. May God be with them and help them during this sad heart breaking time.
I think it is interesting that OSHA did what they had to do BEFORE the firemen tried to get the body out. If he was in the rubble under the collapse–how’d they know he was dead already? Sad on all accounts.
“Mr. Dixon was found to have suffered injuries non-compatible with life and was pronounced dead at 3:25 p.m.”
It means his injuries were so severe and obvious that his passing was certain.
Hats off to the first responders who had to witness and deal with what was apparently a grisly scene.
truly a tragedy…and the life of this young man was faith based…Here in his own words, he declares that faith..
“ And as the end comes closer to this feeble life I live, I thank my God for the increase he has given and for the correcting rod I have felt in years gone by.” – Daniel Dixon
a heart-breaking accident, a tragic loss.
Having a roof fall on you is one big correcting rod.
I live on Furnace Rd. and by chance I was going down N. Furnace Rd in a moving truck when this incident happened and got caught in the rescue traffic that was arriving on scene. So I want to give a HUGE shout out to the rescue team for doing all that they could to try and save this mans life. Jarretsville Fire Dept… responded fast and had a huge crew there to try and save His life. So I thank you for your efforts, my thoughts and prayers go out to this mans family and to yours for doing all you could. May God Bless You, Yours and His Family & Freinds.
I’m the sister of the victim and let me tell you something, some of you inconsiderate people need to use your brain and think before you go posting anything negative about a man who lost his life working to support his family. Have you no heart? Don’t you think that your ignorant words could get back to the family?? What if it was your brother, son spouse or father? To everyone sending condolences and prayers thank you for your kindness